The Forgotten

By Thy_Come

7.5K 236 113

"I loved you... but it's gone now" could words simply kill a person? because right now it feels like I'm dyin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 G!P
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 5

200 8 4
By Thy_Come

Jisoo POV

"Maybe we should check all the places she usually goes" I suggested gripping on the steering wheel too hard

"I think Jennie already checked the bar and the store" Chae was fidgeting in her seat, she keeps on glancing at her phone waiting for a text or a call back from Lisa

"We should double-check just to make sure" I'm trying my best to compose myself but deep inside I'm panicking. I can't bear to lose her again. It took us years to find her and now it's like I'm being reminded of the past.

Out of nowhere, Chae held my hand which caused me to lose my tight grip

"I'm sure she's fine Jisoo. Don't worry" she gave me reassuring smile. I sure hope so because the last time I searched for her I saw her in a not so great sight and memory

"Stop here. This is the store where she works" Chae hurriedly went out of the car as I unbuckled and follow her inside


"Hi Chae!" A beautiful looking lady greeted her

"Hey, Tzu have you seen Lisa?" The latter shook her head

"She's missing again?" She chuckled probably referring to the other day when Lisa and I went to get coffee but ended up drying the whole bar

She might have noticed our seriousness so she stopped

"I'll call you if I see her" She gave us a weak smile said goodbye. Chae thanked her and started heading back to the car but I stayed inside the store

Tzu was acting strange. She's nervous

When she turned back around she was actually startled when she saw me

"Oh! You're still here" she's clenching her chest and chuckled

"You know where she tells me... Please" I pleaded. She keeps on looking side to side like someone might attack us if she even speaks. I leaned towards her as she motioned me to get closer

"I saw her pass by the neighborhood when I was coming into the store... she Uhm- I think she's holding a bouquet" she keeps on fidgeting her fingers as if what she just confessed is a sin

"Sus! Why didn't you tell us earlier?? Is there something more happening that we don't know?! Tell us Chou Tzuyu!" We didn't even notice that Chae is beside us as she held Tzuyu's shoulder and shook her

This girl is weird. I mean I'm weird but I think she's beyond my way of thinking... or not

"Calm down Chae. We don't want to make any scene" I removed her hands from the latter's shoulder as she composed herself

"Well.. ah.. you know- at first I thought she's giving it to Jennie-unnie but from what you said seems like she- uhm- didn't even make it to her so-er I thought maybe she's giving it to someone else?" Tzuyu was really nervous that I almost couldn't understand what she was saying but I slammed my hand hard on the counter... which I immediately regretted.

"Impossible! Lisa is an ass and loose in the head but she would never cheat!" I shouted forgetting that we were in a public place, some customers looked at us weirdly so I bowed my head to apologize to all of them

"Way to go for not making a scene" the chipmunk nudged me while whispering

I just bowed and apologized to her as well

"Sorry Tzuyu and thank you for telling us. We'll continue to look for her. Thank you! Bye!" I waved off and went towards the car as Chae followed me now holding a popsicle ice cream

"Did you have to eat something that would get my car dirty?" She just shrugged her shoulders and continued eating her popsicle

"Where we heading next?" She took off her shoe and placed her feet up

"Aish! Woman the hell are you doing?" I tried to tap her feet off but she wouldn't budge so I just gave up

"Wait! Didn't Tzu mention the bouquet of flowers?? So who's it for?" She grabs the bottle of water and drank it. I keep thinking about it too, I'm pretty sure Lisa's not cheating and there's some kind of an explanation to all of this

"I don't know" we drove silently as we go around the city.


"Should we tell unnie?" I looked at her confused

"You know... about Lisa with the bouquet" I don't really think it's a big deal, and I trust Lisa.

"No. We should let them talk. Let Lisa explained what happened" she nodded as we both went quiet. Another hour has passed when we received a call from Jennie

"Unnie! We're st- oh.. okay. That' great! Is she okay? Okay okay, no problem. Okay, thank you! Okay bye unnie" she tucked the phone back into her pocket

"Lisa's back in the condo. She's fine. Can you drove me back home?" She smiled but I can see that she's feeling guilty about something.

"Okay. Are you okay?" I asked while still looking at the road

"Yeah, I just think Unnie should know" she sighted

"Let Lisa explain. We can't assume anything. Okay?" I looked at her and gave her a reassuring smile. I get that she's friends with Jennie and it really seems suspicious but it's hard to assume and point fingers if we both don't know the other side.

- - - - - -
Jennie POV

"Where have you been?!" I questioned the figure standing in the door frame, my voice filled with worry and anger

The figure didn't move, I was seating on the couch waiting for her to come back. Chae and Jisoo texted me a while ago that they'll keep searching for her but I asked them to just go home and take a rest. I didn't want to bother them any further, even if I was tired from work I can't even close my eyes because I'm really worried about where my girlfriend is

"Lisa" I called but she didn't answer she walked towards me and wrapped her arms around me

"I'm sorry Nini" she whispered then kissed my forehead after that she walked towards our bedroom and went in

"What the hell?" I followed her inside the room. I need some explanation, hell I deserve one

I found her body wrapped in the comforter

"Yah! Lisa!" I tug the cloth from her, she didn't even move

"Hey! Where have you been?!" My voice is raising but she still doesn't give a damn

I grabbed my pillow and started hitting her, she finally sits up

"Why aren't you answering your phone? I waited for you!" She stood up and walked towards me and hugged me tightly

I can sense something is wrong from the way she acts

"Lili... are you okay?" I felt her head nodded

"Do you want to talk about it?" She shook her head.

