Harry Styles Darcy Imagines P...

By JackmySammy

49.9K 670 430

Again, they're not imagines. Darcy is a teenager now. Life is getting thrown at her. How will she handle it? More

Welcome to book 2
Last Day Being Fifteen
Sweet Sixteen
Be Alright
Sunday Brunch
Up and Down a Lot
Driving Me Crazy
The One With The Pink Tulips
A Different Light
Beaches and Sunlight
Friends Support Friends
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
Maybe I Should Tell Him
18 Years
Just to Make Sure
Somebody to Love
Undeniably Yours
Rules and Roses
To St. Lucia

Midnight Snack

2.2K 24 19
By JackmySammy

Y/n's Pov

"We should call the kids." Harry said after our nap. "I miss them even though I'm enjoying the peace and quiet here."

"I know, I feel like parts of me are missing when we're not together." I said. "But maybe we should put on clothes in case they want to FaceTime."

"That's probably a good idea." He smirked and handed me his shirt that he was wearing for our lunch date.

Once we were situated on the bed, I FaceTimed my mother's phone and she answered with Ava sitting between her and my father. "Hi mom. We wanted to say hi to the kids."

"Your father will go get them. We were watching a movie with Ava. Say hi, baby." She faced the phone in front of Ava and she waved but then moved out of frame to continue watching the movie. "Oh honey, don't you want to say hi to mummy and daddy."

"Hi baby, what is so interesting that you can't talk to us?" Harry asked her.

"Beauty and the Beast." She said as she came back in frame. "Belle is visiting the castle and finding her daddy locked away."

"Ah, yes, the most important scene of the movie. Well, I forgive you." He said. "Where are your brothers, my love?"

"Right here!" Edward appeared on screen behind my mother's head with Ethan next to him. "Hi mumma, hi dad."

"Hi sweetie." I smiled. "How are you guys? Did you have fun at school?"

"School was school. It was raining again so no football practice but grandpa is letting us play outside on the porch since it's covered." Edward said.

"Stay warm bub." I said.

"I will. How is honeymooning going? Make any new siblings for us yet?" Edward cheekily asked and I scowled him through the phone but that didn't matter seeing as Harry burst out laughing.

"Oh definitely. Your mum and I are really cherishing the alone time." I gently elbowed Harry's side. "But we miss all of you lots and lots. Where is your sister?"

"I'm right here!" Ava popped into frame again and waved.

"I meant your older sister. Where's Darcy?" Harry clarified.

"Darcy is-"

"Right here! Sorry, I had a deadline on one of my assignments. How is vacation?" She smiled.

"I'll fill you in on that later." Edward said to her. "Are you guys bringing back presents?"

"Vacationing isn't about bringing home presents. It's about speeding time and relaxing together and then reuniting as a family at home. There are much more important things in the world than presents, Ed.... But yes, we're bring you back presents." Harry said.

"But you will only get them if you guys behave." I added.

"We always behave."


Darcy's Pov

After the phone call with mum and dad went on a little longer, we said our goodbyes.

Edward and Ethan went back to whatever they were doing outside in the rain and I went to get a snack in the kitchen before going to finish the rest of my schoolwork.


Nine p.m.

I was waiting for Isaac to text me for about thirty minutes now. I wonder if he's home or not. If he is, he's probably eating dinner even though he probably already ate at Sydney's house. But if he's not at home, he's probably with Sydney, snacking or eating on something her mum made that's just so good, he can't get enough of it and they're talking and laughing and then his hand reaches for a muffin just as hers does and then they graze each other's skin and look in each other's eyes and-

I groaned in my pillow, wanting to erase the thought I just conjured up in my mind.

He told me that he doesn't like Sydney already so I shouldn't let my thoughts get the better of me.

I can wait until later.

Ten p.m.

I've been waiting and waiting.

Any notification that pops up on my phone and I immediate reach for it, thinking it's Isaac calling or texting me but it wasn't.

I sighed and got comfortable on my bed, deciding not to get my hopes up again for the next hour. He said he would call at eleven so I still have an hour. I just wish he would have texted me that he made it home okay or what he was doing right now.

There was a knock on my bedroom door and I said for whoever it was to come in.

"Hi dear," My grandma peaked her head inside of my room. "I got Ava tucked into bed an hour ago and told your brothers not to stay up too late so I'm telling you the same." She said.

