Fading Into Darkness [ON HOLD]

By BackFromHell

7.8K 497 398

After disobeying their parents' rules and crashing a party, twin sisters Bella and Paige are sent to St. Forr... More

Chapter 1: Paige
Chapter 2: Bella
Chapter 3: Paige
Chapter 4: Bella
Chapter 5: Paige
Chapter 6: Bella
Chapter 7: Halloween [Part 1] Paige
Chapter 7: Halloween [Part 3] Paige

Chapter 7: Halloween [Part 2] Bella

371 15 12
By BackFromHell

A/N Sorry for the really late update! I was gonna update 2 days before but I wanted to update it today (It’s my birthday) :D LOL! The next one will be quicker than this one :) (I Hope) Anyways, Christmas is coming up and I am so happy.

  HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! I might not be able to post another chapter before Christmas because I’m going to be very busy.

  Anyways, do you like my new cover? I absolutely hated the old one, it was piece of rubbish; I don’t even know why I kept it.

  I have dedicated this chapter to @weirdhyperinsane. She has read, voted, commented in every part of my story so far. So thank you so much!!!




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Chapter 7: Halloween (Part 2)

-Bella’s POV-

Detention is a place that no student wants to be in, especially on a day like Halloween. Unfortunately, my misfortune lead to me to said place. Admittedly, I had never had a detention before. In my previous school, I stayed out of trouble; or tried my best to not get caught. It had worked well; until know.

  I shifted uncomfortably on my chair and rested my elbows on the table. Headmistress Jones sat on the chair behind the teacher’s desk. Her eyes strictly gleamed at me behind her outdated glasses.

  “Two more hours,” she briskly said while observing the clock that was stuck on the wall behind me. I dared not look back. Was she even allowed to give more than an hour’s of detention? This teacher seriously had some problems.

  The room suddenly seemed dull to me. The shadowy walls gave an eerie vibe. The light dimly flickered. I gazed up at it, it flickered like a fire.

  “Something’s wrong with the bulb,” I commented, staring at Jones. Jones gave me a startled look. She raised a thin eyebrow at me, quizzically. I pointed at the ceiling, where the bulb hung from. She looked up, slowly removing her glasses from her face.

  “There’s nothing wrong with the bulb, Ms Perkins.” Jones firmly said. I, once again, looked up. Sure enough, the light still flickered.

  “Yes, there is.” I said. “The light’s flickering.”

  “Is this your attempt of a dense joke?” She sternly questioned, slowly getting up to her feet. I stared at her, dumbfounded.

  “What?” I asked, baffled. Did I say something wrong?

  “There is nothing wrong with the light, Ms Perkins. It is not flickering.” She said, her eyes piercing into mine like a thousand knives. “I do not remotely find this joke of yours funny.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” I asked. Now I was completely perplexed.

  “Do not talk to me in that manner!” She chided, her face now turned into a slight shade of red. I opened my mouth, however due to her deadly glare, I closed it again.

  Suddenly, there was a shrill of laughter which echoed through the corridors and into the room which Jones and I were in. Jones head snapped towards the door. I could almost see her ears perk up.

  “Quiet Lizzie.” A familiar, male voice hushed. Soon, there followed an annoying giggle. I glanced at Jones; she had her arms crossed firmly across her chest as she intently listened.

  “I think we should go somewhere more private.” A feminine voice, most likely Lizzie, said.

  “What’s wrong with here?” The male said again. Where had I heard that voice?

  “Will.” Lizzie moaned. I knew I heard that voice before. It was Will from a few days ago. “Do you want to go to my room? My roommates won’t be back until midnight.” Lizzie suggested giggling. I made a gesture of vomiting. Jones still stood there, not making an attempt to move. I could see her eyes narrow every second.

  “Okay then,” Will said, his voice husky. Suddenly, there was a sound of something unzipping. That had irked Jones. She straightened up and stomped out of the classroom, he her heals irritably clicking.

  “What is going on here?!” Jones almost shouted. I could mentally picture Will and the slut he was with; both of them shocked and their faced drained of colour.

  “H-headm-mistress Jones.” Lizzie stuttered, fear blatantly shown in her voice.

  “Get your hands of her!” Jones rebuked. I stifled a chuckle. They were in serious trouble. “Wait out here!” She then stormed in, her face livid.

  “I will be gone for awhile and I expect you to be sitting right here when I return. Understand?” She said and then she set her mouth set in a firm line. I swiftly nodded. Without another glance at my direction, she stormed out the room, slamming the door in process.

  After she was an ear-shot away, I jumped off of my seat and swiftly exited the room. No way in hell was I going to stay in that wretched room. Before leaving, I glanced at the clock. It read 8:30pm. I hurriedly walked down the corridor.

