Not A FANBOY // Taekook


94.8K 4.3K 1.8K

JEON JUNGKOOK is the youngest & most popular Idol in 2020. He is popular for his Sexy looks & Angelic voice. ... More

Part - 1
Part - 2
Part - 3
Part - 4
Part - 5
Part - 6
Part - 7
Part - 8
Part - 9
Part - 10
Part - 11
Part - 12
Part - 14
Part - 15
Part - 16 (Mature)
Part - 17
Part - 18
Part - 19
Part - 20
Part - 21
Part - 22
NEW YEAR'S GIFT (oneshot)
Part - 23
Part - 24
Part - 25
Part - 26(M)
Part - 27

Part - 13

3.1K 155 95

TAE prepared the food & plcaed the plates on the table infront of JK angrily.

JK smells the food.

JK smiled: "So good smell."

TAE (angrily) shouted: "Eat & Leave my house now!"

JK ignored him.

JK: "Come & eat with me."

JK grabbed TAE's palm. But TAE pushed away JK.

TAE: "I am going to take a shower. Eat & leave!!!"

JK smiled: "(Nom)...... (nom)..."

JK started eating.

After some time........

TAE came back from shower.
He was wearing shorts & t-shirt.
His hair was still wet.
Water drops were falling from his hair-locks.
His lips were wet too.

When TAE came, JK noticed his face, wet hair & those sexy water drops & half naked legs.

JK gulped to see TAE.

JK gained his conscious when he heard TAE's voice.

TAE shouted: "You-- you are still here??? Whyyyyy?

JK nodded his head & controlled his thoughts.

JK murmured: "Aah? I - I was-"

TAE: "Why are you stammering?"

JK whispered: "To see you."

TAE: "aaaah..?"

JK said: "Nothing. Nothing.
I will not leave today.
I will stay here.
I will enjoy my holiday with you Baby Boy!"

TAE shouted: "Whatttt?
I don't want to see your face."

JK smiled & got up from sofa.

JK: "I need to take a shower."

TAE shouted: "Whattt? Here?

JK pinched TAE's bread cheek.

JK: "Shut up baby boy."

TAE sighed.

JK: "Give me your clothes."

TAE screamed: "whattttttttttttttttttt?

JK: "aah! I didn't mean that!
I mean,
I will take a shower so I want to borrow some of your clothes."

TAE: "Ohh! Okay. Wait"

TAE went his room & came back.

He threw his clothes on JK's face.

JK caught & smelt those clothes .

JK smelt: "Mmmmmmm!"

After some time........

JK came back & noticed TAE who was spreading his half naked legs while lying on the sofa.

JK gulped to see him.

JK threw his wet towel on TAE.

TAE shouted: "You---- Rubbish!"

JK: "Cover your legs by that towel."

TAE: "Whattt? Why?"

TAE threw JK's towel on the table.

JK pouted & started acting: "TAE???
Are you trying to seduce me????
So you are trying to take advantage of me bcz we are alone here!!!
Oh! I am scared! Someone....
Help me! Help me! Help me!"

TAE looked at him angrily.

TAE: "Stop your drama! And leave!"

JK smiled: "No."

TAE: "What will you do here?"

JK sat down on sofa & hugged TAE.

JK: "mmmm! We can go for shopping!"

TAE looked at JK: "aaah?"

JK smiled & pinched TAE's cheek.
TAE removed his hand.

TAE: "aah! Don't touch me. Rascal."

JK laughed & even hugged his TAE more tightly.

TAE felt happy happy inside but he didn't show his happiness.

***** Afternoon*****

JK: "Get ready. We will go for shopping."

TAE: "You can go. I am not going anywhere with you."

JK: "What--why--"

JK couldn't finish his sentence bcz door bell was ringing.

TAE: "May be--- Suga hyung came."

TAE opened the door & became surprised.

TAE murmured:"You--?"

It was Park Bogum.

JK shouted from inside: "Who??

Bogum heard JK's vouce from inside & became confused.

Bogum asked: "Is it JK's vouce??"

TAE murmured: "aah? Hmm."

