Kamen Rider Gaim - Fruit Wars...

By MitchellDonnelly

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Yuuta is a young man who is from a family who are descendants of famous warriors who fought back in the Sengo... More

Characters (Updated)
Episode 1 - Transform! The Orange Samurai Appears!
Episode 2 - The New Sengoku Period
Episode 3 - Pulverize! Pineapple Arms!
Episode 4 - A New Armored Rider Appears! The Grape Dragon!
Episode 5 - Samurai to Ninja! Go, Strawberry Arms!
Episode 6 - Arrival of a Rival! The Banana Transformation!
Episode 7 - The Man Who Fell in Love with the Enemy
Episode 8 - Melon Rider, Prepare for Battle!
Episode 9 - The Mother Tree
Episode 10 - The Final Showdown of Love! Orange vs. Melon!
Episode 11 - Legend of the Golden Fruit (REMADE)
Episode 12 - Encounter with Durian and Cherry! Unleash Watermelon Arms!
Episode 13 - Another Battle Begins! Confrontation with the Lemon Archer!
Episode 14 - The Orange's Fear and The Lemon's Determination
Episode 15 - Banana, Acorn, and a Familiar Face!
Episode 16 - The Truth Behind a Banana's Peel
Episode 17 - Go to War! The Lemon Rider's Rampage!
Episode 18 - The Power of Oranges! Birth of Jimber Tangerine!
Episode 19 - Kai in Crisis! The Apple Warrior's Debut!
Episode 20 - A Samurai's Disappearance
Episode 21 - Jam's Trial and Secret
Episode 22 - The Orange and Banana's Rescue! Siege at Akechi Castle!
Episode 23 - Back to the Front Lines! Raise Your Flag, Triumph Arms!
Episode 24 - The New Mysterious Enemy
Episode 25 - Return and Recruitment! The Jimber's Potential!
Episode 26 - A Banana's Genesis Transformation!
Episode 27 - Counterattack! The True Battle Begins!
Episode 29 - The New Dangerous Threat! Rise of the Inves!
Episode 30 - Appear, the Peach Fortune Teller, Marika!
Episode 31 - Another Assault! The Green Overlord!
Episode 32 - Gaim and Baron! Clash of Ideals!
Episode 33 - New Troubles in Echigo

Episode 28 - Fallen Tiger, Rising Dragon

182 3 1
By MitchellDonnelly

Immediately after the last episode, Yuuta and Hideko have been confronted by the red monster and Yukimura.

Although, Yukimura seems to be looking and acting strangely.

Gaim: Yukimura? Yukimura is it really you?!

However, strangely enough, Yukimura didn't reply to Yuuta's call.

Gaim: What's wrong? Say something why don't you?!

Red Monster: It is no use, Orange Samurai. He can no longer hear any of your cries.

Gaim: What!?

As Yuuta stares at Yukimura's strange behavior, he finally realizes Yukimura's eyes.

Gaim: Wait, why are his eyes red? What did you do to him?!

Red Monster: Have you not heed my words from earlier. I recalled saying that this human's strength has interested me, which is why I have taken him in.

Before Gaim can question further, he heard familiar voices.

Ryugen: Shirayanagi!

It was Michiko and Naomi, as they're heading their way across the bridge to where Yuuta is.

Gaim: Michiko, Naomi, what are you doing here?

Zangetsu: We were just busy fighting the enemy's forces earlier, but then the monsters from Echigo suddenly appeared and nearly ambushed us.

Gaim: What!? Those monsters...? You sure?

Ryugen: Yes. Lord Kenshin has immediately ordered us to find you and let you know of the current situation.

Then, Michiko turned her head to see Yukimura to where the red monster is.

Zangetsu: Yukimura? Yukimura, you are safe! Thank the heavens you're-

Gaim: Michiko, no! Stay back!

The moment Michiko took a step towards Yukimura, Yuuta immediately grabs her wrist and pulled her back.

Zangetsu: Yuuta, what are you doing?!

Gaim: Something's not right here. That's not Yukimura.

Zangetsu: What are you saying?

Red Monster: It's just as your ally has spoken. The human you once knew is no more.

Zangetsu: You... You're the one who captured Yukimura.

Red Monster: Indeed.

Hideko: Just what are you plotting in using Takeda's general?

