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[chapter two: vecna's curse]

[chapter two: vecna's curse]

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WAKING UP with a gasp, sitting up so quickly he got whiplash. He looked around in confusion wondering when he must've gotten onto his bed. 

He racked his head for any answer but came to the conclusion that he must've either crawled onto his bed and fell asleep sometime during that whole vision thing or Gabe or his mom, or both, came into his room while he was having an episode and they placed him onto his bed when he blacked out. 

The latter was going to be a hassle to explain. Though, knowing that psychic does now run in the family makes things a little bit easier. 

He looked at the time with a sigh before he choked at the time. 

The flight to California had already left. 

M/n groaned. "fuck." 

He closed his eyes to calm down his frustration but cringed when he felt an uncomfortable burning sensation coming from his hands, followed by the smell of smoke soon after. He opened his eyes and they nearly bulged out of his skull.

"HOLY SHIT," he shouted as he got up from the bed in a hurry. He panicked and looked around his room for anything to help put out the flame that was on his hands and soon spread onto his forearm. 

He grabbed his pillow with his other hand and starting harshly patting his arm with it, when he saw that it was soon going away he calmed down and put the pillow down. 

Not even five seconds after both the pillow and his arms burst into flames. 


Gabe burst into the room, his own eyes widened as he saw the flames on his brother arms. 

"HELP ME?!!"

"UH YEAH— UM." Gabe tried to process what he was seeing, leaving the room and soon coming back with a bucket of water. "STAY STILL!"

Gabe dumped the entire bucket of water onto M/n. The flames put out, and m/n now looked like a wet dog. 

M/n stood their as stiffly as possible as he felt the cold water run down his skin. "Thanks." he said blankly. 

Gabe smiled crookedly, "pssh, yeah no prob." 

M/n looked at his arms in relief but also confusion. Gabe walked over and grabbed his arms. 

𝕀'𝕞 𝔹𝕒𝕔𝕜 ⁕ Stranger thingsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu