kings dominion

By loadingingirls

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do not read this story if you are easily triggered. marcus arguello × oc More

yk the drill


422 11 5
By loadingingirls

odessa zara poveda

today in san francisco was the day of the dead. master lin sent us to get marcus arguello, the boy that did the boys home massacre. me and billy walked the side walk waiting for the sign if anyone saw him. "what is the day of the dead in spanish" billy asked. i squinted my eyes and rubbed my forehead. "didnt me and maria tell you this already" i said. billy stopped and looked at me like he was waiting for a answer. i pursed my lips. "el dia de los muertos". out of nowhere a big explosion happened in the middle of a crowd that walked the parade. billy took my hand and began running behind a boy that seemed to be running from the police. "run faster" billy screamed. "im trying you dickhead". 

when we pulled up saya already took down the whole squad of police officers. "took you long enough" said saya. i put my hand of my chest trying to steady my breathing. "im sorry did you run almost 5 levels to get here? no right you have a motorcycle" saya rolled her eyes. willie came from behind us putting a bag over marcus head. "is the bag necessary" asked billy. willie shrugged picking up marcus and throwing him in his car.

"this mother fucker is heavy" willie groaned. "you didn't have to put a bag over his head so you just put in more work for yourself" i remarked. willie walked up to marcus looking him up and down. "look like no psychopath to me" he said. "don't judge a book by its cover" informed saya. "but you can judge by its smell" billy laughed nudging my shoulder. my lips formed a small grin. i walked up taking the bag from his head. i let out a small gasp as i got a good look at him. "he's cute" i whispered. "yea, totally 'hobo fancy' cover boy material" mocked billy. i glared at him punching his gut. he hugged his stomach as he hunched over. "don't mock the boys odi likes billy or next she will kill you" laughed maria. "what you say, mad dog? you the psycho that did the boys home massacre?" asked willie. marcus let out a laugh glaring at him. "tough barking at a dude tied to a chair". "untie this punk-as-bitch" willie hissed. i shook my head. "you shouldn't get a attitude with people you don't know" i said. he turned to me giving me the same glare he gave willie. "who even are you" he asked. i bit the inside of my lip shrugging. "on second thought untie him". billy tossed the knife up in the air as he walked up to marcus. "all right, but my money is on hepatitis harry". once billy was close enough master lin walked in. "forgive my students they forget that viciousness serves only to make them look weak" master lin glared at all of us as we looked down ashamed. "billy, if you'd be so kind. are you satisfied with your life" marcus rubbed his wrist as billy untied him. marcus let out a stiff laugh. "me? yeah. i eat trash and i sleep in piss. everything according to plan" he said sarcastically. saya started walking up to marcus but willie gripped her waist with his hand. "speak to master lin with respect" hissed saya. marcus leaned forward. "master lin can eat my shit" he responded. "do you really want someone with this sort of attitude in the school master lin". i let out a loud cry as master lin slammed his walking stick against my knee. "who even are you people?" marcus asked. "whats important is we know who you are, marcus, and we know what you have done. you're a killer. few value its particular proficiency, but i do. what if i told you theres a home for people like you? a school where you'd be surrounded by your peers" marcus looked around looking maria up and down. "only what? i dress up like a viking so you can take tasteful pictures?" marias mouth fell open. "did he just-". "yup" i interrupted. "im offering you a chance to harness that fire inside of you, to master the deadly arts" marcus let out a sneer. "deadly arts, yeah, thats, uh.. that sounds great, you know, this all seems really sane and normal, and yall seem like a fun bunch, but, uh, whatever this is". after that marcus left. "that sun of a bitch took my wallet" willie jeered. "odessa go after him tell him your life story. you had the same problem he has right now" said master lin. "yes sir".

