Battle for Love Live! Object...

By coookiesnbooks

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[This is an AU where the BFB characters in the cover become school idols like the characters in the anime, Lo... More

Episode 1: Closing Down!?
Episode 2: Object Idols We Become!
Episode 3: Our First Live!
Episode 5: Flower Strikes!
Episode 6: Center.. Is Who?
Episode 7: Taco-y
Episode 8: What is your Decision?
Episode 9: Leafster

Episode 4: Golf Ball, Naily, Needle

1.1K 17 5
By coookiesnbooks

Last time on Battle for Love Live!

It was the time Leafy, Pin and I were ready to perform our first live concert. However, things didn't go so well, like handing out flyers and overcoming our fears, but we stuck together and succeeded.

We know that someday, we will perform in front of an audience on stage, cheering for us.

During class time in the first years' classroom, Needle still has the thought of being an object idol. She kept thinking to herself if she's capable in become one, she was always interested in how the idols were able to sing and dance flawlessly. 

"What am I going to do.." Needle said to herself, her mind full of mixed feelings.


"Leafy stop! That's enough!" Pin said while trying to pull Leafy away. 

"You've picked enough Yoyleberries already, Leafy." Liy said. 

Leafy still wasn't finished, her basket was already filled with more than 10 Yoyleberries. 

"Leafy come on, you've picked enough already!" Pin said as she pulls Leafy even harder. 

"*Sigh* We need to hand out flyers too.." Liy said. 

"Leafy that's enough-" Pin said while pulling Leafy even more harder, causing both of them and the basket to fall. Needle, who was walking around there, noticed the three, especially Leafy whose face is buried with the fallen Yoyleberries. 

"Are you okay?" Needle asked as she helps pick up the Yoyleberries that fell. 

"Yup! I'm okay. Anyway, Pin! What was that for!?" Leafy shouted. 

"Leafy, you picked 56 Yoyleberries already, You need to stop!" Pin replied, as Leafy counted the Yoyleberries in her cramped basket. 

"Well that aside, are you here to pick Yoyleberries too, Needle?" Liy asked. 

Needle nodded, while picking only a few. 

"Oh, Needy-" 

"*Slap* Don't call me Needy!" Needle said as she slaps Leafy. 

"She's the one who watched our performance right?" Leafy asked Pin. 

"Hmm.." Pin was thinking if she could become an object idol too. 

"Needle!" Pin came up to Needle closely. 

"Y-yes?" Needle was confused and nervous. 

"Do you want to become an object idol?" Pin's eyes were shining. 

"Slow down, Pin. She needs to decide herself." Liy said. 

"Well, you should ask Golf Ball, she should be an object idol instead." Needle said. 

"Well about that, I tried but she just doesn't want to!" Pin said. 

Just then, Needle realized that she has PE as she looked at the time, "Gotta go now, bye!" Needle said as she sprints to the field.


Class was already over in the first years' classroom. As the class gets ready to leave the school, Naily then comes up to Needle. 

"Needle, have you decided on a club to join yet?" 

"No not yet. But Naily, are you joining the object idol club?" Needle asked. 

"W-well, I'm not so sure if I'm fit to be one!" Naily said. 

"But it wouldn't hurt to try right?" Needle asked. 

Naily kept thinking, she denied the fact that people will think she's cute, even if she wore cute clothes.


Golf Ball was walking down the hallway, but stopped when she saw the object idol poster.

 Needle, who went out of the classroom noticed Golf Ball holding the object idol flyer. She then folds it and proceeded to exit the school. Little did she know, she dropped something. Needle noticed a card on the floor, she picked it up to find out what it is. 

"Golf Ball..?" Needle noticed that it was Golf Ball's ID card. She saw Golf Ball almost exiting out of the school and came up to her. 

"GB!!" Needle shouted to reach Golf Ball's attention. She then handed the ID card back to Golf Ball. 

"Oh, thank you." But Golf Ball noticed something off with Needle.

"Taco, do you really think that object idol activities make our school look rather.. unappealing?" Lollipop asked. 

"It's not even supposed to help prevent our school from closing." Taco replied. 

As Lollipop was typing something on her laptop, she showed Taco a video. "Well, you might be wrong about that. They are quiet popular." 

"Someone recorded it..?" Taco said as she watches the video of the live performance.

Golf Ball and Needle decided to sit on a bench from outside the school. 

