hiraeth. [You Are Ours Rewrit...

By alzdmswlw

50.7K 1.9K 920

Hiraeth [hi-raeth] (n) A deep, wistful nostalgic sense of longing for home; a home that is no longer or perha... More

[CH.12] {M}


2.6K 117 64
By alzdmswlw

There was a clock somewhere in this room.

Changbin normally wouldn't care about it that much, but Hyunjin certainly did. The raven looked anywhere but them and he could hear the gears turn in Hyunjin's pretty head, fidgeting from where he was sitting on the bed.

He looked so small, shrinking in his seat even though he was taller than all of them. Changbin was a little bit disappointed at how the pale boy kept avoiding their gazes, his body tense and carefully putting a distance between them.

"Hyunjin, listen carefully. It's important that you follow these rules, or you'll be punished, alright?" The raven stiffened, but didn't say anything as he kept his eyes glued to the floor. There was a hitch in his scent, but it soon returned to neutral once again. Hyunjin seemed to hug himself tighter, trying to curl into a small, unnoticeable ball.

Changbin chuckled.

He's adorable. It made Changbin want to pull Hyunjin into his lap and kiss all over his face.

Or perhaps fuck him senseless until he passed out.

"The rules are pretty simple. Make sure you follow them. Hyunjin, look at me." Chan's tone was cold and he'd flinch if he didn't know better. After all of the years they've spent together, he could tell the difference between the different tones his pack alpha held. Hyunjin did flinch though and reluctantly looked up, gritting his teeth at the demand.

The resistance in the raven's eyes made his alpha howl and oh, how he wanted to make this pretty boy submit to him.

"No escape attempts. We don't tolerate disobedience, if you disobey us in any way, you'll be punished. Our words are now your law, so listen carefully and follow them. Don't make me use my alpha voice on you." Chan stayed unswayed by the hateful look Hyunjin threw him. It was clear to everyone in the room who the pure blooded alpha was. Changbin even dared to say that the older found this amusing, almost liking the fire in Hyunjin's eyes a little bit too much.

"Don't ever snoop around in what we do. I'll make sure to punish you myself if you decide to cause trouble for us within our work. For now, you're not going to be allowed to leave your room. When I deem you ready enough, you'll be allowed to wander around in the mansion but all the doors will be locked and secured. If you talk to anyone, let alone plan an escape with someone working here, I'll have them fired and killed. Remember that, when you say you don't want to kill anyone, Jinnie." Hyunjin snarled at him and Chan's eyes flashed dangerously, his scent growing heavier until even Changbin was starting to have a hard time breathing.

"I am your alpha now. You will listen and follow my commands. If you do as much as try to find a phone, or open the doors, you'll be punished. And if not that, someone else is going to be taking your punishment, in case they helped you. We are all very much capable of making you suffer, little lamb." The raven widened his eyes, shoulders slumping over at the menacing gaze Chan gave him, bottom lip trembling in fear. He might be good at not letting his scent give away anything, but one glance on his face and you could tell that he was terrified. Chan's now red eyes seemed to burn holes into the pretty boy's head and Hyunjin gulped, swallowing audibly even though it was almost too quiet for anyone to hear.

This was going better than he had expected. If Hyunjin was scared, then he wouldn't put up too much of a hassle trying to escape. The main focus will be on surviving, instead. Which for them, was perfect.

"Of course, it's going to take a while before you get used to it, so I'm going to forgive you for the upcoming future mistakes, but after that I expect you to know and take responsibility for what you do. Don't struggle whenever we come to get you, it'll just make it harder for you and for us." Chan sighed, leaning back on the chair he was sitting on as Hyunjin pressed his back against the wall. They were now five meters away from each other, but Changbin could still feel his fingers twitch from excitement.

It sure was interesting, seeing how the raven fidgeted under his alpha's stare, trying to remain unbothered by the fact that a pure blood alpha was ordering him around like a doll. He wouldn't last for too long now and Changbin could not wait to be able to smell that mouthwatering scent of Hyunjin's again.

They had all let their scents linger from the moment they entered the room, watching Hyunjin squirm at all of the foreign scents invading his senses at the same time. What Changbin hadn't expected though, was how he still kept his scent neutral, even after being exposed to Chan's alpha commands and dominant pheromones. It made it all even more fascinating and he longed to smell that sweet scent of lavender, see Hyunjin unravel in front of them and begging them to continue, even though he was crying.

"If you're a good boy, you'll get a reward! Doesn't that sound good?" Felix purred, leaning into Chan's hand with a content sigh.

The omega hummed softly, letting his vanilla scent drift out in the room to coax Hyunjin into a false sense of security. It seemed to work, because the raven's shoulders had slumped over, his body less tense than before.