after hours of walking around i found him sleeping on a bench. as i walked up to him i looked at the trash can besides him. i pursed my lips as i picked up the trash can dropping it. "what the hell" he said in a tired voice. i gave him a half smile as i pushed his legs off the bench sitting down. "your the girl that was in that room too" he pointed out. i nodded. we sat there in silence. should i tell him my story? maybe that will help him go back, right?. i let out a deep sigh slapping my face with my hands. "when i was 13 my parents were drug addicts. loved drugs would do anything to get them" i paused  to see if he was paying attention. he had his elbows on his knees looking straight at me. "my dad waisted all of our money on drugs. i guess losing all of our money wasn't a wake up call for him. he joined a street gang. he stole from them. mainly money or drugs. the gang realized that they were missing thousands maybe millions of money. the first person they went to was my dad. they were going to kill him, all of us. they came to our house everyday and shot it up. until one day it just stopped mom told me that my dad and the gang leader made a deal. i had a sister. how i loved her. the day after the drive bys had stopped. my dad came in said that my sister had to get her shots for something. it was weird because everytime we got shots we got them together. my dad came back without my sister told me on the way back she was crying that she wanted to stay with our grandma. that's where i began to be suspicious. our grama had died the year before. the day after the gang leader came to our house. they told me to go to my room. i didnt i stood by the stairs. i heard as my dad asked if my sister was enough to not pay back. if she was enough pleasure" my voice cracked as tears fogged up my vision. marcus reached for my hand intertwining our fingers. his thumb softly caressing the skin on the back of my hand. "i just heard how they talked about her like she was just a object. she was just 10. after he left i confronted my parents about it. can you believe they told me i should be grateful that they gave her up and not me. i stormed off getting a knife from the kitchen. i slit their throats open, but that wasn't enough i stabbed them i don't even remember how many times i did. i was going to leave but i wanted my sister back so i waited for the gang leader to come . my parents body decaying on the floor for almost a month until he finally came back. how can a gang leader be so weak. he was begging for his life while i had a knife against his neck. when he told me she was dead i slit his throat open too. did the same thing i did to my parents, but for him i remember 67 times that i stabbed him. ever since then i've had a gang on my ass plus the police for the murders. our stories are different, marcus, but i know how it is to hide and sneak around. how it feels to eat from the trash and sleep on the hard floor. how it feels to be alone" i turned to him putting my hand softly on his cheek leaning in. "you don't have to be alone" i whispered. he softly put his hand behind my neck pushing our lips together. our lips moved in sync as my tears from before fell from my eyes. we pulled away slightly gasping for air. he put his head in the crook of my neck rubbing his forehead softly on my shoulder. 

on our way back i decided to stop and get marcus something to eat. i turned to him in disgust as he munched down on the burrito meat falling from his mouth, but can you blame him. poor thing probably hasn't eaten in weeks. "master lin has a basic code of conduct. there is one thing you can't do. give up our location and we will kill you" we walked into the store bumping into billy. "like full on 'connan the barbarian' style like you will be eviscerated. lins family as been eviscerating people for centuries, they really love it" marcus looked at billy with wide eyes as i let out a small laugh. "lin dont flex" willie said as we walked into the back of the store. "the rest of the rules are simple no disobedience, no drugs, and no sex" i informed. i turned with a smirk leaning into marcus. "but we always find a way around the last two" maria said with a grin as she watched me and marcus. we all stood around the table waiting for for a instructor to come pick up marcus. as the door opened to the entrance to the school i gave marcus a small smile. "welcome to kings dominion". 

