Chapter 12

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A week later
Sylvia pulled into the parking bay at the same warehouse for the 3rd time. She's been promoted to the front driver since then. It wasn't really that hard to do the job. The other two had quit their drinking ever since Kaptain came.
The only information she's been offering to the police station has been what they've been selling and getting. Maybe she has a chance for something better. Besides that she had been keeping in touch with chase and the station.
She's still been looking to Linus whenever she has questions about things. She would say he's the best part about being there. He has been acting more weird lately.
It was late at night and she jumped out of the truck. The other 2 drivers the Doberman and the guy did the same and they all yawned. They smiled to the coincidence. She fixed her issue with them and got to know other people. She was becoming friendly with everyone at the warehouse.
A rumor had been flying around. It was Linus saying the leader of the warehouse died in "combat." "Kaptain probably sent him out to die." Sylvia thought.
Linus walked up to her with an odd expression "Sylvia..." Linus said awkwardly.
Sylvia wanted to talk about who would become the leader of the warehouse but it has to wait. "What's with the tone?" Sylvia said not trying to get off track but help her friend as well.
Linus didn't expect her to notice so quickly. He's been throwing out hints here and there and she always misses them by a long shot. "Maybe she's never had a boyfriend." He thought to himself. "It's nothing."
Sylvia let it go. "I have more questions about the leader. Mainly just 3 or so." Sylvia said walking past him to their room.
"Oh- no-n-"
Sylvia stopped "What's wrong *yawwn* with our room?" She asked when she reached the door.
"Just don't go I-"
"Too late." Sylvia said as she opened the door.
She walked in and was stunned and confused. She saw candles and a bouquet of roses. She was confused why this was here. Then it hit her. "Who's the lucky gi- can we talk first about the leader of the warehouse?" She asked really wanting to know.
Linus sighed. "What do you need?" He asked. Another hint down the drain. Maybe he should just ask her. The hints clearly aren't working out.
"Who becomes the newleader after a previous leader dies?" Sylvia asked.
"You need to gain either Kaptain or his right hand man's trust for it." He replied.
"I see" Sylvia said
"Someone important will come around. I'm guessing a close friend of kaptain." He replied looking at the flower with nervousness.
Sylvia had the information she needed. It could wait. She could talk to Linus about what's bugging him.
"So... who's the lucky girl?" Sylvia asked
He caught off guard by this. He thought she didn't get the hints but all of a sudden she did. "Oh... uh... um."
Sylvia noticed the stuttering. "Must be someone important. Nervous?" She asked.
Linus sat on the bed and tried a new approach. "I don't know how to ask her." Linus said trying to ease it in.
Sylvia sat down on the bed. She looked at the clock and hoped it ends fast because it was almost 1am.
"How could anyone reject a dog like you? Your fit, handsome, and really nice. Unless they have a boyfriend already then yeah I could see that." Sylvia assured.
"D-do you have a boyfriend?" He asked hoping the answer was no.
"Yeah." Sylvia said thinking of chase.
Linus was crushed by this. He didn't take no for an answer. He had a good plan to win Sylvia's heart. Foul play must be used.
"Oh... what's he like?" Linus asked feeling the hatred towards him build up and being ready to be released.
"Oh... he's everything someone could ask for. I'm just lucky the split up from his friends. He didn't seem the happiest when I first met him but he became his normal self over time." Sylvia explained.
"He seems like a nice... what his he?" Linus asked.
"His name is chase, he's a German Shepard like me. Although I'm quite different from an average German Shepard." Sylvia said
"You look just fine to me." Linus replied.
"By any chance do you know if he's with the paw patrol? Or used to be." Linus asked having one of them as a close friend.
"He is." Sylvia replied.
"Okay, I'm gonna head to bed." He said walking to another corner.
Sylvia blew out the candle. It was weird that he wanted to know so much about chase. "Maybe he's just curious."
The next morning when Sylvia woke up, he wasn't anywhere to be found. Nobody saw him leave the warehouse. He just vanished from their room. Sylvia didn't have enough time to worry about though. She has to gain trust for leader of the warehouse.

In Ryders house
"So your going to help stop kaptain?" Chase asked.
"Oh yeah, I used to know him before he went all "crazy" ya know." Ryder said
Chase was puzzled. He had never known about this. "You knew that guy?"
"Yeah, in high school. He was a smart kid. I wouldn't say smartest but he had known a lot." Ryder explained. "I hear Sylvia is under cover... correct?" Ryder asked.
"Yeah... but how do you know that?" Chase asked
"I have my ways of getting around. It is getting cold outside. Might have a hard winter with kaptain." Ryder shrugged.
"I bet, I'm gonna go see what Marshall and Everest are up to. Then maybe see zuma and Ella. Maybe rubble as well." Chase said
Ryder was puzzled on how much time he had. "You have a pretty big list planned for today."
"I don't have much to do since I'm not needed and Sylvia is gone. I can't believe they asked for my help and I decided to bring Sylvia and that backfired." Chase said with a final huff.
"Where is rocky and skye?" Chase asked
"Um... I'm not sure. They probably went out somewhere." Ryder guessed.
"You'll get your chance." Ryder added continuing their conversation from before. "maybe tomorrow you can help me get information. The police... get in the way of my deeds." Ryder said.
Chases ears perked up"Really???" Chase asked
"Yeah really, it be like... I wouldn't say old time because we never did this. But you get it." Ryder said
"Okay, I'm gonna go see Marshall and Everest now." Chase said turning around.
"Tell them I said hi." Ryder asked
"I will." Chase replied and walked out. "A car would be nice to have." He thought to himself.

"Rubble! My old friend!" A dog said walking up to the construction sight where the old lookout is.
"Lenny?" Rubble asked dropping a shovel and some pipes.
"Long time no see ey?" Linus said opening his arms for a hug.
"Yeah." Rubble said giving his friend a hug.
"I heard that guy you used to be friends with is back." Linus said not trying to be suspicious.
"Oh chase? Yeah." Rubble said
"I didn't know they owned a house over here." Linus asked trying to get him to spill the location.
"They don't, they live in a hotel somewhere around somewhere. Its a yellow and brown building. *cough* I helped build it *cough*"
Linus knew the exact building he was talking about. It wasn't too far either. He just needs to break in and wait. Not like chase can fight or anything...
"Neat, I'm gonna get going before your boss sees you. You know how he is." Linus said before walking off.
Rubble picked up the shovel and pushed it into the dirt causing a loud clank. "Finally." He sighed.
"Hey! I found the water lines!" Rubble yelled back to three chatting workers. They walked next to rubble and started digging it out. "This is gonna be a nice water fountain." One said.
"Nice work rubble."

"The sun look beautiful." Zuma said looking at the partially orange sky. It was turning night and the sun was just over the ocean. Kinda like those cliche scenes where they kiss in front of the sun as they escape from something.
"It does, what do you think Marshall and Everest are up too?" Ella said looking at the fire station.
"I dunno, looks like chase is paying them a visit though. It's weird. We bumped into skye and rocky at the restaurant, we saw rubble headed to work, and now chase is over there headed to see. "Kinda like it's a sign for something." Zuma said
"That's oddly specific. Very specific. What do you think is gonna happen?" Ella asked wanting to hear his odd imagination.
"I think there's a looming threat that threatens our very lives. Suffering from internal pain and trying to cause disaster. Like burning the orphanage."
"Quite the imagination you have." Ella said
"It's only a theory." Zuma said pushing it off and continuing their walk across beach and the sunset.

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