Paw patrol : Can't Catch a Br...

By TheUploader-1

10.6K 184 64

The pups split up and it seems like they will never get back together. When a looming and past threat rises a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 9

459 8 1
By TheUploader-1

Chase and Sylvia were in a rectangular room with a long desk. Besides them were investigators, cops, and the chief.
"Okay, we've got word from some "goons" that work for Kaptain. He was in somewhat of a high rank and he said they are very unorganized.
"Mhm, so where are we getting here?" A man asked impatiently.
"We have the schedules of the next weeks smuggles, I brought chase and Sylvia into this meeting so we can send them undercover but chases identity has been blown. But, I have suspicion to be some people here are corrupt and work for Kaptain." The chief said slamming his fists down in anger and giving everyone a cold dead stare causing them to feel nervous.
"dismissed!" The chief added as everyone walked out with their brief cases and suits.
Chase and Sylvia were stopped in their tracks to his cold voice.
"Chase, Sylvia stay here!"
"I think we're trouble." Chase nervously whispered looking at the chief fiddle with items on the whiteboard and connecting dots.
"So, Since I know you two aren't corrupt, I'm giving you this special information." He said pulling out files from a locked file cabinet.
"What is it about?" Sylvia asked. She has always been interested in undercover work. Especially because it came easy. She used her looks and sweet talk to sugar coat her way into dangerous places. They never would've seen it coming.
"The smuggle routes, Sylvia's plan to get in, and what to do once she's in." The chief explained as he dropped 3 files labeled "entry, sweet talk, info feeder."
Chase, you won't be needed, if you wish to leave you can exit the building.
Chase was gonna protest but Sylvia agreed with the chief and Chase unwillingly left and walked outside.

Few days later...
"How's work been?"
"The lookout is looking a lot better, and we'll actually use it to help coast boats to shore. There's a lot of old things though." Rubble said remembering their "good days"
"Yeah, I should be with Skye and the pups." Rocky said bringing up his new parenting duties.
"Guess I'll go too, I should get Marshall and Everest on the way there to." Rubble suggested
"I guess, can you make the walk though?" Rocky joked.
Rubble smacked his lips and gave somewhat of a light punch.
"Alright, see ya later then, maybe bring their kids so we can introduce them or something." Rocky said giving rubble a hug and started to make his way.
"Peace." Rubble said turning away and walking in the general direction of the fire station.

"Okay, you have the files... can I see them?" Chase asked wagging his tail to know what happened in the room.
"He said to not show you." Sylvia said looking down.
"Whyyy? Not like he'll know." Chase urged really wanting to see the plan.
"I'm sorry but I can't." Sylvia said trying to put an end to chases eagerness.
"Fine..." Chase said staying silent.
Sylvia knew something was up. He never gives up that easily. Especially when something like this is on the line. She knows there's a twist.
"Can I at least know when you are gonna leave? So I can spend my time wisely?" Chase said breaking the silence
Sylvia groaned in annoyance. She knew he had a good point.
"Jeez why do you have to be so difficult. All I'll say is that it next week. Not this week. He purposely said that to throw off the supposed phony." Sylvia said hoping she wouldn't regret telling him that.
"Okay, I'll try my best to keep close" Chase said
"I don't think you'd need to. I'm pretty good at what I do." Sylvia said confidently. "You can hang out with your friends... and the husky." Sylvia said with a disgusted look.
"What wrong with Everest? Yeah, she looks like you but your 100% better." Chase said trying to get her to level ground and reason with her before she made it her mission to hate her.
"I don't think she likes me." Sylvia responded
"Course she likes you! She loves everyone. Especially Marshall." Chase responded
"Fine then, you know their address, let's pay them a visit." Sylvia said trying to prove their point.
"I know where rocky and Skye live but not where they are stationed." Chase added
Sylvia let out a grumble. She wanted to prove that Everest didn't like her.
"Let's visit Skye and rocky anyways, Katie too. I forgot the kids name but her as well." Chase said walking in the opposite direction.
Sylvia didn't care and followed Chase up the street and into the town to see his friends.

"Hahaha!" Makayla laughed as a paper airplane flew through the living room.
"Rocky, don't you have your own kids to tend to?" Katie joked while trying to watch the TV
"They are asleep with Skye, still haven't opened their eyes yet." Rocky said picking up the paper airplane.
"Again again again." Makayla said while clapping her hands in enjoyment.
The doorbell rang the usual and one second jingle before falling silent again.
"I'll get it." Rocky said handing the airplane to the little girl.
The door swung open and there was chase and Sylvia talking to each other.
"Chase... and Sylvia." Rocky said trying to find the name in his head.
Chase looked at rocky eye to eye. It gave rocky a tingle down his spine. Chase decided to speak first "We thought we could stop by, if you don't mind us."
Rocky thought about it for a second. "Of course!"He moved out the way and motioned them to come it.
Almost instantly the noise had risen.
"Horsy horsy horsy!" Makayla yelled throwing the plane and attempting to climb on chases back. The sudden noise woke up the pups in the other room and low but subtle yips could be heard.
Katie stood up and saw chase and Sylvia dealing with her daughter as the paper airplane came down and poked Sylvias eye.
"Ow!" She aloud said as she started to rub her eye.
Everything seemed to come to a slow stop as Makayla finally mounted chase and the puppies stopped their noise.
Skye took the time to slip away and see what the commotion was.
"Chase? Sylvia?" Skye said recognizing the faces.
"Yep." Chase responded as Makayla tugged his ear.
Skye chuckled. "You seem to be good with kids." And winked causing chase and Sylvia to go wide eyed and a shade of red appeared on their faces.
Skye noticed it a thought it was cute "I'm just kidding, I think." She added for fun
"Okayy okay, when is Ryder due to get out of the hospital?" Chase asked changing the situation quickly.
"In about a week or so, give or take." Rocky said trying to sound as smart as possible which he was. "The others are coming over too I think."
"Really?" Chase said wagging his tail.
"Yep, I'm not sure about Zuma but Marshall and Everest will be here with their pups too." Rocky explained
Chase and Sylvia got comfortable and let the day go on. No worries, no jobs, and no hurdles. Just relaxing.

And I just realized they had a file with their "top secret" stuff. Umm, imagine it went in a counter. I'm not sure where we are in the story so I'll find that out and then next chapter I'll inform you guys. Hope ye enjoyed and constructive criticism is welcome. School can be a pain in the ass sometimes.

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