The Whisperer of The Huge ||...

By KxxkieTea

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(Assault Lily: Bouquet! Female Harem! x Female Reader!) -Edit is mine, but the pictures I used don't belong t... More

1: Girl of Destiny
2: Friendly Bouquet
3: Light the Darkness
4: Legion
5: Effervescent Youth
6: Neunwelt
7: A New Friend
8: Bonding
9: Your Existence Matters
10: The Beginning Temptation of Other Bouquets
11: The Pursuit of a Sharp Flower
12: All is (Un)Fair if Love & War
13: Purely of Sweet with a Hint of Sour
14: Flower War I
15: Floral Drive
16: Flower War II

9.5: The Frontiers of Healing

836 57 14
By KxxkieTea

It takes a few moments for everything to fall into place, your eyes starting to adjust back to the relative darkness of the room. You were ordered to be placed in a tight secluded room, where there were no windows, no bed, and had limited amount of space to move. Yet you did not have the energy to do so; you were in a sitting position with your backside against the wall, one leg bent towards you, and the other leg was dangling above the ground.

If you had not intervened in the discussion between the chairman and the other headmasters of all worldly Gardens, then Riri would supposedly have to be in your position. After all, Riri is the leader of Team Hitotsuyanagi and Yuri was placed under her custody. However, you deemed her punishment to be unfair because she didn't put Yuri in danger–you were the one that couldn't contain her nor the Huge in time.

Takamatsu wanted to protest against you, yet the other headmasters acknowledged your request; thus, the elder man reluctantly agreed and sent you to a room to savor your solitude. The cramped room made you think of a resemblance to prison except that the local jail would have more people in a dirty facility instead of the pristine room you were currently in.

"Why...Why did you sacrifice yourself, Yuri? I should've been there for you... I should've been the one to die for you."

You mutter to yourself, taking your anger out by digging your nails into the flesh of your right palm. You pushed the tips deeper into your skin, and with enough force you were able to cut through the first layer of skin. Bits of your red sea begin to drip to the ground. With the following red tear, the door slid open to reveal two people: [F/N] and Yuyu.

"Hey, buddy. How are you holding up–? Is that blood?!"

Their eyes travel to the ground, lining their sight in the direction it came from. [F/N] lets out a sigh and tells Yuyu to stay with you before running out of the room to retrieve some paper towels. The second-year Lily quietly took a seat next to you, her light purple eyes never leaving you. Yuyu gently took your hand into her own when she noticed that you were about to make more sharp marks. Both of her hands enveloped your own, bringing warmth to your cold skin despite your blood rushing to the minor wound.


In the beginning, everything sounded muffled–even your voice sounded peculiar at some point. Yet, to hear Yuyu's tone shift from a frigid calm to a benign but firm manner, her voice alone reeled you back into reality. You decide to meet her at eye level and turn your head to lock gazes. Her voice had made her small smile synonymous with equanimity.

"Why are you here? The headmaster told me I wasn't allowed to see anyone during my time here."

"Lectures have already ended. What you have said is true, but the headmaster made an exception that I along with [F/N] were allowed to see you, though it is only for ten minutes."

You let out a short hum in response, shifting your eyes to her fingers interlocking with yours. Yuyu would soon pursue your line of sight, raising your right hand to level with her chest. She noticed something was missing and traced the tips of her fingers along your middle finger.

"[Y/N], where is your ring?"

"It's around here; I don't know where exactly. As soon as I came inside, I had a little tantrum and threw the ring somewhere."

Yuyu pushes herself onto her feet before bending down on her knees to get a good look of the dark floor. The ring is an important component to activating and using your CHARM; thus, once a Lily wore their prescribed ring then it would automatically tighten around your finger to ensure the contract.

"Why did you take off your ring? You do realize that it is the key to activating your CHARM."

The former lone wolf asked, her eyes easily adjusting to the darkness. All rings were made and colored to be gold–the precious yellow metal shouldn't be difficult to locate in a gloomy room. Yuyu was able to spot a gold glimmer at the corner of the room and immediately went to retrieve the ring.

"You do realize that I don't give a shit about any of this anymore. I took off that ring for a reason; and that reason is because I let everyone down."

"You didn't let anyone down, [Y/N]. You did your best–"

"You know damn well that doing your best isn't enough!"

You shot back with a yell, your eyes glaring up at the tender gaze of a lone wolf. Yuyu was now in front of you with your ring at the tips of her thumb and index finger. She stayed silent for a moment before kneeling down on one knee.

"You are well aware that not everyone is able to save every person or thing. We are humans, and humans have limitations. You shouldn't blame yourself for something that you didn't cause."

