𝕀'𝕞 𝔹𝕒𝕔𝕜 ⁕ Stranger thi...

By -zirconz

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𝐈𝐌 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊 ━━ ❝I'll never leave for good, i've promised that..❞ in which a boy who... More

Welcome to Hawkins
Will Byers
"it's really will.."
What is wrong with you??!
I'm the monster..
I can find them..
It got me
༻•◌Season two
creeps !
Easy-peasy right?
go away
True sight
I think he's going to die
it upset him
It's a trap!!
do you remember?
Close it
༻•◌Season three
It's good to be back
Relationship issues
Russians & headaches
the new host
bad feeling
the battle
༻•◌Season four
not the same
Creel House

The Mage

2.8K 109 29
By -zirconz

[Chapter 9: The Gate part one]


THE TWO TEENS slowly make their wake towards eachother, afraid that if they walked too quickly one of them would disappear.

They wrapped their arms around eachother desperately, sobbing into each other's shoulders.

"Is that.." Lucas glanced at Max as Dustin just stared at his two friends in shock. They nodded as a response.

Mike and Eleven pulled away and stared at eachother, the corners of their lips pulling up into a small grin.

"I never gave up on you. I called you every night. Every night for-"

"353 days.. I heard."

Mike's smile slowly went away as he realized. "Why didnt you tell me you were there? That you were okay?"

"Because I wouldn't let her." A gruff voice interrupted as he walked towards El.

"The hell is this, where have you been-"

"Where have you been." El answered back. Hopper only pushed her head into his chest as he rubbed her back.

"You've been hiding her. You've been hiding her this whole time!" Mike angrily shoves Hopper from behind.

"Hey, hey. Let's talk, alone." Hopper grabs Mike by the collar of his jacket.

As Mike and Hopper went into Will's room to talk, everyone could hear shouts and quiet sobs.

El wrapped her arms around Lucas and Dustin. "We missed you."

"I missed you too."

"We talked about you pretty much everyday.." Dustin let out an airy chuckle at the end.

El pulls away. She looks at her two friends, but her eyes lingered on Dustin. Her eyebrows furrow as she reaches over and touches his teeth.



"You have teeth.."

"Oh.." Dustin and Lucas look at eachother and grin.

"You like these pearls?" Dustin proceeds to purr, Lucas stops grinning and shakes his head with embarrassment as El only flinches in confusion.

Max makes her way towards the small group. "Eleven?"

"Hey, I'm max. I've heard a lot about you." Max hold out her hand for El to shake. El stares at it before sliding past her, bumping shoulders.

El runs into M/n's arms. She hadn't been in his arms for a while. Talking to eachother telepathically doesn't really allow you to really touch eachother.

"It's good to see you El." M/n grins into her Neck as she nods.

Joyce couldn't help but join in as both of the teens giggled at her actions. M/n and El lean back into her arms before letting go of eachother so El could have her time with Joyce.

M/n walked away to the kitchen to drink more water and try and figure out how to 'Close Gate'.

El and Joyce walked back into the kitchen. M/n set down the cardboard piece and sat down.

"You opened this gate gate before right?"

El nods and looks forward. "Yes."

"Do you think of we could get you back there, that you could close it?"

El doesn't answer, she only looks at Joyce before looking forward with a look of determination.


"It's not like it was before. It's grown, a lot. I mean, that's considering what we can get in there."

"The place is crawling with those dogs."

"Demo-dogs." Dustin corrected.

"I'm sorry what?"

"I said uhm, Demo-dogs. Like demogorgon and dogs.. you put them together and it sounds pretty badass-"

M/n taps Dustin's shoulder and shakes his head. "How is this important right now?"

"It's not I'm sorry."

"I can do it." El says.

Everyone turns their heads towards her. "You're not hearing me."

"I'm hearing you, I can do it." She replies instantly.

"Even if El can, there's still another problem." Everyone now turns to Mike to listen to what he has to say.

"If the brain dies, the body dies."

"I thought that was the whole point?" Max questioned.

"It is, but if we're really right about this. I mean, if El closes the gate and kills the mind flayer's army..."

