Help. (Sleepybois Au)

By ElsenTheCrow

32.4K 1K 340

y/n was running from problems and enemies. As she stumbles into a group of friends, she must fight her foes f... More

Running. C.1
Assistance C.2
Travel C.3
Healing C.4
not a chapter
Dreams C.5
Stables C.6
Birthdays C.7


1.6K 39 13
By ElsenTheCrow

Before I say anything, I dont want to panic anyone, I'm continuing the story. I took a week long break, so I'm gonna write more this week. The reason I say sorry is cause I said I wasnt going to do a bunch of authors notes and updates. I've been mainly doing that in my art book, but that only has like, 30 or so views. This one has the most, so I figured itd reach more people this way. Also, I hit 800 views on this yesterday (still not sure if that's right or not. Kinda hard to believe). And it says I've gotten like, over thirty more? What's happening? Am I hallucinating?
Anyways, I'm gonna try and get out at least two real chapters for this story, maybe more. I dont really wanna rush my stories.
Another thing I wanted to point out, is in the story itself. The journey Wilbur, Techno, and Tubbo went on were pretty far away from their home. I'm not sure if that was obvious enough. I'm not gonna go back and look for how many days and nights passed, nor am I gonna change it. The reason they got home so fast is cause they took very few, and really short breaks. Mainly to just feed the horses, or tend to wounds. Even then it wasnt much, at least not after the first one. Y/n was in and out of consciousness multiple times, so a lot of time passed when that happened. I'm gonna go ahead and say the journey from where y/n was originally (it hasnt been revealed yet, not officially), throught the woods and bridge where they got injured, and then all through the territory until they got home, was usually about a ten or so days trip. Maybe more for resting. I'm coming up with this off the top of my head, but it may be important  later. Y/n was hiding in those woods for a good few hours after some drama and backstory stuff happened. They were pretty deep into the woods too. It just so happened some of the youtube friends stumbled upon them. Anyways, they continued on their way, now back home with the discovery  of y/n. They traveled about a days journey back in their homes general direction before being attacked. Then y/n passed out for quite a while.  Let's say its like, two or so days later. They stop and they fix up her leg a bit more, y/n is all sickly and stuff, and they continue back towards the house. Idk, time skip like two more days or something. The reason they got back that quickly is cause they didnt really stop often, and they needed to help y/n. They took turns sleeping while the others showed the horses where to go. The poor horses are exhausted, but dont worry, they'll get some time to rest between the nest two chapters or so. And yay! More BACKSTORY. I'm coming up with some of this stuff on a whim, so dont expect Steven King level novels over here. (I actually quite like his books). So yeah. Hope you enjoyed my rambling.
In one of my previous update things, I mentioned flowers, where people are from, and favorite books. I also forgot to put mine! My answer will be a bit long though.
I quite like hydrangeas (my mom always points them out when she sees them) and dahlias are quite pretty too. There was this one type of flower at my cousins funeral, and they were absolutely beautiful. They were a somewhat light blue and white. I'm gonna try and find a picture of them. I'm from North Dakota, though I visit family so often (or at least I did, before covid) that I practically live in Minnesota. I kinda prefer it in Minnesota if I'm honest. Me and one of my cousins were joking that she'll come pick me up and save me from ND so that we can live in Minnesota together, and I was like yeah, ima just go pack my bags. Shes awesome. Obviously we cant do that (at least not yet). She is a great cousin. Honestly one of my bffs. (Nothing against ND, it's nice. It's not too crowded, and its comfortable. I do, however, somewhat hate the American government, so moving to Germany or somethin would be pretty cool. Our healthcare kinda sucks.) Anyways, favorite books. I honestly dont know where to start. Okay. Wings of Fire is a book series about dragons, and I've always loved dragons. When I was younger I loved unicorns, but then dragons were introduced. There was no going back. I have a couple Steven King books, such as Misery, IT, Cujo, and I own a bunch more. Those are the ones I've read. I also really like the FNAF books. Really liked Divergent and The Hunger Games. Pax is a book about a fox, you should check it out. One of my absolute favs. I know a lot of people are gonna be like, the heck! You call yourself a reader! But I haven't read Harry Potter. I know, I know. Lots of people irl have berated me for it, like, but you love reading! I tried reading it when I was younger, but after the first few pages I couldn't do it. I will one day though. I'm just gonna rant about my experiences with books now. Okay, story time. So in Elementary school, we did this book competition for the older grades. Were I live Elementary is 1st-5th grade btw. It used to be only 4th-5th, but when I got into 3rd grade that was added as well. I was too nervous to join the first two years, so I waited for 5th. Anyway, my team consisted of the teachers pet, the "jock" (y'know, the kid everyone looked up to cause they can toss a foam football across a small gym floor with surprisingly good precision), my bff, me, and I believe there was some other kid as well. Anyways, of course everyone had to go read the popular books. Except me.  