Perim Season 1

By Quahvoo23

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Based on original TGI card game franchise, "Chaotic". Including the animated series comes an all new fanficti... More

Episode 1 Welcome to Perim [Part 1]
Welcome to Perim [Part 2]
Welcome to Perim [Part 3]
Welcome to Perim [Part 4] [Finale]
Episode 2 Prank Gone Wrong [Part 1]
Prank Gone Wrong [Part 2]
Prank Gone Wrong [Part 3]
Prank Gone Wrong [Part 4]
Prank Gone Wrong [Part 5]
Prank Gone Wrong [Part 6] [Finale]
Episode 3 Happy Birthday Leo [Part 1]
Happy Birthday Leo [Part 2]

Episode 4 New Legend of Perim [Part 1]

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By Quahvoo23

In Underworld Castle

Chaor and Takinom are on their way to visit Perim Court along with Maxxor, Prince Mudeenu, Odu Bathax, and the rest of the leaders as they're counting on Khybon, Ulmar, Agitos, along with Rothar for backup for taking care of their baby daughter, Sapphire. Today this might gonna be a long road for them to get this done. Compare to the beginning of the episode.

"You Think???" said Rothar breaking the fourth wall.

Any who, Topaz is on his room playing Atari 2600 with Emerald and Raygon along with Baby Opal, Emerald's baby brother. They're playing "Space Invaders" (1978).

"Dude, this is quite amazing!!! The Atari game has so much classic systems." said Raygon smiling.

"I know right?? It's good to have you guys visit in my castle." said Topaz smiling

"No problem Topaz. Of course my mom and dad are on another mission to find other problems. I'm taking care of Opal to make sure he don't get trouble out there. Isn't that right, baby bro??" Emerald turn to Opal smiling.

Opal laughs out loud agreeing. Topaz and Raygon laughs too after that.

Back in downstairs at the living room

Agitos is making lunch for everyone in the castle. Khybon and Ulmar is doing some technology thing and made robot pet for Sapphire as she jumps on feeling happy. While Rothar and H'earring is watching the TV seeing comedies. They burst out laughing at the scene where the creatures fell downstairs and landed on a pie.

"Aw man!!! That's Hilarious!" Rothar laughs with tears in his eyes.

"You're Telling Me! This Never Gets Old During The Decades!" H'earring laughs as well with tears in his eyes.

"Yeah, I could see why this is getting well after all this years." said Rothar turning to H'earring.

Khybon walks towards them as he's seeing the TV. He blinks of seeing the comedies. He kind of do enjoyed it.

"Hey this is quite amazing. How come I not seeing these show." said Khybon smiling.

"Well you WERE busy doing your own thing with that DUMB technologies of yours, that's for sure." H'earring smirks.

"Hey Watch It!!" Khybon glares at H'earring.

"It's true, bro. You're always focusing on the thingy and never watching the comedies for years ever since when you were younger. Besides kids should suppose to watch cartoons with comedies that'll make them laugh. Even serious show as well." said Rothar turning to Khybon.

Khybon let out a sigh knowing they're right. "Yeah, Yeah, I get it. But come on, you know I always do technologies, gears, even weapons. After all, you wouldn't have anything, including the T.V., the video games, computers, etc. without inventing something."

Rothar and H'earring admitted it.

"Guess we couldn't complain and blame you now that you mention it. I suppose we could all agree for that, now because all thanks to this technology and some inventions, even TV, Video Games, etc., the world would be boring indeed." said H'earring smiling.

"See? And you thought my invention were DUMB, well guess who's DUMBER NOW?"

Meanwhile at Kiru City in Perim Court

The entire Perim warriors and royal leaders of the tribes, especially Marrillians are here too. The reason they have a meeting is because the "Heart Stone" has been stolen and missing!!! Okay, readers, this might gonna be the alternate origin I'm about to tell you so you'll have to bare with me. Ready?? Good. Now as you could see, unlike any kind of mugics, this heart stone is one of the most powerful object on the planet. Their ancestors knew about this and used it to keep both nature and harmony in balance. It has the power to prevent some chaotic, hatred, threaten, and most of all wars, that would cause such destruction upon the universe. Back in time, Kiru knew this objects and could sense something powerful as it was about to tell him to search some missing tribes, Heck, even tribeless too. In the morning Kiru order some troops to follow him and greet the other tribes, they met Mipedians, Danians, Marrillians, and some tribeless creatures. As soon as they greet each other and learn how to work together, Kiru greets the people for meeting other tribes as they were stunt to see their looks. Kiru, Vlar, Najarin, Funkdo, Masaba, Ajara, and the rest of each tribe leaders begin to search far away distance to find a castle. But luckily the monsters were easily defeated by the stone, Kiru's holding it. Vlar was more stunt to see the stones more rich and powerful than other treasures he stole back from Underworld. So at night while they were sleeping, he decided to take the stone out of Kiru's bag and begin leaving them behind. At morning the rest of the tribes woke up and as Kiru was more shocked to see that the stone in his bag were missing. They even wonder where Vlar went when suddenly they realized he might be the one stealing it. They were more rage when they begin to find him. Back to Vlar, he was at the forest trying to do something on how to deal with the Heart Stone. He begin to abuse it and forced it to make it work. But it didn't work. He begins to feel more wrath as if he starts to throws it when suddenly he didn't, because he was having more conscious for not abusing the stone as if he could understand it's speaking to him. As he stood there understanding what the stones telling him inside his thought, he begin to feel regret of the memories during his childhood. The stone has recall him on his flashback.

Now he decided to go back and return to find others but because its already afternoon, they might as well woke up and begin to wonder he kind of stole it. He's beginning to feel more regrets as the stone trying to speak to him. Back at Kiru and the others, they try to find castle to make sure Vlar's here but search nothing. Even though the humongous monsters defeated yesterday. They might as well be safe as if they walk towards the hallway and found him nothing. After many hours of searching Vlar, they begin to feel tired knowing he's definitely not here. So they left out of the castle and begin traveling to the jungle to see where he's at. Finally at night they could sense that Vlar was here in the cave with fires on as they begin to go run towards him with anger on they're faces. While Vlar was sleeping they begin to tie him up and grab the heart stone. They waited in the morning as Vlar begins to woke up knowing that he's tying up by the vine. They all were having arguments as Vlar tries to apologizing about what he did and tries to speak to them that the stone just talk him out of it. After he explains the story, they both wouldn't believe his fairy tales as Kiru's the only one believing him. He knew it as well that the crystal talks to him after he founds it. So he forgave Vlar's action while some of them don't. So after the arguments they begin to head back to the castle. But when suddenly they begin to capture by the giants who were defeated at the castle. But the heart stone has so much power as it free them out of captives easily. Each tribes knew that the stone was much more powerful as Masaba snatch it and keeps it to his tribe. The Danian ancestor snatch from it as well. The rest of the tribes begin to fight in argue during battles. This is what Vlar could sense what the heart stone might tell him. He and Kiru tries to break them up. But the more they begin to fight, the stone begin to transform more eternity as it absorbs them out of negative. They were more shock to see the heart stone doing such amazing things. The stone speaking inside of them and they realized that their hatred is the only thing that's causing the destruction. They now have to make up and learn how to unite each other for entire Perim and start creating such process upon many countries. They begin to invent modern times, educations, etc... Kiru became the lord of the Underworld, Vlar became the leader of the Overworld, Masaba and Ajara works along with Vlar but still became leaders, and the Danians, especially Marrillians, and Tribeless that were adopted into the some tribes are now one of the tribes, works along with both Kiru and Vlar as they were more working team. Together the heart stone might protect the Perim and tries to keep the world in balance for evermore. And that's the origin of how the Perim in this AU (means Alternate Universe) begins to change Chaotic into Peaceful United Nations in Harmony. But today in this generation as now, the heart stone's been stolen by someone which Maxxor, Chaor, and the rest of the leaders knew that it could be someone. So, they have to do something about it in order for Perim to be safe.

"Wow!! Nice explaining the story there, Narrator!!" said Maxxor smiling breaking the fourth wall.

No problem Maxxor. It was the least I can do to tell the readers.

"Indeed, that was quite explanation you have there. We do appreciate it." said Chaor smiling breaking the fourth wall.

"Alright everyone, calm down!!!" said Odu Bathax as every tribes begin to have attention as they turn towards him and all the leaders.

"Thank you, Odu. Now as the narrator said during the origin from our ancestors. This heart stone is the only object compared to other crystal land. It's the only objects that's having trouble of it. It has the power to create WIFIs, night lights, Bluetooths, lights on every streets, cities, and every countries in Perim, the radios, the TV, etc... It's been keeping us safe to make the world a better place. Now that the stone was missing or stolen by someone. But I or WE, could sense that someone might have create some chaos, hatred, destructions, and most of all bringing war back to where it was. I have a worst feeling that we'll all be doomed if we don't save the stone." said Maxxor with the speech.

"Indeed, so all we leaders have to do is to communicate the stone as it's telling us the problem. So that way, we could find someone who's causing all of this." said Phelphor looking seriously.

The rest of all tribes in Perim are murmuring in fear and worry to think what might have happened afterwards. They were more frightened, Heck, even the kids out there in the city in their house were more worrying as well while their watching TVs.

"But who??? Who would do such a thing to steal the humongous Heart Stone??? It's not like someone as Hercules who could've grab easily and steal it out of nowhere!!!" yelled Prince Mudeenu

"That maybe true, Mudeenu. But now that the stone is missing, SOMEONE who could've stole it to get something revenge or may cause to bring back Chaotic upon the world." said Marquis Darini.

