Separated -- Idolish7

By ShiroishiKurumi

21.3K 971 86

Fraternal twin's separated since birth... But what happens when they meet each other once again? How will the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 11

1K 58 3
By ShiroishiKurumi

Time Skip~ Lunch~

The four went to the cafeteria to get their lunch. Iori said "Yotsoba-san, don't get too much pudding again," Tamaki said as he was already holding 5 puddings "Too late," Iori sighs.

Riku asked "What are you going to get?" Tenn says "I guess... Anything that is pleasing to the eyes," Riku said "But everything looks good," Tenn smiles at the innocent behavior of the redhead.

After they got their lunch and took their seats with the seniors, they were startled by an energetic tone of voice "Hello my beautiful kouhais!" they all shrieked and the other students look at them.

Yuki said rubbing his ears "Wow! That was loud!" they said in unison "Sorry," Tamaki says with a pout "That was Momorin's fault for scaring us from behind!" Riku agrees understanding what he said "Yeah! That was Momo-san's fault!"

Momo says "My bad," and laughs nervously. Mitsuki says "What are you two doing here?" Yuki said "Oh nothing... Just checking on the students," Gaku said with a straight face "You're not even the principal,"

Yuki said "Yeah, we know... But we just felt like it," Nagi said "I don't get it," and the others laugh awkwardly. Momo exclaims "You guys have a low sense of humor!"

Tenn says "It's not that... Your jokes aren't really funny," Momo exclaims "So mean!" Yamato said after a sigh "I wonder what these two are that made their brains malfunction," Sogo said "Yamato-kun! Don't be mean!"

Yuki agrees "Yeah Yamato... Don't be mean," Nagi said bored "I want to watch Magical Cocona," Mitsuki said "And?" Nagi pouts.

Yuki said "It seems that Riku-kun became better with Japanese," Riku smiles and said "Yeah! And proud of myself!" Yuki said with a smile "That's good to hear,"

Time Skip~ After Classes~

Riku stretched his arms and said "It's finally over!" Tamaki said lazily "Good job," the other two go towards their seat and Iori said "We should get going,"

Riku and Tamaki stood up and they left the classroom. And as they were going to meet with the others. Riku glanced at the wrist of Tenn and eyes widen in shock to see a bracelet that looks exactly like his but the initial on it was 'R'.

"Are you okay?" Tenn asked worried, Riku looked at him and said "Oh! Yes, I'm fine," Iori said "You were spacing out," Riku smiles and said "Don't worry... I was just thinking about something,"

The others look at each other worried and they continue to walk to the entrance.

And once they met at the entrance. They took their separate ways.


Riku was looking outside the window and thought ' Was that only a coincidence?' Riku sighed and thought 'I guess it was'

Riku arrived home and his mother greeted him "Welcome home," Riku hugged her and said "I'm back," Yumi smiled and pat the head of Riku and said "You better get changed," Riku nods and head to his room to change.


Tenn was looking in front and thought 'Is only me or Riku was looking at my bracelet?' he glanced at the item and sighed.

The driver asked "Are you okay, master Tenn?" Tenn smiles and said "I'm fine,"

And once he arrived home, Takato greets him "Welcome home," Tenn says "I'm back," and said "I'll be in my room," Takato said "Okay... I'll call you when it's time for dinner," Tenn nods.


Yumi sighed and thought 'I don't even know how to tell Riku' and mumbled "This is harder than what we have anticipated," Sara enters the living room and said "It's time for dinner,"

Yumi stood up and head to the dinning room. Riku also enters and took his seat. Yumi asked "Riku... Tell me more about Nanase Tenn," Riku smiled and said "Oh! Tenn-san is great! He acts like an older brother, he and Iori helped me when I had an attack, he even said that I was a fast learner and the others said we look alike,"

Yumi said "I see... It's good to hear that you're having fun," Riku smiles.


Takato was waiting for Tenn at the dinning room and thought 'I don't even know if he would forgive me' and sighed.

Luka said as he serves the food "Dinner is ready," Tenn enters the dinning room and took his seat. Takato said "Tenn... Tell me more about Nanase Riku,"

Tenn smiled and said "Riku is like a younger brother to me, he has a cute and innocent behavior, he is a fast learner like me and he always optimistic,"

Takato said in response "I see... It's good to hear that you have good friends around you," Tenn said "Yeah,"

After they ate dinner, Tenn went to his room. And Takato said "This hard... How do we tell those two?" Luka said "Don't worry Master Takato... It will be fine," Takato said "I hope you're right about that,"


Yumi brushed the hair of Riku who was asleep and said "My sweet Riku... I hope you forgive us for telling you late about you and your older brother,"

Sara knocks and enters the room asking "Are you not going to sleep?" Yumi sighed and said "I'll go to bed later," Sara said in response "Very well... Goodnight, Madame Yumi," and left the room. Yumi sighed and said "I wonder how Tenn is doing?"


End of the chapter! Hope you enjoyed it and see you guys next update!😀

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