Grindeldore Oneshots

By Rro110

97.1K 2.6K 1.5K

*No uploading schedule* Just some ideas I thought were funny\sad I don't own the characters. Rankings: #1... More

Sherbet Lemon
The Yule Ball
Why is the world so cruel?
I feel the same
I want you
Never do that again
The Dumbledore way
I make these high heels work
Cock roach clusters
Summer Sun
Tis the season to be jolly
Hidden Love
Boxing Day
New Years
Above it all
The Blood Pact
The Truth
The Cafe

The Perfect Gift

1.9K 50 109
By Rro110

Albus POV:

Pulling on my emerald coat and finding the right fingers for my purple mittens, I savoured the warm feeling of shelter by the wood burner which was quite seasonal as Christmas was only in a few days and it was time for me to finally go Christmas shopping. I know it may sound strange to be so unorganised and proceed with this occasion so late but I have my reasons, and the reasons are.....well, Gellert.

I knew what I was going to get for Aberforth, Ariana, even Bathilda was easier to buy for and she's the woman with everything! But I just didn't know what to get Gellert. I'd asked him many times what to get him-which he refused to respond to and even his aunt wouldn't help me out as in her words he suspected I would go to her so she was 'sworn to secrecy'. You'd think because I knew him better than anyone else I'd know exactly what he wants but no, I was completely and utterly stumped. 

However, the other day, just when I was about to give up and get him the simple, classic chocolate box, he went to the wine cabinet and was rather grieved to discover he'd not a single drop of his favourite German whisky (entitled Charme den Geist, which an inaccurate translation into English would make it 'Bewitch/Charm the Spirit/Mind') he brought home...well, stole and brought home, from Durmstrang before he left. He told me that it was what he drank in secret with his...friends? Anyway, it reminded him of home.

Todays mission? Find Charme den Geist

'Where are you going?' My brother Aberforth asked in his, 'You're leaving again you failure what is more important than Ariana?' voice.

'I'm buying Christmas presents,' I replied before correcting myself, 'Well...a present, the rest are done. I just have to buy Gellert's,' 

Scoffing at the mention of his name, Aberforth sneered, 'What could you possibly get a guy like him? All he wants is probably wizard domination and the killing of muggle-borns,'

I ignored him, 'My, it is cold outside isn't it?' 

'Don't know, I'm not stupid enough to go out there,' 

Holding my tongue again, I double checked my money and wrapped a gold scarf round my neck, 'Right, I'll be back soon, if you need anything then.....look, just, don't need anything,' I smiled and swung the door open then shut again, embracing the blustering winds that were whipping up falling snowflakes and planting them on the tip of my nose.

My boots crunched into the snow and I clutched my satchel, half afraid it would blow away without the grip. Then, first checking Gellert wasn't peering out his window-as he very often does-I was about to cross the road when I actually did catch sight of him there which made me stop in my tracks. 

Not sure what to do I just watched as he took his usual stance, book in hand, completely engrossed with candlelight by his side warming the rosy cheeks of his pale skin, hair dangling over one of his eyes, the light one...habit from insecurity. Thank goodness, he's probably reading Tales of Beedle the Bard again. 

I made it across the road this time to the local pub which was on the corner and owned by one of Bathilda's friends. I wanted to make it quick, asking him if he'd heard of such a brand-which, obviously to my luck he hadn't. So I continued my journey up the road and to the closest street, Diagon Alley. 

I entered every pub there, even the other shops to ask if they'd tried or at least heard of the spirit. But with everywhere I went it was like it was a lie and that it didn't even exist. The cold now piercing through my extra layers causing me to shiver, I felt a little disheartened by the lack of progress I had made in my search. However, it then crossed my people even think about what they're drinking? 

So, perhaps a little unnecessarily, I trekked all the way back to Godric's Hollow and knocked on the door beside my own house. Luckily, Bathilda answered.