"Will's apart of that army." Lucas added, realizing what Mike was going on about.

"Closing the gates will kill him."

Everyone goes silent, the idea of closing the gate now seeming like one of the worst solutions.

Joyce stands up, everyone else follows her in confusion. She walked into her room.

Everyone can feel the breeze that blows strongly throughout the room.

"He likes it cold.." she mumbled.

"What?" Dannia asked as both Hopper and herself share looks of confusion.

"It what Will kept saying to me. He likes it cold."

Joyce walked over to the window and pulls it down shut.

"We keep giving it what it wants!"

"If this is a virus, and Will's the host.."

"Then we need to make the host uninhabitable."

"So if he likes it cold.."

"We need to burn it out of him." Joyce nodded.

"We need to do it somewhere he doesn't know this time." Mike remind everyone.

"Yeah, somewhere far away."

Hopper carries Will over his shoulder out the door as he gives instructions to Jonathan.

M/n had to make a choice. Whether he wanted to be with Will, stay with everyone else, or close the gates with El.

M/n wanted to stay with his friends, but he also felt the need to comfort his friend as whatever was possessing him was being separated from him.

M/n trusted El, but he knew El would need help closing the gates. He decided that he would go with El. He needed to do something more, whether it took a bit of persuasion to convince not only his mom, but his brother and Hopper.

He managed to do it. He gave his brother a hug and his mom gave him a kiss and a big hug.

Not only that but he was also brought into a group hug with El as a good luck.

Steve and Nancy approached the pile of junk to look for anything useful. Incase those demo-dogs actually do find their way to the house.

"You should go with them."


"With Jonathan." Steve answered as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"No I'm.. I'm not just gonna leave Mike.." Nancy declined.

"No one's leaving anyone." Steve walked over to the other side where Nancy was.

"I may be a pretty shitty boyfriend, but turns out I'm actually a pretty damn good babysitter." Steve shone his light on what looked to be a heater.


"It's okay Nance."

Nancy smiled up at Steve. "I know."

"Especially with Gabe by your side. You guys look like parents almost." Nancy smiled as she watched Steve blush slightly and turn away.

"I guess he does too." Steve muttered before realizing what he said. "I uh-"

"It's okay, Steve." Nancy repeated, just as Steve did. Steve slowly nodded and walked back inside.

M/n watched as Mike and El interacted with eachother. He felt bad for them, seeing as El just arrived and now she was leaving again.

M/n looked away and started to go into the car once Hopper had finished talking to Joyce.

M/n sighed as he rest his elbow on the side of the car and placed his head onto his hand. He was still feeling exhausted from the events that happened a few hours ago.

Seeing as he couldn't control his abilities like El, he was going to need as much rest as possible to help El close the gates.

He felt himself drift away, whether he were to go to dreamland or nightmare land was a mystery. He just hoped he could get the rest required for his energy to be back.


Everyone took part in cleaning up the house, they might as well do something meanwhile just staying here.

Gabe's head kept aching and eventually he had to sit down and listen to everyone else clean.

Steve gave him some painkillers and water to try and soothe the pain, figuring it was just from the stress.

Gabe didn't want to tell anyone, he kept getting small visions everytime he took a sip of water.

Loud growls and screeches

Another sip

Screams of agony, other shouts in the background slightly muffled by the original screaming

Gabe took one final gulp of the water

Blood dripping onto metal floor, two pairs of shoes

Gabe gasped quietly from the relief of pain that was beginning to go away.

Gabe didn't want to assume the worst and tried to push back the visions he got.

He looked up, facing his friend and the rest of the teens.

Gabe stood up as he wiped the sweat from his forehead onto his jeans. He followed everyone into the kitchen.

As he watched everyone follow Mike back and forth. Until he kneeled down to what looked like a source, where all the tunnels connected.

"Here, right here. This is like a hub. So you got all the tunnels feeding in here. Maybe if we set this on fire-"

"Oh yeah, that's a no." Steve interjected but was ultimately ignored.

"The mind flayer would call away his army."

"They'd all come to stop us."

"We circle back to the exit."


"By the time they realize we're gone-"

"El and M/n would be at the gate."

