Barbed Lives ☑️

By JustDream431

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What would you do when you meet ONE ray of hope of survival in a hell you entered hand in hand with Satan? Wo... More

1. Goodbyes
2. Welcome
3. Settling Down Or Setting Up?
4. Forbidden
5. Signed Up
6. Odd One
7. A Ray Called Hope
8. Burghers
9. Barbecue
10. You, Who?
11. Stoneheart
12. Armour
13. ZizZ
14. Sellout
15. U-turn
16. Ashes
17. Top-up K.
18. Abs-orb
19. Bond
20. King-hit
21. A Royal?
22. Side Subsidy
23. Whites
24. Bottoms
25. On The Roll
26. Call me KING!
27. Overruled
28. Weak Nerve
29. Penultimate
30. First Site
31. Patootie
32. Insight
33. You What?
34. Answers & Questions
35. Confrontations
36. Denied
37. Valazire
38. Integrations
40. Accepted
41. Uncoupled
42. Frenemies?
43. Pack
44. Chatter
45. A Star Is Born
46. Understandings
47. Purely Fire
48. Professor Prophecy
49. Amigo
50. Roll Down
51. That's It.
52. The Finale
53. Rat-traps
54. Life Updates
55. Leap Of Faith
56. Wreckage
57. Numbing Needles
58. Slices And Stitches
59. Why does the Sun set?
60. Hello There
Author's Notes

39. First Mission

838 53 59
By JustDream431

"From today, you are allowed to use Class-I agent before your name."
General Warren said proudly signing me as an agent officially - on papers.

"Congratulations boy. You did it!"
He stood up and shook my hand firmly.
Can't say that didn't feel great, but it wasn't as surreal as being selected for the training after clearing the trials. Nothing beats that feeling!

"Thank you for the esteemed support, sir."
I replied formally.

"You won't be thanking me a lot, son."
He scoffed and I gulped.
What was he going to do next?

"You and your team are going for a Class-I mission."
He said getting serious.

"HQ officials still haven't gotten over their insult. They will be keeping an eye on all of you - specially you. So you need to be careful and come back intact."
He whispered the last part.

Damnit my training just got over and they were ready to fry me in boiling oil!
Though I was really excited for my first mission, the pressure was just too much!

"Mission is in two days. You and your team will be briefed soon."
He said, I saluted him and left.

I reached mess to find everyone kicking Major Marks fallen on the floor while he covered his head with his hands.

"What the hell?"
I shouted and all of them stopped and turned to me. Only then I saw a wide grin on all their faces, including Marks.

"Have you all gone insane, or am I hallucinating? You're beating him and he's laughing?"
I jerked my head.

"We're kicking the evil eyes from him."
Neil answered.

"That's a new one. Why does he have evil eyes on him in the first place?"
I questioned still suspicious.

"Tell him the good news, sir."
Blundell said in a teasing tone.

Marks was lying on his back. He rolled sideways to prop up on his elbows.
He had big fucking smile on his lips.

I raised my eyebrows running out of patience.
"I'm going to be a father."
He grunted happily.

"Shut up! Sarah's pregnant?! You just got married two months back!"
I screamed.
It was such a great news I wanted to punch somewhere!

That's exactly why he was getting beaten.

"Can I kick him too?"
I asked the guys with rising adrenaline.

"Join us!"
Kelly shouted and they all started kicking him again. I rushed and placed few packed ones on his waist. It would sting but won't do any serious damage.

"Stop it!"
Marks kept pleading.

When we all were done, we stepped back.
He turned around to face all of us from the ground.

"I swear another kick and my child would never see my face!"
He said breathing heavily.

We all laughed. Nelson pulled him up.
"Drinks on me."
He said grunting.

"Ofcourse it's on you. What's the need to inform?"
Neil said in no shit tone.
Damn. He stings.

But Marks was gleaming in happiness. And why wouldn't he?
He had taken a short leave to officially propose Sarah. Things turned out so well that they got married ten days later. None of us could attend his marriage at such short notice. Commander extended his leave as a gift. I just heard that he returned this morning only to find him being kicked.
Lucky ass.

"Too quick huh?"
I elbowed him whispering on the way to Bar.

"Had to. Who knows when I'll see her next. Your boss bitch will take us to missions and get us screwed, I can't take risk."
He winked and I laughed my ass off.
Good strategy.

"I heard that!"
Neil called from distance.
Ofcourse he did.

Marks just laughed and walked ahead.
"I hope things turn out well for him."
I honestly prayed.
"That's what we were praying when you joined."
Kelly said chuckling.

"Alright fill your glasses!"
Marks called us and we cheered for his happy beginning.

After having a few drinks we decided to call it a night.

"I have an announcement to make."
Neil said seriously and everyone straightened up.

"We're going for our first ever mission as a team with James and Kelly along. Commander will call us tomorrow for the briefing. I suggest that all of you ring up your families and make some excuses for not being available for next one week."
He said sternly.

It hit me that this call could be the last one for any or all of us.
Fuck the business was dangerous.


"He's sweating."
Kelly reported.

"Such a kid."
I could imagine Neil rolling his eyes.

"Shut up. He's a teenager. What did you think? He'll put up an Oscar winning performance?"
Marks whispered into his earpiece since he was the closest to the boy carrying a case of drugs, rather - being a delivery boy.

