True sight

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[chapter four: Will the wise]

[chapter four: Will the wise]

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A CAR SPED by all of the kid walking home, and past a sign about the speed limit.

The car swerved into the school, not even bothering to properly park the car, instead, parking on the grass by the bike rack.

Joyce exited out of the car, and into the school she went. She looked at the AV room, looking around for her son, but couldn't find him.

"Will!" "M/n!"

Joyce turned around, she walked down a hallway where she ran into Dustin and Max.

"Dustin!" "Mrs.Byers?"

"What's going on? Where's Will?"

Suddenly, Lucas ran inside from their right. "The field." He panted, running back out in with a worried look.

They ran out, Mike nudging Will's shoulder.

"I just found him like this!"

"Have any of you guys seen M/n?" Dustin looked at them, everyone except Joyce who ran for her son shrugged.

"Hey.. guys look over there.." Max pointed at a random thing in the distance.

"That's looks like-" "m/n's jacket!"

Lucas and Dustin ran towards M/n on the ground, who's face was scrunched up in pain. Max, not knowing what to do stood around awkwardly, rubbing her neck.

"Will! Sweetie wake up, it's mom!"

"Will wake up!" "M/n." Joyce tried to snap her son out of it, Dustin and Lucas tried to shake m/n awake, Mike continuously looked between M/n and Will, and Max just stood around in confusion.

"Will, please wake up!"
"It's mom!"
"Wake up!"
"It's me!"

Will and M/n gasped, they eyes shooting open at the same time.


M/n and the rest of them followed Will and Joyce out of of the school. M/n still holding his head while holding a tissue to his nose.

"Okay, that totally freaked me out. Did that not freak you guys out?"

"Two episodes. In two days."

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