'Oh, Al-'

I put a finger to my lips and invited myself in, going straight for the cabinet in the corner of the living room. My eyes scoured the shelved until, at the back, I found the empty bottle Gellert had sentimentally kept. I picked up the glass and examined it. The label on the front was a dragon with a wand beside it with the brand above, not the most original design if I'm honest. 

'Did I hear the door?' Gellert called, coming down the stairs which caused me to make a run for it, making sure I didn't drop the glass as I went back outside. I didn't stop running until I reached a bar I had yet to try, The Hogs Head. 

Stepping inside the dark, dreary place I stamped the snow off my feet which had been crushed between the soles due to my running and went inside. Heading over to the bar, I placed the glass beside me and made eye contact with the tender.

'Hello, I was wondering if you had any whisky by the name of Charme den Geist?' I did a terrible job with pronouncing the German, but I'm pretty sure he would have understood if he knew.

The bartender stared blankly at me, his long moustache twitching.

' Look, like this,' I held up the glass and shook it around a little for effect, 'Do you have this?'

The man still stared at me, his festive sweater the very opposite of his facial expression.

'Ok...well is there anywhere I can purchase it?' 

I heard a few mocking laughs from a table to the right of me and glanced at them wearily.

'Come on, don't be rude to the youngster,' One said, liquid dripping down his chin, 'You might as well talk,'

The bartender sighed, folding his arms a little tighter, 'We don't sell that kind here,' 

I heard a distant snigger so gave him a hard stare, 'Are you sure?'

He nodded and coughed. 

The table cracked up again and that caused for more beer to be thrown across the floor.

Knowing something was going on I looked at the shelf myself only to see it sat right there, a big bottle of the stuff right on the middle shelf next to the man.

'Not to be complacent, but I can see it's right there,' I pointed.

The tender turned around half-heartedly and acknowledged the bottle, 'So it is,' he turned back to look at me without doing anything.

Getting a little frustrated, I smiled widely, 'Are you...not going to get it?'

'It's not for sale,'

'Ok but you got it from somewhere so where can I-'

'Give a rest Francis just hand it to the poor lad, he just wants the liquor,' Another man from the same table cooed as they all went back into fits of laughter.

Leaving the bar, I walked over to them, 'Is something funny?'

'Don't mind them, they're gone,' A less tipsy one answered, 'They're giddy because they know what's coming,' 

'What's..coming?' I repeated wearily, 'What would that be?'

'There's only one way to get that,' The first man pointed to the glass on the shelf, 'Francis doesn't just hand it over to just anyone,' 

'Well...I was going to pay,'

'Did you hear that lads?' The second man said, trying to suppress a laugh, 'Red here was going to pay!' 

All of them howled except from the slightly less drunk one, 'Like Francis's not for sale,'

'It's got to be earned,' Another said, winking at me.

'Ok, how can I do that?' I asked them.

'Oh there's only one way,' The first man said, leaving a definitely purposeful dramatic pause, 'A duel,' 

There were many whoops across the pub accompanied by hands doing drumrolls on the wooden tables. 

'Right...' I nodded along cautiously, 'and who would I have to duel?' I questioned, not sure I wanted to know the answer as I noticed some people already moving the tables aside. I placed a hand on my wand as if expecting an attack at any moment.

'They'd be talking about me,' 

I turned to noticed that in the shadowed area of the corner there was another table you wouldn't notice unless you looked really hard and squinted your eyes a little. Sat at that table was a reasonably large man who almost tipped the table when he stood he was so wide. His black curly hair reached his shoulders and his beard rested on his large, puffed out chest which was covered by a bleak, grey sweater which only added to his camouflage.

Although he was big, I wasn't too alarmed, after all, duelling is about mental strength, not physical. 

The group of men clapped as if he'd done something extraordinary, swigging beer and starting to empty their wallets for the bets.

'Whatd'ya think fellas?' The first one smirked, 'You think someone's finally gonna win it?'

Peering round, they sized me up and glanced back at the man who was now standing in front of me.

'Nah, red's too skinny, he'll be crushed with one spell,' The second cackled as if it were quality entertainment.

