Sweet Nothing (MHA Staff AU F...

By KarlaNicoleM

3K 158 35

Being a Pro Hero comes with a lot of problems. One being that you could lose your hero license for simply doi... More

Sweet Nothing (MHA Staff AU Fanfiction)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Not a New Chapter Sorry
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 15

64 6 0
By KarlaNicoleM

I wish I could say that was the only call I got from Gemini. But then I would be lying, and I hate lying. He started harassing me during random hours of the day; I felt dirty and disgusted with myself that I could let him get to me. Luckily, Nezu said that he'd get me a new number soon, so hopefully, that will be the end of it.

"Ashido, be professional and respectful. It's 'Yes, sir.' I hope you don't act like that during your internship," Aizawa chastised poor Mina because she was happily cheering about the work-study about to start.

"Yes, sir." She pouted and muttered in response.

I smiled and spoke up, "Remember now, everyone, I will be in contact with all the pros and agencies you are working with, so I will be aware of any problems or concerns that occur during the week. I will also be on-call anytime you need me. I will also be letting Eraserhead know about any concerns from your internships so we could work on different learning plans for when you come back."

All of the students nodded and gave understanding smiles, well, except for grumpy Bakugo and stoic Todoroki, but it's to be expected. The only other person who wasn't as excited as everyone else was Iida, but I was already well aware of why. I didn't have time to talk to Aizawa about Iida's decision and how we should've encouraged him to take another hero. Luckily Manual will be able to keep Iida on track with his internship. I trust the hero is capable of doing that.

We bid our goodbyes to our students and wished them luck on their internships. Aizawa let out a sigh, "Finally, will have some peace and quiet."

I turned to my left and looked up at him, "Hmm? Oh, yeah, I guess." I lightly chuckled.

"You think they're going to get into problems while they're gone?"

"Is it even a question? I literally had Vlad set up a date on the last day before they all come back just to avoid having any interruptions."

"Hmmm." He started walking away towards the exit of the station, leaving me to follow behind. "So you and him are really something? I kind of expected it, but it feels off. I don't know why."

"Probably because of the size difference. The man is built like a tank while I'm just small and slightly tubby since I haven't been doing hero work in a while." I shrugged.

"I would say more because of the personalities, but I can't really say anything. I hang out with Mic." He took a small pause, "You seem physically fine to me. You were always a little curvier than most people." I raised my eyebrow at him, "It's an observation I've made knowing you. I wasn't trying to be inappropriate."

I squinted my eyes at him, suspiciously, "Right... Anyhoo, Vlad, and I are getting along well, just been busy with the students. Luckily after the summer, Lily takes over Class 1-B again so that I won't be as busy. Not that I didn't mind helping her out."

"You didn't need to be with Vlad dropping off his students here?" Aizawa looked down at me as we continued walking.

I shook my head, "He said that it was fine that I didn't. He also made a comment about you needing the extra help, but I defended our class, and you so don't worry about it."

"I wasn't, but thanks, I guess." His response was short and a little tensed as if he was uncomfortable.

"Shota, are you okay?" I went to grab his arm to pull him in my direction to see his face.

He just gave me a confused and slightly offended expression, "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

Face it, you guys still have feelings for each other...

I always felt you guys were the closest thing to soulmates...

I shook my head and let go of his arm as Mic's words rang through my memory, "Nothing, just felt that something was off."

"Well, I am fine. You got nothing to worry about." Somehow I felt it was a lie, but I have no right to pry or anything, so I neglected to ask.

The week went by smoothly for the most part, which made me nervous. It's just not in my students' nature to be so well behaved or have nothing happen. I had my fingers nervously tapping on the dinner table, anxiously waiting for some sort of update from one of my students. Not even Gran Torino was sending me anything about Midoriya, and I needed to update Toshinori about it. Iida and Manual said everything was running smoothly, which put me at some ease, but I still didn't trust it. I mean, Iida is working in Hosu, where the Hero Killer Stain attacked his brother. He can't just be okay... especially when seeing how so many people liked his ideologies.

I felt a large hand clasp over mine, and I looked up, meeting the ruby colored eyes, "You know if no one is contacting you is because everything is okay. It's the last day. You literally have nothing to worry about, sweetheart." Vlad held my hand and rubbed his thumb on the back of mine, reassuring me that everything was okay.

