Nights of Hell | A roblox fli...

By iamtheprogamermove

294 6 15

"Well, if this isn't a prank, and there actually IS a murderer, are we gonna make it out alive?" When Mason E... More

Prologue: The Night Before The Torture
Chapter 1: Reunion...?
Chapter 2: The first murder
Chapter 3: Who?
Chapter 4: Target
Chapter 5: Defended
Chapter 6: One Down

Chapter 7: Finally, some rest.

15 0 1
By iamtheprogamermove

Lara's POV:

I yawned.

Had I slept through the action?

Kind of. I had to get up, give Quinn her muffin and fall asleep again.

I never heard a yell of pain, I must've been in a deep sleep.

I guess it I better look for the body, I thought. Actually, it was fairly quick to find it.

I looked behind my bed. What do you know, the body was there.

Her long hair soaked with blood. She sat, limp behind my bed. Her head lay on her lap.

I screamed. It was disgusting. And the fact she had been put right behind me.

"Guys!! Colleen is dead!!" I yelled.

Quinn hurried into the room, closely followed by Charlotte, Alab and Cash. The other sleepyheads followed soon after.

They stood still at the sight of the corpse. Okay, we expected it. It was, I realize, very similar to how Dash died. It wasn't so depressing this time, as we were beginning to get used to it, so not nearly so much crying.

However, we know you can never get 100% used to horrible deaths.

Quinn seemed really upset. So did Alicia. Both girls were crying.

Everyone else just looked shocked.

"That's brutal!" Alab cried.

"I agree!" replied Charlotte.

"So do I!" Mason said.

I just sat, staring at what was one of my friends. I could've trusted her.

But she wasn't here anymore. She wasn't as fortunate as I was.

I felt sick to my stomach.

"Can we discuss this somewhere else?" I asked. "I don't want to be stuck looking at her."

"Alright, It does not make me feel well anyway," said Cash.

We walked out of the room. I saw Quinn smiling weakly at her muffin. She seems so different when she is upset.

"I have no idea why some cold-hearted person would do this!" shouted Mason. "All I know is it is horrible!"

Agreed, I thought to myself.

"I wish we weren't here," Kai said softly.

"We all do," replied Marley, "but we are stuck here for now."

Silence. I felt just as angry as my friends, but I refused to show it.

"S-Should we just carry on with our usual activities?" Quinn asked, tears still running down her cheeks, but not so much of them."

"Alr-" I began, but guess who cut me off?

"Yes, you can go back to your normal stuff, but gather in 1 hour for the elimination!~" the speaker said. Gosh, that person, whoever they are, is really annoying at times.

I tore a piece of paper out of a drawing pad I found in a drawer, and began drawing a picture of a meadow, with flowers of all colors. About, lets say 50 minutes in, I finished. It looked rather pretty, in my opinion.

I walked up to Mason to show him. "Is it good...?" I held it up.

He smiled. "Its amazing! I wish I could draw so well!"

I came up with something. "Hey, I could try teach you!"

His eyes sparkled with joy. "I'd love that!"

I grabbed his hand and brought him over to my table. I said I would show him how to draw a sunflower.

8 minutes later, he showed me it. "Is it good?"

"You're a natural at this! Its brilliant!" I said. It genuinely looked really pretty.

"Alright! Time for you to go talk about suspicions, blah blah blah, and all the rest. 10 minutes!"

I sighed, and we walked to the couches.

About a minute later, we were all there.

"I say it was Lara!" Quinn cried. "She was next to the body!"

"No. She was saved by the medic. Can't be her. It might be you though!" Mason replied.

"I also think Quinn is pretty sus," Marley declared.

10 minutes flew by. Quinn trying to defend herself from a nearly obvious crime. Others blaming her.

"Voting time!~" chirped the speaker.

I voted Quinn. She must be evil, right?

"You have voted.... Quinn!" announced the speaker after we all finished.

She began to fade away. "You screwed up! I'm just a survivor!" she wailed. She disappeared.

A/N: Well, is Quinn what she says she is? Or just another evil member?  I'm updating daily now, since my school is on holiday also I am getting lockdown again (sad but happy noises) so yay. Also, I may have a workload on Christmas Day, I am planning on 3 whole chapters then because I'm rediscovering the joy of writing this. Also I am putting the dead characters role in now. 765 words this time. Cya!

Colleen: Survivor

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