the sun was already rising since it was early in the morning. i share a room with petra and it's pretty sick. lights follow the corner of the whole room while her music shakes the walls. "when did your boobs get bigger" questioned petra. i bit my lip as i looked at her. "when your dad sucked on them". petra gave me a glare as we finished putting on our uniform. i walked with maria as we walked the hallways. maria pulled my arm walking us in a different direction. "where are we going" i asked. maria turned giving me a smirk. "para que puedas ver a tu novio". maria walked us to marcus locker as we stopped besides him. "you mexican?" maria asked. marcus looked at her confused. he turned to me giving me a big smile.  i smiled back trying to hide the blush that came unto my cheeks. "uh my dad was nicaraguan mom was from kansas" he said. maria looked over marcus shoulder sucking in breath when she saw chico was looking over at us. "yeah whatever you are some rep you got. half of the class is scared shitless. the other half want to see if your reps for real" marcus looked at her with furrowed eyebrows. it was true word got around pretty quick about the new boy and what he did, they want to see if his rep is truly who he is. "so what's your affiliation?" maria asked. my mouth fell open as she asked that question. "mari-" marcus interrupted. "oh i don't vote" he said sarcastically. "im maria, and i think you know who this is, odessa. you can run with soto vato" marcus looked over at me but i shook my head softly indicating him to not say yes to the offer. "yeah, rain check. that's, um. that's not really my thing" marcus said. "ai carino being in a gang is mandatory for survival. you'll be safer with your own people, plus it'll be easier for odi to get to know you" cooed maria. i bit my lip in anger. im not part of soto vato. im not part of anything. maria doesn't want marcus in the gang for me she wants him in it for her. maria always does this even if she's with chico she still finds a way to get with every boy i have ever liked. "you like this pendejo" hissed chico. chico came out of nowhere putting his hand tightly around maris neck. i pulled marcus hand pulling him away from the scene. marcus pulled his hand back looking at me with furrowed eyebrows. "aren't you going to help her" asked marcus. "you don't want to get involved with them especially chico, either way she deserves it" i mumbled the last part but marcus seemed to hear it as he gave me a disapproving look. "your saying your friend deserves to get choked" he hissed. i ran my hands through my hair. "maria always does this, do you know how many boys ive wanted to be with but maria just mysteriously gets a way to fuck them or be with them. just because shes with chico it doesn't stop her from ruining my love life. i have a chance to not let maria get with you, but from the looks of it she already has you" i said bitterly. i turned around walking away as i heard marcus calling my name. 

by the first class of the day it was already news that marcus and chico are fighting after school. we were in ap black arts. i felt a nudge on my shoulder as brandy showed me a peace of paper. your a dead man, mate. "whos that for" i whispered. she gave me a small grin as she passed the paper to marcus. marcus looked at brandy with a confused look. sometimes i wonder if master lin has eyes behind his head. he slammed his walking stick on the note as he turned towards marcus. brandy held her nose as master lin slammed his walking stick against her face. i heard viktor stifle a laugh causing me to cover my mouth with my hand to stop myself from laughing. master lin continued to walk down the aisle as he talked about our semester grade. *
"who would be the recipient of your rage. a thief, a child molester, a world leader. ask yourself on that dark ledge. who would you kill? your homework tonight. half your semester grade will tell me who you really are. use your training search the city for a worthy target. someone who deserves to die and kill them. discard the body, hide the evidence.  bring me proof" master lin screamed over the bell ringing. "no problem for a killer like you" hissed willie towards marcus. me and marcus locked eyes as he got up from his seat. i quickly looked away going to my next class. 

"when the republic of texas openly declearded genocide. which indian tribe survived for another 40 years" i sat next to billy that was a mistake he kept on bothering me about how hot the teacher was. billy seamed to be moving in his seat a lot. "what the hell are you doing" i asked lowly. billy's lips formed into a grin. "jerking off" he said without a care in the world. my mouth fell open. "your absolutely disgusting" i hissed. "wanna see?". "no w-". ms. DeLuca turned to us making us freeze. "what is the problem you two" she asked. "noth-" i slapped my hand over billy's mouth as i interrupted him. "the problem is that billy is just weird and is doing weird things can i move spots" billy bit my hand making me quickly move my hand away from his mouth. "of course move next to marcus" billy turned to me with a huge smirk. i shook my head. "on second thought i'm fine here" i said. billy put his hand on my shoulder making me slap his hand away with a disgusted face. "oh no no no odi you wanted to move and now you move go on" he said cheerfully. i hesitantly got up moving next to marcus. he looked over at me but i quickly turned my head. ms. DeLuca kept on talking. i payed attention until i felt something cold and slimy hit the side of my cheek. i wiped my cheek almost gagging when i saw what it was. billy looked down at me while his fingers were in a flicking motion. "pick a parter and find their's" said the teacher. i slowly turned to billy. "i have no fucking idea what she said but i will give you a five second head start" i warned. billy quicky got up. as soon as he stood up i ran after him. "i tought i got a five second head start" cried out billy. "well i lied" i screamed.