"That μ's poster.. You were looking at it right?" Needle asked.

 "H-Huh..? It wasn't me!" Golf Ball said. 

"But that's where I found your ID." Needle said. 

Golf Ball didn't know what to say, while slightly being embarrassed. 

"But GB, don't you want to become an object idol? Whenever I walk pass the library, I sometimes hear you sing when no one's around." Needle said. 

"Me? Sing..?" Golf Ball asked, while feeling flustered. 

"Yeah. To be honest.. I'd love to hear you sing again." Needle said while looking down. 

"Well, There's one thing.." Golf Ball said. 

"Because of my intellect, I'll have to study engineering when I graduate high school. It's what my parents want me to do. I'm afraid my time of music is gonna end." 

Needle felt slightly disappointed. Golf Ball then realized something, 

"Hey, don't YOU want to be an idol? I mean, you were watching those three perform. I can tell you enjoyed it a lot." Golf Ball said. 

"Yeah, but you were there too right?" Needle asked. 

"W-What? N-No! I just happened to be passing by, that's all." Golf Ball replied. 

"But, if you want to be an object idol, then you should give it a try. And if you become one, then I'll.. S-Support.. You..." Golf Ball added. 

Needle smiled, at least she had someone behind her back.


It was almost night, and Needle was going home. As she was walking home, she saw a bakery nearby. She is hungry after all, so she decided to stop by the place and buy some cake. She opens the door, to see Pin holding a box of desserts. 

"Pin!?" Needle yelled. 

"Oh, Needle! Are you here to buy something? Just a minute, you can wait upstairs." Pin said as she brings the boxes to a room. 

Needle went upstairs, clueless in which room to go in. She then proceeds to check every room.

She checked the first room, from what it appeared to be the bathroom "Nope." The second room, where Liy was in. 

"What in the.." Needle closed the second room's door to check the third, but right before she could.. 

"You saw me.." Liy said.

"U-Uhh..." Needle stunned.

"Heheh.. Sorry about that, Needle. I should've known that would happen, but Liy.." Pin glanced at Liy while she was blushing. 

"Practising poses?" Pin said. 

"I-I was just doing that because you had to run the shop!" Liy said while crossing her arms. 

Just then, Leafy arrived at Pin's room. 

"I'm here! Oh hey Needle!" Leafy said until she realized something. 

"Wait, are you here to join our group!?" 

"Well, she's here to buy something. So here is some cake I made! Oh and don't worry, it's on the house!" Pin holds a plate of cake which from what it appears to be Yoylecake. 

"Hey you took my Yoyleberries, didn't you?" Leafy glared at Pin. 

"If I did, I would've told you, Leafy." Pin said as she placed the plate on her table. 

"Oh that's right! I brought my laptop." Leafy said, as Needle urgently holds the plate of Yoylecake to prevent anything from dropping, while also taking a slice. 

"So about that video.." Liy asked as Leafy searched it. 

"Wow.. Do you know who recorded it?" Pin asked, but the two shook their heads. 

While they were watching, Needle was slowly scooching near them to also watch the video. 

"We really pulled that part well, huh?" Leafy said. 

"Oh Needle, are you having trouble seeing it?" Pin asked, but Needle was too engrossed in the video. 

"Needle!" Liy called.

"Do you want to join our object idol group?" Pin asked. 

"But.." Needle said. 

"You know.. We're not as athletic, nor the best at become professional object idols, but we definitely have a motivation to keep trying." Leafy said, 

as she turns around to the other two. 

"So if you want to become one, give it a try." Pin said. 

"We'll be waiting for you." Liy said.

"Object idols.." Golf Ball said while watching the video of the live performance.

"Will I become one..?" Naily asked herself.

"I should give it a try." Needle said while lying down on her bed.


During class time in the first years' classroom, Needle kept thinking that if she wants to do it, she should try. Naily kept thinking about being an object idol too, but still felt like she isn't suitable to become one. She went to a place to sit to think about it.

"*SighShould I really become one..?" Naily asked herself. 

Just then, Golf Ball came up to her. 

"Naily, what are you doing? Are you thinking of becoming an object idol?" 

"I don't know if I should becoming one.." Naily said while looking down. 

"If you don't try, you'll never know, right? But.. You should take your time too." Golf Ball said, as Naily looked at her. 

"Right, thanks." 

"I-It's nothing!" Golf Ball as she turns around but heard someone from afar. 