"I know, I just can't help it." I returned his affection by grabbing both of his hands and squeezed them before going back to eating. Trying to make sure to keep my mind off work and focus on the man before me.

After some light talking and dessert, Vlad decided to walk me home. It felt pretty nice not to worry over my kids, the city light cascading in the sky, giving a romantic feel to the night. It would fit for it, but I couldn't get into the romantic mood for some reason. My mind was still subconsciously thinking about the students, like this sixth sense telling me I should check in on everyone.

"Mai?" Vlad tightened his grip around my shoulder, "You okay? You seem to be spacing out again."

I chuckled, "Sorry, I just got lost in thought while looking around the city." I sank into his side, "It's really nice out tonight."

Vlad hummed as we continued to walk back to my place. Once we made it to my door, it was like traveling back to when we were outside of Aizawa's. The blood-red eyes twinkling, the closeness, the shallow breaths, the only difference this time was he leaned in for a kiss on my lips instead of my cheek like last time. His lips on mine tingled, but I couldn't tell if it was because of the feeling of being kissed or because of the feeling of having Vlad kissing me. Either way, I returned it because I was tempted to feel more of that tingling feeling. I couldn't tell how long we were connected like this, but eventually, Vlad broke away to catch a breath. He and I were breathless and staring at each other, dreaminess clouding his eyes, my eyelids fluttering between closing and opening.

I gulped and awkwardly looked between his eyes and his lips, "Do you want to come inside?" I met with a smile and was immediately pulled into an embrace as I opened the door.

We didn't even bother to turn the lights on. We just stumbled into my room as we kissed and roamed our hands all over each other. Clothing was slowly left behind before we even made it to my bedroom door. It was quick and passionate. Almost animalistic.

Vlad paused to look at me if only to see what he was seeing. I must've looked like a mess right now. He laid me down slowly as he hovered me making his way from my lips to my neck. I closed my eyes instinctively, enjoying the feeling of having someone worshipping my body.

I was at least enjoying it while it lasted. By the time Vlad got any chance to go lower, my phone had rung. He briefly paused and looked up at me, "Do you want me to stop so you can get that?"

I groaned, "No, it's probably not important. They could just leave me a message." My mind went straight into thinking it was Gemini calling to bother me again, but I immediately pushed past it because I didn't want him ruining the mood. Vlad continued kissing down my stomach when my phone rang out again... I swear I thought I had it on silent this whole date. I gently moved him aside and went over to grab my phone from the floor of my room. The name blasted on my phone made my heart drop in fear.

Incoming call from Gran Torino.


I moved back to the bed and mouthed a sorry to Vlad as I answered the phone, "Hello?"

"Where were you? I called, and you didn't answer!" The grumpy older man frantically chastised me.

I looked over my shoulder awkwardly, not really wanting to say what I was doing, "I was busy with something. I couldn't really grab my phone right away." There was no response. I can just feel the impatience soothing in the tiny man. "Can you just tell me what happened with my student already?"

"Students. Don't worry, the three boys are fine. I also called Eraser to come check in on them before I called you. They had a run-in with the Hero Killer Stain." My hand gripped my phone tighter. God, I knew there was a reason why I was so worried. "They're in the Hosu hospital. I think Eraser might be on his way over right now, so I would head over here too."

"Right, I'll get there as soon as I can. I have to check the train schedule." Gran Torino said goodbye and hung up the phone. I immediately rubbed my face in frustration and sudden fatigue. "I have to go to Hosu. Three of my students got injured, so I have to go on behalf of their parents."

Vlad went to sit next to me and rubbed my back, "That's fine. Do you need someone to go with you?"

I got up to quickly change into some comfortable running pants and a grey sweatshirt. Making a note to grab my glasses before running blindly into the city. "No, Gran Torino is there, meaning probably the other two pros that took in the other students are there too. Plus, Eraserhead was also notified." I smiled at him while pulling my hair back, quickly moving over to kiss him, "I'm sorry that our date cut short."

Vlad caressed my arm and gave me the same dreamy look in his eyes, "It wasn't the date that was cut short. But you do not need to apologize."