Red Monster: To give you all a demonstration of the power I've bestowed upon. To which you humans will never hope to comprehend.

The red monster then turned to Yukimura, and nodded to him.

Yukimura also nodded and surprisingly showed and put on a Genesis Driver.

Hideko: A Genesis Driver!?

Gaim: When on Earth did Yukimura had a belt too?!

The red monster then puts out his hand, and showed a swirling ball of red energy on it. And suddenly, a new energy lockseed appeared on his hand.

Everyone were surprised by what they just witnessed.

Gaim: No way... That guy just created a lockseed!

The red monster then gave the new lockseed to Yukimura, which he received with ease.

Zangetsu: Yukimura...?

Then, Yukimura suddenly activated it.

Lockseed: Dragon Fruits Energy! ...Lock On!

Yukimura: Hen... shin.

Soda! Dragon Energy Arms! (Fast techno music)

After Yukimura pressed in the lever on his belt, rainbow-colored juice started to pour down. Then, a dragon fruit-themed armor appeared from above and got put onto him.

Again, everyone is surprised by his sudden transformation into an armored rider.

Zangetsu: ...!

Ryugen: Yukimura is... an armored rider!?

Red Monster: Now, unleash your power... my Tyrant.

Now Yukimura, now known as Armored Rider Tyrant, begins to engage his enemies, which are his allies.

He kept attempting to strike them with his Sonic Arrow, but all Yuuta and the others did was dodge and blocked the strikes.

Yuuta eventually started to take action and locked his gigantic blade with his bow and arrow.

Gaim: *grunt*Snap out of it, Yukimura! Whoa-!

Yukimura then broke the hold and started clashing blades with Yuuta. Eventually leading to a position where Yuuta is blocking, but is on his knee.

Gaim: Knock it off! It's me, Yuuta...! Your friend!

Yukimura then broke off the hold and landed three strikes on Yuuta before stepping back.

Gaim: No way... I can't believe he just attacked me...!

Yukimura charges towards Yuuta, but he was saved by Michiko, blocking his bow and arrow with her shield.

Zangetsu: Are you hurt, Yuuta?!

Gaim: *grunt in pain*N-No, I'm fine. Be careful, Yukimura is not himself right now!

Zangetsu: I know...

Michiko immediately went into offense, trying to battle against Yukimura.

However, it was not that Michiko was weak, it's just the power of Yukimura's new lockseed, as well as having a Genesis Driver altogether is already overwhelming her.

Regardless, Michiko still attempts to fight.

As she presses on, she is then joined by Gaim and Ryugen, but their fight was dragged away into the forest.

Hideko, who remained where she is, is still wondering what is going on.

Hideko: *de-henshins*What in the world is going on here?

Red Monster: If you are desperate into knowing, this foreshadows of the end.

Then, the red monster disappears by teleporting away.

Hideko: Wait! ...Tch.

???: Lady Hideko!

Hideko then turns to realize it was one of her own Kurokages who appeared and was on one knee towards her.

Hideko: Report.

Toyotomi Kurokage: Yes, ma'am! We have been getting reports of monsters suddenly appearing on the battlefield.

Hideko: What are you saying? Speak clearly!

Toyotomi Kurokage: I... don't know how to proceed in words. But whomever they are, it seems this new army are attacking soldiers from both sides!

Hideko: What!?

Toyotomi Kurokage: Lord Nobunaga and Hideyoshi are suggesting we make a full retreat. Please give us the order!

Hideko: ...Fine. Immediately send the signal! We're making a full retreat.

Toyotomi Kurokage: Yes, ma'am!


It's just as the Toyotomi Kurokage said earlier, a whole bunch of monsters appeared on the battlefield and are attacking the Kurokages of both armies.

What happens to be a civil war between two factions a few moments ago turned out to be a big battle by these monsters and both factions.

Most of the Kurokages have beaten a number of them, however, some are unable to fight back due to the overwhelming odds.

As of right now, Nobuyuki and Magoichi are currently battling these monsters on their respective ends.

Knuckle: *grunts*! *grunts*!!! What are these monstrosities!?

Sigurd: Hah!*Shoots arrows* Whoever these things are, they're being a pain in the ass, interrupting business at a time like this!

As the two armored riders are fighting in their own ways, Nobuyuki sees smoke to where his camp is.

