The choice of destiny (s.m...

By butterflydreamers24

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This is a fictionary world with Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello. The world is divided in 4 groups: the Fire F... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chaper 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 34

183 8 1
By butterflydreamers24

Camila POV

As I saw Shawn enter the building, all the fear and worries suddenly disappeared for a moment and I ran towards him and jumped in his arms.

He held me tight and I felt my tears soak into his shirt. He stroked my back and kissed my head.

,,I'm sorry.." I said in his neck.

,,Why are you sorry?" He asked me softly, but I heard his voice breaking like he was also crying. He made me look at him, but still didn't put me down on the floor. He held me tight like he didn't want to let me go anymore.

,,I shouldn't have let you go to your house alone and-" I said between tears.

,,Mila, no! Thank god you weren't with me!" He said and wiped my tears away with his thumb. ,,Thanks to you they found us and that guy."

,,Why thanks to me?" I asked confused.

,,A woman, one of the officers, told us what happened or at least what she knew. As the guy broke in the apartment, you took Aaliyah and Stephanie and somehow you three got out of the building and you all started to scream and that was why the officers could hear you and find you." Shawn said even if he didn't know all the details.

To be honest, I don't know how I knew what to do. I did the first thing that came in my mind and it didn't matter how crazy it was.

I couldn't say anything, so I buried my face in his neck again.

,,Shawn?" I heard Miranda say softly and I looked up and saw that she was standing there with Mark and Juliet. ,,I think we need to talk about something. I have am idea, but I need all the leaders permission for it..."

,,What is it?" Shawn asked not letting me go.

,,Firstly, we need to talk about this in private. You can come back to Camila in a few minutes. I promise." Miranda said still softly and Shawn looked at me like he needed my permission. I nodded and he put me down, kissed my nose and went after Miranda and entered a room with all the leaders.

Suddenly I felt how someone came next to me and said:

,,They're gonna talk about you." I turned around and saw Layla.

,,What? Why?" I asked confused.

,,Do you really need me to answer that?" She said and just left.

They were talking about me? But I don't understand why.... Should that be something good or not?

Shawn POV

,,What's wrong?" I asked as we, the leaders, were alone in a room.

,,Well...I thought about something and I think it's a good idea, but I don't know what you and the other people who are gonna be 'affected' will think about..." Miranda said hesitating.

,,Just tell us what's wrong." I said to Miranda.

,,Okay.... Well Camila was the only one who escaped that monster. The rest of the possible leaders couldn't do it and neither could we." Miranda said.

,,What do you wanna tell us with this information?" I asked not understanding what she was about to tell us.

,,I think Camila showed more today that she's able to be a leader than she could have shown in any other stupid leader competition." Miranda explained and then I got it.

She was telling us that she wanted to make Camila a leader without that competition.

Joy and fear at the same time started to build inside me. If she officially becomes a leader there's gonna be more people after her, but she showed today that she can handle it...

,,I wanted to ask you if you think it's a good idea if we make Camila a leader without this stupid competition, because with this dead looking man problem we aren't always gonna be able to continue the competition. We won't gonna find the time for it. What do you think?" Miranda asked.

I knew the answer in my head. It was a clear YES, but my fear for her stopped me to say it out loud.

,,I think it's a good idea, but Camila has to be okay with that." Juliet said.

,,Exactly and we also have to ask the other participants if they think it's fair.”Mark said.

I was still quiet..

,,Shawn? What do you think?" Miranda asked confused because I didn't say anything by now.

,,Yes... Yes, of course I think it's a good idea, but she has to be okay with it." I answered.

I didn't let my worries for her destroy her dreams. I knew it wouldn't be right.

,,Okay then, let's get Camila, Spencer, Dana and Harry to see what they think about it." Miranda said and called them inside.

They immediately came in, Camila came to me and put her arms around my waist.

,,Okay.... I had an idea and the other leaders thought it would be a good one too." Miranda said and everyone paid attention to what she was saying, except me. I was just looking at Camila who in a few seconds will hear the best news. ,,I think we can name Camila the newest leader, because today she showed us more that she deserves this title than she could have shown in any competition." Miranda continued and as Camila heard her words, her eyes became bigger and she looked like she just saw an alien.

,,With what did she show that she can be a leader?" Spencer asked sassy, but shocked.

,,Well you are have been catched by that thing even we, the leaders, have been catched, but she hasn't been. I don't know how she did it, but she escaped him and helped two other people escape him too!" Miranda said impressed and I saw Camila blushing a little.

,,It wasn't my fault that I was asleep and that thing kidnapped me from my bed!" Spencer said bitchy.

,,I was asleep too. Okay? I woke up because of my phone. An unknown number was calling me and as I answered, the person on the phone was just saying my name. I hung up and he called me again. I hung up and then the security department called me and all of the sudden, the door bell rung. I watched through the door visor and saw that thing. He kicked the door open and I took my friends and we ran into a bedroom. We jumped from balcony to balcony to get out of there. He was all the time behind us! He catched one of my friends and my other friend and I attacked that thing to help her. And then, finally, Layla and the officers arrived and helped us. You know what Spencer? You may be better than me. And I really mean it. You MAY be better, but show it if you are. All you do is grumble and I'm getting sick of it like probably everyone else here! Grow up!" Camila said to Spencer and Spencer's face in that moment was unforgettable.

Just as Spencer opened her mouth to speak, Miranda interrupted her:

,,Spencer... Don't..." Miranda said with a soft voice. ,,So.... Camila our question is: Do you wanna become a leader? I mean now?" Miranda said and Camila smiled excited.

,,Of course I do want to!" She said excited.

,,That's... AWESOME. Is someone against Camila being the new leader?" Miranda asked and Spencer obviously raised her hand. ,,Someone else besides Spencer?" Miranda continued and Spencer made an offended noise. No one else raised their hand so Miranda said: ,,Perfect! Camila, I'm gonna make this official right now for all the Foxes and I want to congratulate you. Congratulations to you, the new youngest leader in the history!" Miranda said and everyone cheered.

My ice cream did it! She did!

I kissed her check and she looked so happy and excited. She deserved it. She deserved all of this.

She hugged me and whispered in my ear:

,,You know what this means?"

,,That you beat everyone including me. You beat every single person from all the cities. Now there's for sure no one who can break that record." I whispered back.

,,I don't care about that stupid record." She said and looked me in the eyes smiling widely. ,,THIS means I can go and see my family! You can meet my family!" She said excited and started jumping like a little rabbit. She was so happy and I loved seeing her like that. It made me happy seeing her like that.

Hi guys I'm sorry to tell you this, but I I'm not gonna be able to update this story as frequently as before.

And I also have to tell you that this book is coming to an end... :(

But don't worry guys I'm gonna post as much as I can so stay tuned for what is gonna happen next cause it's gonna be VERY interesting ;)

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