The third one rolled his eyes, 'You don't even know if red can-'

'Can it! Have more beer,' Second slapped third's back, passing him another pint.

Sighing to myself I looked the man opposite me up and down, 'May I know the name of the man I'm about to beat?' We walked in a circle around each other, hands on wands.

Smiling at my wit, the man said, 'The man you're 'bout to be beaten by is Hagrid, Rubeus Hagrid,' 

Trying to throw him off guard I raised an eyebrow, 'Well, Hagrid, don't you want to know my name?' 

Chuckling, his small beady eyes met mine, 'Why would I do that when this will probably be over in the matter of seconds-'

I tried to disarm him but he was quick and deflected the spell, the pub was going wild as back and forth we sent spells flying towards each other. The guy was good, I'll give him that, but his magic was a That's when I realised that it was in fact an umbrella he was casting spells from, not a wand. 

Still casting and deflecting spells, I decided to try and distract him, 'Why do you have an umbrella?'

'Suits my style,' Hagrid said shortly.

This went on for a while before I decided to shake things up a little, concealing myself using a very powerful transfiguration charm Hagrid was taken aback by my sudden dissapearance. Francis stood more protectively in front of the liquor, afraid I planned to steal it, but I'm no Gellert Grindelwald, I will earn it. 

Pulling his hair from behind him, causing him to topple over, I stood above him with my wand to his chest.

'And...what style is that? The style of losing?'

The table erupted into laughter throwing beer everywhere all over again before passing money across to each other, most of them losing it. 

Getting to his feet, Hagrid held out a hand, 'You're definitely the most powerful opponent I've 'ad, I'll give yeh' that,' 

Shaking it, I responded, 'Thank you,'

As I headed over to the bar to collect my prize from the very reluctant Francis, Hagrid scratched his beard, 'So, does the man 'ho beat me 'ave a name?'

Taking the original glass and putting it in my satchel, then doing the same with the much bigger full one, I grinned, 'Dumbledore,' I didn't think now was the right moment to dramatically announce all five of my names at once, besides, Brian in particular may cause a riot from the table again and if they throw more beer on the floor they'll be swimming in it.

'Dumbledore 'eh?' 

Nodding I made my way towards the door, bracing myself for the cold. 

'Hang on a sec!' Hagrid called, following me to the door.

I had just put one foot outside but faced him once again as a response.

'What made yeh' want the spirit so bad? Most people just go 'ome when they learn they gotta' work for 't,' 

I tugged at my satchel's strap and cleared my throat, 'It's for my friend...for Christmas,' 

'Must be some friend if you went to all 'at trouble,' Hagrid observed.

'Yes...I suppose you could say that,' 

I left the pub and quickly hurried home to find the front door of my house unlocked and the sound of what I believed to be...arguing?

Coming inside, I hung up my coat, hat and other layers so I could enter the living room where I found my brother and Gellert.

'I told you, I don't know where he is! And even if I did, I wouldn't tell you!' Aberforth said spitefully, dusting off the Christmas ornaments.

Gellert rolled his eyes, 'I can see very clearly you are lying-'

'So what if I'm lying? In fact, why are you even in my house?'

'I vouldn't be if you just told me vhere he is,'

Shurgging, Aberforth folded his arms, 'Don't know, don't care. If you're so adamant about finding him then go look for him yourself!'

'Fine, I vill!' Hesitating, Gellert added, 'By the vay-'


'You don't know what I'm about to say,'

Giving Gellert a despising look, Abe said, 'Coming from you, I know the answer will be no,'

'My Aunt asked me to invite you to Christmas dinner, so I thought I may as well bring it up now,' 

Huffing, Aberforth sarcastically smiled, 'I'm thrilled you want to invite me to your house so we can have awkward conversations whilst you scare Ariana and continue to bewitch my brother,'

'Great, so I vill see you then,' Gellert said just as sarcastically.

Honestly, they're as bad as each other.

'Tell Bathilda that's a lovely offer but me and Ari will be too busy having fun here,' Aberforth said, completely serious this time.

