Expecting the Unexpected (Bak...

By LadysDaze

777K 35.4K 25.7K

"Hey... you like fucking coffee?" Had you known that Bakugou's request toward you as you both held onto your... More

A Warning Before Reading This Book
A Warning to Future Readers... Again
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 13
Week 16
Week 18
Week 20
Week 22
Week 24
Week 26
Week 29
Week 30
Week 31
Week 33
Three Months
Six Months
Eight Months
Nine Months
Eleven Months
Fifteen Months
Seventeen Months
Twenty Months
Twenty-Four Months (Part 1 Finale)
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 13
Week 18
Week 25
Week 29
Week 33
Week 40
Birth (Part 2)
Newborn (Part 2)
Month 1
Month 3
Month 6
Month 9
Month 12
Month 15
Month 18
Month 21
Month 24
Month 38
Month 39
Month 40
Bonus #1
Bonus #2
Bonus #3
Bonus #4
Bonus #5
Bonus #6
Bonus #7
Bonus #8
Bonus #9
Bonus #10

Week 21

6.6K 364 234
By LadysDaze

Week 21

"I'm so sorry." To-Momo bowed politely. "I'll be speaking to Yuuto shortly on his feelings about Masami and making sure he feels better about the new family dynamic."

You nodded, feeling bad for your friend. She looked tired. For once Momo looked to be lacking in the aspect of elegance. Her hair was in a messy ponytail, rather than the usual neat and organized high tail. She had been busy with her newborn daughter, Yuuto, a class, and trying to help Shouto when he came home from hard battles.

Poor girl looked to be on her wit's end.

But hopefully today would be a much needed day of relaxation and recuperation for her and her family. The Midoriya's had invited the Bakugou's and Todoroki's to a local restaurant in order to celebrate Hiroki's achievement this week.

The pre-school teacher had named Hiroki 'hero of the week' for his actions. The teacher had ended up spilling a few supplies of art and Hiroki had stayed inside during his recess to help her pick them up.

So, to celebrate and promote more good actions like these, Midoriya and Uraraka were throwing a huge celebration. Bakugou had remarked that they were spoiling the kid, while you said Hiroki had the pleasure of being an only child, thus would definitely be spoiled a little by his parents who... also were only children. They didn't know any better, and saw Hiroki as the apple of their eyes. Thus, this kid would no doubt feel very loved growing up.

The restaurant was laid out for the parties. You and Bakugou sat besides Momo. Shouto was across from Momo and next to him were Midoriya and Uraraka. A small table was besides the adults, and the three kids were all coloring happily on their child menus.

Only little Masami got to sit at the adult table. She rested in a carrier, between her mother and father and near a wall to make sure no one bumped into her. Masami was quietly sleeping, but when she was awake, she was very much like her mother. You had held the small girl before and she was just about the most behaved baby you had ever seen. Momo was lucky to always have such calm kids.

Speaking of calm kids, Hiroki and Yuuto were barely heard above your daughter who was eagerly explaining why she was coloring a flower red instead of blue or pink like her friends. Well, Katsuko was indeed a mini-version of her father. But at least... she too was well behaved in a setting like this.

"How are you doing, (Name)?" Uraraka asked you, smiling brightly.

"Oh!" You smiled, remembering that you had announced your second pregnancy this last week. "Wonderful actually! I think Baby Two is a lot calmer than Katsuko was."

"Baby Two?" Shouto rose a brow.

"That's not their name." You chuckled. "We have started talking about names, but... until we know their gender at birth, we are just calling them Baby Two."

"It's really cute!" Uraraka chirped.

"So you think the baby is going to be more like you than?" Momo asked.

"Who knows." You laughed, looking towards your husband. "Mostly because Katsuki can have his calm and collected moments at times..."

He turned a red-eyed glare at you, and then rolled his eyes. You smirked, seeing as you had trapped him into a lose-lose situation. If he opened his mouth to fight you, he would prove you were right. But if he kept his mouth closed, he couldn't say that he was always calm and collected.

You hummed, smile on your features as your husband reached to take a long sip of his beer. Seems he had chosen silence, but was making it seem like he was only half paying attention. Still a sore loser it appeared, but then again, you loved to mess with him because of this.

"Well you seem to be doing good." Midoriya spoke gently. "Both you and Kacchan look very excited for another baby."

"We are!" You smiled brightly.

Bakugou snorted. "We thought it'd be nice to have a bigger family... so what's your excuse, Deku?"

Midoriya and Uraraka both stiffened and blushed darkly. The pair of them both waving their hands back and forth. Bakugou had struck a nerve it appeared, and it had made the couple react like the pair of embarrassed teens they had once been.

"W-We- ah...-" Midoriya gulped.

"I-It's not like we haven't talked about having more kids..." Uraraka's face was bright red.

"I'm just so busy and so is Ochaco! And we both want to make sure Hiro gets enough attention! P-plus there are Eri and Kota... and Uraraka is the top sidekick at her agency!" Midoriya rattled on, counting reasons on his fingers.

"P-plus... my first pregnancy was-" Uraraka started, but paused as you reached out and held her hands with your own.

"It's okay. You both don't have to explain." You smiled. "Hiroki is plenty for you both, and that's all that matters. Plus, you're all happy and healthy, so what else matters?"

Uraraka and Midoriya calmed down and nodded to you in thanks. As they did, you let go of Uraraka's hands and instead grabbed your husband's cheek. With a tight and swift movement, you made him cry out in pain as you pulled his skin between two of your fingers.

"Don't ask such personal things, Katsuki." You scolded him.

"Don't pinch me, woman!" He roared back.