"I think I'm about to have a bad feeling about this. Looks like this might gonna be a long adventure to save entire Perim again. The same thing we did with Yokkis during his pranks like two episode ago." said Afjak feeling worry.

"Oh Yeah, That." said Najarin.

"And that might be settle for the plan. Me, Chaor, Odu Bathax, and Prince Mudeenu are gonna go find the heart stone and bring it back where it once belong. In the mean time, the rest of the warriors of both tribes are still guiding and protecting the entire heritage while we're gone." said Maxxor.

"Hey narrator, can you do us a favor as we go along with journey to find the heart stones, if you may??" Said Prince Mudeenu breaking the fourth wall.

Sure thing Prince Mudeenu. I'll do my best.

"Thanks 😊." Prince Mudeenu smiles wide.

At Sunset in Kiru City Castle

Maxxor's taking all his stuff along with him such as, toothbrush, toothpaste (along with it), blue camping bed, mugics, and even some weapons just in case.

Intress shows up looking worry as she's seeing her husband going on a journey along with the leaders.

"So honey, it's that all enough items you'll need for the trip??" Said Intress smiling while trying to hide her sad expression 😔.

"Yep, that's everything I'll need for a backup. And also there's one more thing I almost forgot 😅." Said Maxxor as he sweats a bit and pat in his head smiling before he turn towards his wife.

"I just want you to know Intress, is that I love you with all my heart ❤ ♥ 💜 💖 💙 💓. I know what really inside of you. You're feeling worry for me the way I'm about to leave on a journey. But look on the bright side, at least our sons, Emerald and Opal will be safe once more until I get back, right?" Said Maxxor.

Intress blushed as she's looking her husband's orange-yellow eyes.

"I know, they'll be fine. Olkiex, Bodal and some other guards will take care of them. But I'm glad and also proud the way you become, Maxxor. And I love you too. You're already making a great leader and also a king of the Kiru City for the entire Overworld." Intress smiles ☺.

"Thanks hon. It's perfect that I now have you as my wife ever since we all spent together as friends, including our first marriage from 18 years." Maxxor blushes more and smiles 😊.

"Once we find that lost heart stone, let's just hope that the entire Perim will be safe in harmony."

"Mhm. Agree. You be careful now, dear." Intress smiles.

Maxxor nodded before he and his wife starts kissing for a love romance while both men: Chaor, Odu-Bathax, Prince Mudeenu, Phelphor, and Heptadd watching the whole time and start laughing quietly.

Once Maxxor and Intress noticing those men behind them who've watched the whole time. They start to blush even more embarrassment.

"Let me guess, you've all seen us kissing, didn't you? Maxxor sighed.

"Well yeah bud, when we both watched you do something more romantic, we try not to laugh so loud." said Chaor.

"But all in all, we could just forget this happened and should never tell anyone about this. Just between the rest of us who've witnessed it." said Phelphor.

"Oh yeah totally agreeing." Maxxor clears out his throat and continues. "Anywho, let's get this ship started gentlemen and go find that Heart Stone."

And so, they start with the launch and start heading outer space.

Intress's smiles starts to disappeared in sadness as she start to gaze the spaceship, seeing her husband along with the rest of the men leaving when the strong wind breeze with it.

In the Space Ship to travel outside planet into outer space

Both Maxxor, Chaor, Prince Mudeenu, and Odu Bathax along with Heptadd and Phelphor are on a mission to find the lost Heart Stone. Heptadd is the main to drive the ship while the leaders are using the map and the GPS to find it out there.

"Okay, guys listen up. This map shows us where we are. So our mission is to of course, find the Heart Stone. We figure is that it's actually outside of the Perim." Said Maxxor.

"Which is exactly could be someone out there who might be tribless or the lost tribes in Perim. Whatever they're planning to do it's not gonna be easy." Said Chaor looking serious.

"I do get that the stones were totally stolen by some lost tribes but seriously, we'll have to find some lost tribes if they DID steal it. Otherwise, we might gonna end up accusing someone." Said Odu Bathax agreeing.

"Indeed. But we have to be aware and stay vigilant that the heart stone is powerful of all the entire universe. It can also be seeing through our positive and negative energies within us. Even if it's peace or chaos. We don't know what's capable of. But I could assure that Perim is more vital for our lives. Our cultures, our traditions, our lands and countries we inherited by our ancestors." Said Prince Mudeenu.

"He's right. Which means we've got to go easy on the other tribes. I could definitely sense that the heart stones are actually taking by some other tribes that's missing. Also, me and the other Marrillians know all about the entire tribes." Said Phelphor.