I decided to jump in, 'Tell her we'll be there, all three of us,' 

'For goodness sakes Albus, don't-'

'You're saying you don't want a free Christmas meal from the woman who gives us the best mince pies every year?' I argued.

Aberforth finally shut up.

Gellert had a grin on his face, 'Albus, you're here, vhere have you been?'

'Just Christmas shopping, and don't ask because I definitely won't tell you what I got,'

Aberforth muttered something and did a mock voice, 'mehhh, I got you an engagement ring, mehhh, I got you something expensive even though we have no money, mehhh Gellert let's get married,' 

Using my wand, I wacked him over the head with an ornament he had just dusted. However, he didn't say anything about it.

'I better get going, I have a feeling I've outstayed my velcome,' Gellert bowed his head respectfully.

'You weren't welcome in the first place,' Aberforth said without hesitation.

'Then vhy did you let me in?'

'I didn't! Pushing past me as soon as I open the door isn't an invitation, it's an invasion!' Aberforth got to his feet whilst shaking his head.

Knowing not to argue, at least not in front of me, Gellert ignored him and made his way towards the door with me in tow. 

Putting on my coat I smiled, 'May I join you?'

'Of course,' 

We took the very short trek to Bathilda's and as soon as we got through the door I began to plan how I was going to return the very sentimental bottle to the same place in the cabinet. In fact, it's probably the only sentimental item he has other than-

'Vine?' Gellert offered, heading towards the very cabinet I was thinking of. 

Panicking that he'd see, I rushed to his side, 'No, no! Please, I'll do it,'

Furrowing his brows curiously, Gellert stepped away and sat down on one of his aunt's floral armchairs.

'Do I not fill it enough vhen I pour?' He asked, still confused by my out of character actions.

'No!' I said for a third time, 'In fact, I'd say you'd give too much but that's not it!' Sneakily, I arranged the bottle back in it's place where I found it and sorted out the drinks.

Handing him a glass and sitting down myself I took a small sip when Gellert said bluntly, 'Did you break into my house earlier,'

I almost spat out the wine, or at least choked on it. Regaining my composure, I didn't meet his gaze, 'You're one to talk! Abe said you were the one who broke in!'

'I can admit to my acts, however, you're not answering the question, Albus,' Gellert's eyes pierced my he could see right through me. 

',' No, that's my fourth no said in the conversation which I think pretty much confirms that my tell is repetition.

Saying nothing opposing my lie, he then said, 'Vhere did you go Christmas shopping?'

'Out and about,' I answered. 

Rolling his eyes, Gellert complained, 'Are you going to be like this until Christmas?'

The answer was yes because all our conversations up until that point consisted with either my compulsive repeating of words or my look of guilt every time Gellert said to himself "I'm sure the bottle vas gone vhen I checked" 

Finally, after days of my agonising inability to converse with Gellert, Christmas day arrived and I could finally relax. Well, as relaxed as I could be knowing my family was having Christmas with Bathilda and Gellert and that as soon as I get down those stairs I'll have to hear Abe getting annoyed at all the kitchenware...a sacred Dumbledore tradition since the passing of my parents. 

'FUCK!' I heard him shout followed by the sound of multiple pans crashing onto the floor.

I got up and doomed myself to the bottom floor of the house where I decided to check on Ariana rather than's best to leave him to it I've learned.

Ariana, unlike the rest of us, was sat very peacefully this Christmas morning. In her red tartan dress complete with a scarlet bow in her strawberry blonde hair, her blue eyes stared up at the sparkling Christmas tree which was in the corner of the room. I sat beside her on the floor in front of the rather small present pile and looked at the tree.

'Beautiful isn't it?' I prompted her. 

The only gift I really wanted was for her to say something today because most other days she didn't...but hearing her rare voice on Christmas makes it all worth while, makes me feel like she isn't just a very sick girl stuck in a haze who doesn't know what's going on but rather a girl who knows what's going on but often can't express it so.

