Family is more than DNA

By Agent-bored-Rose

4.8K 148 61

This is the 3rd slibbs fanfic I've written (you should probably read the others first) Jack and Gibbs' relati... More

(Part 1) Monday Morning Blues
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23

(Part 2) Mermories

302 8 4
By Agent-bored-Rose


Gibbs parked the car at the end of the cul-de-sac then he walked towards the house with all the police cars outside it, McGee followed him.

"Boss, Bishop says, she and Torres are two minutes out."

"Good." Gibbs says as he walks to the young detective leaning against the front porch.

"Hey, you guys must be the navy cops, right this way." The young detective said as he lead Gibbs and McGee inside the house.

As Torres parked behind Gibbs' car, he said. "All I'm saying is it's not a bad idea, I mean come on!"

"No Nick, an app that tracks Gibbs would be a terrible idea."

"El it's not like he'll know, the man still uses a flip phone." Nick said as they walked to the house.

"He's Gibbs he'll know, I don't know how but he would just know.."

"Hey Bishop, Torres, we're in here!" McGee called out.

"Coming McGee." She then turned to face Torres. "Nick I'm not going to make it, you're gonna have to ask McGee."

Bishop and Torres walked in the last room in the hallway, where Gibbs, McGee and the detective stood.

"Hey Gibbs." Nick said, as they walked in.

"Nice meeting you agent Gibbs." The young detective nodded before leaving.

"Bishop, start taking pictures." Gibbs ordered. "McGee find the security cams."

Bishop nods and began photographing the room."

"On it Boss." McGee says as walks away.

Gibbs turns to Torres and says. "Torres how far out is Palmer?"

"I'm here, Gibbs." Jimmy says as he walks in the bedroom, carrying the gurneys for the bodies. "Hey guys."

After Bishop finished, Jimmy walks to body wearing all black laying on the floor next to the foot of the bed. "Well I need to get him back autopsy to be sure but my initial TOD is 3:00 this morning and that the intruder was shot by two people."

"Really? What do you mean Jimmy?" Bishop asked.

"Well the first shot in his shoulder was by him." Jimmy said pointing to the body in the bed holding a gun. "And the shot killed him came from behind him."

Gibbs followed Jimmy as he took gurneys with the bodies outside to the medical examiner van then Gibbs helped Jimmy get them in the van.

"Thanks Gibbs." Jimmy said, closing the back door of the van and walked to the driver's door.

"No problem Palmer."  Then Gibbs started walking back to the house.

Gibbs continued walking to the house when a little girl about 5, still wearing her nightgown ran out of the house into him. "No! Don't take him!" The girl cried out at the van as Jimmy drove away.

"Whoa are you okay?" Gibbs said, putting his hand on the little girl's shoulder trying to calm her down.

"No.... I need to say goodbye." She said as a stream of tears fell from her eyes down her face.

"Was Jesse Gray your dad?" Gibbs asked her.

"No.." the little girl hugged Gibbs and started crying.

"Hey it's okay." Gibbs said, picking her up and stroking her strawberry blonde hair as she hugged him tightly, crying into his shoulder.

"He's.... my...uncle..." she managed to say. "Me and Katie are living with him because my daddy...."  the little girl didn't finish but Gibbs knew what she meant.

Gibbs carried her back to the house. "Who's Katie?" He asked as he stood holding her on the front porch.

She looked up at Gibbs and said. "My big sister."

"Where is she?" Gibbs asked as he sat in one of the rocking chairs on the porch with the little girl in his lap.

The front door opened and McGee walked out. "Hey boss Gunny Sergeant Gray has two kids living..." McGee looked puzzled at the little girl in Gibbs arms.

"Hey McGee, I know." Gibbs says quietly because the little girl fell asleep.

"Um boss what do we do about the girls? I mean they can't stay here, it's a active crime scene."

I'll take them back to Ncis, you process the scene with Torres and Bishop." Gibbs said, standing up carefully holding the little girl with her head on his shoulder.

"Okay boss." McGee walked back inside the house.

Gibbs followed McGee then he asked. "Where's Kate?"

"What!?" McGee turned quickly around.

"Her sister's name is Kate." Gibbs said quietly.

