Episode 2 Prank Gone Wrong [Part 1]

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At Yokkis's Hut

An overworlder rainbow creature, named Yokkis is planning many pranks on all the tribes during these days. He couldn't find the ideas how to pick items for because remember it's April Fools day. That day was one of his favorite holiday to prank more on all of them. 

"Hmm, I couldn't decide where to pick and and where to choose. Maybe I'll ask Mommark!! He'll Know What To Do!!!" Yokkis snaps with the idea popping his light bulb. 

At Castle Mommark

"NO!!!" said Mommark with a stern look.

"NO?!" Yokkis is surprised and shocked. "What do you mean no?!!"

"Because I said so, Yokkis. I'll never help you plan on doing anything stupid, just to prank others!"

"Ahh Come On Mommark! I know that you're still upset about how I almost and accidentally-"

"Don't you mean "purposely"?"

"Yeah.. I mean, "Purporsely"." Yokkis chuckled nervously as he continues. "pranked you during last year. But I promise it won't go bad today if you would please help me with this."

Even though Mommark would want to believe him but couldn't. He and the rest of all people of Perim knows Yokkis. And he'll do whatever it takes to secretely trick on people. Yokkis gives him with a cute puppy eyes, begging for his help.

Mommark facepalm in annoyance, knowing exactly what Yokkis is pulling off.

"Listen, Yokkis. I understand that you want to prank others. Just because today's "April Fools". But I'm still not gonna trust you with this! Not after everything you've caused around Perim!" Mommark gives a serious stern towards Yokkis.

"BUT WHY NOT?!!" Yokkis starts whining.

Mommark rolled his eyes. "Ahh gee! I don't know. How about we go back to the flashbacks and see WHY?!" 

Mommark breaks the fourth wall. "Hey narrator! Rewind the flashbacks, please."


The flashback shows both Arias and Viqtarr were enjoying their time talking and walking around in Pouril Forest. When suddenly, they heard a strange familiar sound coming right behind them. The loud buzzing sound comes from and reveals the outrageous bees. The two overworlders were shocked and screamed and start ran away as fast as they could but unfortunately, they've reached dead end to where there's no way out! They look behind the bees growled in front of them. The two hug each other in fear and then gulped. The bees starts to sting them painfully while they're screaming in agony. Later at sunset, both Arias and Viqtarr groans in agony looking so much injured and huge bumps around their bodies. Viqtarr then saw the paper that was stuck in the tree. He and Arias read it and it was "April Fools" showing the drawing of Yokkis face laughing hysterically. They both growled in annoyance.

The next flashback shows a green chubby mipedian named Ario was just enjoy eating the delicious strawberry mango pie. But after he finished eating the whole of it, he starts hiccup revealing huge bubble appearing out of his mouth. His eyes widened in surprised to know what was going on. When he saw the paper, he looked at it and shows "April Fools" with the drawing of Yokkis face laughing hysterically. Ario growls in rage realizing he's been pranked. He continues to hiccup as the bubbles begins to grow and grow and grow and then CUBOOM!!!

The next flashback shows Khybon is doing all his usual mechanics with modern technology. But for some reason, some mechanics starts to power up itself out of nowhere. Khybon looked shocked and confused knowing what was going on. He ran downstairs immediately while trying to fix the rest of them to make them stop. Suddenly the gear starts to become like a magnet all around the lab. Khybon yelps and dodge quickly. He dodged over and over when suddenly the gears starts to hit him brutally. It starts to beat him up one by one as he's looking more bruise than ever. Then suddenly the glove gear punch him with the nugget. Khybon dropped his knees and fell down to the ground as the gears finally stopped and went back to normal. Soon, H'earring, Ulmar, Rothar, and Illazar show up downstairs and look shocked seeing Khybon's injuries and pain with tears falling down his eyes. They ran towards him with help. Ulmar dropped his knees helping Khybon. But then, H'earring saw some paper that was stuck beside the glove gear that punch Khybon's nugget. He looked the paper and was shocked what he saw. Showing "April Fools" with the drawing of Yokkis face laughing hysterically. H'earring growls in anger and shows the rest of them. They were also shocked and angered by what H'earring showed them. Especially Khybon who was even more outrageous.

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