How I Live Now { Perrciado }

By YoungRogueNoemi

13.1K 778 593

Theirs this shy kid who's at my new school but he never talks. Never. He smiles and nods when he speaks to te... More

.Tony Perry.
.Jaime Preciado.
.Tony Perry.
.Tony Perry.
.Jaime Preciado.
.Tony Perry.
.Jaime Preciado.
.Tony Perry.
.Jaime Preciado.
.Tony Perry.
.Jaime Preciado.
.Tony Perry.
A/N update ~
Jaime Preciado
Tony Perry
Jaime Preciado
Tony Perry
Jaime Preciado
Tony Perry

.Jaime Preciado.

922 57 57
By YoungRogueNoemi

'All my life ive been good but now.. oohhhh.. im thinking what the hell..' my alarm clock sang.

I grunted and turned over and burried my face into my pillow. I didnt want to get up for my first day at my new school. That is what i am dreading. It is like getting up knowing your going to be killed that day. Yes im being over dramatic but still. High school sucks.

I stood up and turned off my Avril alarm clock. It use too be Priscillas but she got a new one and i needed one so yeah.
I walked over to my dresser and looked inside trying to decide what to wear. After debating with myself i choose a mexico jersey and black skinnys with my red vans. I headed over to my bathroom. I looked at my hair and decided to just leave it . I brushed my teeth and headed out to the kitchen.

"Mijo where already almost done eating" my mother spoke as she put her plate in the sink

"I hate school" i said bluntly. Its the truth though.

"No excuses Jaime Alberto Preciado" She said while grabbing her keys.

"Hes already to fluffy anyway. I think skipping breakfast will do him a favor" my brother said while getting up from the table. Priscilla gasped and hit his arm

"Asshole" she put her plate ontop of his and she got up and grabbed her bag and out the door she went.

"Now hurry up or were all going to be late" she said on her way out the door.

As soon as she was no longer in sight i ran over to my brother and pushed him. I laughed and ran off to my room to get my backpack.

"Fuck you jaime" he yelled after me

I grabbed my bag and put it on my back. I grabbbed my phone and then i couldnt find my headphones.

"No no no!" I panicked and started looking around everywhere.

"Jaime mom said to hurry or shes going to leave you"

"I cant find my headphones!" I yelled back in fustration

"She dont care she going to leave you behind if you dont get your ugly butt out here hime"

Right now all that was on my mind was finding my headphones i could not go a day without my headphones especially at school. I kept looking everywhere. I finally looked under my bed and spotted my white headphones. I sighed and plugged them into my phone.
I headed towards the front dooor, made sure it was locked and closed it behind me as i stepped out. I looked on the driveway and saw my moms car was not parked there. I sighed.

I putt my headphones in and started walking. What a great way to start my first day of my new school

I listened to fall out boy as i walked to the light by the liquor.

"I dont care what you think aslong as its about me.. the best of us can find happiness in miisery"I sang quitely to myself as i walked.

I was almost their when two figures skated up and stopped right at the light. Then as i got closer i saw it was the two guys from the liquor. Kellin and cute guy..

I looked down at my shoes and smiled.

I saw him talking to kellin and i just kept wondering what his voice sounded like. I was almost practically behind them and i know he spotted me from the corner of his eye and then I saw he stopped talking. Then I quitely stood behind him. I saw kellin about to turn around so I looked down. As soon as the white dude popped up, they skated off and I walked on. I sighed. I kept walking and silently singing along to fall out boy songs.

! BONK !

& I was on the floor.

"Shit shit shit my bad .." said a female voice with an austrialan accent I think.

"Its cool" i said with a laugh afterwards. We both got up and i looked up.

She had green neon hair. She was around my hieght. She had some ripped denim jeans on with a slipknot shirt on. "Im Jenna" She chirped with her accent.

"Jaime" I smiled at her

"New to town i see?" She asked

"Yup just headed to first day of prison , shit i meant high school"

She laughed , "Me too!" she linked her arm with mine and we crossed the street.
"We'll not first day but first day back from break" she laughed

"I think this school isnt that bad. Theirs lots of cool people. Welll in my opinion their cool. By the way im a Junior. By the way my two friends that are brothers live on the next street. I always meet up with them and we walk to school together. You dont mind do you.. you dont talk mutch do you?"

I laughed at her babbling. It wasnt annoying it was just alot to take in. Shes really nice and friendly thats fosure.

"Nah i dont mind and Junior aswell" I laughed

"Oh crap thats cool. Dude are you into rock music and such? Because if you are you will offiacially make my cool kids list. We can be best friends and shit. We co-" she was cutt off my a short mexican dude with long hair. He had a nose piercing. He was wearing a red&white button up flannel and denim skinnys and red vans.

"Jenna your babling again" he laughed and looked at me "Vic" He stook his hand out

I took it without hesitation. "Jaime"
"Now this is a party amigos" A tall skinny guy with some tattoos hollers at as as he runs over.
"Jaime this my younger but taller"
"And cuter" Mike cut in
"Brother" Vic finishes off
I laugh and nod at Mike
"Hey Mike I'm Jaime" I laugh
"Let's walk you guys or we gonna be late my nigs " Jenna spoke as she started to skip on to the other side of the street.
We follow behind her and we all walk towards school. Vic an Jenna infront and Mike and me behind them.
"So Jaime where did you move from" Mike asked
"San Diego "
"Really so did me and Mike" Vic chirped in
"Really till what age did you live their"
"9 I think" Mike replied
"What schools did you go to?"
"Rose, Conway and mission before we moved"
"I was at mission" I said suprised
"Cereal ?" Mike almost yelled
"Damn ka bomb " Jenna said while making an explosion motion with her hands.
"Damn man we were in the same school and we never met."
"That's weird" I say
"Waiting for nothing and wasting away" Jenna sang
"Wow showing off" Vic said while play fully punching her arm
"That was good Jenna" I state
"She has a band and she's the lead singer" Vic said
"We still need a name but it's a band" she says pointing a finger
I laugh and nod.
"What about .. Butcher.. " I paused
"Babies!" Mike yelled
"Uh no " she laughed
"We'll what about blood-"
"We don't play metal dude" she cut me off
I laugh.
We continue walking and talking then finally reach prison.
I just had a feeling today was gonna be a good day. And that's saying a lot since it is Highschool.
I headed inside and everyone started going in their own directions to get to class.
"Need help finding a class" Vic asked
I laughed and nodded.
"My math class. Room 410"
He nodded me to follow him and I did. Very shortly we were there.
"Here" he pointed to the room
"Thanks uh where is 320?"
He laughed.
"Straight. 3rd left hallway on the left"
"This school is big haha"
"Yes so don't get lost. See ya at lunch" he smiled and walked off.
I headed in to my 2nd period. I needed to speak to my teacher.
I spotted him and walked over. I talked to him about my old school mathematics situation. I started playing with my hands because I felt eyes on me. I looked around from the corner of my eyes. I spotted him. He was looking at me. I could see his eyes right on me. I said goodbye to my teacher and headed out the door. I let out a sigh of relief. The boy just looking at me is to much to handle.
What am I going to do...

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