Bogum shouted: "Whattt?
What is he doing in your house?"

Bogum forcefully entered & saw JK who was lying on the sofa.

Bogum to JK: "What--- What are you doing here?"

JK became confused to see Bogum.

JK to Bogum: "aaah? At first tell me, What are you doing here?"

Bogum: "I am here for TAE."

JK got up from sofa.


JK raised his eyebrow: "I am also here for TAE."

Bogum to JK: "TAE is spending his holidays. Leave us."

JK shouted: "You.. leave us!"

Bogum to JK: "Never! I will not leave TAE with you alone!!
I don't trust you."

JK to Bogum: "woah!
What a coincidence!
Even, I don't trust you.
So, I will not leave TAE with you."

Bogum grabbed TAE's one arm.
Seeing Bogum Jealous TAE grabbed TAE's another arm.

Bogum pulled TAE towards him.

Bogum to JK: "I will stay with TAE."

JK pulled TAE towards him.

JK to Bogum: "No. I will stay with TAE."

Bogum: "No. I will."

JK: "No. I will."

So basically, It was a tug of war between Bogum & JK over TAE.

After 3 - 4 rounds of 'tug of war' , TAE pushed away both.

TAE shouted: "Shuttttttttttttttt uppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp!!
You-- Both -- leave!
I will not allow anyone to stay here.

JK & Bogum: "Nooo."

TAE sighed: "Huhh!"

Bogum to TAE: "Get ready TAE. We will go for shopoing."

JK shouted: "No! TAE will go with me."

TAE sighed: "I - I will not go with anyone. Huhhh!"

JK: "Baby boy... Okay You decide."

TAE sighed: "Ok! Ok! We will go together."

JK smiled: "You & Me.. right??"

TAE sighed: "You, Bogum & JK!"

JK: "Whatttt!"

Bogum: "Ok Fine. I have no problem."

JK shouted: "Fineee."

TAE sighed & started walking towards his room to change clothes.

JK shouted: "TAae?? Give me some clothes!"

TAE threw some clothes on JK's face from door & shut the door.

Bogum to JK: "Why? Aah? Why are wearing My TAE's shirt?"

JK smiled: "Shut up!"

After some times........

All of them were ready now.

Bogum looked at TAE who wore a black shirt.
He looked like 'oh my god'!!

Bogum: "TAE?? So handsome."

TAE blushed: "Thank you."

JK rolled his tounge.

JK: "Stop Blushing! Let's go."

TAE looked at JK angrily.

TAE: "shut uppp."

They reached at Mall by JK's car.

******** At Mall *********

Bogum: "Let's go TAE. I want to gift you something."

TAE: "aah?? No no. Bogum pls."

Bogum: "Please, TAE!"

Bogum grabbed TAE's hand & dragged away TAE with him.

Bogum bought a jacket & shirt for TAE.

All of had masks on their face so, nobody recognised them.

JK was getting irritated to see the drama between TAE & Bogum.

JK: "Aah? TAE? I am hungry!"

TAE: "You-You are just impossible!!"

They ate foods in the mall.

Then, they decide to return.

But, Bogum stopped infront of a 'Wedding-Collection Store'.

Bogum grabbed TAE's hand.

TAE: "Aah ??"

JK followed them.

Bogum entered at the Wedding collection Store with TAE & JK.

Bogum dragged away TAE into the ring collection.

Bogum: "TAE ?? Choose one."

TAE: "aaah? No! These are for wedding!"

Bogum smiled: "aah! Yes yes!
Actually- - actually I want to gift a ring to one of my friend for his wedding.
Choose one for me."

TAE: "Aah! Oh!
But, How can I choose for your friend?
I don't even know him/her."

Bogum: "TAE! I have trust on your choices. .."

TAE sighed: "Okay."

JK: "Finish your drama soon.
I am sleepy."

TAE: "Then go & sleep."

JK smiled & whispered: "I am not leaving you with your bubblegum.

TAE: "Whateverrr!"

TAE & Bogum started choosing ring for Bogum's friend.

