Beetlejuice Christmas! Christ...

By SailorRose19

1K 18 97

The holiday season has arrived at the Deetz-Maitland house and everyone is getting into the holiday spirit al... More

Start of the holiday season
Christmas Tree Picking
Decorating with the Maitlands
Wrecking the halls
It snows in the Netherworld?!
Don't Krampus my style
Messages to my E-pal
Shopping with the Deetzes
Gift Wrapping 101 for Bio exorcists
Christmas movie tears and cheers
Jingle bells Sandworms smell
Counting Down the Days
How to make the Netherworld go blind before Christmas
One more day until she's here
She's here!
❄Beetlejuice on Ice⛸
Not So Slient Night
2 loser ghosts and a strange and unusual goth
Holiday Heartbreak
Holiday Cheats get Beat
Fa-la-la-la-la Labor Scare
The Eve of Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve and a baby
The Best Christmas Ever

Winter came quicker than It should

27 0 12
By SailorRose19

This was it, Cassidy, BJ and Lydia are gonna confront Drake and have him confess to why and especially this time of the year did he suddenly decide to go ahead and break her heart by cheating on her.

Cassidy could feel her stomach turning from anxiety. "Remember, we're gonna be civilized and talk this out and no trying to paint the snow red with my cheating boyfriend's blood." She said jabbing a gloved finger at Beej's face. "I won't, doll-face."
"Cassidy." She corrected him.

They waited out in the town for him to show up and a Lyft had shown up to their meeting location she texted Drake which was a café and a male with jet black hair and electric blue streaks wearing a winter coat stepped out of the car holding a black gloved hand belonging to a split dyed haired girl that's half light brown and the other half golden blond wearing a plush faux fur winter coat carrying a knock-off looking Gucci purse.

Beetlejuice's hair turned red with his anger wanting to kill this dirty cheat and the skank he brought with him. "Cool it, we're gonna have a civil conversation." Lydia tells him.

Drake runs up to the strawberry blond sweeping her off her feet. "Cassi-Bear!"

She looked back seeing the striped demon baring his fangs, snarling and probably foaming in the mouth with his hair growing redder.

"Drake, put me down." She said to him as he sets her down on the snow. The split dyed haired girl clears her throat staring at them.

"Sorry, Cassidy, this is Angelica. She's a friend of mine."

"Yeah right, babes can you believe this guy." He said to Lydia.

"It's nice to meet you, Angelica. Why don't we all have some hot chocolate and then we'll walk in this winter wonderland." Said Cassidy.

Beetlejuice had slipped a roach in Drake's hot chocolate as they sat in the café's outdoor area. Now this can be a chance for some questions and then get him to admit to cheating on her. "So, Angelica, how did you and Drake meet?"

The splid haired girl beams a bright smile spinning her story. "I was down in L.A. watching the Christmas lights and they were so very beautiful and much prettier than last year and I spotted him and we talked and watched the lights and low-key wished that it snowed, like that would ever happen in SoCal."

"I can imagine why?" Muttered Beej.
"It's true and each year, Cassi-bear and I would go and see the lights each year but she picked to head up here instead to meet with some gothy kid." He said condescendingly eyeing Lydia and sipped the hot chocolate until...

"What the actual heck?!" BJ was cackling hard with laugher that he fell back into the snow. "I wish I had got that on camera!"

Angelica saw the wriggling roach and screamed to the top of her lungs. "Kill it! Oh God! Kill it, kill it!"

Cassidy glares at the demon rubbing his eyes from any lingering tears from laughing too hard. "Are you okay?!" Cassidy and Angelica stared at each other helping the male up from the snow. "If you mean I'll live 'til Christmas then yeah."

As they walked out in the snow, they talked together and so far, Drake ain't admitting to anything which is getting harder. "Cassidy, we need to talk." Drake tells her. "Okay, whatever it is you can say, you can it to all of us." Cassidy tells him looking back at Lydia and BJ. "You know that I love you right?"
"That's not what he said before." The green haired bio exorcist said to Lydia. "Yeah, since middle school."
"Well, that text you sent me, I would never cheat on you and Angelica is not a skank. She's a new friend of mine, you're the only one that I love and I'm sorry for making you feel that way."

Lydia quietly scoffed seeing it's not the way Cassidy told her and Beej. "I'm sorry too, Drake." He lightly smiled at her at him accepting his "apology", "sorry that I wasn't the one who actually sent you that text!" She snaps.

"I, too have also made a new friend after meeting Lydia and he was the one who jacked my phone and sent that text."

Drake's eyes darkened, "He?"
"That's right and I saw what Valerie had texted me!" She shows him the picture of him and Angelica kissing under the lights. "What?! Drake, you told me you didn't have a girlfriend." She said outraged.

