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  • Music Sheet (Harry Styles)
    19.4M 310K 54

    Watty Awards 2013 Winner! {book 3} ✓ - ❝ The moment I lost my mum things changed. I changed. I realised that no one stays forever, everyone leaves at some point, whether is willingly or not, and you're left alone, broken on the floor. I won't go through that again. I won't give people the chance to break me like that...

  • Stuck With You (One Direction // Louis Tomlinson Story)
    3.7M 66.5K 30

    "Alive.." He started to say, repeating the last word. "That's how you make me feel."

  • Let Yourself Fall (Liam Payne)
    8.3M 138K 45

    {completed} ✓ - For Darcy Williams her little sister is everything, and she will always be first. Always. No matter what, no matter who. Her own wishes and desires are in second place, even if it means to say no to Liam Payne because that would break her sweet little sister’s heart. “I’ll never hurt you.” That promi...