"Hey Hey hey! This is not happening." Steve shouted to grab the attention of the teens.


"No no no no. No buts. I promised I'd keep you shitheads safe and that's exactly what I plan on doing." Steve continued.

"We're staying here, on the bench. And we're waiting for their starting team to do their job. Does everybody understand?"

"This isn't a stupid sports game-"

"I said, does everybody understand that. I need a yes."

Nobody said anything. Next thing everyone heard was the sound of loud revving from a car.

Max immediately went towards the window. "It's my brother. He can't know I'm here. He'll kill me. He'll kill us." Max turned towards Lucas who was next to her in a heartbeat.

Gabe tried to pull everyone away front he windows but they were just too engulfed into water was happening. All of a sudden they all ducked away from the windows.

"Shit! Did he see us?" Dustin questioned as he looked up at Gabe.

Gabe looked outside and cursed as he saw Billy shove steve.

He didn't even have time to shove everyone out of the house before Billy broke through the front door.

"Well, well, well. Lucas Sinclair, what a surprise." Billy called out, not even noticing anyone's presence.

"I though I told you to stay away from him Max." Billy turned to his sister- I mean STEP sister who was standing next to Lucas.

"Billy go away."

"You disobeyed me, and you know what happens when you disobey me."

Gabe couldn't watch one of his friends practically assault a minor. (Not really, but could've fooled me-)

"Billy back away from the children-"

"I break things." Billy proceeds to slam Lucas into a nearby shelf in the kitchen to the left of them. Everyone shouts for Billy to get off of Lucas.

"Since Maxine won't listen to me, maybe you will. You stay away from her. Stay Away from her! You hear me?" Lucas kneed Billy in the crotch, sending him back.

Billy leans over in pain for a moment before looking back up.

"So dead, Sinclair. You're dead." Steve then comes from no where and turns Billy around.

"No, you are." Steve punches Billy in the face. Gabe grabs Lucas who was slightly frozen in place.

"I've been waiting to meet this King Steve everybody's been telling me so much about." Billy laughs as his nose bleeds a bit.

"Get out." Steve lightly pushes Billy with his fingers.

Billy stands there for a moment, everyone though he was going to agree silently and walk out but we all knew that wasn't the case.

Gabe knew what Billy was doing since he's been in his fair share of fights before. He knew it was only going to get worse from here.

Everyone began to cheer for Steve. Gabe didn't know what to do. The kids are out of control and the mother is fighting someone!

Billy slams a plate onto Steve's head and shoves steve into the living room.

"No one tells me what to do." He headbutts Steve, causing him to slide across the floor.

Billy sits on Steve's abdomen and punches the living shit out of him.

Everyone else was now yelling at Billy to get off of him. Gabe looked around until he found a needle filled the liquid used to knock out Will.

Gabe grabbed the needle and began to walk to Billy, only to be stopped by Max as she gestured for the needle.

Gabe sighed, one glance to Steve and he handed her the needle. As much as it drove him insane, it was probably better if Max dealt with Billy.

Billy stops his actions once Max injects him in the neck with the needle still sticking out of his neck.

"The hell is this."

Billy stumbled forward, the needle now in his hands.

"You little shit, what did you do.." Billy couldn't maintain his balance no longer and dropped to the floor.

Billy laughed uncontrollably, probably from the feeling passing out.

Max grabbed the bat from beside Gabe.

"Hey, hey what are you doing with that." Gabe called out.

"Relax." Max answered. She held up the bat over her shoulder, ready to strike at Billy.

"From here on out, you leave me and friends alone. Do you understand?"

"Screw you." Max slams the bat down in-between his legs. Billy raises his head to look at where the bat is placed.

"Say you understand! Say it!"

Billy didn't say anything and only laid back down onto the floor.

"Say it!"

"I usbsvnastand.." Billy mumbled.

"What?" Max asked with a demanding tone.

"I understand.." Billy answered more clearly.

Everyone breaths a sigh of relief from behind the two step siblings. Max let's the bat clatter onto the wood and snatched the keys from Billy.

"Let's get out of here."


Author's Note
I'll be posting the rest right now, sorry for the long ass break

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