Roses Aren't Always Red

De sarah_xo

937 16 5

Josie Milan is a 28 year old wedding planner. Realising that her wedding bells will no longer be ringing in a... Mais

[chapter 1] The Queen of Hearts
[chapter 2] Where's My Soulmate?
[chapter 3] A Fine Dine
[chapter 4] A Rude Awakening
[chapter 5] This Weeks History Lesson
[chapter 7] The Game Plan: An Eye for an Eye Leaves the Whole World Blind

[chapter 6] A Thing Called Bravery

82 2 0
De sarah_xo

Hey guys! Sorry it took me so long to upload a new chapter! As said in my updates, I've been really busy with school. I managed to pull together chapter 6, and chapter 7 is also almost finished! I hope everyones enjoying  the story as much as I enjoy writing it.

Let me know what you think! Fan/Vote/Comment! Your opinion matters!

Anyways, enjoy :)

   Tuesday morning came too quickly. My heart was racing at a billion beats per minute. I was nervous to call Janie. What would she think of me? Did she already find a new wedding planner? Had Nate told her about our past history? A million questions ran through my head all morning, and that was all I could think about during breakfast.

   Sam and I had decided to go out for breakfast this morning. She knew I was nervous to call Janie, and that I was still mad at Nate. She thought it would be a great way to get everything off my mind. She decided on a small quiet place called Bernie's Breakfast. The place was so old fashioned; checkered floors, bright blue walls, pink booths and chairs, and a giant brass jukebox at the end of the room. It was all a little too retro for me.

"So." Sam started. "How's your breakfast?"

"Good." I was subjected to one worded answers since all I could think about was my phone call with Janie. What if Janie did agree to let me plan their wedding? Could I tolerate being around Nate all the time? Sam sighed.

"Josie, you've got to get your mind off of everything!" Sam started getting frustrated with my one word answers. She looked like she was about to explode.

"Sam I seriously can't help it. What if you were in my shoes?" I asked. She looked a tad bit annoyed.

"Well Josie, I'm sorry something so unfortunate has happened to you, but you have to suck it up! You can't keep hiding from people! Nate's with someone else now. I know it sucks, but you have your own life now, your own job, even your own priorities! It's not like you two were that serious anyways, were you?" Sam always ran her mouth too much when she was frustrated. Maybe I was acting a bit immature about the situation. She was right. I had my own job, my own life, and my own priorities. I can't let something like this irritated me. I starred at Sam blankly.

"Well I'm sorry Josie. You're stronger than this. You never let anything bother you, and now he comes along trying to ruin your life, and all hell breaks loose. Seriously Jo, it'll be fine. Stop worrying." Sam stuffed some breakfast sausage into her mouth. We both continued with our breakfast, not even making eye contact. After 5 minutes had passed, I finally decided to speak up.

"You're right Sam. One hundred percent. My life wasn't completely perfect before Nate decided to crash it, but I can't let it ruin what I have right now. Whatever you said helped a lot, and I appreciate you being such a good friend." A smile grew on Sam's face.

"That's the Josie I know and love!" She got up out of her chair and hugged my tightly.

"A little oxygen please?" I managed to squeeze out.

"Oh. Sorry Jo!"

   For the rest of our breakfast, Sam and I talked about our love-lives and our lifetime goals. I never really knew that Sam wanted to work with floral arrangements. She said she really enjoyed the atmosphere of weddings, and that the flowers were an extreme asset to any wedding. Problem is, the majority of the florists we had, screwed up. I also found out that Sam didn't want to be in the wedding planning business forever. Eventually, when she racked up enough money, she wanted to open her own flower shop. I told her that was excellent and that I'd be so happy for her. Sure I'd miss her, but I could also get her a lot of business through recommendations. Technically, we'd still be working together. I told Sam how I would like to try out a bunch of things too, but I never really got around to it. I've always been the artistic type; wanting to try photography, and interior decorating. Maybe even fashion. I also wanted to try journalism. I always loved to express my opinion. Don't get me wrong, I love the wedding industry,  but sometimes you've just got to grow your wings and fly. Do something daring!

   Sam and I headed to work right after breakfast. I knew we were going to be a little late, and knowing Stan, he'd be counting every second we were late. Although this was mostly my business, Stan made sure to keep me aligned in tip top shape.

"You're five minutes and thirty-six seconds late you two!" Stan shouted as we walked out of the elevator.

"Oh boo hoo. We're here now! That's all that's important." Sam said. "You forget to tell us how many miliseconds." Sam chuckled.

