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  • Death is My BFF Rewritten (Book 1 of the Rewritten Death Chronicles)
    23M 858K 52

    Death is My BFF is now published as a Hardcover, Paperback, and E-book with W by Wattpad Books! As Wattpad reader you can access the original rough draft version here, and published version details inside. ****** (2014 WAT...

  • Death Is My Friend with Benefits (Book Four - WA Winner 2013)
    6.3M 235K 24

    My Watty Awards 2013 Winner! The fourth installment of the DIMBFF series continues the thrilling journey of a young woman, Faith Williams, battling for her life, and the Angel of Death dragging her further into his world. *** My writing page! Please join! <3

  • Bleeding Royalty Book One & Two (First Draft, unfinished)
    14.7M 173K 78

    Part I: It's Cassie Hearts 18th Birthday. She's finally going to be an adult, get a decent job, go to college, and get the heck out of High school. She's leaving the town she grew up in behind, the town where her parents both died tragically, the town where Cassie always felt rather distant from others. She believes t...

  • Death Is My BFF (Book 1 Original Series)
    21.4M 759K 55

    Watty Award Winner 2011) *ORIGINAL SERIES* This is the first book of the Original Death Is My BFF Series, which won the Watty Awards in 2011! *** Death came knocking at her door. Well actually, he pounded. Faith Williams has always been a little odd, but never before did she think she was one of a kind. Enter Death, t...

  • Death Is My Frenemy (Book Three)
    5.7M 220K 22

    Dear Reader, It hadn't hit me right away, many things, but especially the fact that I was about to turn twenty years old. It was as if it was just yesterday that I was learning how to make a peanut butter sandwiches, tie my shoes, and draw endlessly with fat crayons--which I thoroughly believed to be a masterpiece. It...

  • Death Is My BFFLAD (Book Two Original Series)
    7.2M 283K 24

    (Bfflad- Best friends for life and death) Dear Reader, Let's start at the beginning shall we? I died. Oh no, not one of these stories again where someone angelic and heroic saves the damsel in distress. If only I was that lucky. My heart stopped beating. My lungs stopped working, my soul began to lift away... And then...

  • Death Is My Soul Mate (Book 5) *ON HOLD*
    2.7M 97.9K 11

    Please understand that due to Death Is My BFF getting published, the original series is on hold!

  • Imagining Frost
    2.1M 71.1K 18

    "Imagine If the sky was shades of purple instead of blue. Imagine If the trees were so tall that they disappeared through the clouds, twisting into the heavens. Imagine If creatures other than birds flew through the skies." Imagine if your best friend in the entire world, wasn't really there at all. Heather is two wee...

  • How to Be Cliche (A Novel)
    5.8M 140K 47

    Cli·ché: a phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original thought. Meet Pepper Ballard. Independent, single, and sarcastic as hell. Pepper fights her own battles with pride and is officially #done with clichés. Unshaven werewolves, pale vampires, flawless and talented female vampire hunters who inst...