i looked down at billy with a huge smile on my face as he hugged his wrist while he cried in pain. "mind if i have a turn" asked viktor. i shook my head excitingly as billy nodded his head harshly. "if you don't mind aim at his penis for me" i patted viktor on the back and the last thing i hear was billy screaming in pain. i sat down on the floor as i watched maria flirt whit marcus. watching maria touch him made my blood boil. i looked down picking at my nails when a pair of feet stopped in front of me. i looked up seeing marcus standing with a small smile. "mind if i sit" he motioned towards the space next to me. i shrugged. he took a seat letting out a long sigh when i quickly looked away from him. "i don't like maria i can tell she has a lot of baggage and i don't want to deal with that" i let out a small okay as i still didn't look at him. "please look at me" he whispered. i pretended to not hear him as i stared somewhere else. i felt a hand on my jaw as my head was turned. i felt his eyes stare into mine as i looked down at my lap. my eyes slowly met his. "i don't like her. she asked me why i came back. it's like she thought i came back for her but i told her that i came back because of you" he said. "really" i asked. "i just met you and i feel so attached to you" i mumbled. "me too". i put my hands on his face as our lips moved in sync. "oh yes love birds. do you realize you are kissing a fucking phsyco" billy exclaimed. i closed my eyes in annoyance as i pulled away. "i will tell viktor to kick you in your fucking balls again" i hissed. billy let out a yelp as he covered his part with his hands. "no please i cant even feel them anymore" he cried out. "why is viktor going to kick him again" asked marcus. "billy's dumb fuck flicked his cum at my face and thats why i broke his wrist and told viktor to aim at his balls" marcus looked at billy in disgust but then broke out laughing. "i will kill you both" i threatened. 

as me and marcus walked the hallways a instructer came giving him a box. he opened it showing bones and a plate filled with cheese. "did i join a cult or something" he asked. i shook my head as i grabbed a cheese. "it's just like a welcoming gift" i responded. "i highly doubt its a welcoming gift" he mumbled. 

we sat in a table of three in the poison lab. billy, marcus, then me. "in this case the victim dies in a spectacular nasty fashion, as blood seeps from every orifice. prepare your poison, students we will be killing these animal in two minutes". i looked at the rabbit as it ate the carrots with out a care in the world. i frowned thinking that the rabbit didn't know what was about to happen. i understand killing people but animals?. "odessa" hissed billy through his teeth. i let out a small hum turing towards him. "catch viktors attention". i furrowed my eyebrows. "why" i asked. "just do it" he hissed again. i let out a sigh as i pushed my book of the table. the thud of the book making viktor jump in his seat. "hey viktor can you pass me my book" i said. viktors hand caressed mine as he gave it to me. "you're welcome sweetheart" he cooed. my lips formed a thin line as i just looked at the back of his head. "the fuck was that he litearllly punched me when i told him to pass me mine" billy said in disbelief. i shrugged. "not my fault everyone is in love with me billy" i turned back towards the teacher. i felt someone lean in by my side. "im the only one that can be in love with you" said marcus. my lips formed a grin as i turned towards him. "possessive already" he shrugged with a small smile on his lips. "maybe". "you want to make a statement strychnine leaves your victim contorted and convulsing for hours" petra said plainly. "good petra. and why do we want it known that this wasn't a accident?". "poison delivers a clear message. no one is safe from you anywherec" i could see petras lips tug into a small smile before she went serous. what are these people up to. viktor got up from his seat making everyone turn towards him. his face a deep red as he had his hands over his ass. billy tried to stifle a laugh by covering his mouth. "sit down viktor!" screamed professor denke. viktor shook his head aggressively. "i must use laboratory" he cried out. "i said sit down" viktor gripped the sides of the table as he struggled to sit. "sit down!". i let out a gag as a viktor let out a loud fart as he sat down. denke walked up to viktor looking at him shamefully. he brought the soda up to his face smelling it. "learn from his shame class. viktor invited this attack with his ignorance. you, always remember this" billy didn't have control over his laughs as he broke out laughing after a few seconds. "and you get a mop" he pointed at billy.