"Well, actually our tribe ancestors forgot to tell you all about the others. You see, as we all know about our tribes, there are Overworld, Underworld, Mipedian, Danian, and Marrillians. But there are more tribes your ancestors forgot. There are more tribes out there not just the OUR planet, but the entire planets and universe as well." Phelphor takes his old ancient scrolls to show them.

Phelphor continues "Here is the lost symbols of each tribes. That five symbols is ours. But the others are different with each colors. The Aqua with a water symbol 💧 are called "Quamarians". These tribe are just both mermaids and fishmen. They do have two legs. But they're actually quite naked, but with clams covering their privacy. The next are Orange with square in the middle of tiny circles are called, "Tyru'ums". These tribe are like Mipedians but just some dinosaurs ONLY 🦕. The Purple symbol that has some heart ❤ with little bit of rainbow 🌈 are called "Ha'artipaeis". They're actually the aliens 👽 that look related to both Overworld and Marrillians. But they have some different kinds of cultures compared to ours. Next there is a big hand mark symbol with brown black colors are called, "Kolozis". They kinda look like trolls, goblins, gargoyles, orcs, and dwarves. The Elves are actually the Overworld tribe."

All of them just stood there amazed to see the hidden evidence that has kept throughout centuries. This was a lot of tribes they didn't expect more out there to exist.

"Oh my goodness!! That's a lot of tribes if you ask me!!" Said Chaor with his eyes widened and blinked.

"Indeed. Which is why we have to find them and greet them NICELY. So that way, they could all help us find the Heart Stone." Phelphor agrees.

"That's right, our mission is to resave the Perim. Hopefully once we meet other rest of them, nothing could get even worse." said Heptadd riding the ship.

And so they still flew away throughout every place, every realm, every land, etc. as they keep searching far, far away to find other lost tribes that has been separated throughout entire centuries.

Meanwhile At Kiru City Castle

The guards are indeed guarding the castle and every cities to make sure things would never go havoc. Tangath Toborn, Intress, and the rest of the warriors as well, are guarding every locations of the Perim. While Emerald is out there with his tribe friends back at Underworld Castle, having fun and relax that hopefully nothing ruins it.

Intress still looks a bit worried as she walks left and right just to feel worried that her husband could be killed.

Tangath shows up as he saw Intress's expression. He knows exactly what's going on.

"Intress???" said Tangath with a voice.

Intress gasp and startled a bit when she heard his voice.

"Tangath!!! I didn't expect to see you. Why are you here???" said Intress.

Tangath walks towards her step by step.

"I just want to know what's the matter?? You've been quite a bit worried after Maxxor and the rest of the leaders left out of this planet."

Intress let out a sigh. "Well It's just.... I know Maxxor is my husband and all that but..."

"But What???"

"It's just too hard for me to think that I'll lose him again. I mean after the two episode ago, "Prank Gone Wrong", when they both left to get the plant, trying to restore Yokkis for causing havoc upon Perim, everything was peaceful until THIS HAPPENS." Intress turns down feeling more desperate.

Tangath looks at her with a sad expression knowing that he couldn't blame her. He knows how it feels to keep the world a better place. He pats forwards her right shoulder and feels her pain.

"I feel what you feel, Intress. I really do. But now it's not the time to worried about Maxxor of what he's doing. Your husband will be fine. He's a strong warrior and a leader who would protect his tribes, especially his family no matter what he's out there. Right now you've got to worried about yourself." said Tangath comforting Intress with a calm voice.

Intress now realize, he's right. She has to worried about her and not her husband. Besides, Maxxor can worried about himself. Especially every warrior tribes who could worried about themselves, too. She smiles and nods at Tangath.

"You're right Tangath. Guess it's best I should worried myself for now. Thank you."

Tangath pridefully blush as he smiles at her. "You're welcome, Intress."

And so after that, Tangath leaves Intress alone letting her give some time.

Intress looks at the beautiful night sky with stars and moon shining down at her with soft breezing wind. She inhale and exhale of her nostril as her thought begin to think about her husband.

"Oh Maxxor. I just hope that you'll be okay once you returns. But right now, I got my own job to do to protect our kids. Including the rest of our people." Intress thought.

Meanwhile at Mount Pillar

The Danians are indeed guarding the cities too. The children and families stayed in their house until everything is all set and done.

At the warriors position, Bierk is walking around trying to find any danger coming by. He couldn't sense any danger, so everything's okay. He check his technological writing board to make sure that Mount Pillar is safe, once more.

"Alright, no danger coming by? Check! No ground rumbling aka earthquakes? Check! Okay, that's all set. Everything I've checked is all done. Phew!! So I guess it turns out Mount Pillar is A-okay!!" said Bierk smiling feeling relief as he finished it.

"Well, Bierk, I guess you've finished every list to find any danger. The Mount Pillar's safe, right?" That voice was none of than Tassanil.