What hadn't been as sweet as his scent though, were the words that now came out of Felix's mouth. "We built this place especially for you, darling, so you don't have to worry about escaping. It's impossible. So you won't try, okay?"

Felix was purring and despite speaking towards an alpha, his words sounded exactly like a demand. Changbin wasn't the only one smiling when Hyunjin's eyes snapped up, his pupils widened and big as he failed to answer their omega.

Chan looked at Hyunjin, seemingly satisfied with the reaction they received. They could all feel how the pack alpha was pushing his heavy scent towards the other alpha, making sure he knew exactly who was in control. Hyunjin's eyes shone in panic, but he remained frozen in his place as his hand tightened around his own knee.

"We know that you're intelligent. You're smart enough to not oppose us right now, because you know better. We know you won't do anything stupid." The raven straightened, looking away from Chan's dark eyes.

"I'd like to keep it like this for a long while, so don't disappoint me." That got him a hiss from Hyunjin, the alpha narrowing his eyes as he turned to face Chan again.

"You don't get to decide what I'm going to do. If it pleases you, then I suggest you kill me now directly. I don't have any use of you, nor do you have of me." Changbin felt his alpha howl in excitement and despite the fiery haze in Hyunjin's eyes, the raven looked even more beautiful than before. He had some fight in him and Changbin certainly liked that.

He wanted to storm into Hyunjin's personal space and take him for himself, knowing that they were both alphas. Dynamics hadn't mattered for him for years and will never do. He did however know exactly what he wanted and that is to tame the snarling beauty who seemed ready to rip their eyes out. Maybe it sounded sick, but he admired the courage  Hyunjin had.

It was rare for a fragile boy like him.

Perhaps it wouldn't be as easy to break him as Changbin had thought.

"Oh, but honey. We do have use for you! I'm very sure you're going to want to stay when we're done with you." Jisung laughed, a bright and loud sound that cut through the tension in the room like a knife. He then smirked, eyes trailing down Hyunjin's body as he licked his lips.

The raven halted for a second and there it was again, a slight hitch in his still numb scent, before his posture straightened and Hyunjin glared at them with flaring hate. "I'm never going to want to stay here. You will probably lock me up, keep me away from the world outside, torture me, but I will find my way out. Neither of you will ever be able to take my freedom from me. Never. And if you kill me, then at least I know I won't be alone in the afterlife."

Hyunjin's grip on his knees tightened until the point when his knuckles whitened and Changbin found it amusing, thinking about how the burning anger and hate was so strong for an angelic creature like Hyunjin.

Then, just for a second, he caught a whim of something. It took him a moment before he realized it must've been Hyunjin's scent, his wolf suddenly straining against his self control to get out and show his dominance over the boy. Hyunjin had a sweet scent, so unlike to any other alpha he's ever encountered.

But then, Hyunjin wasn't alike to anyone he had ever met before either, so Changbin couldn't find himself complaining when the foreign memory of lavender and chocolate mixed, with the slightest bit of lemon, too, broke into his thoughts. It was momentarily, but he was already longing for more.

Felix's scent was just as sweet, their omega's vanilla scent mixing perfectly with Hyunjin's and he could picture them together, like strawberries and lemonade on a sunny day. They would fit so well together once Hyunjin learned his place in this pack.

It was really a wonder how the raven had presented as an alpha and not as an omega.

Everything about him screamed omegan, his soft, pale skin and brown, doe eyes. His plush, pink lips and slim body with that tiny waist and those sinful hips. Hyunjin's thighs were to die for and do not get him started on that gorgeous ass of his.

He met Felix's gaze as his mate grinned, a mischievous wink thrown his way as Changbin chuckled. The omega pulled away from Chan, making his way to the bed where they had currently trapped Hyunjin and sat down with a soft smile.

As the only omega in their pack and currently the only one in the room, Felix seemed to take on the task of making Hyunjin relax, releasing calming pheromones to make him loosen up a bit. Unable to fight the law of biology, Hyunjin melted onto the pillows, eyes fluttering close as he buried his nose onto his sweater.

Felix smiled at that, slowly crawling towards Hyunjin in hope of being able to soothe him even more. Only it seemed to have the opposite effect instead, Hyunjin tensing up again as he looked up with a snarl.

"Stay away from me."

The omega ignored the statement and continued forwards, knowing Hyunjin wouldn't be able to escape from where he was pressed against the wall. A growl ripped free from Hyunjin's throat, Felix unfazed by the warning.

He got a grab on Hyunjin's wrist, making the alpha freeze up and his breath hitched as he gazed at Felix with wide eyes, surprised at the daring move despite the fact that he had just been growling at him.

"Don't worry, Jinnie. We won't hurt you, but you will have to follow the rules."

Hyunjin tried to pry Felix's grip off himself, gritting his teeth as he moved away from the purple haired boy. "Let me go! I don't want to follow any of your stupid rules, get away from me!"

