lover of mine // mgc

By whoreforsierra

6.3K 74 6

Alexandria has a very big secret: she's in love with her best friend of six years, Michael. And even if she d... More

lover of mine
change your life
here for you
had to happen
drunk confessions
the story of another us
it was always you
if it's not one thing, it's another
tear in my heart
don't you leave me brokenhearted
goodnight and go
got a secret, can you keep it?
eye for an eye
you make me crazier
birthday presents
pink or blue
cool uncle cal
the break-up
messy exes
all the blame
lunar moon
you're my best friend
i think i wanna marry you
boiling point
heal it or break it all apart
i miss the me before you
tried and failed
it's alright, it's ok
give your heart a break
last name
is love completely off the table?
over time
lunar eclipse
i'm ready to run
home sweet home
so you thought
goodbye for now
check on those you love
friend or foe
take a toll
somewhere you call home
just another reason
who do you love
what a surprise
made-up family
it's not a bad life
wedding bells
honeymoon avenue
fate has a funny way of showing itself
make or break you
i hate you
what even is normal?
feel the love
growing pains
then there was four
baby steps
one year
can you be less predictable next time
all i wanna be is done
who's side do you take
what to do
it's what brings you back
tainted getaway
good moments
love you like a love song
onto you
you win some and you lose some
there's no shame in getting help
baby shower blues
liar liar
broken home
too little, too late
baby, i love you

the only reason

108 2 0
By whoreforsierra

song for the chapter: i love you - little mix

14 weeks pregnant

"alex! wake up!"

i heard veronica call through the house as i tossed around in my bed. i opened my eyes and glanced over at the alarm clock. 2:34pm. ever since michael and i's fight, all i do is sleep. i don't see the point in getting up. there's nothing to do without michael here.

what if michael never comes back? i wouldn't blame him. this tour broke us. why did he have to go on tour? we wouldn't have any of these issues if he never went on that stupid tour. but it's not stupid. it's his job. i have to respect that.

there's just so much that could've been different. we wouldn't be fighting like we are now. we would be a happy family. everything wouldn't be as tense as it is now. i just want my life with michael back.

"go away!"

i yelled back. i heard veronica walk into my room and i stuffed a pillow over my face.

"wake up! you're not allowed to be sad anymore!"

veronica yelled as she hopped up on my bed and jumped on it.

"i'm not sad. i'm just...numb."

i said as veronica plopped down on my bed.

"well you need to cheer up. michael isn't coming back anytime soon and you know he would hate watching you be sad like this."

"he probably wouldn't care. i'm just a little whore, remember?"

i sighed as i picked at the blanket that laid across my lap.

"have you tried talking to him?"

"no. he won't answer."

"what about the other guys?"

"i haven't even tried."

"maybe i should call luke and see if i can get anything out of him."

veronica said as she picked her phone up and looked for luke's number in her phone. she picked luke's number on her phone and walked out of the room. while she was out in the hall, i got up out of my bed and put on some jeans and a t-shirt. i smiled as i looked in the mirror at my small bump.

it feels like the baby has been getting lost in translation during this time. i'm really excited about the baby. the more this pregnancy progresses, the more excited i get. but there's also that uncertainty that i have no idea where michael and i will be at that point. we might not even be friends when the baby comes. he might not even be in the picture anymore.

"how'd that go?"

i asked veronica as she walked back into the room.

"well, luke thinks that you should talk to him. he misses you a lot. i guess he hasn't been the same since the fight. he barley even wants to perform anymore. you know that's not michael."

veronica said. hearing that broke my heart. she's right, it's not like him. he lives to perform. sometimes i think he loves it for me. and to hear that's he's just sad and moping around breaks my heart.

"okay, i'll call him."

i said. i grabbed my phone off the nightstand, dialed michael's number, and put it on speaker phone.


i heard michael ask as he picked up. he didn't even sound like himself.

"hey. how are you?"

"i'm fine."

michael said.

"no you aren't. talk to me."

i said as michael sighed.

"i miss you. going on this tour was a terrible idea. i just wanna be home with you guys. i want everything to be okay again."

michael choked.

"i miss you too. i hate fighting like this. i want to be with you but...where's the trust?"

"i promise you can trust me. i'll never do anything like that again. i just want you back. please."

michael said. i looked up at veronica as tears fell down my face.

"okay. we can get back together. i love you."

"i love you too."

"okay, now go be a rockstar. and send me lots of photos."

"i will. tell the baby i love them."

"i will. bye."


michael said as he hung up. i put my phone down and took a few breathe.

"how do you feel?"

veronica asked.

"better. i'm happy. i just hope he doesn't break my trust again."

i said with a smile. it does feel good that michael and i are back together. it feels like a missing puzzle piece has finally been put back where it belongs. we belong together. i've missed him so much and i hope we can just make it work and be happy even though he's still on tour. it's going to take a lot of work but i think we can do it. if our love can make it through this, our little family can make it through anything.

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