"But I let it happen... I let Yuri die!"

"But you didn't kill her!"

You were taken aback by Yuyu suddenly raising her voice. There was no spite across her face; only concern and pain that is layered into her stern features. Her light purple eyes were always crystal-like, yet this time the definite glaze over her eyes were much clearer and more transparent.

"You make it sound as if you did kill her when you're not the type of person to do a thing. You were brave enough to fight against the Huge and assisted Yuri as much as you could. You wanted to save her; you didn't let her die, [Y/N]."

You were involuntary shaking, which would soon affect the movement of your hands. You were gripping onto your sweatpants and sniffling loudly as tears were starting to flood your vision. The recent incident was already triggering stress and sending signals down your body. Everything was making your stomach churn, and a massive headache became present as you could clearly hear the rhythm of your palpitating heart.

"Everything hurts... I feel sick... Just knowing that I'm still here is making me sick–"


Yuyu comes to your side and lifts you up, cradling you in her arms. You stared listlessly as all she was able to do is make sure you weren't thrashing or threatening to do any harm to yourself.

"That's enough... You don't need to say anymore...because I know what you want to say and do to yourself. However, I cannot let you do any of those things. You can push me away, hit me, and call me selfish; but I won't have you disappear from my sight."

The second-year holds you tight and keeps you still, unwilling to let you go anytime soon. The emotional pain and stress hadn't died down, and Yuyu knew that this would forever leave a mark on you. It is only now that she can feel the wetness of your cheeks against her clothed shoulder, tears streaming down your face and into her uniform.

"I just... I just wanted her to live... I wanted to see her smile with everyone else... I just wanted her to be alive and well..."

"It's alright, [Y/N]... I'm here for you."

As if she had possessed another level of intimacy, Yuyu moved some strands of your hair from your forehead and gently pressed her soft lips against you. An unfamiliar heat starts to travel to your cheeks, a visible redness staining parts of your face.

Because you and Yuyu were much more invested with each other, the two of you hadn't noticed the door to be slightly opened and the person peeking through the narrow opening would be [F/N]. She had witnessed the entire moment and decided to record with her phone. Your friend also made sure to capture the kiss Yuyu had given you on the forehead and purposely zoomed in on the moment for dramatical effects.

"Lovebirds... I will definitely use this to blackmail those two! Maybe even show Kaede and the others for funsies~!"

[F/N] is the first to head back to the main building but not before acknowledging and comforting you for a short time. Your best friend acted as though she hadn't seen anything and only conveyed supportive words and gestures. She gave you a handkerchief to clean the cut on your right palm before bidding a goodbye to you and Yuyu, wanting to leave the two of you alone (to perhaps further a possible romantic relationship between you and the second-year).

As [F/N] made her way down to the dining hall, she noticed some members of Alfheim coming towards her. Only five members of the legion approached her: Soraha, Araya, Ichi, Kusumi, and Ena.

"Good evening, [F/N]. Is now a bad time to ask about [Y/N]'s wellbeing?"

The Science Division member scans over the group, who were staring intently at her. [F/N] could sense her acquaintances' apprehension as their eyes were filled with concern.

"Good evening to you and the others as well. I wouldn't say now is an ideal time, but if you care to join me for dinner then I'll be more than willing to tell you about [Y/N]'s condition."

The Alfheim members took a moment to look at each other for confirmation before agreeing to go with [F/N], causing the latter to smile. As they sauntered into the dining hall, the five friends began to bombard the hungry female with questions.

"How is [Y/N] holding up?"

"Did she eat anything today?"

"Is there anything we could do to help her?"

Although her hands were occupied with snacks and drinks, [F/N] was able to multitask and answer them in a possible diligent manner.

"Well, [Y/N] wasn't doing so well but that all changed because Yuyu was there. Secondly, I think she ate a ham sandwich or something. For the last question, maybe a peck on the cheek or forehead would suffice."

Upon hearing the last sentence, Soraha, Kusumi, and Ichi had gone remarkably red and became a stuttering mess, whereas a coquettish grin formed on Araya's lips and a playful giggle was heard from Ena.

"I wouldn't mind stealing a kiss from [Y/N]-sama.~"

"I'd like to see her reaction if I were to be the person to do so."

"[F/N]-san... When you mentioned Yuyu-sama in the beginning, does that somehow relate to what you said last?"

[F/N] shoots Ichi a smirk and shrugs her shoulders, going up to the cashier to pay for her items.

"Maybe.~ Maybe not.~"

Kusumi lets out a soft gasp, her hazel eyes beginning to water upon connection.

