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  • Všetko zlé je k niečomu dobré (Thorki)
    11 2 1

    Tak po veľmi dlhej dobe som zase tu. Snáď sa vám táto jednodielová poviedka bude páčiť :)

  • Bite Me
    10.3M 412K 36

    Werewolves and vampires don't mix, or that's what Kieran Callisto, a seventeen-year-old vampire, has believed all his life - until he falls for the Alpha's son. ***** When Kieran meets his new classmate, Mason Kane, he bristles with an unexplainable...

  • True (Male x Male) (Wattys Winner 2021)
    97.1K 9.9K 28

    Kane has a 'sixth-sense' - he can tell whether someone is being honest or not. So why is he about to put his trust someone that he knows is lying? ***** Kane Emery operates a long haul transport ship and has an uncanny knack for being able to tell whe...

  • Splnený sen (Drarry)
    3.5K 176 7

    Miloval ho, ale musel ho nenávidieť. Chcel sa ho dotýkať, ale musel ho ponižovať. Chcel mu dať všetko, ale bol vychovaný k tomu, aby ho ničil. Niečo také Draca poznačilo na celý život, no nebol deň kedy by na Pottera aspoň trochu nemyslel. Bolo dávno po vojne a každý utiahnutý do svojho života sa snažil v čarodejnícko...

  • Stronger Than You Think (boyxboy)
    200 9 1

    19 year old Gabriel Black has been homeless for 5 years at the age of 14. He was kicked out by his alcoholic father for not only being gay but for being accused of the death of his own mother, so he was forced to learn how to survive and live in the cruel world alone. Although he had a job it never payed enough for hi...

  • Vtipy o'lá OTAKU
    61.6K 6.9K 65

    Táto kniha obsahuje: 1. Nalu rozhovory- zbožňujem Fairy Tail a hlavne pár Natsu a Lucy, takže som sem musela zahrnúť aj to. 2. Attack on titan- rovnako ako Fairy Tail mám rada aj AOT a som aj ereri shiperka, takže sa nečudujte, že je tam hlavne tento pár. 3. Tak rôzne- názov zodpovedá obsahu a v týchto príspe...

  • Pouto [SasuNaru, ItaDei] ✓
    8.7K 724 14

    (Spoluatorská povídka) I v moderní době existují království. V jednom z těch malých, kde vládne šlechtický rod Namikaze, žijí dva princové - Narumi a Deiru, chlapci s podivuhodnými magickými schopnostmi. Vedle svých sil mají na ochranu také své osobní strážce, vychovávané speciálně pro tento úkol již po mnoha generac...

  • Love By Chance [Eng Translation]
    967K 10.5K 47

    This novel is originally written by: MAME DISCLAIMER!! I do not own this story. I did not aid in writing, creating or publishing this story. I am nearly translating it. If and when the author or those who own the copyright contact me and tell me to take it down I will!

  • Nový člen Avengers (Spiderman FF)
    965 57 2

    !POZOR SPOILERY!-Home coming,Civil War, Infinity war....atd. Peter Parker se stane novým členem avengers... ale něco se pokazí...

  • Kiss me again
    76K 5.8K 91

    Kay je hanblivý chalan. Keď ho v jeden večer z ničoho nič pobozká chlapec jeho snov, všetko v jeho živote sa zmení. Lenže chlapec sa následne vyparí, Kay bude mať problémy a všetko čo mal rád, sa mu začne pomaly rútiť. Ako dopadne Kayov príbeh? Začítaj sa a uvidíš. ;) Best ranking: #10 - shortstory (17.09.2018) #7 - s...

  • The Alpha
    332K 8.6K 25

    Benjamin is found in the forest while it's raining, cold and weak. A werewolf Alpha comes across him while patrolling the land and immediately knows he's his mate. One problem is that Ben is Human. Another is Ben is scared of some relationships because of how his past family relationships were. (If anyone reading this...

  • bᎾᎽ x bᎾᎽ || ᏢᏒᎾᏆᎬᏟᏆᎥᏉᎬ ᎪᏞᏢhᎪ x shᎽ ᎾmᎬᎶᎪ ♡
    385K 9.1K 40

    THIS BOOK IS DISCONTINUED I DON'T OWN ANY OF THE PICTURES IN THIS STORY James is a shy omega who has been both verbally and physically abused, he has huge social Anxiety and has recently been diagnosed with depression. He's afraid of finding his mate because he thinks he's worthless and doesn't deserve love. On the...

  • Harry Potter a Temná Túžba
    17K 447 16

    AK MÁTE NEJAKÝ NÁPAD NA PARTNERA HARRYHO POTTERA, RADA SI HO VYPOČUJEM. Už tu boli návrhy: Draco 6x Lucius 6x Remus 1x Regulus 1x vlkolak 1x upír 1x Drak 2x Zabini 1x...... Má niekto ešte niečo? HP a Temná Túžba Nová poviedka.... Zase rovnaká téma ..... Poviedka sa volá Harry Potter a Temná Túžba. ...