Bierk turn to him as he shook his head.

"That's right, Tass. Everything in Mount Pillar is alright. I've got to say, this is quite a bit fun for the way I'm doing around here to check if there's any danger coming by. But all of a sudden, I didn't expect YOU to just walked by and ask me if anything's trouble." Bierk chuckles.

"Well, here I am now. So, now that you're all done with this list, do you want to come sleepover with me at my house?? There's were other Danians, Faash and Aimukk are already here. My kids will be fine even though Belle's out on vacation."

"Well, of course. Since you asked. I might as well take my 6 kids and let my wife "Aspi" know we're having a sleepover."

"Good! Then I'll see you later once you pick up your kids." said Tassanil cheering while still holding around Bierk's neck as they walk together.

At Tassanil's House

The Danian men are having much fun at Tassanil's house. Some of them are doing cigarettes, and playing Xbox video game they're playing is "Halo 3".

Bierk along with his 6 kids, three boys names are Anty, Waspi, and Termoc and the three girls are Anna, Blossom, and Cinndy walked towards his house.

"Kids. Now remember to behave in my friend's house including your friends, okay?" said Bierk.

"Okay, dad." said Anty, Waspi, Termoc, Anna, Blossom, and Cinndy.

Bierk starts ringing the bell to let Tassanil know that he's here. Tassanil has pizza and chips for the men's night out. He hears the door bell ringing along with Faash and Aimukk.

"Huh? Now who can that be?" said Aimukk.

"I'll go check who's there, Tass." said Faash, before he walks towards the door.

When he walks towards the door, he saw Bierk along with his kids standing in front of the door. He unlocks the door and let's them in and greets.

"Hey, Bierk!! So glad to see you come by." said Faash.

"Me too Faash. I'm glad to see you too. And Aimukk, also!!" Bierk smiled.

"Hi Bierk, I can see you brought your kids here too." said Aimukk happily greeting him.

"Yeah, I sure did."

Tassanil's son named, "Josh" walks downstairs to see what's going on. But then, he looks at Bierk and his 6 kids arrived. He gasp in shock to see his three friends, Anty, Waspi, and Termoc.

"ANTY, WASPI, TERMOC!!! I'm so glad to see you!!"

"JOSH!! We're so glad to see you too!!!" said Anty, Waspi, and Termoc, happily greeting him.

"Come Upstairs With Me, I've Got The Super Smash Bros. Along With Andrew And Ian!!"

The three boys were hyped up amazed with a huge smile on their faces. They turn to Bierk.

"Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Can We Go With Josh, Please??? Oh Daddy, Please???"

"Alright boys, you can go with Josh. But remember, no fighting each other, understand?"


"You too girls."

"Yes Daddy."

And so Bierk's 6 kids followed Josh upstairs to his room. While the men were relaxing as Bierk walks towards the couch and sits down while having conversation with Faash.

"So Bierk. How was it after you finished all the list to make sure there's no danger coming by?" said Faash.

"Well, Faash, I got to say. It was very exhausted. It took me 4 hours to detect anything to make sure if there's danger but luckily no. There's actually no danger, yet." said Bierk.

"Aww yeah, I feel you. But hey, on the bright side, you'll now have a full break with us on sleepover. Remember, it's always the days worth to cool yourself. Like for example, when we start doing our workout at the gym, doing the lifts, or running in miles, we start feeling fat burn during full miles. And as soon afterwards, we'll be tired afterwards and catch a deep breath." said Aimukk.

"Oh I see what you're saying, Aimukk. It was worth the try to keep everyone in Mount Pillar safe."

"Tell me about it, man. I've got to do all my works to take care of my boys. My sons, Andrew and Ian as twins are always keep fighting each other, arguing each other, and most of all teasing each other over and over and over again. But my little daughter, Sasha? She's always calm and happy while my older twin sons are becoming super noisy."

"I fell bad for you Faash. I sure hope your sons will get along in the future once everything is all over. And after all, I know how you fell. Cause of my twin daughters, Ranala and Malla are always drawing mark on my face while I was asleep. And one time, they would always scream loudly when they're afraid of monsters coming out of their closets. Me and my wife were tired of hearing them making noise." said Aimukk.

"Yeah, for what I know it could be so tough when we have kids, we'll have to make sacrifice in order to protect them. Now who wants some herbal cigarettes?" said Tassanil, showing up to the living room.

"Oh I'll have some thank you. I do. Oh please thank you that would be nice." said Faash, Bierk, and Aimukk happily picking each herbal cigarettes.

Back upstairs to the Danian Kids, Josh, Anty, Waspi, Termoc, Andrew and Ian are playing Super Smash Bros. while the girls, Anna, Blossom, Cinndy, Ranala, Malla, and Lana, Tassanil's daughter are playing makeover. Since Ranala and Malla are always thrilled with fashions.

"Come On, Anty!! You Got This!! Just A... Oh WoW!!!" said Andrew and Ian encouraging Anty.

"Don't Lose, Come On You Got This!! That Might Be The Way!!! Get The Item!! Get The Item!!!" said Josh and Waspi encouraging Termoc.

Anty and Termoc are battling to see who will win. Anty plays Mario. While Termoc plays Donkey Kong.

But soon enough when the time has ran out it turns out the winner is Anty as Mario.

"YESS!!! I DID IT, I WIN THE GAME!!!" Anty cheers as he fly up high with his wings.

"W-W-W-WHAT??? NO!! HOW DOES THAT HAPPENED!!!" Termoc's eyes widened in shock after he lose.

"Well, Termoc. You must've have so many damage than mine. So that would mean you lose and I win. Hehehe" said Anty, teasing Termoc.

"Oh well, what's the use. He does have a point there." said Andrew.

"Yeah, if the characters have so many damaged and defeats more over and over. Then it turns out you lose." Ian agrees.

"Well, even though I may lose. But I'll never give up for a fight as long as I shall live." said Termoc.

"Now that's the spirit, Termoc!!" said Andrew and Ian.

"Yeah, good luck for trying. If you can." said Waspi, sarcastically.

"Thanks Waspi." said Termoc.

"Alright boys. It's mine versus Andrew's turn to play." said Josh grinning.

"GO JOSH GO!!! GO JOSH GO!!! GO JOSH GO!!! GO JOSH GO!!!" Anty and Waspi cheers.

"GO ANDREW GO!!! GO ANDREW GO!!! GO ANDREW GO!!! GO ANDREW GO!!!" Ian and Termoc cheers.

The girls on the other hand watched the boys as they get annoyed.

"I got to say, those boys are always a no good barbarians." Ranala scoffs and rolled her eyes.

"Oh yeah sister. They always gets more fun while we sits there doing our make over. Boys." Malla agrees.

"Come on girls. They were only trying to have fun like we do. Besides, we love to play games. But hey I got an idea. If we could use some game called "I Spy" then we all "Boys vs Girls" will pick to choose someone that will spy something." said Lana.

"Oh Yeah!! That Game I remember!!" said Anna.

"Me Too!!!" said Blossom.

"Count Me In!!" said Cinndy.

"Okay, then let's wait until they're done playing Super Smash Bros." said Lana.

"Hmm. Oh well, I wouldn't mind playing the game if that makes you guys happy. Wouldn't you agree sister?" said Ranala.

"Oh yeah, I would totally agree." said Malla.

"Then it's settles. Even though Sasha is having fun with our baby brother "Beedo", we'll get ready at no time." said Lana.

And so the girls continued to do makeover while the boys still playing Super Smash Bros.

Meanwhile at Mipedim Valley

The Mipedians are enjoying the peaceful moment mining their own business. It was quite unique for the way all Mipedian warriors are doing their habits.

At Snaik and his father's (Ranun) House

Snaik is at his house, playing skateboard with his other friend "Rajani", the son of Headmaster Ankhyja. (The Mipedian boy lizard that is very calm and cool) They were having much fun every hallway, living room, kitchen and the attics making a mess. Snaik's father, Ranun is sometimes gets mad at his son for making a mess. Snaik didn't care about his father's reaction. He wants to do his own thing having fun, being sly, being so cocky, and being more lifestyle.

"Aww, Man, Rajani, this just keep getting more awesome than I ever thought!!!" yelled Snaik riding on the skateboard.

"I know, right?!! This is just incredible to see how your house gets!! We could just hang out while meeting our rock concert for all Mipedians to listen to our songs!!!" yelled Rajani having fun.

"Cool!!! What's the title of our song you wrote???" yelled Snaik.

"The song of the title I wrote is 'Can you feel the Rock!!' I wrote the amazing lyrics that I think you, Raygon, and the rest of the guys will kinda like it this one!!!" Rajani smirks pridefully.

Snaik was hyped up and excited after hearing the title of the lyrics Rajani wrote. "'Can you feel the Rock'??? That's amazing, Rajani!! Can I listen to it after we're done doing this???"

"Oh, of course you can, bud." said Rajani smiling.

And so their still doing the skateboard running around the hallway again. Ranun have finally arrive after he left to go take groceries from the store. His eyes are more widened in shock as he sees the house having a mess. He blinked for a moment. Then shook his head. He growled and begin yelling at his son's name.


Snaik and Rajani hears his father's voice. They gulped knowing he's finally arrived and saw the house getting trashed in.

"OH, CRAP!!! YOUR FATHER's BACK!!! WHAT SHOULD WE DO????" Rajani turn to Snaik and whisper with a fearful expression.

"DON'T WORRY, RAJANI!! I'll TAKE CARE OF THIS!!!" Snaik tries to calm him down.

Snaik came towards his father and gets annoyed hearing his nagging over and over. He came upstairs and acts cool.

He scoff at his father. "Yes, pap???"

"Why on Perim is there so many mess on our house???" Ranun growls as his he tries to lower his voice.

"Well, you see, me and Rajani were having fun with the skateboard. And-"




"Well, I wouldn't have messed up the house if you would just text me on the phone, saying "Hey, Snaik, I'm about to leave visiting my friend, Sobtjek for the mission. So I expect you to not do anything stupid while I'm gone." See?? It's just simple. You could've call me in the morning to let me know that you're leaving!! But no!! You just forgot to text me!!"

Ranun's eyes widened realized his son's right.

He let out a sigh and frowns. "Alright, alright. I get it now. And It's my fault. Maybe I should've told you that I'm leaving. I'm sorry, son."

"It's okay, pap. I'm sorry too. And you're extremely right. Maybe it's best I shouldn't make a mess around the house." Snaik frowns patting his father's arms.

"It's alright, Snaik. And you know, I was once a troublemaker just like you."

"What?? You were troublemaker too???"

"Yep. When I was your age back in the day. The same thing I did with my parents long time ago. I've cause so many trouble like: stealing cookies, cheating the test during school. And my parents kept scolding me when I do something bad. But until I got older starting young adult, I've changed and learned my mistakes. And I've learn from your friend's father. He told me that "Sometimes, people makes mistakes all the time. And at the end of the day, we can learn from it and changed into new version of us." And that's how life works no matter what difficult we faced." Ranun explained to his son.

Snaik was more shocked, but amazed when his father had explained to him.

"Wow, pap. That's amazing. I didn't realized before until now." Snaik smiled in shocked.

"Wait a minute, I've recognized that quote before. That quote sounded just like my father. He told me the same thing, too when I was a little Mipedian." Rajani came along upstairs and smiles. He just overheard them.

"RAJANI!! Did you just overheard us???" Snaik turns to his friend in shocked.

"Well yea. I decided to do so to make sure things don't go savage with you two as 'Father and Son', you know, after your arguments". said Rajani, smiles and blushed.

Ranun gulped. "Well yea, of course we did argue. Not just once, but all the time."

"Indeed. Come on, bud. Let's go clean up after making a mess for what we did in the house." said Snaik, grinned.

"Okay, dude. And for now on let's just play skateboard ONLY outside, shall we?" Rajani agrees.

And so the two Mipedian friends are doing their job making the house cleaner. Ranun was proud of his son cleaning up. Even though he and his son are arguing, like all the time. But they soon will have to make up for each other. Family can't broke apart. No matter what happened, we can't judge anyone's OWN purpose.

Meanwhile Back to the leaders in the ship which are now at space

It's gonna took a long road to find the lost heart stone after it has been stolen. Heptadd is still driving towards the ship, while both Maxxor, Chaor, Prince Mudeenu, Odu-Bathax, and Phelphor are eating some foods they've packed before they left. They just stood there and relax while Heptadd drives.

Odu-Bathax sighed feeling bored. "Well, now I'm getting bored. I didn't expect this trip to take too long."

Chaor agrees. "Yea, no kidding. We've been in this ship for like 10 hours. Not sure how much this travel's gonna take us on landing."

"Don't worry guys. I'm sure we'll find a new planet to land on something. Hopefully we'll find it as soon as possible." said Heptadd.

The men shook their heads and had no choice but to agreed. They'll just have to be patience until they find the planet.

"Alright, so our first mission is to find the planet called "Neptune". This must be the place where the other tribe, "Quamarians" lived." said Maxxor.

"Definitely. And the good news is, I can finally see the planet up ahead. Which means we're almost there!" said Prince Mudeenu.

And he's right. The men looked in front of the huge rearview windows and they saw a beautiful, most clean blue and green water of the ocean glowing around the planet. They were in shock when they first saw how planet looked like. This must be their first time of seeing a next first planet during outer space. And because for the first time in their lives, this has got to be one of the miraculous and wonderful world. Now, they know how their ancestors discover behind all the entire histories.

Planet Neptune

They reached inside the planet of the ocean. When they go through inside of the ocean planet, Heptadd press the submarine button as it transforms into submarine ship. They looked around the world full of amazing world that look exactly like Atlantis.

"Woah!! Look At This Beautiful Planet!!" Maxxor is amazed.

"Indeed!! This Is Something Our Ancestors Would've Wanted This To Discover All Over Entire Universe!" Phelphor agreed.

"Man, Wait Until Mezzmarr Sees This!! He Would Definitely Be Amazed And Shocked!!"

"Yeah!! And Kind Of Think Of It... Did You Guys Think That Mezzmarr.. Could Actually Be One Of This Tribe??? I mean, of course he's a part fish reptile creature in you two's tribe. But could it be that he must be the lost tribe??" asked Prince Mudeenu in realization.