His back hit something that wasn't a wall and Hyunjin soon realized he had been lured into a trap, Jeongin pressing up behind him and pinning him down in the center of their attention.

That seemed to be enough for Hyunjin to finally let his scent go, pheromones falling over them in sharp and heavy tones in order for his wolf to protect itself. Felix was unaffected despite the display of dominance and Hyunjin paled as soon as he realized the omega wouldn't let go.

His scent turned sour, panic flashing by in his eyes. Hyunjin's breathing seemed to pick up, the alpha fighting even harder against Jeongin as he somehow successfully landed a punch aimed at the youngest's jaw.

Jeongin winced at the pain, eyes flashing red as he gave Hyunjin a warning growl, hands tightening painfully around Hyunjin's waist. It made the raven whimper, trying to claw his way away from Jeongin. That's when Changbin realized that he wasn't trying to get Jeongin off.

He was trying to get away from the younger.

It wouldn't be long until he got another panic attack, which wasn't something Changbin wanted to handle for the moment. The younger had a rather bad history of anxiety breakdowns and even if he could help now, Hyunjin's wolf would just fall into more distress and reject them fully before they even had the chance to have him.

He glanced at Felix, the omega already working on soothing Hyunjin's alpha, gently kissing his hand as the raven's eyes turned glassy. Hyunjin let out a sad whimper, straining against Jeongin's hold to get away.

"Stay still."

Jeongin, as impatient as he seemed to be, tightened his grip on Hyunjin's waist and ordered him to stop struggling. The command alone was enough to make Hyunjin melt, which sure was an interesting discovery.

He'd make sure to examine it more later, when Hyunjin was ready to accept their love and stopped struggling against them.

While his pack was buzzing with excitement, Chan remained calm and gazed over to the bed, surveying the newest addition to their relationship. Jeongin beamed at him and he gave the youngest an approving nod, as if telling him that he had done a good job. Felix too, was bouncing out of excitement. It made him chuckle lightly, knowing how long his boyfriend had been waiting to finally claim Hyunjin and make him theirs. And now the raven was here, pink lips trembling and just asking to be kissed while his eyes met theirs with such resistance, such fire.

It felt like a dream come true.

Now when Hyunjin was no longer struggling, it was easy for Felix to pull the needle out from behind his back, putting it right in between the juncture of the neck and throat. Hyunjin let out a pained mewl at that, going nonverbal as all of his words died in his throat, the first tear finally slipping down his cheek.

Felix leaned in close to Hyunjin's ear, kissing it softly.

"Sleep, my love. We'll see you soon, okay?", he whispered and then Hyunjin's eyes slowly fell shut, small whimpers turning into soft breathing.

As the sleeping beauty finally fell back into his slumber, all of them turned to look at Chan who smiled.

"We should let our Hyunjin rest, shall we? We have done what we came for." His eyes ranked over the visible bruises on Hyunjin's skin and turned to Minho, wrinkling his nose like he was distraught over something.

"Minho, I want you to keep an eye on his injuries. Make sure to train him too, okay? I want an obedient puppy, not a brat." The other alpha nodded, looking over to the bed and smiled. Changbin felt quite jealous, Minho was going to be the first one to get to spend time with their baby boy, despite being the most of a brute out of all of them.

Hopefully he wouldn't break Hyunjin just yet. Changbin knew he could trust the older and Hyunjin was important to them, so if they played their cards right, perhaps Hyunjin's wolf would accept them and give them blessing for courtship.

Jeongin shifted to his side, gently putting Hyunjin down onto the pillows before (sadly) covering the older with a blanket.

With a pointing look from Chan, they started to leave one by one, not wanting to disturb Hyunjin in his sleep. After everything he's been through, he's going to need all of that rest.

Changbin hoped to have a full conversation with Hyunjin the next time, it's getting quite tiring to be met with fear by the one person he cares so much about. Maybe then he'd have a chance to see Hyunjin's smile up close, the younger being adorable without even trying. The thought of that made everything worth it and he was more than happy with how his hard work seemed to fall into place. Hyunjin might not know it yet, but his beauty would prove to become a weapon, making someone like Changbin weaken so much without as much as a scratch on his body. He had known from the moment he saw Hyunjin, that he wanted him.

The alpha stopped at the door, looking back at the serene creature sleeping on the bed.

Soon, they'd make him theirs.

Hyunjin was like their little bird. Such a free and innocent boy, with hope and light in his eyes. He just hoped that the cage would be big enough for him to wander freely, not wanting to go in one day and find the little bird's body not breathing anymore and sickly pale.

They have a lot of things planned out and Changbin refused to lose Hyunjin so soon.

With a last glance to the bed, he turned away and took Minho's hand before finally closing the door.

Little lamb, don't sleep too deep...

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