me and marcus sat down in our own lunch table. i know to many people it seems like me and marcus are moving to fast. we just meet and were already attached. i jumped in my seat as someone jumped on the table. billy sat in front of us with his usually big smile. "i think chico's got a crush on you. or he wants to kill you. probably kill" said billy. marcus turned his head to chicos table as i swatted billy's hand away from my plate. "tomorrow, this can be you!" billy raised the milk cartoon that had a person's death on the back. "fuck that bully. he pushed a girl" my fist balled up as the thought of marcus protecting maria crossed my head. "hey your girl is next to you worry about protecting her instead of maria before psycho here kills her" billy pointed towards me. i rolled my eyes. "fuck off" i mumbled. i felt marcus eyes on the side of my face as i looked straight ahead. "whats his deal anyways?" marcus asked. billy shrugged. "chico's cartel, numero uno on campus like the star football lids at a normal school* billy explained. "dicks" marcus muttered. "top of the legacies. kids from government or criminal organizations. as in not like us" billy motioned towards the three of us. "us?" marcus asked. "my old man is an abusive, low-rank cop dialed into the mob. you're a blood thisty orphan. odessa is someone that has a warrant out for her arrest for over two murders" i furrowed my eyebrows. "i don't have a warrant out for my arrest" i said. billy looked at me with a dumbfounded face. "yes you do". i shook my head. "two years ago but after the major said i fled the city my warrant was taken off. i mean they still try to find me but i don't have a warrant" i said. "what about them?" asked marcus. billy looked behind marcus shoulder. "preeps, rich kids, mostly CIA, FBI.". "fascist" i muttered bitterly. "exactly. dixie mob. confederate cousin deedlers, white nationalist" billy pointed to the table in the far back where brandy sat. "naziz" mumbled marcus. i nodded my head. "you can't seem to keep those rascally varmints down" brandy glared at us. i made a fist as i put it up. "white power" screamed billy. "i hate doing that but its funny" i said. "dude in the iron maiden tee, thats leonard. leads the hessians. lower on the totem pole but he's got weed" billy said cheerfully. "and what? you got join his d&d campaign to get any?" billy shook his head. "we have this angel here that gives him a blowjob ones a month to get free weed" billy motioned towards me. my mouth fell open. "thats a lie i give him a hand job you think im going to put my mouth on that" i said in disbelief. "you give him hand jobs?" asked marcus. the jealousy on laced on his face making me grin. "you think im going to pay thirty dollars every time i want weed rather just give the boy a quicky with my hand and get weed whenever i want" i said. "i don't know if i should be jealous or impressed" said marcus. i grinned as i played with the food on my plate. "impressed. put it like this he's like the quiet kid in school you'll do anything to get what you want in that case its survive in my case its to get weed. anyways its just once a month and i use gloves" i said plainly. "exactly odi is a angel" cooed billy. marcus had a concerned look on his face. "you use gloves to jerk him off". i turned to him with furrowed eyebrows. "what you want me to touch his dick or something" marcus glared at me as i had a playful smile on my face. "ugh young love" billy whispered. "come on i want to show you something". 

