Family is more than DNA

By Agent-bored-Rose

4.7K 148 61

This is the 3rd slibbs fanfic I've written (you should probably read the others first) Jack and Gibbs' relati... More

(Part 2) Mermories
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23

(Part 1) Monday Morning Blues

580 10 0
By Agent-bored-Rose

The clock on the bedside table blinked 3:00 in the morning as the dark figure silently walked to the side of the bed where the man lay sleeping. The dark figure raised his gun with its silencer and shot the man in the stomach.

The man Yelled then took his gun out and shot once in the shoulder. *BANG*

The dark figure grabbed his shoulder in pain then shot the man again. This time killing him.

A few seconds past then the dark figure turns to leave when another shot was fired from the hallway killing the intruder. *BANG*


Gibbs parked his truck, grabbing the two coffee cups before he walked over to Jack's car, smiling. "Morning." He says, opening her door.

"Good morning Cowboy and thank you." Jack said as she stepped out of her car then got her bag off the seat.

"You're welcome." He says, closing the door and handing her one cup then they start walking to the entrance.

Jack leans to him and kisses his cheek. "Thank you."

"You're very welcome." Gibbs smiles.

"Not just for the coffee, yesterday too when you checked on me and for being such a good listener, you know this time of year is tough for me." Jack touched Gibbs' hand with her free hand.

"Yeah I do." Gibbs said as he opened the door then they walked in. He gently squeezed Jack's hand in his.

They walk to the elevator, soon in the doors open and they walk inside.

Jack stopped the elevator between two floors. "Hey Cowboy...."

"Jack you know I..." Gibbs smiled then said. "Go ahead."

"Okay." Jack laughed a little. "This is our thing, me and you I mean, I like it being our little secret. Ya know?"

Gibbs started to laugh.

"Why are you laughing at me?" Jack laughed, bumping Gibbs' shoulder.

"I'm not, I was gonna ask you the same thing." Gibbs said, smiling.

"Oh really?"

Gibbs smiled, saying. "Yeah."

Jack smiled then she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before saying. "Thank you Cowboy."

Gibbs smiled at Jack then he held her hand to his face and kissed it. Gibbs then got the elevator moving again.

Soon the elevator doors opened and they got out.

"Hey Gibbs lets go to my office so we can talk and have our coffee." Jack asks as they walk to the bullpen.

"Okay, lead the way." Gibbs says.


"Ugh! Why does this elevator have to be so slow in the morning!?" Nick says, kicking the metal door.

"Oh hi Nick." Bishop says, walking to the door.

"This elevator is late again!"

"Good morning to you too Nick."

"Not really Ellie. First the hot water in my apartment is broken, meaning ice cold showers for me! Not to mention I thought I lost my creds this morning, so I basically turned my apartment inside out looking for them! Only to find them in the pants I had on yesterday!"

"Um.. wow Nick that's uh.. rough..."

"Hey guys, good morning." McGee said, walking to them.

"Haha.. no." Nick said, pushing the button again, this time it opened and he walked inside the elevator.

McGee followed, asking. "Bishop what's with Nick?"

"Don't get him started." Bishop said, walking in the elevator.

"Nothing much Tim, I'm probably having the worst morning like ever!"

"Oh, well you know what Jimmy says. If you have a positive attitude, you..."

"Will be that much more disappointed." Nick said, interrupting McGee.

"NICK!" Bishop said, slapping him on the shoulder.


Gibbs sat on the couch with his arm around Jack, facing the closed door.

"Well I mean it didn't really make sense to me but...." Jack stopped telling her story and looked at Gibbs as he stared at the wall. "Hey Cowboy are you going alright?"

Gibbs snapped out of his own and answered her. "Uh..yeah sure.. what were you saying?"

Jack then said sweetly. "Gibbs I think I know you better then that, give me some credit here. What's bothering you, honey?" She gently touched his hand.

"I had this dream..." Gibbs said, getting a bit choked up.

"It was that bad huh?" Jack said, gently squeezed his hand.

"Yeah. I was outside looking at this house that wasn't mine, when my daughter...." Gibbs sighed. "Kelly ran out of the house to me crying. So I picked her up and hugged her."