Giving a response in the form of her shifting her position, she looked at me, which always shakes me a little. Her hard stare making me feel even a bit guilty, for what I don't know. She reached out and pulled my hair with all the force her frail hand had, it hurt, but somehow I knew what she was trying to say.

'I know, Ari, I just woke up, I'll brush it later,' 

There was another crash from the kitchen which made Ariana let go in fright but I took her hand.

'You know that's just Aberforth, everything is ok...he's just a little-'


I chuckled to myself, 'I was going to say on edge but I guess he answered for himself,' 

There was a pause in which me and Ari continued to gaze at the ornaments on the tree. 

'Mother got that,' I pointed at a centaur one that was galloping, 'When you were four we went out on Christmas for lunch and on the way a street seller coerced her into buying's quite ugly and father was furious she'd wasted money on it but she always told us that-'

'Nothing's ugly if you look for the beauty within,' Ariana recounted slowly, her voice quivering but was there all the same.

Grinning, I nodded, 'That's right...I'm glad you remember,' 

Aberforth entered the room, his footsteps slamming the floor forcefully and he practically threw the plates at the table, 'Eat' 

Wow, what a loving "Merry Christmas" from my brother right? 

After breakfast, which was definitely burned but I knew better than to speak up about it, Ariana and Aberforth spent the rest of the day reading stories by the fire whilst I cleaned the kitchen. I had to stifle a laugh at Abe's voices because Christ was he going for it, if Ariana could she would have laughed as much as I do at them. But I guess that's not possible. 

When I was done, I made the mistake of interrupting the one story that, according to Aberforth, should go uninterrupted. Grumble the Grubby Goat.

'Sorry to-'

Struck with a withering glare, Abe looked up from the book, 'What? Did you wait for the good bit to stick your nose in?' 

'I...just wanted to remind you we're going to Batty's so-'

'Yeah, ok, goodbye,' 

Accepting that I was not wanted I left them to it until it was time to go and walk over there for lunch, Aberforth grumbling as much as grumble the grubby goat on the way. 

'It better be beef or turkey because if it's lamb I'm going to leave,' He started, pulling his scarf tighter round himself. 

I frowned, 'Why not lamb?'

'It's close enough to goats alright! They don't deserve to be eaten,' Abe didn't stop there, 'And if that pesky German makes one snide remark I'll beat him over the head with the Christmas tree,' 

Ariana looked at me in slight alarm which caused me to say, 'He won't and neither will you. It's Christmas so just try to get along! Or I wont give you your present,' 

We were at the door before Abe could respond. As soon as we knocked we were welcomed in with open arms, literally, me and Aberforth were instantly brought into hugs upon arrival. Bringing us into the living room, Bathilda gestured to us to sit.

'Awfully sorry about my nephew's absence,' she said, 'He appears to have gone missing but I'm sure he'll be back before long,' 

Aberforth was suddenly in a more chipper mood, he sat up straight, 'Oh, no! Don't apologise! I'm sure he'll come back eventually!' 

Sighing at him I decided to ask the all important question, 'So, what are we having?'

Batty grinned, 'Duck!' 

I glanced at Abe for his seal of approval and he seemed to be fine with the answer.

'Gellert's idea of course, that's what he'd usually have back home,' Aberforth was looking slightly less ecstatic.

'I'm sure it'll be great, thank you for having us,' I stepped in with the manners I need to uphold for apparently all three of us. 

'You needn't thank me...if you like you can put those under the tree,' 

She pointed to the presents I'd be carefully balancing on my lap until now where I followed her suggestion in placing them underneath the fake frosted tree. 

Hearing the front door open, we all turned our attention to Gellert who appeared whilst struggling to carry something which when in eyeline I realised was a massive sleigh. 

'Frohe Weichnachten,' He greeted us in German, balancing the sled against the wall.

At his arrival, I noticed the present Aberforth had been clutching tightly being almost hidden away in the pocket of his coat.