marcus seemed like he had to be touching me in some way all the time. as we walked up to the graveyard he took hold of my pinky with his. which made me smile like a stupid person. "this is the graveyard, hideaway of the kooks subculture elitist, and the disenfranchised those in general don't mix well others" as we approached lex and petra billy was behind me with marcus talking about something that i didn't care about. "petra, lex, meet marcus the new rat" introduced billy. "the orphanage killer thats going to fight chico? looks like a proper asshole" i took the blunt that was in lexs hand taking a hit. lex tried to get the blunt back but i pulled my hand back. "who gives a boy a quickie to get you this" lex rolled his eyes turing back to the group. "thats what i thought" i mumbled. "lex is the head of the civility club" said billy. Lex turned toward him. "civility is just lying to people about your true feelings, wanker" lex said matter of factly. "not an affiliation you suffer from" marcus said sarcastically. i let out a laugh as petra turned her head to hide her smile. "oh extra credit for making susie sue smile" said billy mockingly. "smile? hard to tell through all that makeup. How long does it take you to paint that goulish sad clown face, petra, love?" asked lex. "leave her alone lex" i said as i passed the blunt to marcus. As i walked back a hand gripped my waist pulling me backwards. Marcus arm went around my waist as he adjusted himself underneath me. Lex looked at us with wide eyes, "he just came here and you guys already are going to have babies running around this school in a year". I rolled my eyes. "a relationship that moves at the pace you two are going is going to be toxic" petra said. "have you ever even been in a relationship petra?" i asked bitterly. Petra put her hands up in defence. "anyways were not even together" i mumbled. "last kid has this much buzz was the son of a hippie serial killer, no? Turtle, tweedle, whatever his name was" petra said as she looked at billy. "he got what he deserved" lex said proudly. I swinged my arm around marcus shoulder as he put his hand on my thigh. Are we moving to fast? He just came last night and im already sitting on his lap. Is this even healthy. "yeah it turns out patchouli and birkenstock don't protect from a mace to the noggin." billy said as he hit the back of his head. "does that scare you asshole?" asked lex. I took the blunt from marcus taking a long hit. "patchouli? Absolutely" marcus said with sarcasm laced on his voice. "don't listen to lex all right? You'll be fine. Just going to hang up here with us, and these awesome years of your life will fly by." petra said plainly. If anyone is sake of this place already its petra. "you can even use this place to do some good. Change the world with a bullet, as lin loves to say" billy said swinging his arms around. "i plan of changing a proper big bit of it. Head of the state, blam, bankers, blam" lex said while making a gun motion with his arms. I let out a laugh as lex kept saying people that he can kill. "what about it new friend? What barbaric ambition inspires you?" asked petra. "im going to kill the guy who ruined my life. Im going to assassinate ronal reagan" lex, petra, and billy broke out laughing as i frowned. I understand marcus he wants to kill the person that messed up everything for him. I hugged marcus's head as he leaned in softly against my chest. "better do it before your hot date with chico huh?" petra asked. "that guy's just talk" said marcus. "the last bloke that looked a maria was chicos cousin. Chico jammed a barbecue fork into his back" my blood ran cold as they talked to marcus about maria. I hated it. I got up from marcuss lap. I walked up tp petra leaning my back against petras front. Marcus looked at me with a weird look but i rolled my eyes looking away. I hate when they talk about maria. Especially around marcus. Marias my best friend but i absolutely hate her when she takes the boys i like away from me. "yeah, but the rules they provent you from" i interrupted my voice coming out more harshly than i intended it to, "chico doesn't give a shit about rules". "hes a butcher" said petra. "no joke" mumbled billy. "and ready or not after school today. One of you is going to die" lex said with a smile on his face.

i ignored marcus the rest of the day. Walking the other way when he came up to me. I walked into the girls laboratory stopping in my tracks when i saw maria and saya. "what's happening" i asked. Maria walked up to engulfing me in a big hug. I hesitantly wrapped my arounds her rubbing her back. I love maria but only when shes not around him. Is that bad? Yes but i cant control it. "she can't open her pill bottle" saya tossed the pill bottle towards me. I opened it giving her a pill. "thank you" crooked out maria.