You sighed, seeing as he had forgotten that he was being watched. Bakugou blinked right as another voice started to scream.

"No pinching me too!" Katsuko cried.

"Me too! No pinching!" Hiroki beamed.

"No pinching, please." Yuuto nodded along with his friends.

At the noise, several patrons and employees of the restaurant had stopped what they had been doing to peer at the large group of families. The happily yelling children were still going at it, making their parents suddenly feel a spotlight on them.

"H-Hiroki!" Midoriya spoke, going over to his son. "Use an inside voice, please."

"Yuuto. Softer." Momo smiled at her son.

"Shut it, brat." Bakugou pointed at Katsuko.

Katsuko folded her arms and stuck out her tongue toward her father. Yuuto nodded and Hiroki gasped before quieting down. The three went back to their kid time and the adults all sighed in relief that the potential crisis was passed by.

It was one thing to be a parent who couldn't control a child, but being recognized as a hero with an uncontrollable child was even worse.

The moment passed though, and soon the conversation started to flow again between the adults. The kids were happy and using inside voices, so the adults could enjoy themselves as well. Uraraka clapped her hands together and caught everyone's attention.

"Did you hear what Mina and Eijirou found out this week?!" Uraraka was giddy.

"Hmm? No." Momo shook her head. "What is it?"

"Well...." Uraraka drummed her hands against the table. "They were originally going in to find out the gender of their baby... and it turns out-"

Uraraka held for dramatic effect, seeing as a few of those around her were waiting patiently, while others were less interested. Finally though, she clapped her hands together twice and let everyone in on what Mina had told her.

"Twins!" Uraraka cheered. "They are having twins! The doctors said a boy and a girl! How exciting!"

"T-twins?!" You spoke in shock.

"Oh my." Momo looked to be in as much shock as you were in. "Two babies at once. I hope they will be okay..."

"I'm sure they will be fine." Midoriya spoke. "Those two can do anything when they decide on it and work together."

"Not to mention Fatgum's agency has become like a second family to Kirishima." Shouto muttered.

"At least it's not Dunce Face having twins..." Bakugou sighed.

Everyone took a moment to imagine poor Jirou trying to deal with two babies and also help Kaminari deal with them. Unanimously, all the adults seemed to agree to reach out to Jirou when their baby was born and make sure all was well.

"Speaking of Kaminari and Jirou, do they know the gender of their baby yet?" You asked.

Momo shook her head. "Like you and Bakugou-san, they are wanting it to be a surprise."

"That isn't stopping the two from arguing over if the baby's room is going to be painted purple or yellow though." Uraraka giggled.

"Something tells me both are very excited for their baby to arrive." You smiled.

"Hard to believe we all used to be fifteen and dealing with Aizawa's assignments." Midoriya muttered, closing his eyes.

Everyone hummed, seeing as the green haired male had a point. A lot had changed, and now they were bringing their own little hero dreaming kids into this chaotic world of theirs. How could things feel like yesterday and ages ago at the same time?

Underneath the table, you felt your husband grab your hand. You inhaled slowly and gripped his hand back. He had grown into such a sentimental person these last two and a half years. Funny to think that a decade ago, he couldn't even muster up the courage to ask you out until the idea of never seeing you again forced him too.

You had gotten older, as did he... but somehow, things still felt the same. Things felt... content. Right.

The moment of peace over the adults ended quickly, as another series of screams and yells erupted from the kids table. The sounds of something spilling and then a chorus of awestruck tones.

The adults all looked over, worried that one of their kids cups had spilled over and was now dripping. But instead, the eyes of every adult were met with the scene of a cup floating in the air and only a few spilled droplets on the table.

Katsuko and Yuuto were looking towards Hiroki with wide and excited eyes. Hiroki was looking at his hands in disbelief. A series of tiny pink dots had appeared on his fingers, like on his mother's hands.

"A-A quirk?!" Midoriya shouted, standing up so quickly that his chair fell down.

"H-Hiroki!" Uraraka was already rushing towards her son. "Hiroki was that you?! Did you get your quirk?!"

The small curly brown haired boy nodded nervously. The glass was floating higher and higher until it hit the ceiling of the restaurant. The poor boy looked embarrassed that he couldn't get it to come down, but neither of his parents could care at this moment. In fact, in the moment after Hiroki had confirmed it was him who made the glass float both his parents engulfed him into a hug and Hiroki was rocked back and forth.

"He's got my quirk! Hiroki! I'm going to teach you all about our quirk!" Uraraka excitedly spoke.

"H-he has a quirk! Hiroki actually has a quirk!" Midoriya cried tears of joy.

Once again, the entire restaurant had stopped to take a look at all of you, only this time, none of you cared about the volume. Hiroki had gotten his quirk, and used it at the perfect moment to save some poor waiter from cleaning up a liquidy mess.

"We're going to throw you another nice dinner, Hiroki!" Midoriya was shouting.

"You can have a million celebration dinners!" Uraraka was now crying herself.

Yuuto and Katsuko had come running to their own parents as the little Midoriya-Uraraka family celebrated such a momentous occasion. Both of the kids asked their parents when it would be their turn to receive their much awaited quirks.

"Soon." You told Katsuko, gently running your hand through her hair.

"Really?!" Her carmine eyes were wide with joy and excitement.

"Yeah." Bakugou told her. "You'll get your quirk and then you can start your journey of becoming a great hero."

Katsuko inhaled sharply, looking excitedly back at Hiroki and then towards Yuuto who looked just as excited. Soon she'd have a quirk of her own... and then... she can start training to be a hero. Just like her parents.

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