~the night of the full moon~

By az1029383756

1.2K 65 4

~sterek~ *we can't be together* *who is going to stop us? huh?* *Stiles, you know that if you stay with me yo... More

~the end of our pack~
~what's wrong ?~
~the cabin~
~a long ride~
~like a 5 year old~
~phone calls~
~the lake~
~stronger than anyone~
~what do I do?~
~let's talk~
new profile

~not a single word~

71 6 0
By az1029383756

Derek's gaze was now in Scott.

Derek: I fucked up, didn't I?

Scott: a little.

The werewolf's eyes were now turned into a sad expression.

Scott: don't worry. He gives second chances.

Derek: Scott I made him loose the only memory he had from his mum.

Derek's brain was trying to think in what way he would let the boy know that he was sorry for what he had done.

Derek: I'm going to apologize to him.

The black haired man started walking towards his shared bedroom, only to be stopped by the other werewolf.

Scott: give him some time to calm down first.

Scott didn't let the other man speak, knowing that he wouldn't agree with the werewolf and would want to talk to the boy no matter what.

Scott: how about you tell me about your plan?

Derek huffed. He felt really bad for making Stiles sad but he knew that talking to him right now would make the situation  worse than it already is.

Derek: okay. So as I was saying, it better if the threat comes to us instead of taking the fight to Beacon Hills. It's better if other people aren't harmed.

Scott: You're on the right path but we still have to find them.

Derek: well Stiles is going to help us with that but for now let's just sit down and relax for a bit.

Scott: oh so you know how to relax now.

Derek: being funny isn't your forte.

Scott fake laughed while punching Derek's upper arm.

Scott: oh wait. Stiles will help us figure out the breed of the werewolves, but how is he going to figure out their wickedness.

Derek: Deaton is going to help us figure out a way that would help us vanish the threat.
But we should find some imformation honest to that if they follow Deaton and find us, we wouldn't be clueless.

Scott: Did you become smarter or what?

Derek: Did you become more annoying or what?

Scott: fair enough.

Three more hours have passed by and it now was 12pm.

Scott: hey I'm kinda hungry.

Derek: okay what do you want me to cook?

Scott: pasta

Derek: the only think you trust me to cook is pasta?

Scott: well I don't want you to burn the house down.

Derek: I'm not even gonna respond to that.

Scott laughed a little making the other werewolf's eyes flash a brilliant red. The action made the other werewolf shut up so Derek just continued with his life like nothing happened.

The black haired man walked in the kitchen and took out the supplies he needed to cook some food so that the annoying puppy, named Scott would eat.

Stiles was still inside his room and Derek could hear him sobbing.
Behind the wooden door was Stiles crying, while his face was buried inside his pillow muffling his whimpers.
His fingers were tangled around the bracelet on his wrist.
The bracelet wrapped around his wrist was the last present he received from his mother before she passed away.
The bracelet would give him comfort when he felt bad and it would make him feel at home.

An hour passed by and Derek has already finished cooking and was now placing some of the spaghetti in a plate.

Scott: oh my God... you didn't burn the house? Congrats. Is that plate for me?

Derek: no. If you wanna eat go grab some yourself.

The plate wasn't for Scott and it was not for Derek either. The plate was for the sad brunet that was hiding inside his bedroom for about six hours without any signs of life.

The werewolf stepped in front of the door and knocked  on it.

Derek: Stiles? I brought some food.

Stiles: I'm not hungry.

The boy's voice was trembling, after all his crying it was impressive that he could even talk.

Derek: Stiles, you have to eat something.

Stiles: I said I don't wanna eat anything.

The werewolf opened the door and got inside the bedroom trying to get closer the upset boy.
He let the plate fool of food onto the brunet's desk as well as a cup full of water.

Derek: Stiles...

There was no response, just complete silence. Derek was used to hear Stiles talk all the time, now it was like he wasn't even there.
The only thing Derek could hear was his and Stiles' heartbeat.

Derek: Stiles... I'm sorry. Please you have to eat. You haven't eaten since like morning.

There was once again silence.
Stiles' head moved a little facing Derek.
His eyes were puffy and his hair was messy.
Some tears were staining the boy's cheeks and his lips were bright red from biting them, while trying to keep the tears from escaping his eyes.

Derek: Scott and I will be in the livingroom if you need us.

Stiles: close the door on your way out.

Derek got out of the bedroom defeated. As he closed the door he came face to face with a concerned Scott.

Scott: how is he?

Derek: I wouldn't say he is well.

Scott: so?

Derek: yeah Scott he is really sad and I feel really bad for acting like a douchebag.

Scott: well at least you know that you messed up.

Derek: you are not making thing better by commenting on everything.

Scott: I know Derek I'm sorry... at least the spaghetti was good.

Derek: you really want me to kill you, don't you?

Scott laughed a little and mentioned to the livingroom area.

The two werewolfs, not knowing what else to do sat down infront of the TV and scrolled through their social media.

Both of the men in the room knew that Stiles wasn't going to get out of the room any time soon so the only thing they could do was wait and hope for the best.


So this was the seventh chapter.

Stiles is upset.

But why does Derek care so much?

Who knows?


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