Knuckle: The signal...! Everyone, fall back! We are retreating!

With that, Nobuyuki and the rest of the Toyotomi and Oda Kurokage army immediately retreated.

Sigurd: The great Oda army, running away?

Before she can question further, one of the monsters was about to attack Magoichi from behind.

However, she was saved from an energy arrow that was fired by Setsuna.

Sigurd: Never expected for you to show up.

Baron: I will take it as your sign of gratitude.

Sigurd: Whatever. Situation?

Baron: The Oda and Toyotomi have made a full retreat because of the sudden appearances of these new... enemies. I suggest we make our retreat as well.

Sigurd: Tch, guess we don't have much of a choice as of now...

Baron: Where is Yuuta, is he here?

Sigurd: Don't know, don't care. Last time I saw, he was heading straight to the enemy's camp.

Baron: ...Very well. Gather everyone to let them know we are retreating.

Sigurd: Listen to you, giving me orders. And? What will you do?

Baron: I'm going after Yuuta, I need to warn him in time.

With that, Setsuna summons his Rose Attacker and begins to ride to where Yuuta is.

Sigurd: Kids these days...


The fight continues between Yuuta and Michiko against the strangely behaved Yukimura in the middle of the forest.

This time, Yuuta and Michiko attempted to use their regular strength in an attempt to stop Yukimura's rampage.

But even with the odds of two against one, Yukimura is still able to handle and land some strikes with his bow and arrow on them.

Yukimura pushed Michiko back, while he's focusing his attacks on Yuuta.

At first, Yukimura seems have the advantage of being able to push back Yuuta with his continuous strikes. But he was able to keep up when he finally clashed with his gigantic blade.

After a couple of blocks and slashes, both warriors' blades began to lock on as they're struggling.

Gaim: Yukimura, I'm begging you, please stop! I don't want to fight you!

Tyrant: G-Gh...!

Gaim: ...!


After Yukimura's sudden roar like a wild beast, he keeps proceeding with his attack against Yuuta.

But due to Yuuta's thick armor and powerful weapon, he's still able to stay on par with Yukimura.

Yuuta pulled a sudden right upper slash to get Yukimura off guard before he followed with a downward orange-colored slash out in the open.

Yukimura still remains standing despite the damage, but as he continues the battle, Michiko came from behind and restrained him from moving.

Zangetsu: Enough, Yukimura! You must come to your senses. This isn't you!

Eventually, Yukimura broke off the tight restraint and starts battling Michiko.

Michiko starts by blocking the attacks with her shield, still hesitant to pull an attack. Only swinging her Musou Saber to defend from the bow and arrow's blade.

But while Yukimura is performing his combo of attacks, to Michiko's sight, she visions Yukimura not as an armored rider.

That he still has his hot-blooded behavior when attacking in battle, however, what she sees in his eyes are a sense of evil and corruption. The feeling that encourages one's heart on a path of destruction.

Zangetsu: Y-Yukimura...

Suddenly, while Michiko's guard is down, Yukimura uses this chance to get in close strikes her hard.

Then, he charges his Sonic Arrow and immediately fires a dragonfruit-shaped energy arrow at her. Causing Michiko to de-henshin.

Gaim: Michiko!

As Michiko is on the ground, she's still struggling from the pain. But when she recovers, she found herself in seeing Yukimura pointing his Sonic Arrow at her.

Gaim: ...!

Michiko: Yukimura...

The environment around the forest is now in a state of silence except hearing the soft breeze. Everything was tensed at the moment.

Gaim: Yukimura, stop! Can't you see what you're doing!? Don't you even recognize the woman you're about to kill!? Wave the hell up man, that's your lover in front you, Michiko!

Tyrant: ...

Michiko: ...Yukimura. Please, I know there's still good in you. You must come to your senses.

Yukimura didn't respond, but rather stayed silent, while not showing signs of struggling or movement.

Gaim: Yukimura!

As Yuuta took the chance to run towards him, Yukimura was suddenly being fired by a couple of shots.

As everyone was surprised, they turned to see Naomi from afar.

Ryugen: I will not let you harm my lady! Haaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!

Naomi continues to fire her blaster, which some of the shots managed to hit, but Yukimura didn't seemed to take damage.

Michiko: Naomi, no!

Yukimura then started to dodge the rain of fire.

