Hunchback of Notre Dame: Mari...

De BiancaEvans2

24.9K 394 67

Maria is the daughter of Judge Frollo and the adotive older sister of Quasimodo. Who she calls Quasi. She lov... Mais

Quasi's Alphabet Lesson
Festival of Fools
Escaping the Church
Arriving at the Court of Miracles
Living in the Court of Miracles
Saving Phoebus
Phoebus and Quasi's Warning
Fight For Freedom
Two Marriages
Pregnant and Birth
Time Skip Six Years
Le Jour D'Amour


1.4K 22 6
De BiancaEvans2

Maria's POV

I'm in my room and have been made to wear my old dress. While my gypsy dress was taken away. No doubt to be burned. I'm so worried about Clopin, Quasi and the others. Dad has put bars on my windows, the door is locked and guarded 24/7.

Tonight is the night of the bonfire. I'm pacing in my room. When my dad appears and I glare at him. I have an ugly bruise on my cheek where he slapped me. "Tonight the gypsies will burn and you will be free of their influence" he states.

"They gave me freedom" I sneer.

"You are a woman and should be at home baring children. Keeping house, not be running wild. But do not fright, I've found the perfect match for you in England" he states. "Once the gypsies are dead, you will be shipped off" he states.

"I will not, this is my home and I won't let you hurt my friends" I snap. He slaps me again.

"You will learn your place" he sneers. "I will be happy to teach you. But there are more important mutters that require my attention before tonight. Now if you cause any trouble tonight, you'll suffer worse then ever" he states and leaves.

I scream and trash my room. How dare he think he can control me. I am an adult, not some rebellious child. That needs scolding.

I don't know how, but I will save Clopin and my friends. We'll be together and have the life we deserve. We'll marry and have a family one day. But no doubt I'll be guarded tonight. How do I free the others?

I know I love Clopin and I'll be heart broken if he dies tonight. I can't live without him. If only I could tell him my feelings. Then I'd have no regrets. But I doubt father would let me anywhere near him or any of the gypsies.

I sigh sadly as I sit on my bed. I start to hum an old lullaby. One my mother used to sing to me before she died. If she was here, dad would not be like this. Life would be so different. She'd support my love for Clopin. I look at an old photo of her holding me as a baby.

"I wish you were her mother, you would be able to talk some sense into father" I say. "You wouldn't care if I fell for a gypsy, you cared for everyone. Took care of everyone. You would of nursed a thief back to health even if they threatened your life. I wish I was as strong as you. That father would listen to me" I state.

'You must not give up hope my daughter' a woman says. I turn to see a transparent form of my mother. 'I have come to give you some advice. I love you with all my heart Maria and I am so proud of you. Your father has lost his way and I fear it is to late for him' she tells me.

"But what do I do then? He's going to kill Clopin and the other gypsies. He'll ship me away to marry some guy I don't know or love" I say as tears spring to my eyes.

'Do not lose hope, you can still save everyone. But not without your brother' she tells me. 'Your father is wrong, he must be stopped. Good luck my daughter' she states and starts to disappear.

"No mum, don't go" I beg.

'I will be with you always, in your dreams' she states before she fully disappears. I start to cry. I've already lost one person I love. I won't lose anyone else. I will fight, even if it's against my own father.

I dry my tears and square my shoulders. I am not a child. I will protect Clopin and the others. But how do I get to Quasi? He's been locked up in the bell tower by father's guards.

The bonfire will be outside the cathedral. If I yell, he'll hear me. I have to convince him to stand up against father. Which I'm sure I can do. Now I have to wait for the guards to collect for the bonfire. So I wash my face and brush my hair. Before sitting on my bed and wait for the guards.


Picture above of Maria and picture on the external link of Judge Claude Frollo.

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