  • Sit, Stay, Roll Over ✓
    3.8M 181K 52

    Boring job. Boring apartment. Boring life. Everything about my life was boring, and nothing could have changed that fact. But as soon as I got that card, everything...and I mean EVERYTHING, completely changed. ... "Welcome home...daddy." MATURE [18+] [ONLY FOR THE WICKED]

    Completed   Mature
  • Secret Couple ✔
    13.4K 1K 28

    Svet sa mení, niekedy úmyselné a niekedy neúmyselne. V roku 2050 nastal neuskutoční rozruch. Nepodareným pokusom nemenovaného vedca sa medzi ľuďmi začal šíriť vlči gén. Spôsoboval rôzne účinky na nositeľovi. Gén sa choval ako baktéria , no nikdy sa z tela už nevytratil. Človek ktorému sa do tela dostal tento gén/ bakt...

  • Najsladšia sladkosť✅
    14.9K 2.8K 47

    Veď sa na mňa pozri... som bacuľatý, nízky, mám okuliare cez celú tvár, účes ako podľa hrnca a pehy po celom nose. A teraz sa pozri na seba Matt... si svalnatý, vysoký, pekný, každá baba po tebe ide. Prečo mi potom hovoríš tieto sladké slová? Prečo ma potom takto mätieš? Prečo moje srdce naplníš nádejou a potom ho zlo...

    Completed   Mature
  • Love Bites
    77.3K 3.6K 10

    Jake is just your average high school senior with a loving family who's hardly ever there for him and a small group of friends who love him to death. As the school year draws to an end and with graduation quickly approaching, Jake wonders what he's going to do with his life. But a hike in the woods sends Jake into an...

  • Ja ho milujem! /Chardre\
    29.8K 1.1K 32

    Prečo som sa musel zamilovať do človeka ktorý mi moju lásku neopätuje?😒💔 Alebo je to inak? Venované @xoxo_girl007 💜 #chardre #leondre #charlie #devries #lenehan #gay

  • Srdce draka (LM/HP; Harry Potter, SK)✓
    5.5K 243 3

    Od vojny ubehlo už osem rokov a bývalý smrťožrút, Lucius Malfoy, si začína uvedomovať, že je konečne slobodný, a tak sa môže pustiť do plnenia svojich tajných túžob a snov.

    Completed   Mature
  • Horkosladké lži ✔️
    1.2K 77 1

    Vzájomná dôvera vo vzťahu je veľmi dôležitá. Jedno nepravdivé obvinenie, ak je prednesené niekým, komu veríme, môže spôsobiť rany, ktoré sa dajú len ťažko zahojiť, a nie raz vedie aj k rozpadu vzťahu. Takúto situáciu zažije aj Harry Potter. Podarí sa mu vysporiadať sa s obvinením, ktoré otrasie jeho vzťahom s Luciuso...

  • Lone Wolf Ranch (lgbt) (boyxboy) (mpreg)
    795K 32K 27

    Pig headed Colt could lose everything if he doesn't pull his head out of places the sun doesn't shine. Loner Shane is about to lose everything just because he is gay. What happens when fate steps in? Read and find out.

  • Sběratel
    83.4K 6.8K 37

    Mé jméno je Akari, jsem momentálně nejvzácnější tvor, chytaný snad všemi. moje největší hrozba je Kinki Crow takzvaný sběratel varování..... Boyxboy, vulgarismy, gore a krev, varováni jste byli

  • Dad Bods {ManXMan} NaNoWriMo 2018✔
    615K 30.1K 33

    Sidney Quinlan is the 35-year-old father of two, the loving husband of a stay at home mom named Janet. He works as a dentist at his own office and has his own parking spot. He doesn't live an exciting life. Or at least he didn't. Not until he meets 24-year-old law student Scott, with his young mind ready to learn and...

  • Nerd Alert [BXB] - CZ překlad
    3.5K 245 11

    Alexandr není jen tak ledajaký nerd. Řekne co chce, dělá co chce a pořádně kohokoliv setře když chce. To je to, co Travis, hráč fotbalu, kterého začne Alexander doučovat, na něm nesnáší nejvíc. Zmatené pocity, párty a měsíce doučování, to vše stačilo k tomu, aby si Travis uvědomil, že má slabost pro Alexovu prořízlo...

  • Above High Waters [MXM]
    23.2K 1.6K 10

    Afibia is dying. The rich vibrant cove of merfolk has been under the wrath of pollutants, poison, and disease. A decision made by the cove's elders requires all merfolk within the region to evacuate within twelve new moons, but Omi, a young merman cannot imagine living anywhere else. Afibia was his home, and the only...

  • Phoenix Heat [BoyxBoy]
    9K 411 6

    Growing up and spending his whole life in Portland, Oregon, Noah Clayfield was more than excited to start his first year at college in Phoenix, Arizona. He had picked this college for a reason, determinated to join the most popular college club in exsistence. Little did he know, that this college would turn his whole...

  • My mate.....The Alpha ✅
    388K 4.4K 8

    READ BOOK ONE : "MY MATE.....IS A NERD?" FIRST Book 4 of the "My Mate......" series Ryker Storm is the alpha of the Alpha is the Moonlit Oasis Pack. With the help of his pack, and family behind him, Ryker has become one of the most fierce Alphas in Canada but his pack comes no where near the SavageKing Pack. He's stro...

  • My mate....the shifter? (boyxboy) (mpreg) completed ✅
    259K 3.3K 7

    READ BOOK ONE MY MATE.....IS A NERD FIRST book 5 of "My Mate..." Series Beau storm, youngest son of Ryker and Preston Storm is your typical 18 year old boy with a few select group of friends. He's in final year of high school. He wants to follow in his grandfather (Princeton) and father's (Preston) footsteps and becom...

    Completed   Mature