  I aimlessly walked through the corridors, not actually knowing where I was going. I soon heard the deafening music that echoed through from the auditorium. I scowled. I truly did hate Halloween. Various students sauntered in and out of the auditorium, cheerfully laughing with their friends. Some were actually dressed up as gruesome, evil creatures, and some looked like they just came out of a Disney movie.

  One girl especially had irritated me. She wore a tight long dress which clung to her body like another layer of skin and has a long—what looked like a staff—held in her hand. Her face was made pale white and her hair was delicately frizzed up. Who the hell was she trying to be—snow white? She stood at the entrance and had criticised everyone that had went past. Some had simply ignored her, almost as if they were oblivious to her remarks and some had truly looked offended.

  Ignoring the temptation to walk up to her and smack that smirk right across her face, I plainly walked past her, hoping not to interact with her. Unfortunately, she had other ideas as she rudely—and might I add annoyingly—called me.

  “Oi!” She had called. I gave an inaudible sigh and turned around to come face to face with her. “What are you s’pose to be?” She asked, her voice suddenly infuriating me more. I wanted to throttle her throat.

  “A sparkling fairy princess,” I said with sarcasm blatantly evident in my voice. She raised a brow, clearly not amused.

  “You trying to be funny?” She asked, suddenly offended.

  “No, I’m trying to be an elephant.” I retorted, my voice matching hers. Once again, she was not amused.

  “Are you mocking me?”

  Wow, she sure did ask a lot of questions. I had to bite back a sarcastic retort. Instead of giving a witty reply, I simply shrugged. When she said no more, I turned around and began to leave.

  “Oi!” She called again. This time I did not reply, instead I just carried on walking. “Next year for Halloween, remind me to borrow your face.” She shrieked and gave a shrilly laugh. It took all my might not to go back and kick her in the shin. However, I restrained myself and slowly walked away.

  I had no idea where to go. I certainly did not want to go back to detention; it was the last place I wanted to be in. Abruptly, my mind reeled to Chester. The night at the balcony swivelled in my mind. Somehow, I couldn’t get that night out of my head. Not only was it clear in my head, I still remembered his gentle, soothing voice which much resembled one that lurked in my nightmare; only that the voice in my nightmare had been icy and cold.

  Did he really have to lie about his name? His demeanour and appearance suddenly gave me a chill. To say that my encounter with him was strange would be an understatement. I meet him at night, in a place that’s meant to be restricted and suddenly I don’t hear from him again. It almost seemed like I had dreamt the whole night; yet it felt so real.

  I came to an abrupt stop when I surprisingly spotted someone. It was Spencer. He was hunched over, leaning against one of the lockers, his mask in his right hand which limply hung low. What was wrong with him? Hearing the sound of me walking towards him, Spencer jolted his head towards my direction.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked. “Shouldn’t you be at the party?”

  He shrugged, however no words escaped his lips. He looked back down and observed his shoes and he started fiddling with his mask.

  “You okay?” I asked. He nodded, not meeting my gaze. I huffed. Why was I even here? It’s not like I gave a damn about what his problem is. I gave one more wary glance at Spencer and then strolled away and continued my voyage through the corridors.

  It was silent. I was aware that I was now probably a good distance away from the party. I finally reached the doors that lead me out of the building. I exited the building and the icy winter’s air surprised me with a quick blow to my face. It was only October and the weather had become increasingly cold. I glanced to my right at a wooden fence; that was the way that Chester had leaded me out of the school and towards the bridge. I groaned, my mind had wondered to Chester again. I really wanted to stroll up to Chester and twist his ears for lying to me. I pondered on that thought and now I knew exactly where I wanted to go.


  I gently walked up to the bridge; and my doubts were correct. There, gazing out to the half, shimmering moon, was Chester. I angrily stomped towards him, getting ready to throw my insults at him. Upon hearing me nearing him, he turned his head slightly towards me. My eyes connected with his and the insults that I had ready died in my throat. And then, he smiled.

  “Bella,” He softly said. My mind went back to the nightmare I had a mere few days ago. His voice was so similar to it that it was uncanny. “I wondered when I would next see you,” he said, his smile widening. He spoke those words in such a tender and virtuous voice. However, I couldn’t help but sense a threatening vibe coming from his voice. The unconscious part of my brain suddenly told me to run and never look back; to stay away from Chester. However I couldn’t, it was almost like my feet were rooted to the ground.

  “Che-“ I began and then suddenly stopped. His name was not Chester. I gave him a scowl which he was completely oblivious to as he continued to smile.

  We stood in silence for a few seconds. The water underneath us gently rippled. Both strong and soft wind rushed past us. I remained scowling at him as he maintained his smile. I couldn’t take the silence anymore.

  “What’s your name?” I questioned with a dash of anger tracing my voice. He now looked confounded. He stood up straight and his steel, grey eyes bored into me.