   I tuned out Sam and Stan's conversation. As of right now, I had to mentally prep myself for my phone call with Janie. I walked into my office almost staggering in. Why was I so nervous? My heart was racing, my palms were sweaty, and I could barely breathe. I sat in my chair and opened up my day planner. I took a deep breath and picked up the phone. I saw someone in the doorway. It was Sam, giving me a thumbs up. I cracked a smile. I dialled Janie's number. This is it... The phone rang, and rang, and rang, until someone eventually picked up.

   "Hello?" the feminine voice said. I sighed with relief. Thank GOD it wasn't Nate!

"Janie? It's Josie from J&S Weddings." My heart skipped a beat.

"Oh hey Josie!" It sounded like she was trying to inform someone near her of whom she was talking to, hence the extension on the word 'hey', and emphasis on 'Josie'. "How have you been?" She asked politely.

"I've been good. Could have been better. Did you enjoy your weekend?" Wow Josie! Couldn't think of anything more business related to say?

"My weekend was fantastic!" There was a silence for about three seconds.

"So Janie, the reason that I'm calling is because I'd be honoured to plan your wedding. That is if you didn't already find someone else." Another pause. "Nate's a dear friend of mine, and I want the best for you two." Another three second pause.

"Sure Josie! We actually have been struggling to find another planner. Thank God you pulled through!" Janie said. Pulled through? Did she think I was sick or something?

"Well, if you two aren't busy today, I'd like to have you both in for a consultation this afternoon. I've had a couple of cancellations so I'm free at two." I swallowed hard. It felt like I had a giant lump of coal lodged in my throat. My heart started beating faster. I hope I didn't sound like I was breathing heavy over the phone.

"Two seems fine. Is there anything we need?" she asked.

"Just yourselves, any wedding ideas, and any personal recommendations." I replied back.

"Alright, we'll see you then! Thanks again JoJo!" With that, she hung up.

"JoJo!?" I shouted. "The nerve!" Sam came in quickly.

"So, what happened? Are you planning?" Sam asked anxiously.

"JoJo!" I shouted. Sam looked puzzled. I could hear Stan laughing from the other room.

"STANLEY! GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!" I shouted. I could still hear Stan laughing as he walked into my office.

"Honey buns, I promise it wasn't me!" He said still giggling. Sam still looked puzzled.

"Who's JoJo?" she asked. Stan burst out laughing.

"Sam, if you want to save yourself right about now, I'd stop saying the double J word right away!" Stan giggled. "It was a terrible nickname that people used to call her. She hated it, and I guess she still does."

"That snake! He's going to drive me to drink!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, how I can smell the sweet scent of rivalry!" Stan said. We both knew it must have been Nate who told Janie about the nickname. Who else would it have been? The only people who knew about the  nickname, besides the people who used to call her that, was Stan and Nate.

"Oh, if he wants rivalry, he'll get rivalry." I said furiously.

"Woah! Get back JoJo!" Stan howled. My face grew red with anger.

"NOT funny!" I said furiously.

"Oh honey! You know I'm teasing you!" Stan giggled.

"Stan, fuck off. You're really REALLY getting on my nerves." Stan's face went from giddy high school girl, to extremely serious. He quickly left.

"Jo, you know you better apologise to Stan." Sam said sincerely.

"He should know better not to get on my nerves! He's been doing that so much lately! To him, it's teasing. To me, it makes me grow grey hair." Sam gave me that look that said 'go apologise now!' I sighed and got up off my chair. I grabbed a rose from the flower pot in the front lobby. I knocked on his office door.

"Stan?" I called.

"So NOW you want to talk to me?" he said harshly.

    I've been friends with Stan since high school. No one really accepted him since we was openly gay. I felt bad for him one day at lunch because he was sitting all alone. He turned out to be a funny, sweet, loyal, and sincere guy. If only straight guys were like that! We both discovered that we wanted to do the same thing; wedding planning. We attended school together, and started our own business. He didn't want the full business so he just became my partner. And that's where we get J&S Weddings.

"I'm sorry Stan. You just got me so worked up." I said apologetically. I handed him the rose.

"Did you pick this from the lobby you sneak?" Stan giggled. "I'm only trying to prepare you for the road ahead. You can't let something as simple as the name JoJo bother you. You don't know what you'll be up against. That guy has a chunk of your life history, and he's not afraid to use it! You know what I say, fight fire with fire! Be the bitch once in a while!" I smiled. I knew Stan would be forgiving. He always was. And he's right. I couldn't let something so small like a pet name bother me. Nate has better weapons to throw at me.

"Oh come here you!" he said. He got up and gave me a hug. Stan was one of my best friends. He always looked out for me. He was such a brotherly figure. We went through the best years of our lives together, and we still are; working together, doing a job we love, having our own business which we though was impossible, and both single and looking.

"You better start getting ready for your consultation with Janie and Nate." Stan suggested. "You need a game plan."

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