"Naily!" Needle ran up to her, noticing that Golf Ball was here too. 

"Golf Ball? What are you doing here?" 

"I-I was just giving her advice!" Golf Ball replied. 

"Oh, I see. But anyways, I know you want to become one, Naily!" Needle said. 

"What? W-What are you talking about..?" Naily said while fake laughing. 

"An object idol! You should tell those three that you want to be one!" Needle said. 

"Needle, you shouldn't rush her, she needs time to think before she has made her decision." Golf Ball said. 

"I'm going up there to tell those three that I want to become one, she should come with me too!" Needle replied. 

"But Needle, don't you know the consequences? She might not have the courage to be an object idol if she doesn't take her time in deciding to be one!" Golf Ball said. 

"Naily doesn't need to do that! If she wants to become an object idol, she should try!" Needle replied. 

"I should be saying that to you, Needy!" Golf Ball said. 

"Don't call me Needy!" Needle yelled. 

"Um, guys? Please don't fight.." Naily awkwardly told the two. 

The two then glared at each other. "Naily, let's go. We need to tell them before they leave!" Needle said as she grabs Naily's leg. 

"Huh!? Wait!" Golf Ball said as she grabs Naily's other leg. 

"If she needs to go then I'll bring her there! I was the one that was telling her to try after all, I even made the song for those three too!" 

"Wait- that was you!?" Needle asked. 

"Uh- I-I mean.. Ugh, We don't have time. Let's go, Naily." Golf Ball continues to hold Naily's leg while still being able to walk. 

"Hold on, let me take her there!" Needle told. 

"No, I am!" Golf Ball said. 

Their quarreling started getting even more hectic as they started going up the stairs to the rooftop.

"You want to join the group!?" Leafy asked in a surprised tone. 

"Yes! I'm sure Naily wants to join too!" Needle said. 

"W-well.. I'm not so sure.." Naily said.  

"Naily, you know deep down that you want to become one, so you have to do it! You can't keep avoiding that!" Needle told. 

"Yes, something we can agree on! If you want to do it, then go for it." Golf Ball said. 

"But.." Naily said. 

"Remember what I told you, you won't know, unless you try." Golf Ball told. 

"I'm sure you'll be a great object idol, Naily. You and me!" Needle added. 

"Really..?" Naily's eyes were wide, as she looks at both Needle and Golf Ball. She then faced the three. 

"Well, I.. I've always felt like I wasn't fit to be an object idol.. I kept telling myself that. But I realized.. I have to at least try, I can't keep avoiding it now. So, I.."

"I would like to join your group!" Naily said with all her energy. 

"I also felt that I don't have what it takes to be an object idol.. But, seeing them dance and sing.. I want to be one too." Needle said. 

"We'd love to have you two." Pin said, as the two looked at her happily, almost in tears.

"Welcome to μ's." Liy said as she and Pin reached their hand to both of them. The two shook their hands, as a sign that they will become object idols with the three from now on. 

Golf Ball felt relieved, until Leafy came up to her. "So what are you gonna do now, Golf Ball?" 

Golf Ball realized. "M-Me? Well.." 

"We have room for another! What do you say?" Liy asked. 

Golf Ball knew it all along, the passion she had in becoming an object idol was real. She gladly accepted it.


"Ugh, we have to wake up THIS early to practise everyday..?" Naily asked in an exhausted tone. 

"It's reasonable that those three told us to, after all." Golf Ball said. 

While they finished climbing up the stairs, they saw Needle in the middle of doing some stretches. "Morning, Needle!" Naily yelled. 

"Morning!" Needle waved. 

"Wow, you're that energetic in the morning?" Naily asked as Needle giggled. 

"Well.. Since we're object idols together.. Let's get.. Along.." Golf Ball said while blushing. The two started giggling, 

"Okay, Golf Ball!" Naily said as she happily prances around Golf Ball. 

"S-Stop doing that..!" Golf Ball said. 

"You're blushing, Golf Ball!" Naily yelled. 

"I-I'm not!!" Golf Ball exclaimed.


"Idol Club.."

NEXT TIME ON: Battle for Love Live!

Episode 5: Flower Strikes!

WRITERS NOTE: So three new characters are joining μ's! I'm sure you guys know who'll be the next to join. The group is slowly coming together, so excited!! Also school's gonna start for me in a few days so episodes will be a bit slower sadly, but just know that they will come soon!

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