  “What do you mean?” He asked. “It’s Chester. I alrea-“

  “Your real name,” I cut him off and enquired. Once again, he was at loss.

  “I don’t know what you mean.” He told me, baffled. However, somewhere deep in his confused face I saw a hint of a smirk. His eyes glinted and suddenly I was surrounded with a sense of iniquity. Was I imagining this?

  “Y-you k-know what I mean?” I stuttered. He slowly neared me; his face still maintained the bewildered look. Nevertheless, the dire feeling still engulfed to me.  

  “No, I do not.” He said. His voice now held an icy tone, which would have gone unnoticed. However I noticed it. My brain still yelled at me to run away; far away. However, I could not bring myself to do it.

  “You’re name is not Chester.” I boldly said, standing my ground. “There is no Chester Sullivan in this school.”

  His expression suddenly changed in a split second. It was so quick that if you blinked you would have missed it. It changed to a look filled with malice. However, as soon as it came, it was gone. It reverted back to the soft and angelic expression.

  “My name is Chester Sullivan.” He finally said.

  “Don’t lie!” I shouted.

  “I’m not.” He firmly said. His face held a raw expression, an expression that I never deemed to exist, especially on his endearing face. “Have you ever been bullied?” He abruptly asked.

  I stared at him, bewildered. The random question that had escaped his lips baffled me along with the rise of deep curiosity. Why had he just asked me that?

  “What?” I asked, not sure on how to reply to his, apparently serious question.   

  “Have you ever been bullied?” He asked, this time more clearly and softly. He stared at me and searched my face for answers. I dared not speak, mostly because it seemed like my voice had magically disappeared.

  I pondered on the question. Had I ever been bullied? I mean, sure there were times when ruthless people made snarky comments about me; however I was never actually brutally bullied. And as for the people, who teased me, I dealt with them in my own way and they never once again crossed paths with me. I lightly shook my head.

  “Do you know how it feels?” He asked, rhetorically. His voice now held a deep desperation and gloom. I felt myself feel sorry for him, even though I had no idea why.

  “Do you know what they use to call me?” He asked. Once again, I shook my head. I had no idea how this—his random questions—linked in with why he lied about his name. “Do you want to know?” His voice yearned for something; something completely unknown to me. I was not sure if I wanted him to tell me anymore. I wanted him to return to the cheerful boy that he was a few nights ago. Curse me for bringing this stupid thing up!

  “Chessy.” He whispered, almost inaudibly. His voice was filled with disgust and shame. His eyes glistened. “They called me Chessy! They hung me to poles. They taunted me, poked fun at me, abused me! They brutally beat me up, until the point I couldn’t take it.” His eyes glistened with unshed tears. My heart thudded extremely hard. I was afraid he could hear it. I opened my mouth to say something, however he continued. “I couldn’t tell anyone. Not the teachers. Not any of the classmates. Not even my parents!” His voice cracked at the end. “I couldn’t tell anyone!” He bellowed, a few tears now gently trickling down his face.

  “Chester,” I softly said. I tenderly placed my hands on his shoulder, compassionately.

  “I couldn’t take it anymore!”

  “Chester, what happened?” I asked.

  “I had to do it!”

  “Do what?”

  “I had to!”

  “Chester, you’re not making any sense. What did you have to do?”

  “Jump.” He whispered. I furrowed my eyebrows, utterly puzzled.


  “Yes, I jump. I jumped out from that balcony where we first met. I jumped and I died!”

  I stared at him in shock. Was he playing some kind of joke? No—he couldn’t be. His face looked to sincere. The painful tears that strolled down his cheek sent a stab to my heart. He surely couldn’t be dead. That is not possible.

  “Chester...” My throat suddenly felt fry. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know what to say. “You c-can’t be dead.” I finally whispered. “You’re here, alive and well.” I said. He shook his head.

  In a blink of an eye, his expression changed. His eyes were cold and dark. His set his mouth in a straight line. He came towards me, dangerously. He heatedly gripped my arm in a vice-like grip.

  “I’m dead!” He uttered. His eyes pierced into me like a sharp knife. I suddenly felt light-headed. My vision blurred slightly. “Bella, I need your help.”

  I stared at him through my foggy vision. One part of my mind was begging me leave and the other part persuading me to accept his help. Gradually, the part of my mind which pleaded me to run weakened and the other part triumphed over it.

  “What do you need help with?” I asked. I had no idea why I was still here or why I was actually agreeing to help him. It was like he had some sort of powerful hold over me. It was like he was doing the thinking for me. I felt devoted to him and I was at his command and the last thing I heard was...



That is the end of the chapter :) I hope you enjoyed it; I enjoyed writing it :P

  Anyways, what do you think about Chester?

  What do you think is going to happen next?

  What do you think has happened to Bella?

Thank you so much for reading this :) I really appreciate it and would love some feedback. PLEASE:




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