Inside My Teacher's Eyes ~ Te...

By superstyles

37.3K 546 52

Your eyeballs glued to his ass as he paced the floor in front of you. Your pen nervously tapping your desk, a... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10

Part 1

11K 69 5
By superstyles

just a little note before you start reading this ten-shot is in second person because i like it better that way and so that my reader can really experience the story! :) 

           Your eyeballs glued to his ass as he paced the floor in front of you. Your pen nervously tapping your desk, awaiting the ring of the bell. Your heart jolting every time he looked your way. You wanted more than anything to be his. But you knew it was impossible. A fantasy, too good to be true. And besides, what separates you from all those other beautiful women? All those models, actresses, and singers? Oh right. You’re his student.

            He spoke suddenly, clearing his throat, “Chapters 9-14 in your History book.” Eruptions of groans and nods filled the room, as kids began filing out of the room. Now’s your chance Y/N, you swarmed silently in your head. He retreated to his desk, placing his strong hands onto his keyboard.

You took a deep breath, “Mr-Mr. Styles?” He looked up from his work, meeting your gaze. You’ve never looked into his eyes before, in these first two days of school. They’re beautiful, magical. The perfect shade of green that could captivate and get you lost in them for days. You have a habit of falling for people hard, and quickly. You only met Mr. Styles two days ago, and you’ve only spoken to him once asking him if you use the bathroom.

“Y/N? Yes Y/N?” he said snapping two fingers in your face.

“Oh um. Sorry,” you mumbled, “I have a question.” You rubbed your clammy palms together; nobody has ever made you feel this way.

“What is it?” he asked breaking off from your eyes, and looking back at his computer. You heart sunk, hands getting sweatier, you guess he didn’t want to talk to you as much as you wanted to talk to him.

“Er. I was wondering if you had a tutoring session or something that I could go to,” you replied.

“What is it exactly that you needed help on?” he asked still fixated on his computer. Shit. You hadn’t thought this through.

“Um. The Civil War stuff?” you said, making it sound more like a question.

Finally, looking back up at you, “Well. Most people are okay with that material since you guys learned most of that a few years ago.” Your cheeks flushed red. History was always your weakest subject, and he just had to rub it in…”But it’s nothing to worry about. We should be able to fix that. But since you’re the only student who needs help in that area it might be best if we have a one-on-one?” he suggested locking his eyes to yours.

“That’s fine I guess,” you didn’t want to sound overly excited right?

“Okay. How’s tomorrow? Meet me in my classroom right afterschool,” he said nodding before turning back to his screen.

“Sure,” you said as you heard a ding, and a slight vibrate come from your back pocket. You turned back to Mr. Styles to see him patiently staring at his screen again. You sighed before checking your text. It was from your boyfriend.

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