JK was wandering at the store.
He suddenly noticed a ring in EXCLYSIVE SECTION.

JK: "Hello! Can I please see that ring??"


Store girl: "Yes sir!"

Store-Girl gave the Blue Diamond Ring on JK's hand.

JK started staring at the ring.

Store girl: "Sir! Your choice is unique.
This is a customized Love ring.
This Blue Diamond Ring is rare & Exclusive collection.
It is called BLUE MOON LOVE."

JK smiled: "My Love is also RARE!"

Store girl: "ofcourse!
Do you like it?
Then, Please tell us the size of finger.
We will adjust then."

JK: "aah? Size!! Wait!.. one minute.."

JK noticed TAE who was smiling with Bogum while choosing the ring.

JK approached to them.

JK: "TAE??"

TAE turned his head to JK.

TAE: " aah? Whattt?"


Bogum: "TAE? Give me your hand?"

TAE again turned his head to Bogum.

TAE: "Why Bogum?"

Bogum took TAE's hand on his hand.

Bogum: "Actually, I want to know the size.
I think your finger & my friend's finger size is same."

TAE: "aaah? But----"

JK realised the ACTUAL PLAN of Bogum.
He became tensed & confused to see Bogum's smooth move!

Bogum was about to put the finger on TAE's 4th finger.....


JK suddenly, grabbed TAE's hand in a blink of an eye.

Bogum became speechless for a minute.

JK literally took away TAE's hand from Bogum's hand.

TAE to JK: "aah?
What are you doing?
Leave my hand!!."

JK ignored TAE's words.

JK put THE BLUE DIAMOND RING forcefully on TAE's wedding (4th)
Finger. ❤❤❤❤❤❤

TAE confused & shouted: "Aaah!! What are you doingggg????"

JK looked at TAE's finger with ring & a wide smile appeared on his face. ❤

JK smiled at TAE:
"Nothing... Baby Boy!
I was also checking the size of finger for one of my Friend!
And, the Size is Perfect!!!" 😂

TAE shouted: "Aaah? Whatttttttttttttttt????
Leave my hand."

TAE pushed away JK but JK smiled & He went to the cash counter.

JK smirked at Bogum!!

Bogum was still speechless to see all of these.

Bogum: "What--the---fu-"

TAE stared at the ring for some time then tried to remove the ring from his finger.

TAE tried his best to remove the ring but It was too tight on his finger.

TAE failed to remove the ring from his 4th finger.

Bogum: "Should I try?"

TAE: "aah? Yes. Please..."

Bogum also tried to remove the ring from TAE's finger but he also failed.

Bogum advised: "TAE??
We should cut the ring!!"

TAE became shocked after hearing him.
He felt a pain in his heart to hear Bogum's words!

TAE literally screamed in pain.

TAE: "Nooooooooooooo!"

Bogum: "Aah? "

TAE gulped: "No!
I mean, the ring is so expensive.
I can't destroy it!
I have to return it to that Rascal.!
I will try again to remove it!"

Bogum: "But--- It is too tight for your finger"

TAE: "Aah? Yes but, I can't cut the ring. It's- - It's so beautiful."

TAE looked at his own hand.
He smiled slightly without realising the reason.❤

JK return from cash counter.

JK: "Let's go! TAE."

TAE shouted: "JKkkkkk?
Your ring--- It is not removing from my finger!
It hurts."

JK smirked at TAE: "Baby Boy!
It's called Perfect!"

TAE shouted: "What? Nonsense?"

JK: "Shut up! Now, Let's go.
Bye Bogummmm."

TAE: "But----"

JK grabbed TAE's left palm.
TAE's finger was shining with the ring. ❤

JK held TAE's left hand more tightly & dragged away TAE with him.

TAE: "aahhh!"

JK: "Let's go... baby boy."

TAE shouted: "Leaveee.... leave my hand."

JK smiled: "No."

JK dragged away TAE from mall infront of Park Bogum's eye! ❤

Bogum remained speechless there!! 😂

Bogum noticed:

JK was grabbing TAE forcefully by his waist & they got in the car & left......! ❤❤

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