"Oh wow, um... down that hallway she's in the last room on the right, pink door you can't miss it."

"Thanks McGee." Gibbs said, walking down the hallway to the pink door. He gently knocked.

"Come in." A tired young voice answered.

Gibbs opens the door, saying. "Hey you must be Kate." Gibbs said, looking at the teenage girl sitting on the bed, leaning against the wall.

"Yeah I am, detective." Kate said staring straight ahead,not looking at him.

"I found your sister. Can I come in?" Gibbs asked as he stood in the doorway with the little girl sleeping on his shoulder.

"Yeah." Kate looked up at Gibbs. "How's Kelly doing?" Kate said as she bought her knees to her chest.

"Kelly?" Gibbs asked looking at the little girl asleep on his shoulder. "Oh.. Well your sister is sleeping right now." Gibbs says, sitting down next to Kate.

Kate lets go of her knees and said. "That's good..." her eyes start to tear up. "I had I just had to....." Kate wiped her eyes with her right hoodie sleeve.

Gibbs put Kelly on the bed next to him. Then he asked. "Had to what Kate?"

"Shoot that man..." Kate sighed. "He could have...killed us too..." Kate started crying.

"Hey it's okay." Gibbs put his arm around her. "You did the right thing, you saved yourself and your sister."

Kate instinctively hugged Gibbs. "You sure?" She said, looking up at him.

"Yeah I'm sure." Gibbs hugged her back.


"So what do you think happened to the 3rd shooter?" Bishop asked as she bagged up the bloody sheets from the bed.

"Wow..." McGee said as he walked in the bedroom.

"Hey McGee, you look like you just saw a ghost, you okay?" Bishop asked.

"Oh yeah, it's just one of Gunnery sergeant  Gray's nieces is named Kate..."

"And?" Nick asked bagging one of the guns.

"And.. one of my parters that dead was named Kate.." McGee said sadly. "And it was kinda weird when Gibbs said her name."

"Oh sorry dude." Nick said.

"So McGee what do you think about the 3rd shooter? Maybe he was accomplice?" Bishop asked, trying to change the subject.

"Oh it was Kate, you guys need to watch the hall's security video."

"You're telling us a girl killed this guy?"

"Dude come on! No way!"

"Yes she did." McGee looked around laundry hamper in the hallway then said. "See this is where she threw the gun." McGee picked up the gun with his gloved hand.


After a few minutes Kate said. "We probably can't stay here can we?"

"No, I should take you two to the navy yard where I work."

"Oh you're ncis?"

"Yeah, special agent Gibbs at your service." Gibbs said, shaking her hand. "Can you find some clothes and things for you and Kelly?"

"Okay I'll get some stuff." Kate said as she got off the bed, grabbed a large duffel bag and put it on the bed next to her sleeping sister.

"I like your hoodie."

"Thanks it was my dad's favorite Marine Corps hoodie." Kate smiled slightly as she looked down at the navy blue hoodie."You're a Marine too aren't you?" Kate asks as she gets some clothes out of a drawer and puts them in the bag.

"Yeah I am." Gibbs answered. "Hey Kate I'm gonna make a quick call in the hall, is that okay?"

"Yeah that's fine." Kate said as she put a sketchpad and a pencil bag in the duffel bag.

"Okay." Gibbs left the room, taking his phone from his pocket and calling Jack.

"Hey Cowboy, do you need my help or are you calling because you miss me?"

Gibbs smiled then said. "Both."

"How can I help, Cowboy?"

"Gunnery sergeant Gray has two nieces that lived with him."

"When you get back we can talk to them together." Jack said.


The girl's bedroom door opened and Kate walked out, holding the duffel bag over her shoulder. "Agent Gibbs I'm ready to go."

"Okay Kate." Gibbs said. "Bye Jack."

"See ya soon Gibbs."

Gibbs smiled slightly then ended the call and put his phone back in his pocket. "I'll get Kelly."

"Okay agent Gibbs, how far is the navy yard?"

"About an 30 minutes ." Gibbs said as they walked back in the room. Gibbs gently picked Kelly and put her head on his shoulder. "If you want, you can call Gibbs."

"Okay Gibbs." Kate said as they walked out to the car.

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