"James you're ready?"
"Hell yeah."
I was ready to pull him by his collar and drag him into the trunk as soon as lights go off.

Everything was according to plan.
But the kid was so fucking nervous I was scared he'd pass out before even reaching the spot I was waiting for him at.

He took out a cigarette from his pocket and sealed it with his dry cracked lips.
And fuck my luck he forgot his lighter.
He stopped in his tracks and started checking his pockets. He turned his head back contemplating whether to go back or keep moving.

Damnit the lights would go off in forty seconds. What the fuck was he doing!
If he takes the turn back, we'll be fucked!

"Need this?"
I said in a comfortable tone buying all his attention.

"James back off! What the heck? They can see you!"
Neil shouted through my earpiece.

The boy looked at the lighter in my hand relieved. His pupils were dilated - thanks for teaching me that, Marks. Atleast I know that he was not in his full senses. He probably tried some of the stuff he was delivering.

"Yeah. Just what I needed. Forgot mine. Thanks."
He walked to me carefully acting that he wasn't carrying drugs worth thousands in his hand.

I lit his cigarette as he took a deep breath.
He had a tattoo on the inner side of his wrist, multiple red dots over his forearm - typical addict - I scoffed mentally.

I did a fake introduction.

He said his name.
I nodded.
I know, fucker!

"Just the luck. I forgot my pack back home."
I sulked tapping on my pockets.

"Don't worry. I got you."
He said in his teenage accent and offered one cigarette to me.

He looked at me carefully. I knew he was trying to trust me as a friendly stranger but somehow was not sure.

I took it from him and lit it.
Taking two puffs I breathed out loudly.

"Mission on hold. No lights off! I think he can handle this."
Neil ordered Kelly three seconds before the set time.

"Damn I would have gone crazy. Thanks bud. I miss my friends. They'd never leave my hand empty. Your friends are lucky."
I fake laughed looking at the thing in my hand like it was some magical potion.

The look on his face gave away all his expression. He trusted me completely now.

"Yeah. They're waiting for me outside."
He laughed comfortably.

Blundell spoke into the earpiece as my heartbeat rose.
So there wasn't just one truck load of armed men hundred metres from us that we'll have to take care after the lights will go off, but another car of more teenagers waiting outside for this douche.

I heard sounds of rustling.
Blundell must have come out of his truck to find the friends this stupid kid was talking about.

"Wait. Your friends?"
I asked him right before he was about to walk away.
Blundell, don't get me killed!

"Yellow Benz!"
Blundell spoke just in time and I thanked my fucking stars!

He said confused.

"Those were your friends in that yellow Benz?"
I asked with little furrows over my forehead.

"Yeah. How do you know that?"
He was suspicious now.

"I heard them saying something like we'll go to the Beasts Pub and have a big party. They took off almost running over me."
I said casually.

"They left?"
He was shocked.
He had to be.
He was supposed to take this bag to them and leave. But they left with the money.

"You want a ride to that pub? I'm driving that way." I asked getting into the driver's seat of the car I was supposed to kidnap him in.

"Yeah. Thanks man. I really need to join them."
He tried to cover up.
Fucking kid.

"Come on in then."
I gestured.
He opened the door and sat inside.

"Real smooth, James!"
Marks complimented me on my performance.

I kicked off the engine and drove past the truck full of men ready to pounce at the kid should he act any suspiciously.
I didn't even look them in the eyes.
I just acted like his friend and drove casually. Little did anyone know that I was holding my breath all the time.

"They think you're the friend he was supposed to meet."
Neil sniggered surprised.

"You sure they went to the Beasts pub?"
He asked suddenly realising something.

I replied confidently though I knew I was caught. This boy must be a strong addict because his brain worked sharp enough to realise that it was Tuesday and the Beasts were closed.

I was just buying time to get out of sight of those men without having to raise my speed.

"It's Tuesday. It will be -"
He started off.

"Which time zone are you living in? It's Monday today!"
I said looking at the rear mirror.

"Monday? Today.. but yesterday..."
He talked to himself while I took the turn out of the parking carefully maintaining a distance from that fucking Yellow Benz!
The last thing I wanted at that moment was- one of them jumping out and shouting his name.
I moved back a little blocking his line of view with his friends.

He took his time to realise that I was lying and turned to me.
By now, I had the victory smile on my lips.

"You're lying. It's-"
His voice was cut off as soon as my fist made contact with his face and he blacked out. I didn't even have to look at him.

Marks completed the statement and I laughed loudly.

"Gang's men have left. The friends are still waiting. We have Micheal not in his senses. Not a single bullet used. Mission over. Head home, Boys."
Neil declared.

"What if his friends come in and don't find him?"
I asked.

"They'll think that he ran away with all the drugs. They can't shout or lodge a complaint now, can they?"
Kelly scoffed and so did I.

"You really saved us a lot of fireworks, James sir."
Blundell said as I heard everyone pack up their hundred rifles they kept ready for the face off time which was sure to come had the lights gone off.

"He saved all our bottoms. You should be more grateful for that."
Neil just white cursed and I laughed louder.
This man!


That was close.
And real smooth.

And oh!
Say hi to 'Class-I Agent James Dwight'!
Damn he finally earned the title.

And who's swooning over Marks and Sarah? I sure as hell am!


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