Enraged, he tightly grasped Cassidy's wrist taking her further out. She screams and shouts for him to let her go. "I don't know what that lying witch, Valerie told you but, I did not kiss Angelica in that picture!"
"You're lying Drake Tinsleigh! You're dirty lying cheating scoundrel!"

The unthinkable happened, he furiously slapped her across the face. "If anyone's the scoundrel, it's you." He shoves her into the snow.
"Is that your "new friend", well forget him!"
"Beetlejuice!!" She yells louder as he covers her mouth with his hand. "You're mine, Cassidy Tanner and only mine!" She angrily kicks him in the shins making him yell in pain.

"BEETLEJUICE!!!" Her piercing voice echoes in the snowy scene as he grasped at her throat attempting to suffocate her.

"It's showtime."

Drake felt someone poke at his shoulder. "What?! I'm trying to teach my so-called girlfriend a less...on?"

He turned around seeing a very, very, very, mad as hell Beetlejuice with that comically large striped mallet. "Looks like you and I are gonna have some problems." He shifts into a snake like the night he tried to scare off Lydia and her family and coils around the frightened boy.

"This isn't real, this isn't real!" He cried. "It's as real as the snow around you." Growled the demon. Lydia runs after Cassidy helping her up and saw the red mark Drake had left on her. "I pity every girl you've ever dated." He said coiling tightly around him. "I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't cheat on her it's a lie that Valerie planted in her head!"
"I doubt she'd ever lie about that. The truth is in the pain you just caused!"

"Stop!" Cassidy yelled causing him to let go being back to his own form this time with the mallet in hand. "I almost had him!"
"You've really changed Cassidy, youd promised nothing would ever change between us but you broke that promise ever since you packed your bags and left for stupid ol' Julliard!"

Her green eyes widened at what he just said. "Julliard, you never wanted me to leave that day didn't you." Her blood began to boil at this revelation, "You and I both knew that Julliard is the school of my dreams! Since I got my letter of acceptance, you lied about being "over the moon" for me!"

Beej grew enraged grabbing at his winter jacket. "What else have you done?!"
"You wanna know what else?! He tried to call Julliard's admissions telling them to flat out reject me saying that I "lied" about my talents and "faked" the submission of my audition video saying I'm better off in some random performing arts school in L.
A. until I caught him red handed!"
"Was that me lying, Drake, me catching you on the phone trying to sabotage my chances and making my dreams a reality." She said darkly.

"You better confess or else!" He said holding the mallet threateningly.

"It was all my fault okay! Yes, I did cheat on you and yes I did try to keep you from leaving! I only did it because everyone I knew had grown apart and drifted away from me!" He admits tears threatening to escape from his eyes.

"My friends weren't the same people I used to be in middle school and and high school, they grew apart in the things we used to do and when I met Cassidy. She made me feel like nothing would ever change around me but I was wrong until graduation day and when you got accepted to Julliard and decided to leave for New York, I was mad, scared at the fact that you were moving on to bigger and better things without me!"

Beej rolled his eyes. "You should get help because cheating on a girl and sabotaging your own girlfriend's theatre dreams doesn't stop the world from changing and the world does not revolve around you, Drake and hurting her and making yourself the victim is going too far."

He took Cassidy's hand caressing her stinging cheek. "If anything, you're the most toxic guy I've ever seen." He eyes at Angelica, "Find someone better who isn't toxic like him. Someone who actually cares about you and your hopes and dreams. I'm sorta sorry for calling you a skank."

Lydia throws a snowball hard at Drake's face. "I'd hate to have a boyfriend like you."

"It's over Drake, we're done and unless you get help which I totally doubt, you can't fix the damage you've caused. You broke my heart and tore my soul in half."

She looks into BJ's eyes. "Even though I barely know this guy and the fact that he's dead, a demon straight from Hell and smells like something crawled in a dumpy trash heap and died, and is a trash gremlin, he actually cared and listened to me even though he could've run off to Timbuktu if he wanted to." His green hair turned a light shade of pink and blush crept on his face.

"Aww, is that how you really think of me, Cassidy?" She nods looking into his dark brownish mossy green eyes blushing herself. "You still reek though."
"Well I ain't running off to Timbuktu wherever that is."

Angelica looks down at Drake, "You should head back to California and I'm not coming with you. I'd rather take a separate plane back. Thanks for screwing everything up and ruining Christmas for everyone."

"I get that we barely know anything about each other but, I think I'm starting to really like you." Cassidy said to Beej gathering up her courage and kissed him on the cheek."

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