We walked out the laboratory but a hand stooped me before fully getting out the restroom. I tried walking away when i saw marcus but he stopped me again. "please i need to talk to you" marcus said with pleading eyes. I pulled marcus into the restroom. "what" i said bitterly. "why are you mad at me" asked marcus. I rolled my eyes letting out a stiff laugh. "is this what you wanted to talk about". Marcus looked at me in disbelief. "how are you so loving one second and then the other you pretend like im not even here". I roughly ran my hand through my hair. "i just arrived here this morning and you've ignored me twice already" marcus said. I wanted nothing more but to just leave this restroom. I hate being confronted about things. "are you going to talk" he asked harshly. "what do you want me to say" i asked calmly. "why have you been ignoring me" marcus pleaded. Seeing marcus so distressed about me ignoring him made my heart physically hurt. I didn't know it would effect him this much. "im sorry" i whispered. Marcus wiped his forehead walking back and forth. "tell me what i did wrong please". "the way people talk to you about maria. You protect her you defend her. Come on your fighting chico because of her. Maria takes every fucking boy away from me and seeing you talk about her or anyone talk to her to you. I hate it" i said quickly. Marcus looked at me in disbelief. "your ignoring me because im defending maria". I looked away. I felt embarrassed. Im overreacting he hasn't even been here for 24 hours and i've already ignored him more than once. "im doing the bare minimum im protecting maria" he said. "you think i know that protecting someone doesn't mean you don't like them. Anyone that protects someone in this school you automatically like them. You love them. No one here knows what love feels like marcus. All of us here are broken fucking teens that has never felt a fucking ounce of love. In my eyes when you protect someone your willing to risk anything for that person. In my eyes you love maria. How stupid do you think i look like to everyone marcus. You protect maria while im by your side. They probably think im a side bitch" i screamed. Tears fogged up my eyesight. I hate crying. I hate being weak. Love? I've never felt it. So how do i think i'm in love. My thoughts were interrupted when marcus hand cupped my chin softly. I looked into his eyes as tears ran down my face. "i don't love maria. I protect her because i don't like people being hurt. If anyone else was in her shoes i would still protect them. defending someone is not loving them its just looking out for them. I don't want maria the only person i want is you" he mumbled. He leaned his forehead against mine. His thumb caressing my cheek. "how do you know when you love someone" i asked softly. "you feel tense and nervous. Your face flushes when they show some sort of affection. It feels like euphoria. It feels like the person is your drug" he mumbled. His eyes would flicker down at my lips here and there. I leaned in pushing my lips passionately against his. His lips moved towards my neck as i threw my head back allowing him more space. I bit my lip at the feeling. This is wrong. Its moving to fast. I pushed his head away leaning my forehead against his again. "maybe we should at least for that" i said. He nodded letting out a timid laugh. He let out a gasp jumping backwards. "okay this is what i was going to say originally. I got caught up. I didn't kill those kids in the boys home. I set it on fire and hurt some guards but i didn't kill those kids" my mouth fell open at how fast we changed subject. We were having a moment and then confesses that he didn't kill anyone in the boys home. I opened and closed my mouth trying to find the right words. "lin he thinks you are a killer everyone thinks your a killer" i said. Marcus nodded. "i can't fight chico" he said. I nodded my head. "your right you cant defend yourself not yet. If he does not kill you he will hurt you" my mind raced with thousands of questions and thoughts. "leave for tonight come back tomorrow for school if you don't show up to fight. chico will try to find you so leave okay?" marcus nodded again. He walked up to me holding my hands. "come with me today we can go out" i tried to bite back the stupid smile that was forming on my lips, but it quickly dissapered when i rememberd that i was going to do lins homework assignment today. "i cant im sorry the assignment for lin i can only do it today" i mumbled. "hey its fine when will you be back" he asked "tonight or tomorrow morning" i played with his fingers as i felt the anxiety in my body rise. I completely forgot about the assignment and what i had to do. For a while i was planning on killing this person and when lin gave the assignment it felt like now was the right time. I looked at the clock on the wall as i realized i was supposed to leave right when school finished but a hour has passed. "i need to go" i said. "be safe please" marcus whispered. I nodded. Before i left he gently pressed a light kiss on my forehead. 