Bathilda rose to her feet and waved a tea towel around which I only realised she had grasped when she began hitting her nephew with it, 'Don't come prancing in here like some bloody Christmas prince charming! I asked you to be back in time! What on earth is that!?'

Finding his aunt's erratic behaviour comical, Gellert tightened his scarf, 'A sleigh, I thought us four could go out to use it vhilst you cooked to make us less fixated on the food,'

Obviously not hating the idea, Bathilda gave a nod, 'Fine, fine, gosh what am I supposed to do with you? I'm not going to even bother to ask where you got that from either, I'll call you in when it's ready,'

With the chef disappearing into the kitchen that left my siblings, myself and Gellert in the drawing room. The last time we were in this situation was way too similar for comfort, that ended with Gellert and Abe with wands to their necks whilst I had to overthrow them both. I'm hoping a Christmas miracle will happen and everything will be fine and although I can turn water into wine, I'm no Jesus Christ. 

'Come on Ari,' I took my sister's hand to lead her out to the back garden where I know there is a hill, not too flat, not too steep, yet perfect for sledding. 

However, my brother wanted to have his say, 'I don't think she should be doing that,' 

'Why not Abe?' I asked, 'It's Christmas,' 

'Just because it's Christmas doesn't mean she won't...have an attack,' He argued quietly. 

Not wanting to have this conversation now I inhaled sharply, 'Well, let's just go outside for starters and if Ari wants a go then she can have a go, alright?' 

We finally made it outside and began to make our way up the small hill, Gellert trying his best to lug the massive sleigh by himself knowing full well he could do it with magic- but he knows how much I like doing things without it every once in a while. 

Sensing some tension from Aberforth who was slightly behind, I whispered to Ariana, 'Go on and help Gellert, we're just back here ok?'

She did as she was told, giving me the opportunity to speak to my brother with a little privacy.

'I know you want to protect her,' I started, trying not to provoke him, 'but I feel Ari knows what she's doing...she's not stupid and I want her to be able to have one day where she can be like every other fourteen year old so can you please just let me do that for her?'

Aberforth touched his fingers to his temple, 'It's not that...'

'Then what's wrong?'

Frowning hard, he gestured towards Gellert, 'He's trying to win something, it's like he's trying to beat me at Christmas and I hate it! He knows we have no money so he buys things like a massive sled we could never afford to shove it in our faces! It's so stupid! I just...wish that I could get things like that for Ari, it's just a reminder that he has everything- a stupid sleigh, a rich aunt he can never disappoint and everyone's completely mesmerised!'

Not knowing what to say to my brother's confession of jealousy, I asked instead, 'What did you get Ari anyway?'

Pulling out the small box shaped package from his coat, Aberforth shrugged, 'It's a bracelet with some sort of flower charm on it...but there's an enchantment on it that's supposed to be good for.....stressed individuals, I thought it would bring her comfort. But it's not-'

'She'll love it,' I interjected, 'It's a really nice present,'

Aberforth not rejecting my sentiment, he put the box away and said, ' got me a present?'

Taken aback I smiled, 'Do I...not get one for you every year?'

He nodded, 'Yes but...this year is a little different,' 

He's referring to the fact that Gellert seems to have severed our relationship by quite an amount for various reasons. 

'Well, I still got you a present but you'll have to open it to find out what it is,' 

There was a moment of silence until Abe admitted, 'I...couldn't get you one this year. I didn't do it intentionally it's just Ariana's was a little pricey so-'

'Don't worry about it,' I shook my head, 'My present is for you not to slaughter Gellert tonight...alright?'

Aberforth bit his cheek but caved, 'Fine...but if he's out of line,'

'Abe,' I warned. 

We joined Gellert at the top of the hill where him and Ariana carefully placed the sled on a good bit of snow at the top.

'Right,' Gellert huffed, wiping the sweat from his forehead, 'Who's going first,' 

Surprisingly, it was Aberforth who offered to go first, to check it was safe for Ariana of course. Unfortunately for my brother, he had made the stupid choice of pushing himself in fear we would tip him out but clearly he didn't need anyone to mess up his sleigh ride other than himself as as soon as he was off he was already hurtling at full speed towards our joining fences. 