Lisa isn't very open when it comes to herself and her problems. She's the type to face a problem alone and I don't want it to be like that. I want us to be open. I want to help her just like when she helps me when I need her.

"Baby you can tell me anything. We're a team" I removed her arms and held her shoulders making her look at me as she smiled. Her eyes are empty, emotionless

She traced my cheeks her fingers are cold

"Will you still love me in the morning?" She asked tucking my hair

When we first started dating our first Netflix and chill movie was click! By Adam Sandler, it's a story about having a remote control that controls your life and one of the most iconic lines is when both Adam Sandler and his wife ask the question will you still love me in the morning in which the latter would reply forever and ever babe. And somehow it stuck.

"Forever and ever babe" Her smile widened but her eyes were still empty. How I wish I could just read her mind to know what's the problem. I really want to help her

- - - - - - -

I just arrived when my secretary followed me to tell me my schedule for the day

"You have lunch with your father later ms. Kim, should I make reservations at your usual restaurant?" she asked while holding the tablet that holds my schedule 

"Yes, thank you, Irene" Is smiled at her as I enter my office she bowed and went to her table which is located just outside my door

"Hello beautiful" a man in a grey suit greeted me, he was seating on my chair with his feet up

"What are you doing here? It's too early in the morning to see your face" I walked towards him as he stood up with wide-open arms, he gave me big hug as usual

"Get off me! You stink! And I ask what are you doing here?" I pushed him off but he continued to give me a bear hug. When he was done I fixed my clothes and hair as we both laughed

"Is it bad to visit you Nini?" he sat down on my chair once again like he owns it as I rolled my eyes

"You are annoying" I seriously stated as I kick him off my chair

"But you love me" he's doing aegyo and it's making me cringe. I showed him how disgusted I am motioning like I'm vomiting but he grabbed a pen and threw it to my head, luckily he missed

"You're so mean! I'm just here to remind you about the lunch date with your dad" he pouted still trying to act cute

"I know and I already reserved the restaurant. Are you joining us?" I asked while raising my eyebrow

"Obviously! I'll pick you up later bye!" he left without letting me speak making me take a deep sigh. I'm starring at the piles of papers I had to review and sign when I noticed the calendar o the edge of my table beside Lili and I's photo. There's a red circle on one of the dates, it's already 6 years I thought to myself, how time flies so fast

"Dad" I called when I saw him already sitting on our usual table, a VIP lounge where we would be able to talk in private

"Hi princess how are you?" he stood up and gave me hug

"Great. And you? How's your trip in Europe?" we both took or seats

"Stressful! A lot of things needed to fix the problems in the company there" he shook his head while browsing the menu

"Hello uncle!" an annoying voice spoke, he took the seat beside me. I almost forgot that he's here because he parked the car

"Hello Bobby! How's my favorite nephew?" I rolled my eyes from the sight of Bobby blushing after being complimented

"Very good uncle! Been keeping a close eye on Jennie for the past few days" he nudged me as they both laughed

Bobby is my cousin, he's reassigned as the new board member of the company I work at. I don't know why my dad has to put him as the same company as I am. I get that we are close but this guy keeps annoying me 24/7 constantly barging in my office, pinching my cheeks, and of course getting too clingy

"So have you seen any suitable suitors?" my dad joked while the annoying arse taps his chin thinking

"Dad!" I scolded. My father is aware that I'm in a relationship with Lisa but he has always been against it. He has hundreds of reasons why he doesn't like her and every time he lists them down I shut off my attention to him. Lisa is also aware that my father doesn't like her but she still tries her best to impress him nevertheless. 

"What? I'm telling you. you can do better" he shrugged. I love my dad but when it comes to this topic his annoying and hard-headed.

 "You can date Kai" Bobby suggested while munching down the free breadsticks. I glared at him to shut him up but my father was quick to hear

"Who is this Kai?" he looks interested because he clasped his hands together waiting for Bobby to answer

"No one. And like I said I'm dating someone and I'm happy with my relationship" they didn't seem to hear me or chose to ignore me because they were whispering with each other. Why did I agree to bring that talkative lizard with me?

"He's also a board member uncle, he's smart, good-looking and comes from a well-known family" the more Bobby describes him my father's eyes started t twinkle like he's like a kid who's being told a story about fairies and princesses.

"Jennie I think this Kai will be a perfect match for you!" my father blurted out which made me spit my drink

"What?! No!" His eyebrows furrowed not really accustomed to people telling him no

"You're father's right. I don't know who you're dating but Kai seems like a great guy" My father nodded

"If you like him that much why won't you date him instead?" I hissed as I stormed off the restaurant leaving my father with his mouth wide open and Bobby looking dumb as ever.


Have you guessed the plot yet? ehee!

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