I let out a sigh as i looked the house in front of me. A gate surrounded the whole front of the house and the back. For a person in a gang they have a sick house. No car was parked meaning the man wasnt home yet. I came in through the back door. Which why would they leave open because i really wanted to make a bad ass entry. I might have left a lot of details out when i was telling marcus my life story. Before i killed the gand leader i told him to give me names of the people that touched my sister. He said most people don't use their real names but there was one man that was the main person. His wife watched while he raped her. What sick woman would watch a child being advantage of. Fransisco perez and leticia perez. I walked up the stairs thinking she would be up in the master room. A loud crash in the kitchen made me stop in my tracks. I turned wincing when the final step made a loud creek. I peaked my head watching as the woman stood in front of the stove. I reached inside my school blazer taking the blade out from the inside pocket. A loud scream echoed through the kitchen when i pressed the blade against her throat. "please don't kill me" she cried out. "is it money you want? Money i can give you that" she said frantically. I let out a laugh as i pressed the blade deeper into her neck. "i don't want money i want the justice she didn't get" i said. I threw the pot that was on the stove to the side pressing the side of her face against the hot stove. Screams of agony echoed through out the house as also the smell of burnt flesh. I turned her around so she could face me. She looked at me in horror. "you- you- i thought we killed you. how?" her voice trembled when she spoke. "yes you killed her not me im her sister we look alike huh? How is it seeing the face that was raped every single day by your sick of a husband while you watched" i screamed. Anger all i felt was anger the more i looked at the wife. She shook her head repeatedly. "im so sorry im so sorry please forgive me" she cried. I brought my hand down that had the knife against her neck stabbing her abdomen. Blood from her body staining my school clothes. "forgive you? Forgive you for killing my sister! I hope you rot in hell bitch" i said furiously. Her body hit the floor with a loud thumb as blood covered the white marvel floor. Now to wait for the husband. When i turned to wait in the living room my breath hitched as i saw a little girl in the doorway. She looked terrified. I mean what kid wouldn't. "is she dead" she asked. "your parents are bad people" i responded. I dropped the knife as i made my way towards the little girl. I dropped on my knees as i smiled at her. "your clothes. Blood is all over them" i looked down wiping my hand on the shirt that was white now red. "it's ts fine i could just wash them". Her big brown eyes looking directly at me. Her brown hair flowing down her back. "how old are you" i asked. "10" she said lowly. I bit my lip trying to hold in my tears. She looked so much like her. The way she looked at me reminded me of how my sisters big eyes would look at me with so much love. "i want you too answer this question for me truthfully, okay?" she nodded. "has your dad ever touched you in a way you didnt like. made you feel scared towards him" the little girls eyes wandered around the room avoiding my eyes. "well if he has he wont touch you ever again" her head turned towards me as her eyes went wide. "really" she asked with a big smile. I nodded my head returning the smile. 

The husband fought back. He overpowered me for a second as he put me in a choke hold. But now me and the little girl that i learned her name to be eliza watched as the house was ingulfed by flames. The scream of the husband inside making a smile flicker on my lips. "Where are we going now" eliza asked. "with someone you can stay with, someone you are safe with"

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