I gave an exaggerated annoyed face as a joke, "Stop being so understanding. It makes me feel bad for leaving."

He leaned in for another kiss, "Sorry, can't help it. You might want to fix your makeup before going over to Hosu though, I kind of ruined it." He chuckled sheepishly as he got up from my bed and started walking over to grab his clothes. "You could always make it up to me later." He gave a sneaky smirk that I couldn't help but laugh at. It was too cute.

I rushed my way to the hospital entrance and was met with Gran Torino and Manual, along with a person with a dog quirk. He raised his hand to introduce himself, "Hello. You must be Ms. Montoya, Gran Torino, and Manual mentioned you would be meeting us. I am Chief Tsuragamae of the Hosu Police Department."

"Chief? It is nice to meet you, sir, but if you don't mind me asking, why are you here? Shouldn't it just be a normal officer meeting with the students?" I swear, if my students got into some kind of trouble on purpose, I would bite their heads off.

"Ah yes, I told Gran Torino to not mention anything over the phone. Here let's get you up to speed on the way to the students." He hovered his hand over the small of my back and guided me to the hospital room.

Gran Torino trotted along by my right and poked me with his cane, "You could've worn something more professional, your meeting the chief."

"Well, if you mentioned something, I would've taken more liberty to take my time getting ready even though my students are in the hospital," I said through my teeth.

"Don't worry, miss. It just shows your dedication to your students. I am very sorry to have bothered you." The chief interjected.

"So, what happened? How did they come into contact with Stain?" I asked the men surrounding me.

"It was my fault, really. Iida and I were around the area, so Iida intervened to help the pro hero Native." Manual confessed.

"Then Midoriya and I also ended up in the area, and he heard that his friend needed help, despite telling him not to go because Nomus broke out in the city, so we needed all hands on deck for it." Gran Torino continued.

"And then the same with Shoto Todoroki, he went to assist the two boys as well. And as you may well know, doing hero work without permission or a license is considered vigilante work." The chief started.

"And vigilante work is illegal..." I groaned and facepalmed. "I promise you, Chief Tsuragamae, Eraserhead, and I have instilled in our students that they must follow orders from their internship teachers and that going out of bounds is wrong and could get them in serious trouble. So this was just probably a huge misunderstanding." We made it to the door of the room the boys were held in, and the chief opened it. Immediately my students zeroed in on me with a knowing look that they were in trouble. "I am going to try and be calm but stern with you three because you are injured, and I feel bad. But just know I am fuming."

The chief patted my shoulder before speaking with the boys. Luckily none of them were in real trouble. The chief didn't want it to go out that the students were the ones fighting Stain for all of the controversies it will bring. So instead, he decided to give all the credit to Endeavor, much to mine and Todoroki's dislike, but it's better than having my three students in prison for vigilante work. Gran Torino and Manual's teaching licenses were suspended, so they couldn't be allowed to take on any students for a while. As for the boys, they will have to stay in the hospital for a while until they fully heal, and any punishment that the school, a.k.a Aizawa and I want to give them, will be waiting for them when they come back to school. Once the pros and the chief left, they told me to go ahead and talk with the boys privately without them. All the boys looked glum.

"Okay, maybe I won't lecture you after all. I just want you to be honest with me on how this all happened, and we'll call it a day." I went to sit down next to Iida, and Todoroki and Midoriya followed.

"I let my anger get the best of me. I went to Hosu with the intent to get rid of Stain... I shouldn't have had that as my intention if I want to be a hero like my brother." Iida looked down at his broken arm, "Now I might have the chance to never have the ability in my arm again. And to top it all off, I got my peers into trouble. What kind of class president does that?"

I sighed and put my hand on his head, and looked at the other boys. Maybe I should probably mention what led to my suspension to them. "Alright, I can't be self-righteous and tell you guys that it's wrong and you should never do what you did. Which you shouldn't since you have no license, but sometimes, there are times where you might cross the line and will have consequences despite having a license to do your job."

The boys looked at me confused; Midoriya spoke up, "What are you talking about, Ms. Montoya?"

"I think I should tell you three about what I did to lose my license." I gave them a warm, reassuring smile. 

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