Suddenly, he activated his powers which gives him super speed, showing as a red flash. Which he then uses it to dodge the bullets and made his way towards Naomi.

As soon as Naomi started to be surprised, Yukimura started to attack her.

As Naomi rolls on the ground, she gets back up and fires again. But Yukimura uses his powers again to dodge and appear from behind Naomi, landing a strike.

Yukimura then uses his super speed to land an attack on Naomi on all sides. Until he ended his barrage with an upward slash.

After Naomi was sent flying to a tree and tried to get back up, Yukimura started to take out his energy lockseed and puts it on his bow and arrow.

Lockseed: Lock Off! ...Lock On! Dragon Fruits Energy!

As Yukimura pulls back and charges his Sonic Arrow, he fires a powerful arrow that takes the form of an Asian dragon.

The dragon traveled to Naomi before it hit her and exploded.

Gaim & Michiko: Naomi!

Naomi was defeated, as she de-henshins and is unconscious.

Michiko: No...

Yuuta then runs to Naomi's side and spreads his arms out.

Gaim: Yukimura, please stop!

But Yukimura didn't listen and slowly walked over, while Yuuta prepared himself with his weapon.

Suddenly, it's seen someone firing from a Sonic Arrow towards Yukimura. But he saw it coming and dispersed the shot by slashing through it while not looking.

Gaim: Wha... What was that?

Baron: Yuuta!

Yuuta and Michiko then saw Setsuna running  towards him.

Gaim: Setsuna, you're here. Whoa, wait, is that a new form!?

Baron: That is not important as of now. Listen, I came here to let you know we are retreating.

Michiko: Explain why.

Baron: Those mysterious beings who appeared are already overwhelming both sides with their numbers that even the Oda and Toyotomi armies are retreating. I suggest we do the same.

Michiko: No, we cannot leave, we still have to save Yukimura!

As Setsuna is confused, he realizes the armored rider he shot earlier was actually Yukimura.

Baron: I see now. What has happened to him?

Gaim: We don't know, he was suddenly given a new lockseed by the monster who kidnapped him and he's going all crazy now. We have to save him!

Red Monster: Unfortunately... I'm afraid I cannot allow that.

Yuuta and his group were surprised to find the red monster from before re-appearing beside Yukimura.

Red Monster: It's like I said before, your friend whom you once knew is gone.

Suddenly, the red monster puts his hand out, and a lot of vines started to attack them. However, they were immediately cut down by Yuuta and Setsuna.

Baron: *grunt*It seems we cannot proceed any further, we must retreat.

Gaim: I hate to admit this, but you're right. Michiko, we have to go.

Michiko: No! I can't leave Yukimura. We still need to save him!

Yuuta stares back at Yukimura and let out a small sigh.

Gaim: We have to go, Michiko! I'm sorry.

Michiko: No... No! Let me go, Yuuta. I cannot leave him! Yukimura! Yukimura!!!

And with that, Yuuta, Michiko, along with Setsuna carrying Naomi, retreated from the front lines.

As of now, it focuses on the red monster and Yukimura alone.

Red Monster: *chuckles*How amusing to see those wanderless apes fleeing, knowing there will be no victory. *turns to Yukimura*You have done well in using your new-found power. From now on, you are under my command.

Yukimura, still as Tyrant, only slightly nodded as response.

Red Monster: Good. Now... It is finally time... for our kind... TO RISE!!!

The red monster then suddenly raised and pointed his hand up in the sky, and something horrific happened.

Vines and all sorts of vegetation appeared out of nowhere and started to scour everywhere, from the forest to the battlefield, where the monsters are still there.

Eventually, unbelievably, the vines started to cover even villages from different neighboring provinces, and eventually, not only the whole country... but the entire world.

The members of the Take-Uesu Army and the Oda and Toyotomi armies from afar are witnessing these events, as they see the vines scouring everywhere across the sky.

Red Monster: And now... no one can stop us! *evil laughter*

Now, all that was left is seeing the scenery of the planet Earth being mostly green.

Signaling what may be the beginning of a new era of darkness...


Somewhere deep in another part of a forest, it shifts to what appears to be a dark place.

In that dark place there's a spotlight of a dark figure sitting on some sort of stone throne.

It only shows his appearance and speaking in a sinister tone.

???: Finally... It has begun.

To be continued...

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