Fa-la-la-la-la Labor Scare

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"I honestly didn't know demons could purr." Cassidy ran her hand through BJ's green hair as he laid comfortably on her lap. "He once did this before on Adam. It's like with cats, you can't move with one resting on you." Lydia said to her. "Well I think it's pretty cute and I hope he doesn't make my legs go numb for a couple of hours."

It did seem peaceful especially after confronting her now ex-boyfriend who broke her heart and ripped apart her soul. Beej did help try and help her feel better but Delia's yelling startled everyone and BJ fell off her lap and good thing the rug broke his fall. "Charles, she's coming!"

The baby's coming?! Lydia got to a phone calling for an ambulance to get Delia to the hospital and her dad with the pre-packed overnight bag. Cassidy ran up to help the woman and get her downstairs as carefully as she can. The doctors arrived along with a two midwives the stepmother had been working with. "I want to have this baby at home!"
"Just breathe, Mrs. Deetz, a hospital birth is much safer."

At the hospital, Cassidy sat by Lydia's side. "I'm sure your stepmom's gonna be okay and that your dad will be too. Pretty soon, you'll have your new stepsister in your arms."
"That and I got these in case I hear any screaming." Beetlejuice held a tape recorder in his hands with the plan of getting Delia's labor pains on tape to capture that wonderful sound.

Chuck came out with a doctor at his side as the three of them looked up. "Is she okay? How's the baby?" Lydia asked holding Cassidy's hand. "Well it turned out it was a false alarm. She experienced what we call Braxton Hicks Contractions. Delia's water hasn't broken and hadn't dialated yet." She explains. "But it's better we keep here under observation because the baby could be due at anytime or any day."
Chuck looks over to the girls and bio exorcist who seemed ticked that it was a false alarm.

"Cassidy, why don't you take Lydia home and I'll stay here and look after Delia and I'll call if anything happens."
"Okay, Mr. Deetz, come on Lydia, you too, BJ and get rid of that tape recorder." She said gently resting her hand on the small of the gothy girl's back. He scowled dropping the device at the nurse's station. "Keep it or whatever."

Once at home, the strawberry blond made some food for them to bring some sort of calmness to the vibe of the room. "We know how strong-willed your stepmom is and she'll get through this."
"That false alarm felt like it was the real thing and maybe my dad is right to have my stepsister at a hospital than at the house."

Beej ate at some flavored popcorn from the tin. "Sometimes women die from having a baby at home. I've seen some of them in my neck of the woods at the Netherworld."

"You're not helping, bug breath!"
"It's true, I'd bring you to the Netherworld and prove I'm not lying."
"I get it and I'll pass."

"Lydia, no matter what happens I'm sure tha-"
What she said next was cut off by the phone ringing and Cassidy answers it. "Is everything okay there?! Uh huh, yeah, okay what?! You're right and she must be that determined huh? Yes, we'll see you home." She hangs up turning around. "That was your dad and they're coming home."

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