There were quite a few books, but I'm mainly gonna talk about the ones I read. There were two books about chickens (I really liked chickens at the time, and I'm too lazy to look the names up right now) Nims island, Tripods, Redwall, and a few other ones. Now, Harry Potter was a few hundred pages long. But so was Redwall. And let me tell you, the beginning of Redwall is pretty dang boring. The main protagonist, I think his name was Mathias or something, was literally just tripping over his sandles that were much too big for his tiny little feet. And the Abott going, I need to get this clumsy kid some smaller sandles. It seemed like every kid who picked up that book returned it within the day. I was even tempted to do the same. But I didnt! I read that dang book. And I enjoyed it too! As it turns out, I was the ONLY kid who actually read Redwall. Literally, no group we faced had a member that read it. And I got every single Redwall question right. It was worth it. The thing about everyone racing to read the Harry Potter books, and all the other special ones? That was to be expected. So they gave extra questions about the other books. There were barely any HP questions! I also contributed from time to time with the others, and I did pretty well on the tripod questions. One other person in my group read Tripods, so between the two of us nerds we did pretty good. But sadly, we couldn't beat the wretched point system. If you could get the authors down for the books, you were given an extra point. We did pretty well, and we beat a bunch of people. But multiple groups went against each other, so even though we beat a ton of people, other people beat us without even facing us. So we lost. But it didnt matter cause I read Redwall and carried our team of bookworms with that din dang book. (Okay, credit to them, they actually did really well. But I cant even express the confidence boost I got whenever a teacher read out a Redwall question and all my group members looked over to me, cause they KNEW I knew the answer. Seriously. They would immediately turn to me, id give them a reassuring smile, and we didnt even need to rush cause nobody else knew the answer. Then we'd smirk, ring the bell, and I'd answer. Seeing the light drain from the other contestants eyes as the teacher said we got it correct was absolutely beautiful. I wish we did that stuff in middle school.)
I got a free shirt out of it, and even a friend (the jock, she was actually pretty cool. The teachers pet was a straight up jerk.)
One more story. The reason I'm into Steven King books. Basically, I saw a girl in my class during seventh grade reading Carrie. Just so happened it was library day. I go down to the library. Surprise, surprise, no Steven King books. If you've ever read one of his books, you know they're pretty descriptive. Theres violence, sexual content, and lots of cussing. Not something you'd see in a middle school library. Didnt stop me from hoping though. Back to the descriptive stuff, I dont really mind it, cause each character has their own personality. Its awesome. Anyway, I go home, and I tell my mom I want to watch IT. IT chapter two came out around this time, so I was also pretty hyped for that. Eventually she agreed to let me, and we watched them together. We also went back and watched the 1990's version, cause why not. Since I watched the movie (and enjoyed it. I should mention these were probably some of the first horror movies I've ever watched. It's now my favorite genre.) So we go to Barnes and Nobles, and I buy that book. I brought it to school, and people were like, the heck! That thing is HUGE. And I was just laughing at them like, hah! I know, right! And I'm gonna read it all! My language arts teacher was really amused and impressed. Even more so when I finished it and immediately started reading Cujo. Anyways, what REALLY made me want to read it, was my friend. Ill call her Jay, cause her name starts with a J.
Jay came up to me some point during or after class (I cant remember all the details, it was a while back). This is basically the conversation we had.
Jay- You know Laney, I dont think you should read that book.
Me- Well why is that?
Jay- Its kinda inappropriate. So you really shouldn't read something like that.
Me- You say that as though you've read it?
Jay- Oh, of course I have! I read everything!
Dhe said some other stuff, but that's what really got to me.
I was pretty dumbfounded, and just glared at her as she walked off. I cant remember all the details, but I know that was almost word for word. It made me pretty upset, so I read the whole book in under three weeks. D like to point out it's over 1400 pages, almost 1500. I'm a bit of a spiteful person. I read most if it during the second week, as I was waiting for my cousin to text me. She took absolutely forever. She also has a wattpad account, and shell probably see this one day, so you know who you are.
I was a bit slow during the first week, but my friends couldn't fathom my determination to finish the book. Whenever they saw me they'd look at the book and go, you've read that much already!?!?!
And I'd just smirk and be like, yeah. Haven't read as much as I wanted to, but I'm making good progress. It was hilarious.
I was always going to read the book, but Jay literally told me at one point I'd be better off returning it, or waiting till I'm older. I would like to point out my birthday is in October, hers in November. Same year. I'm over a month older than her. So I thought she was being a bit entitled, talking as if I couldn't handle reading something like that. I suppose you might think she was trying to look out for me, but trust me, that wasn't the main reason. She has this way of speaking at times, like she talking down to someone. For whatever reason, she though I couldn't handle it. Whether it be cause she thought i was innocent, dumb, or maybe I was hurting her ego in some way, reading something no one else but her has read in the grade. I'm not exactly sure. But I know its cause me not reading it would make her feel special in some way. No hate on her, we are still friends. I think her ego gets in her way at times, but I still really enjoy her company. We used to get in fights at the daycare we went to, but then she left. Middle school is how we reunited. This is the only time I can remember really getting mad at her during middle school. I also suspect she
A. Read the book at home
B. Read the book during the summer
C. Didnt read the book at all
She never brought it to school, at least not that year. I also wouldn't be doubtful if she wanted to show off, even if it meant lying. Shes always loved bragging, no matter the occasion. I also kinda doubt she'd read IT in Elementary. She went to a different Elementary school than me, and I know shes smart, but I dont think she would use her spare time reading something like that. I'm also unsure if her mom would let her read something like that, at that age anyway. (I'm not sure if her dad's in the picture)
Again, no hate on her, shes a pretty good friend. She just has a lot of pride and self worth. Not that that's a bad thing, she just likes to be the center of attention sometimes. I think we've all been there. I've been pretty introverted, but yeah. If you wanna hear me rant about random stuff, I'll probably be doing it again. If you didnt read the whole thing, I wouldn't blame you. Hope you have a great rest of your day or night!

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