Kizuato, the Vigilante (disco...

By NaLuStarFire

211K 8.8K 2K

After being cast out by society, izuku Midoriya still strives to be a hero. After being a hero the only way h... More

Important info for the story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Welp im a dummy
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 43
Part 44
Ideas for story

Part 42

1K 73 7
By NaLuStarFire

-3rd POV-
The crowd roared, not only did he stir up the students but also got the audience expecting for great battles ahead. It seems that his little speech also did good for some of the demi humans, not visibly shaking anymore. He walked back down to the rest of the group while Midnight explained to them how their first battle would be chosen. Then the word appeared on the screen -which was just shuffling through the different options- landing on obstacle race.

Hearing the objective, all the students started walking over to the door which led to the area where the course was. Midoriya knew that this was a challenge in itself, already beginning to see everyone packing in together. While he doesn't like it, he would have to go along with the flow of people, trying to jam pack their way through to get a lead against the others. It's not like he could just take everyone out and continue on his way, well he could but he doesn't want people to be more afraid of demi humans than they are or to give an excuse that he is too dangerous and needs to be taken out. He only wants to show others that it's still hard to go against another person who was "blessed" with normal powers and that he's not a huge threat, just someone whose capable of defending himself and to save others.

So while he's decided to go along with it, it doesn't mean that he'll let it be disadvantageous to him. He'll just patiently wait till most of the people have gone through, saving his energy and sanity from being pushed around by all those unthinking fools. As he's also waiting, it means that the people ahead are taking care of the obstacles out there, making it easier to pass and to make people not notice him, at least not for now. When people don't see you as a threat, it's easier for them to let their guard down, easier to surprise and to take over them. Plus he's confident in his own speed, while he's not able to outrun Iida or be able to propel himself with a quirk, he's been working on his agility and ability to move quickly most of his life.

Then a beeping came from lights above the entrance, counting down from three to zero. "Start!" Rang out Midnight's voice as everyone started running out, trying to get ahead of their fellow classmates. Just like he thought, the long hallway was too crowded for everyone to fit at once, all bumping up against each other and shouting, trying to get out of the mess.

He then saw Shinso, giving him a look, one he couldn't quite decipher. Perhaps one of sadness and one of hurt, soon enough however, he turned away from Midoriya, going into the mess of the crowd. 'Strange' Midoriya thought but quickly disregarded it, both previously agreeing to try their hardest today even if they were up against each other.


"So what's up with all the cloaked kids in 1-B." Aizawa asked Yamada, both up in the commentator's box. Yamada quickly muted the mic, looking at his white caterpillar.

"Well you know of the USJ incident and how the principal even came out to talk about it? Many people were taken back by what he said, but few were given hope. After that night, he received many questions from Demi humans wondering if they could attend UA too, students as well as staff. You see the new guy down there? You might have heard of him before, his hero name is Cementoss, he was quite active before the day when Demi's were forced out of here. After that day no one really knew what happened to him, that is until Nezu got a email from him the other day wanting to continue helping others in a place that accepted people like him. Wait a second" he said as he unmuted the mic, "Obstacles have shown up suddenly! Starting with the first barrier, Robo Inferno!" Still doing his job as announcer but trying to talk with Aizawa was quite difficult.

"It's fine, we'll talk about it more later, I understand the gist of it." Said the mummy and the cockatoo gave a soft smile.

       Now that everyone has thinned out through the narrow hallway, Midoriya finally pushed forwards. From what Present Mic said, it sounds like the others have made it to the first obstacle, seems like it's similar to the entrance exam, bringing back the robots. He quickly made his way through, seeing something that was already an issue before he could even reach the robots, the ground before him was frozen over with ice. Guess that is Todoroki's work, good thing he prepared for it advance, expecting him to do something like this or having ice around him when he might have to fight him later. While these boots were resistant against ice, they were a little heavier than what he's used to. However they didn't slow him down too much, plus it'll make his attacks heavier, a fast kick doing more damage.

       He then made his way over the ice, seeing the wreckage that his classmates did, every robot torn to shreds. Getting past the first obstacle like a breeze, he saw the next one and scoffed. What Present Mic called "The Fall" was like child's play to him, having to parkour from building to building requires agility and balance, he probably could just run across it like he could on normal ground. That would be the case except if there weren't other students going across it as well, going as slow as snails. 'Looks like I'll just have to jump over them.' He thought, as he started walking back a few steps to get a running start. Then he took off, running down that thin rope, feeling it bounce below him with every step he took. Making it to the first rock platform, he made no stop as he continued running, the person ahead of him noticing the ripple of the rope. With the new vibration they almost fell off, stopping their progress and clinging on for dear life. He chuckled as he leaped over their frozen body, flipping over the person gracefully and landing back on the rope with no sweat. He continued like this, sweeping through the course, and in front of him he could finally see the front of the pack. At the very front he could see Todoroki and Bakugo going at each other in what looked to be a minefield.

He expected that they'd be the ones in the front, both very talented. Their quirks, more adaptable and power than most around them. More respected and more looked up to, accepted in the world around them. Given an actual chance to do bigger things to be able to change things, unlike demi humans like him who need others in order to do anything. To be able to be a hero, to go to a school, to be able to even be alive, demi humans' lives are held in the hands of an oppressive society, only looking to better "their kind" and to chain demi humans more until their chains suffocate us, drowning us out of existence. Midoriya makes a promise to himself, to make Demi humans equal as "normal humans", not something they can push around anymore, not to be some animals on the other side of the glass, a test subject and when done with to just kill without any remorse. He'll make sure that he will be the winner of this sports festival, while it'll just be for a moment, it'll be the start of something. It'll be the proof that society can and will change if it wants to or not, that "normal people" won't be able to do everything they want. While he may not be the winner of the next fight, it shows that change is coming, he'll make sure to turn the world upside down and build it back up again. Making the base something everyone can stand on, an equal starting point and only through one's own hard work may they go higher not by anyone's race, gender, sexuality, just their hard work. He'll make sure of it.

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