Chapter 4

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A week later
A week has past since chase got his bracelet and he's itching to go back out. They have made staggering progression to the head of the cartel but it seem that they are already leaving their town. Things take a turn.
"Chase!" Ryder called from the top lookout in a not so sincere tone.
Chase looked to the others wide eyed.
"Dude, you're so busted for whatever you did..." rubble said
"No I'm not, probably just wants me to know someone, or finally get this off my paw." Chase lifted his paw up to a chewed up house arrest bracelet.
"Oh welll..." Marshall said with a snake like noice.
Chase ran up the stairs meeting ryder with a mixed face.
"What's wrong?" Chase instantly asked instantly looking at the look in his face.
"N-nothing, although guess what time it is!" Ryder said standing up with a fake smile.
Luckily for him chase didn't know the difference between his smiles. He sorta just blindly did what he asked being the loyal dog he is.
Chases eyes lit up with the idea that the ankle bracelet would finally come off.
"Does it come off?" Chase asked in happiness as his tail looked like a helicopter propeller .
"Yup, your sentence his finally over and you can get to work again. I was informed that we would get a call from the station." Ryder said with a long sigh.
"Oh, is everything alright?" Chase asked Ryder noticing the odd reaction this time.
"I'll tell you later, for now be ready fo-" ryder started but was cut off by the phone ringing.
Ryder quickly took of the ankle bracelet with a key in his pocket and chase ran down stairs to answer the phone.
"Chase, thanks to your evidence gathering we have found the main HQ of the gangs in the area, we are informing other police departments that we are surrounding and neutralizing the gang. We no longer need you to be present at the station for now, you have done your job as a detective."
"O-okay, I-I understand just uh let me know if I'm needed ag- again." Chase said hanging up the phone in disappointment.
"Was I just laid off?" He thought to himself
"Who was it?" Everest asked with the others behind her.
"It was the department, they don't need me..." chase said to the others in a monotone voice.
On the inside the pups were more that happy to hear that chase was no longer gonna work and he could spend more time for them. They just couldn't let chase know that they wanted this.
The next day
Chase woke up in the morning with a not in his stomach.
He walked into the lookout with an unusual site.
"Ryder?" Chase asked in sudden awe.
"Oh chase, glad your awake... I really need to tell you something." Ryder said standing up and motioning ryder to follow him up stairs to the top of the lookout.
At the top Ryder took a seat in front of a 2 sided desk with documents in front.
Chase looked down and saw that they were ownership of the lookout, their legal dog agreements and their official papers for their jobs. Chase's police papers, Marshall's fire fighter papers, Skye's spying license, rubbles construction license, zuma's lifeguard documents, Everest and trackers snow and jungle ranger papers, and rocky's certified go green member papers.
"What's this stuff for?" Chase asked wondering why this old stuff was out.
sigh* "I'm disbanding the paw patrol." Ryder said to chase trying to be the tough example he has shown chase throughout their years. "I know this is a-"
"Why" chase asked protesting against this insane idea to him. He had never thought of the paw patrol disbanding the paw patrol. "You have no reason to!" Chase raised his voice.
"Shhh, you're gonna wake the pups." Ryder shushed.
Chase quieted down. "What's the point in doing this? Just gonna ditch your dogs?" Chase asked ferociously.
"Look chase, I wanna spend my life with Katie, I thought about this long and hard and I can still keep you guys close, I saved up enough money to buy a big enough house where we could all live." Ryder offered trying to please chase.
"What about our jobs? The pups probably love them, and I love mine too." Chase argued back trying not to get emotionally lost.
"Okay, there is a house close between the fire department and nearby airfields, rocky could help clean the area while you keep the crime rates down in the police department. Plus there are some buildings being built a couple of blocks away." Ryder said coming up with a full proof plan. Everyone gets a job. Until recently.
"Ryder... the police department called me saying that I wasn't needed, they had the gangs location and are closing in on them... their police force is more than enough to keep the area clean from bad guys." Chase said knowing was was gonna happen.
Ryder's mouth was agape. He also had a plan he saved for second. "Chase, you don't need to agree to this but, I talked to the mayor about disbanding the paw patrol and she was disappointed also, she did offer that one of you guys could lead the paw patrol." Ryder said hoping chase would accept it. He got the opposite answer.
"How dare you? You are just gonna hand down your leader ship like that? The pups would be way to sad to go on with the fact that you are disbanding their life's work so far and now you're gonna do this?" Chase voices his opinion being disgusted by the thought of this.
"Look chase, I'm setting my foot down on this decision, I can't win them all... it was a fun run but I want to live my live... plus I'll get to be an engineer for the U.S military force. You can live with us at the house." Ryder said with a sincere look on his face. "I don't know what else to say."
Chase had barely any words to speak, he didn't want to argue anymore. He knew Ryder was serious and he would just have to accept this decision.
"Fine... How do we tell the pups?" Chase asked
Ryder didn't give a response but only hugged his best friend. This could be the final time they see each other. Chase knew that he would need to leave them to continue his dream of becoming a police officer. He started thinking of places to work trying to already find ways to forget his life as a paw patroller. BarkingBurg and Germany were his first picks. If he was leaving them it would need to be a third world country.
"Are you gonna be okay?" Ryder asked chase releasing the hug.
"Are you gonna be okay, I'll be here forever..." chase lied knowing deep down he would make the choice to completely leave.
"Okay, I'll inform the mayor, I also need to know if you will live with us or continue your dream of becoming a police officer?" Ryder asked at a very questionable time. "I'm sorry if I'm rushing it." He apologized.
"I'm gonna leave for good, I want to continue being an officer." Chase said with the most sincere voice he could possibly make.
He noticed Ryder's mouth smile. He knew the moment he would start to be more absent chase would become more and more independent. That was his plan. He had the idea of disbanding it for awhile. He wanted to prepare chase to be on his own and learn how to lead.
"Okay, But for now let's keep this on the down low until we have all the details ready, I do feel bad for the others though as they get no word in this." Ryder sighed.
"It's your team, I'll be with you no matter what decision you make." Chase said giving a weak smile.
From that moment they stood up no longer and owner and pet but more best friends. Chase had always been mature but now they were forged into their friendship. Ryder had his best friend in front of him. One he gave up his documents he wouldn't own chase, he was free to do what he wanted. Chase would never mentally leave his side. This was the perfect example of a mans best friend.
Next chapter
The ceremony

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