He was thrown out of the sled and catapulted headfirst into the wooden slats and it was almost impossible to supress my laughter, Ariana even looke slightly amused at least in the eyes. Gellert, chuckling softly, tried to make his way down to help but due to the speed in which he tried to do so his feet went from underneath him which sent him flying in a series of flailing cartwheeled rolly pollies until he landed at the bottom in a heap beside my brother. 

I laughed at the failure whilst the two unhappy men covered in snow came back up the hill in shame. Abeforth had a rather angry expression to match the red mark appearing on his head and Gellert's hair was nothing but snow, they looked like very unhappy snowmen who had been kicked by a bunch of teenagers. 

'You two are unbelievable,' I wheezed, trying to steady myself so I didn't fall like either of them.

'I'm glad you find it so funny,' Abe remarked sarcastically, wiping the snowflakes from his face.

'Yeah,' Gellert agreed, 'Because now it's your turn,' 

Accepting the challenge I took the sleigh from Abe and got in it, allowing them to push me whilst Ariana starting making her own collection of snowballs.

'' Gellert and Aberforth pushed me at full velocity down the slope as I clung onto the sides for dear life, it was all a blur as the adrenaline rushed through me but all I knew was that I ended up at the bottom still in the sled and not drenched head to toe in frozen water. 

Triumphantly, I went back to them and handed over the sleigh. 

After getting over my victory, Gellert and Aberforth had a surprisingly friendly competition of who could get the furthest in the sled. Being called in for lunch after many turns resulted in Aberforth winning as he managed to get almost to the back door whereas Gellert stopped a little behind that. Although, I did notice the appearance of Gellert's wand during Aberforth's final go when he suddenly got a final spur of speed...but I would never let Gellert know I knew that.

Dinner consisted of more oddly kind behaviour between Gellert and Abe, this meant either they really were both making an effort or there's going to be a really big fight after this. Even so, the meal was lovely, the duck crispy and the conversation quite pleasant between the four of us- excluding Ari for obvious reasons. 

When we were stuffed full of food, we sat by the tree and exchanged presents to one another as a show of good faith and festivity at this time of year. 

Aberforth gave Ari her present and presented Batty with a lovely looking vase which I'm sure would stay pride of place on the mantel for years to come. In return, Bathilda handed him a small envelope which when opened turned out to be the name of a goat she had bought him called Grumble. My brother's tears were not surprising as his love for goats was made quite apparent by the three he already owned but he was overjoyed to have a fourth and at that point I was sure he wouldn''t say a word against Gellert in front of his kind aunt. 

Ariana received a nice collection of silk ribbons before it was finally my turn to receive from Hilda- I was quite alarmed when she left to the room to fetch the gift and the mischievous grin on Gellert's face was not helping my anticipation. She returned with her hands cupped, staring down at whatever was in them fondly. 

I cupped my hands the same to receive the gift, only realising what it was when it jumped into my palms. 

'This is a-'

'Phoenix!' Hilda nodded, sitting back down, 'I hope you like him, I've got a perch too,' 

Lifting my finger to stroke the tufts of fur on the little baby's head, I smiled, 'I love him!' 

The rest of the evening contained some more small talk before my brother and sister left as it was time Ariana got some rest whilst I stayed behind as I was spending the night there. Bathilda cleaned the kitchen so me and Gellert went to his room with the little Phoenix I was completely obsessed with. 

'I love him!' I kept squealing, resting him and Gellert's down on the bed and watching as he chirped, flapping his adorably tiny wings and walked about. 

Gellert rolled his eyes, getting what I assumed was my present from his drawer and sitting fown beside me.

'What?' I smirked, 'You jealous already?'

'No,' He defended himself, 'I just don't vant it to shit on my bed,'

It was my turn to roll my eyes now, 'No, he's a good boy aren't you?' I tickled his chin.

'Vhat vill you call him?' