Prank Gone Wrong [Part 6] [Finale]

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Meanwhile At Kiru City

The entire tornado and falling dark monsters has spread across the city, the house, library, and the castle as well. The entire Overworlders in the house ran away each other screaming. The warriors are trying to defeat the dark creatures as they can. However, things are not gonna be very easy for them. They hopefully wish that Mommark, Maxxor, Chaor, and the others better hurry up ASAP before the entire Perim's in danger.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!" yelled an unknown Overworlder screaming as he runs.

The dark creature jump and attack on the another unknown Overworlder as he screams on the ground feeling torture and pain. Frafdo quickly use his arrow and shoot towards the dark creature for saving the guy.

"ARE YOU ALRIGHT SIR????" asked Frafdo as he grabs him knowing he's definitely injures.

"Y-Y-Y-YEA, I'M FINE JUST A HARMFUL SCRATCH. UHHH!!!" an unknown Overworlder felt more pain as his blood begin to drop by his full of injure.

"DON'T WORRY I'LL TAKE YOU TO HOSPITAL!!!" said Frafdo as he holds him and float to the hospital.

Tangath Toborn use his sword to attack the dark creatures and soon as he did, he heard his son screaming in horror knowing he got hurt. His eyes are widened as he runs to find him. When he did his eyes are still widened as his tears begin to form down his cheeks. Leon got injured by a dark creatures around the library trying to protect the kids. One of his friends. Tangath angrily with his tears run towards the dark creatures and slice it in half. After that he grab his son. Seeing his injures badly. Leon turns to him as well.

"LEON!!!! LEON!!! ARE YOU OKAY?!! SPEAK TO ME!!!!" Tangath gently speaks to Leon as he start to speak.

"D-D-Dad, I try to be a warrior. I try to protect the kids just like you." said Leon as his tears begin to form laying on his father's chest.

Tangath shoosh him gently letting him know that everything gonna be alright as the all kids just stand there witnessing. They frown more.

"There, There, It's gonna be alright, son. You did everything you could. I'm very proud of you." said Tangath Toborn still had tears down his cheek.

"Dad, I don't understand of why does Yokkis keep doing the harmful prank??? I just don't get it." said Leon.

"Neither do I, son. But we'll have hope once Mommark, Maxxor, Chaor, Najarin, and the rest of the guys be back with the plants." Tangath gets up and grab his son and take him to hospital.

"And Kids, follow me but stay vigilant just in case if the dark creatures are after you, understand?" said Tangath as he turns to the kids giving them command.

They both nodded as they run towards him behind on outside.

They walk and spy carefully and saw the people of the Kiru City screaming and run away until they finally reach to castle. Bodal saw Tangath still holding his son looking more injure. His eyes are widened as he back away from him towards the hospital. Giving him space.

He took him to the hospital and lying him on the bed and still look after him just in case if the dark creature better not appear in the castle trying to attack them.

"There. Now you're safe in the hospital. I'll look after you just in case the creatures better not show up." said Tangath smiling as he pats on his son's arm.

"Thanks father." said Leon smiling.

The kids are also stay in the hospital with Tangath to make sure they're all safe once more.

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