Fanalis of Middle Earth

By SpaciestUnicorn

44.3K 1.3K 127

Morgiana was taking her last breath after defeating Zagan but what Morgiana didn't expect is to wake up in fr... More

Things to know before reading
Is this the end?
Strange wakening
Mr: Pointy Hat?
Dwarf cuteness
The Quest
Hitting the Road
Troubled Thoughts
It's Time To Ruuuummmmbbbllee!
Radagast the Brown?

Don't underestimate me!

4.3K 172 40
By SpaciestUnicorn

Morgiana's POV:

We were having some yummy looking stew that Bofur cooked up for us and as most of us got our portion, I noticed Bofur hand two bowls to Bilbo. Raising an eyebrow at them wondering what he was doing. That was until I heard Kili and Fili's  names, I was debating of following  Bilbo but I know he will be alright with the others around....I hope. I keep glancing all around us since I keep getting a bad feeling and my gut feeling never really fails me when it comes to detecting a fight is a gonna break out soon.

And soon just like my gut was telling me, Fili and Kili were running at us yelling about trolls? But what caught my attention was that there were was supposed to be a certain hobbit with them. Right away I jumped up from where I was on the floor and just ready to run towards where Bilbo could be. Just before I could make my way towards Bilbo I was stopped by a pair of hands grabbing my shoulder in a pretty tight grip but I'm used to even harsher treatment that it felt like a little mosquito bite. I looked back with a narrowed gaze as my eye's clashed with a pair of glaring ice blue eyes.

"And may I ask where you plan on going?" Thorin demanded in a pretty much annoyed tone.

"Does it matter? I need to go help Bilbo since your nephew's abandoned him to fight by himself!" My voice came out harsher than I meant to but I couldn't  help but be mad since they just left him to his own devices. I noticed in the corner of my eye that both Fili and Kili flinched and looked guilty but that meant nothing at the moment.

"Were going to get him and you would've heard that if you weren't being busy with your head in the clouds, and you are going to stay here and watch over the camp. We don't need a women with no weapon, you would just be in the anyways?" Thorin said sternly and walked off, giving no room for argument. The others that were following Thorin gave a few glances at me with concern and pity before they vanished in the woods.

Staring into woods with a cold hard glare. My body was shaking not out of fear or worry but RAGE! How dare he! He knows nothing of what I'm capable of and what makes him think that's he's better than everyone!  I waited a bit but my gut instinct was telling me I should go. Not wasting anymore time I rushed into the woods, running fast until I heard a sound of what sounded like a bunch of metal falling to the ground. Staying quiet as I was sneaking behind the tree's to see what was going on. Let's just say my gut instincts would've told Thorin "Ha told you so!" Phrase if it could. There on the ground was a pile of tied down Dwarves and some of the other's were pretty much getting comfy being roasted as pig on fire.

I spotted Bilbo with the pile of tied dwarves and I couldn't help breath with a sigh of relief. That's when the ugly looking trolls starting talking about ways to eat the dwarves and them mentioning turning into stone when the sun rises.

"WAIT! you are making a terrible mistake!" Bilbo suddenly shouted stopping the trolls from what they were doing. What was he doing? Is he trying to buy time? I couldn't help but smile when Bilbo starting saying stuff about seasonings and when he said that Bomber had worms as well as the other dwarves, the dwarves took offense at first but than Thorin gave them a quick look than they all had a worm size competition.

I couldn't hold it any longer, even though I was gonna save them sooner but the conversations that they were having was a bit to amusing to not listen to but I couldn't stop the laughter that I was holding in for so long.

" HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH!" My laughter ran throughout the woods causing everyone and thing to come to a halt. The trolls were looking around trying to find the source while the dwarves were tense since they weren't really sure who it was.

"Ye guys hearing that too?" The smaller troll said looking around frantically,

"Of course we heard it, stupid!" The more aggressive troll smack the head of the smaller one.

The cook troll called out " Ye better come out or else!"

" Oh? Is that so?" I said out loud once I was able to calm myself, while walking out of the shadows making everyone snap there eye's towards me. The dwarves eye's widened in surprise than the surprise turned into worry looks especially from Bilbo, Fili, Kili. I glanced at them but than quickly put all my focus on the trolls with narrowed eye's.

The trolls that never seen a creature that looked really different with there pale skin and the very interesting shade of pinkish red hair and eye's.

" What type of creature are you?" The cook said with a confused look.

"Can we eat them?" The small one said with a hungry look.

" you should've of listened to the Hobbit when he said you were making a terrible mistake." I said with a deadly glare making the smaller troll and cook troll take a step back from the fierceness of it.