Jack held Gibbs' hand saying nothing, she let him do all the talking.

"She was scared Jack, why was she so scared?" Gibbs quivered in anger.

Jack saw sadness in those blue eyes of his too, that made her heart ache."I don't know Gibbs, was yesterday or today significant to her or you? In any way?"

"No, I don't know why I dream about her.."

Jack rests her head on Gibbs shoulder then she asks quietly. "If you want I can call Grace, if you feel more comfortable talking about this with her?"

"Maybe." Gibbs said he kissed her forehead. "But I like being here with you."

"Good, because I'm not going anywhere."

The elevator doors opened and the three agents walked to the bullpen.

"Huh? Where's Gibbs?" Bishop asked, looking at his desk.

"Who cares why he's not here, I'm gonna enjoy it." Nick said as he sat at his desk, putting his feet on his desk.

McGee sat at his desk. "Weird, but I wouldn't worry. He has probably been here since sunrise, I would bet he's out getting coffee." McGee said, smiling slightly at his boss's desk.

"You're probably right." Bishop sat down at her desk as well.


Gibbs held Jack in his arms as they kissed on the couch.

When they stopped Jack said "I love this." As faces were inches apart.

"Me too, wanna know why?"

"Yes." Jack smiled, expecting a romantic answer.

Gibbs smiled, taking a sip from his cup. "The coffee."

"Gibbs!" Jack pushed Gibbs' shoulder.

"And the company of course!" Gibbs quickly kissed Jack on the lips before she could say anything more.

"Not a bad save, you are lucky you're such a good kisser." Jack said, smiling.

Gibbs smiled too. As they were about to kiss again Gibbs' phone started ringing.


"Don't..." Jack said, less than an inch from his face.

"Jack it could be a case..." He said, staring into her eyes.


"Yeah, it's Gibbs." He said, answering his phone. "Okay, we'll be there in about an hour." Gibbs ended the call, standing up from the couch and starting to leave.

"Whoa, hold your horses there Cowboy." Jack laughed as she stood up.

"Jack I can't, dead Marine." Gibbs turned to face her again.

Jack put her hand on her hip as she said. "Would you just trust me and get over here!"

Knowing he couldn't say no to her, he walked back to her in defeat. "Yeah..."

Jack picked up a paper napkin from the coffee table and started to wipe around Gibbs lips.

Gibbs laughed. "Oh yeah, thanks honey."

"You're welcome, Cowboy." Jack smiled as she got the last of her lipstick off his lips. "It's still our little...."

"Secret." Gibbs said, finishing Jack's sentence.

All of a sudden there was a knock at the door. *knock*knock* "Hey Jack are you in yet?" Director Vance said, opening the door.

"Yeah, I am ." Jack said as she balled up the paper napkin shoved it into Gibbs' back jean pocket. "Good morning Leon."

"Good morning Jack.. oh good morning Gibbs.

"Morning Leon. We got a case see ya around." Gibbs said as he took his coffee cup from the table, as he walked by Jack's desk he threw the empty cup in the trash can then he took a lollipop out of her jar and left.

"Red.." Jack said under her breath, smiling. She then looked back at Leon. "So you must be here for the profiles I did on the Johnson murder huh?" Jack asked, walking to her desk.

"No Jack I'm not here for your profiles, I am here for you, it's that time of year again, remember?" Leon sat in the chair on the other side of the desk.

"Don't worry about me forgetting how we met, Leon." Jack sighed. "And don't worry about me either, I talked with my therapist last night." Then Jack said, under her breath. "Not to mention Gibbs."

"That's good Jack, but if there's anything I can do just let me know."

"Thanks Leon, I will."


McGee was on his computer, Bishop sat at her desk with her feet up as she used her phone and Torres actually fell asleep.

Gibbs walked the stairs saying. "Dead Marine, grab your gear!" Gibbs then walked by Bishop desk and pushed off her feet from it, then he got his gear from his desk.

"There you are Gibbs." Bishop said with a slight smile as she stood up.

"Torres that means you!"

"What!?" Nick said as he fell out of his chair to the floor.

"Bishop, you and Torres in a car, McGee with me." Gibbs said on his way to the elevator.

"Coming boss." McGee said following him.

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