"Okay." I smiled, little does she know, I'll be up until past midnight watching a movie. But what is late anyway? Twelve o'clock? One, two, three in the morning?

"I think your grandpa and I will be going to bed soon but if you need us, you know where we are." She said. "Goodnight."


When it was five minutes past eleven, I ran my fingers through my hair and picked up my phone to see if Isaac called or not but I had no new notifications. I was busying myself with YouTube videos and reading one of my favorite books to past time.

Why hasn't he called or bothered texting me?

If he didn't want to have a movie night with me, fine but he could have at least called and told me himself.

It was his idea after all and he knows I hate staying up late so he should have said something.

Right as I was about to text him, I received one from him.

Fancy opening the door?

I reread it to make sure my eyes weren't deceiving me. Does this mean he's outside?

I was very quiet as I made my way downstairs, not wanting to disturb or alert anyone. My grandparents were most likely asleep, so was Ava but my brothers are awake, I heard them in their rooms, shouting at their video games per usual.

I peaked out of the peephole and saw Isaac standing on the porch with his hands in his pockets, waiting for me to let him in.

I opened the door and quickly disabled the alarm before he gripped my hand and pulled me upstairs to my room.

I was surprised and confused at his appearance. Did he walk all the way here?

I waited until we were safe and sound in my room with the door locked before speaking, "What are you doing here? I though we were gonna FaceTime and-"

"Facetiming is overrated, I wanted to see you." He said. "I figured your grandparents would be asleep so I could sneak in for tonight. I'm sorry I didn't call but I wanted it to be a surprise... Are you surprised?"

"Yes." I spoke almost too loudly. "I thought you forgot about our movie night. Too entertained with Sydney." I sarcastically said to with he rolled his eyes.

"Like I could ever forget about you." He cupped my cheek and and leaned in to kiss the corner of my mouth. "And I thought I told you already, Sydney is just my friend." He assured me once more.

"I know but you weren't texting or calling and I was thinking of you alone with her because Tommy said  you'll be hanging out in her room and then you'll stop and stare at each other and before you know it, you're making out and then making babies and-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Why are you listening to Tommy? He's... Tommy." He laughed. "Did you really think I would be making babies with Sydney? We sat around her house reading and doing the presentation for a few hours and then I went home. Her mum wasn't home for most of it but that doesn't mean anything happened." He said.

I shook my head at how ridiculous I was being. I can't believe I let Tommy get to me.

Making babies?


"I couldn't be less interested in Sydney. I'm in love with someone else. Someone who I just walked almost two miles for at night while it's bloody freezing outside just so I can do this," He placed his hands on both sides of my face and traced his thumb across my cheek before leaning forward to close the gap between us. His bottom lip tucked between mine and they moved in sync as I kissed him back, savoring the way his tasted like his vanilla chapstick. He slowly pulled away but stayed close, leaning his forehead on mine. "And spend time with her even though we're at risk of getting caught and you getting in even more trouble... But I can leave if you want."

"No, stay." I wrapped my arms around him. "You owe it to the girl you're in love with. And I don't think those five miles you walked should be for nothing." I said.

"I owe it to you?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Yes." I planted a quick kiss on his jaw. "Happy wife, happy life." I innocently smiled at him. "Sorry for ever doubting you. I won't listen to Tommy ever again."

"Thank you, now can we please have our movie night and cuddle because I'm freezing." He said.

"Yes. Get in bed." I watched as he took off his shoes and hopped onto my bed, ready for me to join him. "I can go get snacks for us and you can put on... Monsters Inc." I smiled at my movie choice.

"You can't be serious. We watch Monsters Inc. all the time, Darc."

"You said I can pick and I want to watch Monsters Inc."


"Either that or the Notebook. Whichever you prefer but those are my options so you choose." I said to him before I left to head downstairs to get us some snacks.

I grabbed a bag of chips, some fruit snacks, and graham crackers from the pantry and then some water bottles for the two of us before heading back upstairs.

I was going to pop some popcorn but it's late and I don't want to be loud with the microwave.

When I returned to my bedroom Isaac was sitting against the headboard waiting for me.

I stepped in and locked the door behind me before joining him and dumping the snacks on my bed. I'm not that hungry so he'll probably end up eating most of it.

"We can watch Monsters Inc." He lifted up my blanket for me and I slid under the covers to cuddle him, not realizing how cold I was. I can't believe he walked all the way here. I know it's freezing outside. "Your feet feel like ice. Don't you ever wear socks?"