"Yuyu-sama... She k-kissed [Y-Y/N]-sama?"

[F/N] nods her head, grabbing the bag full of snacks and drinks before searching for an open table. Shortly, they were able to occupy a table, and [F/N] started to show the Alfheim members the footage of today's event. They were most certainly vocal towards the end when they saw the unusual and abnormal behavior of the familiar lone wolf.


"Yuyu a-actually..."

"I never knew she could do such a thing!"

"Unfair! Yuyu-sama is being unfair! I'm supposed to be in her position and kissing [Y/N]-sama!!"

"H-How shameless!!!"

Your partner-in-crime gave a chuckle, astonished by the amount of girls that took a fancy to you. [F/N] began to ponder the question of who else would join your upcoming harem.

'I have a feeling that I'll be seeing more of this with not only these girls but other ones too...'

Right after [F/N] left you and Yuyu alone, ten minutes had already flown by and the second-year was preparing to leave. Yuyu was able to calm you down, but you and her both knew that the pain would not dwell down for a while. If anything, the heartbreaking loss and pain would only lower to a dull ache and, nonetheless.

"I will be sure to come and visit you every day, so please bear with yourself until then."

With an inhalation of air passing over your vocal cords, you exhale a tired sigh and remain in the same sitting position. You knew Yuyu had classes and lectures the next day, yet you couldn't help but admit that you wanted her to just skip and stay with you for selfish reasons. However, you did not dare say any of those things in front of the elegant Lily and only mumbled a small farewell.

"Yeah... Thanks for your company, and have a good night..."

Up until now you wanted to avoid eye contact, and you continued to stare to the side when Yuyu had asked you to hold out your right hand.

"[Y/N], give me your right hand."

"What for?"

"Just give me your hand."

You turn to look at her with confusion briefly crossing your face. You obliged with her request and held out your right hand in Yuyu's direction. The older female placed a hand below yours and leaned down to place a chaste kiss to your ring.

"W-What on earth are y-you doing, Shirai-senpai!?!"

Heat has already crept up your face when you finally registered the second occurrence of a kiss. It doesn't help that her breath was hitting your hand, forcing you to believe that this wasn't a dream but in fact a reality.

"Promise me that you won't ever take this ring off. Also promise me that you will behave while I am not here."

Yuyu slightly withdraws her face from your hand, now staring intently into your eyes. She still had your palm grasped firmly in her hand. The tone of her voice mirrored her grip–resolute and unswerving. You weren't able to form proper words; instead, you automatically gave in to the second-year as you were unable to control the thumping beat of your heart.

"O-Okay, I promise! Now go! You have lectures tomorrow!"

You quickly ushered her out of the room, and the door immediately slid shut as soon as Yuyu stepped foot out of the dark space. Silence settles between the two of you, both comfortable and uncomfortable. Familiarity is still evident in each other's company despite the embarrassment that had transpired. Even so, the awkwardness wasn't unwelcomed and the two of you had accepted it as an eternal memory.

All barriers and masks came down, and without anyone else looking, the two of you are together and alone in this quiet corridor.

However, the sound of Riri yelling at the top of her lungs from outside startles both of you out of the reverie.

"YUYU-SAMA!!! Where are you?! It's getting late! We have combat training tomorrow!!"

Yuyu lets out a heavy sigh before twisting her body to the way she came from and straightening her uniform. The proficient Schutzengel looks back at the door, envisioning that you were leaning your backside against the sliding framework. A rare and genuine smile had once again danced on her lips as she uttered every word to you.

"Good night, [Y/N]. I will see you tomorrow evening."

Right after Yuyu bids you a good night, you could hear her footsteps echo throughout the corridor and further away from your doorstep. When you confirmed she was no longer in the surrounding area, you dropped to the floor and sat against the hinged door. The heat on your cheeks hadn't disappeared; instead, it burned more ferociously, and your heart continuously throbbed in an abnormal pace.

"W-What...What the hell just happened? All we did was talk, yet that girl has the guts to pull off those s-stunts..."

Stunts□ wasn't the best word to label those two kisses, but you couldn't bring yourself to say the word itself. The feeling of her lips still lingered on your skin, and you were trying to resist the truth. You grabbed a hold of your hoodie and clenched your fist into the sweatshirt material. There is still that sorrow and discontent underlying the ache in your heart, but there is another feeling, one that is unfamiliar, that is beginning to crawl and attempting to overtake the deep distress.

"Yuyu Shirai... Do you have any idea what you are doing to me?"

Curse yourself for having a soft spot for pretty girls like her.

Word Count: 2664

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