Unconditional •BakuDeku• /Com...

By WolfieFreak422

615K 21.6K 12K

🔞Includes Mature Themes🔞 Such As- A/B/O Dynamics Mpreg Profanity Mentions of Sexual Assault Rape Blood and... More

Old Friends
Phone call


24.3K 789 337
By WolfieFreak422

As he pushed his door open, Katsuki let out a deep sigh, red eyes instantly snapping to the bundle of blankets in the corner next to the leather couch. He shut the door with a lazy push, letting his belongings fall from his arms carelessly as he fell face first into the pile, curling into the old materials with a soft croon, eyes clamped shut and teeth nibbling on his bottom lip in order to suppress a small whine. Even though the mouthwatering scent that used to be engrained in the fabrics had long since faded, curling into the blankets always seemed to bring him the comfort he sought out whenever he felt down or needed a break from life, even if it was just for a few short moments. However, after today's events, he wasn't quite sure whether it was helping or just adding to the pain and hurt engulfing his brain. He had a pup. He had a four year old little girl that has been kept a secret from him for fucking years. He couldn't wrap his head around anything that had happened only twenty minutes prior to him arriving home.

"Katsumi..." he murmured with a tiny smile tugging at his chapped lips. The imagery of the Omega cradling their daughter to his chest while speaking to his partner flashed in his mind, her twin braids hanging just to her shoulders, her adorable dress scrunched up and wrinkled slightly from the way her dam was holding her. She was perfect. She was a spitting image of her dam, only inheriting Katsuki's ashy blonde hair with the rest of her features being remarkably similar to Izuku's. He reached for his phone that had been strewn about on the wooden floor when he plopped onto the makeshift nest and turned on the screen, his calloused fingers quickly put in his password, hoping to see a message from the green haired boy. When he didn't, he sighed sadly, forcing himself to stand. The pro tossed his phone onto the sofa, taking off his gauntlets and throwing them with it. The man was basically nude by time he reached the bathroom, stripping completely and turning on the shower, only to step straight into the ice cold stream of water.

The icy water flowing down his back and over his sweaty skin left him leaning against the tile wall with a deep sigh, his head pounding from the overwhelming amount of confusion and regret flooding his thoughts. Slowly, he threaded his fingers through his sweat soaked hair and stayed there for a few minutes, just allowing the freezing liquid to stream down his sore body. "Fuck..." he whispered to himself softly, wiping the water from his face with the back of his hand. After a few minutes he turned off the water with a shake of his head, not feeling in the mood to do particularly anything at all. Instead, he pulled on some plain boxers and a pair of grey sweatpants that hugged his toned hips, drying  his soaked hair with a fluffy, white towel. Then, he tossed the towel into his laundry hamper along with his messily discarded clothes from earlier, his still slightly damp, blond hair bordering his face. Katsuki slid into bed with a low grunt, the grey blanket strewn carelessly over his bare chest while he stared up at the stark white ceiling, his arms crossed behind his head. The Alpha just couldn't come to terms with it all. Izuku left because he thought Katsuki would reject him and the unborn child, and since then has hid the pup from him her entire life.

Was he seeing another Alpha now? The thought of another suitor in the Omega's life left him uneasy, fists clenching and lip curling into a frustrated snarl. What was he to do now? Just sit and wait until Izuku finally decides to text him? He hasn't heard from him in almost five years, who's to say he won't run off again and take Katsumi with him? The blond growled in anger, desperately trying to shut out his own thoughts before turning on his side and clamping his eyes shut. He had to stop thinking like that. He knew about Katsumi now, Izuku wouldn't put him through that again, surely not. At least, he hoped as much. If the Omega left him for a second time... he didn't even want to think about what would happen. He'd go mad, absolutely feral. Katsuki sighed, heart hammering in his chest and throat going dry. He couldn't get his mind off of him. Izuku and Katsumi were plaguing his every thought. Not only did the boy he loves show up, but the man had also found out he had a four year old little girl that he had no clue about. The single idea of it all was enough to leave his head reeling. He still wasn't quite  sure if he was dreaming or not.

He chewed his bottom lip in deep thought, staring at the bare, black wall for a few moments before huffing in annoyance. The blond sat up, reaching for his laptop that rested on his nightstand and quickly opening it. First thing he did was email one of his close coworker, one that specialized in finding people that didn't want to be found. He smirked as he typed in Izuku's name and information, clicking send and switching to another tab. Izuku needed time before he contacted him, he knew that. He wasn't going to cross that boundary. But he could at least show him he cares. The man busily got to work, searching on several websites for proper courting gifts and other things he thought the Omega might like, adding many things to his cart. By time he was done, the total came out to several thousands, smiling with pride at the plethora of nesting blankets, jewelry, pillows, etc. and even clothes and toys for Katsumi. It may be a lot, but he'd only accept the best for his Omega and pup. Besides, with him being the number two hero, he had well over enough money to spend on these things.

Katsuki checked the time, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck at the fact that he had spent well over an hour and a half shopping. His eyes flickered over to the previous tab, clicking on it and grinning when he noticed a new email. There was Izuku's home address, work address, and the other information he requested be found. He quickly thanked his coworker, shutting his laptop and laying back down with a now peaceful mind. He hoped he could start over with Izuku, hence his courting attempts. All the items should arrive within the week and he would be happily scenting each and every item before delivering them to Izuku's apartment, he just hoped Izuku accepted them and didn't throw them out. Katsuki smiled, switching on his tv and letting himself relax.


It's been a while, huh? 😅 I hope you enjoyed this! Stay healthy and beautiful my little pups!

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes

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