"We don't need to listen to tiny creatures that are gonna be our dinner and now your just gonna be an appetizer!" The aggressive troll said before launching himself at me.

" I hope you're ready for the consequences for messing with my friends!" I said deathly calm as I started hopping on one foot as the troll was running at me. The other's were yelling at me to run away since they thought I was no match for them.

One thing that no one should do..................DON'T UNDERESTIMATE ME!

Just as the troll was gonna punch me I jumped high backflipping as landed close to where Bilbo was who as well as the other's looked shocked since they didn't  actually expect I could be so fast since I look weak and frail to them. The troll that tried attacking me got stuck between tree's as he missed his real target.

The troll yelled in rage "Get back here you rodent" I raised a brow at that. Was that seriously the best insult he could do?

The other trolls decided to help join the fight and started to rush at me as well. Both the trolls tried to hit me but I reacted faster as I grabbed a hold on both of there fingers, at first I was dragging them around in a circle until I got enough speed and strength that I was able to lift them both in the air. "Ahhh, I think I'm  gonna sick!" Said one of the trolls as both them continue screaming as I spin them. Smashing them against some tree's and rocks in the process, making them cry in pain.

"Am I seeing this right!? Or did I drink to much ale that the Lass can all of sudden lift two giant trolls into the air?"  I heard Bofur in the distance say and I couldn't help but smirk at that a little since I'm even done showing all the things that I could do.

"Let go of them you runt!" The aggressive troll yelled since he couldn't get close enough since im spinning his comrades around.

"Very well." I said as I let them go, watching them as fly high over a bunch of rocks as they scream in distance since they weren't gonna be stopping for a while.

" YOU!!!" The last troll yelled out angerly and just as he was about to go and attack me again a voice beside us yelled out snapping all of our attention to a certain grey looking wizard.

"DAWN WILL TAKE YOU ALL!"  Just as he yelled that out he smashed his staff against this giant rock making it break in half and having the rising sun shining through, making the troll yell out in rage and agony as he slowly turned to stone.

I couldn't help but pout a little for not being able to finish the fight. Way to my steal my thunder Gandalf. Turning around to go help untie the others I notice they all looked at me  in awe and a little bit of fear. I went and lifted the roast of Dwarves off the fire first and it was funny hearing them say "woah! You better not drop us!" But I gently put them on the ground and untied one them before going to untie Bilbo since he was the closest  "you did a good job buying time Bilbo." I smiled at him to hopefully put him at ease since he still looked pretty tense.

"Thank you Morgiana! But I must say I'm still amazed how you even managed to throw two giant trolls into the sky like it was nothing!" Bilbo said with an astonished laugh near the end.

"Were you always that strong? Bilbo asked.

"Pretty much but I'm not that strong compared to others of my kind but I think I'll get there someday" I smiled at the thought of being as strong as my people. Bilbo looked at me amazed like he couldn't believe that I could get even stronger than I already was and the fact there was more people that crazy strong like me.

That's when I noticed in the corner of my eye Gandalf and Thorin were talking but I notice Gandalf looked at me and winked which kinda creeped me out a bit to be honest because I'm never really sure what that old man is thinking. Thorin sent me a glare when he noticed me which isn't surprising but boy was I in for annoying time when he came started walking over to me with an angry face.....Damn Gandalf why didn't you help me out if you can help the others!


Gandalf's POV:

I was making my way back towards the company knowing that the dwarves are gonna be in trouble since Thorin was to stubborn to listen to me to begin with. I sigh almost thinking I'm to old for this. As I getting close towards the others, I heard yelling and a weird sound of something spinning in the air but before I could find out what it was. I saw two giant trolls fly threw the air screaming as they fly towards the sun making them turn into stone. I blinked a couple of times to make sure I wasn't hallucinating.....oh dear, I think my age is finally catching up to me...

Sneaking behind a couple of giant rocks I spot Morgiana and one troll ready to engage a fight but I decided to step in before any more needless fighting begins.

"DAWN SHALL TAKE YOU ALL" I yelled as I stand on giant rock that blocked the rising sun. Smashing my staff against the rock, splitting the rock in half to let the sun in to turn the troll into stone. I noticed the looks of awe towards Morgiana making my suspicions rise on what truly happened, I guess I'll  have to talk to a stubborn Dwarf to find out.

A/N: sorry guys for the super delayed update but it's finally here and sorry if it may be a bit rough since I kinda rushed this a bit, I'm also kinda struggling with writing fight scenes but hope you guys enjoy it anyways.

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