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  • A Year of Stories
    24.6K 1.3K 42

    The goal: A new short story, every weekday, for a year. That's about 260 stories, for anyone keeping count. This is Volume #1, covering January and February stories. Inside you'll find a mix of Fantasy, Literary and Science Fiction, occasionally seasoned with a dash of Horror. Every now and again though, I'll shar...

  • Grown Ups and Misfits
    313K 5.4K 6

    Katrina's best friend Marco dies in a mall shooting when they're fourteen years old. Three years later, she's starting her senior year of high school and beginning to forget, at last. Her life had become as bearable as it could possibly be, until Ian - Marco's older brother - comes back to town. He...

  • The Starbucks Hotline
    1.4M 115K 42

    ❝Hello, this is the Starb-❞ ❝HEEELP ME!! PLEASE! THERE'S A MURDERER IN MY HOUSE!❞ ❝OH SHIT, SHIT, SHIT!! WHAT DO I DO?! THIS IS STARBUCKS, NOT FREAKING 911. WAIT, HOLD ON. TRY TO KEEP YOURSELF ALIVE, I'LL CALL 911!! STAY CALM. IT'S GOING TO BE O- ❞ ❝Wait...did you just say Starbucks?❞ ❝Um...yeah?❞ ❝They have a hotlin...