"Not to bed." I grabbed the remote that was near him so I could press play on the movie. "And why would I wear socks when I have your legs to keep me warm?" I tangled our legs together, purposely rubbing my cold feet over his shins which normally would make him shriek a little but he has on sweatpants. "See. I'm warming up already."

"Scoot closer." He held his arm out for me and I obliged, leaving little to no space between us. I leaned my head on his shoulder and he leaned his down on my head. "No popcorn?" He observed. "And while watching a classic movie too? Who are you and what have you done to my Darcy?"

"I didn't want to be too loud."

"Ah, makes sense." He reached for the chips that I brought and started mindlessly snacking on them while the movie begun.

I was barely paying attention to the movie, mainly just trying to stay awake. I miss us hanging out and being able to cuddle like this so I wanted to make every minute count.

"Are you going to stay the night or are you leaving once the movie is over?" I quietly asked him. "Because you're more than welcomed to stay but I'm not sure how you'll sneak out tomorrow when everyone is awake."

"I can go home just to play it safe. Wouldn't want your grandparents walking in on us in bed together. I want them and your parents to still like me." He said.

"It'll be so late and I don't want you walking home at night. I can drive you."

"We live in a gated community. I think I'll be fine." He chuckled.

"I'll worry about you... You should stay and just leave early tomorrow. We can wake up at five and I'll sneak you out." I suggested and he looked like he was debating it, "Please bubby." I wrapped my arms around his waist and snuggled up closer to him.

"Five a.m. is really early." He lightly whined.

"You can sleep once you get back home."

"You're my home..." He whispered into my hair and pressed a gentle kiss to my head. "Fine. We'll wake up early and I'll try to make it home before your grandparents realize I'm here or my parents realize I'm gone."

"You didn't tell them you left?" I was surprised to hear this from Isaac. Sneaking out of the house isn't something he does... ever.

"They know you're grounded. I didn't want you to get in more trouble and do you really think they would let me walk over here at night?"

"Who's the bad boy now? Look at you." I teased, poking at his stomach. "I appreciate the surprise tonight but this is the one and only time we should do something this risky."

"Sure. The only time." He sarcastically said and I snuggled closer to him, feeling myself become sleepy already.

He was munching away on the snacks and watching the movie but I had my eyes closed and before I knew it, I was dozing off to sleep.

I'm not sure how long I was asleep but I woke up to the sound of someone bumping my desk.

I peaked my eyes open and saw Isaac hopping on one foot while holding the other, cursing under his breath.

"Are you leaving alr-" Before I could finish speaking, he jump slightly, not knowing I was awake but quickly shushed me.

"Go back to sleep honey. I have my key, I can lock the door downstairs." He whispered as he held up a sticky note that he was placing on my desk. "You can read this when you wake up later."

I wanted to get up and hug him goodbye. I don't even know what time it is but getting out of bed right now to endure the cold was too much to handle for me at dawn.

He stepped back over to my bed and gave me a forehead kiss, his lips barely grazing my skin but it was enough to make my heart flutter.

"Love you... goodbye." He grabbed his phone and keys before heading to downstairs to leave before my grandparents woke up.

I couldn't find my voice to tell him the same, I just closed my eyes and went back to sleep but when I woke up a few hours later, ready to start my day, I read a text from him saying that he made it home okay around 5:30 a.m. and that he was going back to sleep. I wished he could have stayed, I feel like we barely got to spend any time together last night because I fell asleep so early.

He placed the rest of the snacks on my desk and when I got up to go to the bathroom, I saw the stick note that he left. The one I vaguely remember him mentioning before I fell back asleep earlier.

You fell asleep before the movie ended so you know what that means... I pick our next five movies when we have movie night. You snore really cute by the way, otherwise I'd be annoyed at you for falling asleep so early. Xx

Ps. I might have to limp home due to your desk trying to break my toe. And I also ate all of the chips!

I smiled at the note but felt bad that he stubbed his toe. I could have drove him home if he was really hurt. My poor bubby.

I decided to text him good morning and that I appreciated last night even though I fell asleep early.

I'm pretty sure my grandparents are up, as well as Ava so I decided to get ready for the day which consisted of putting my hair up and changing into one of Isaac's shirts that I stole from him awhile ago. I kept my pajamas pants on, deciding to have a lazy day since it's Saturday before heading downstairs to join my grandma and sister making breakfast.

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