When he said that, the men totally agrees what Mudeenu's said. They're now thinking the same thing.

"You know something, Mudeenu?? You.. may have a point there. As what you've mention of explaining the entire tribes before, Phelphor, do you really think he could be part of the Quamarian??" asked Odu.

Phelphor shook his head without saying a word first.

"I think We've Found The Evidence."

When suddenly the submarine ship is about to attack out of nowhere. The ship is having an alarm sound. They were more alert to know that they're about to be in danger.

"AHHH SHIT!!! WHAT ON PERIM JUST HAPPENED???" yelled Chaor in shocked and alert.


"COME ON GUYS!! LET'S HURRY!!!" yelled Odu-Bathax.

And so, they (except Phelphor, who is clearly a Marrillian) quickly grab the helmets as fast as they can. They put on their heads and used the protection. After that, they quickly jump out of the ship before it's about to exploded. They made it in time. Now they wonder who could've done this. The worst news is, because the ship has been blasted and destroyed, they can no longer travel back home.

Chaor growls in anger. He couldn't believe that now they're all trapped in this planet they traveled.






"Oh yes indeed! Got the GPS Too!! You see those greens flashing in there, that's us!!" said Heptadd.

"Great!! We'll just have to keep moving forward, hopefully we'll find someone that could help us." Said Maxxor.

Heptadd suddenly gulps after he saw all the red dots coming all around towards them. "Um, actually we can't.



"WHAT???" Maxxor, Chaor, Odu-Bathax, Mudeenu, and Phelphor yelled at the same time.

And when he said that they were definitely trapped by the guards all around them. What will they do now that they're trapped by all the guards???

The leader of the guards are speaking a strange bizarre language as they don't understand but Phelphor who could.

The language the leader spoke to them is "HALT!!! WHO ARE YOU CREATURES??? AND WHY ARE HERE IN OUR PLANET TERRITORY???!!!!"

Both men except Phelphor does not understand what that leader's saying.



"Don't worry you guys. I can speak to the Quamarian's language. We Marrillians have unique abilities on how to use every language around the universe." said Phelphor.

The men were shocked.

"What??" said Odu-Bathax

"You Marrillians could do that???" said Maxxor.

"Impossible." said Mudeenu.

"Yep. So bare with me cause this might gonna be a tough language." Phelphor floats towards the leader of the guards.

The men looked at each other before they looked at Phelphor speaking to the leader.

Phelphor gulps as he took a deep breath out of his nostrils before he start speaking a bizarre language.

And so he clear out his throat and begins. "Excuse me sir. We meant no harm towards all of you Quamarians. The reason we're here in your planet territory is because our home planet is in trouble. Because of the lost heart stone that has been stolen. We just need to bring it back before it would turn into Chaotic as we all know it."

The leader's understood it and is more shocked that he could speak to their language. He said "Hmm. How would we know you're telling the truth?? AND FURTHER MORE, HOW ON SEA COULD YOU UNDERSTAND ME??? DID YOU LEARN OUR LANGUANGE???"

Phelphor speaks "Well first off, I'll introduce you all guards to me and my friends. My name is "Phelphor". And I'm from another tribe called "Marrillians". These guys I'll introduced you since they can't speak your tribe's language but us. The two guys which is the green orc with the black spiky hair and blue purple marks around his body is "Maxxor". And the ball head creature?? His names "Heptadd". These two are not my tribe, but a different tribe called the "Overworlds". The one hot headed red demon reptile, his names "Chaor" The lord of the Underworld tribe. The one Spider Creature is "Odu-Bathax". His own tribe is called "Danians". And last but not least, the one golden dragon's name is "Mudeenu". His own tribe is called "Mipedians"."

The leader is more amazed and said. "Interesting. We've never realized there's so many tribes along with the universe. Well then, allow me to introduce you myself. My name's "Jinbei". I'm the captain of the guards of this tribe. And my apologies about your ship. We just thought you're a Dark Chaos that would attack our planet."

Phelphor forgives him. "It's alright, my friend. But did you said a Dark Chaos??"

"I'll explain to you once I introduce you to King Fisher Tiger. In the meantime, you'll be safe in our planet once we fix your ship after the mess we've done."

Phelphor smiles and shook his head. "We would love that."

And so the guards took the men of Perim to the chariots and hopped on as they start to float and riding on towards the castle. Now that we know the half origin of how it started, the guys will hope that the Perim will be okay once they find that heart stone. Because Dark Chaos is still out there somewhere to take over the planet. What will they do now that their ship is destroyed?? Can they find the stone on time. Or will the Perim be in danger forever?? We'll find out next on "Perim" (Chaotic Alternate Universe).

To Be Continued...

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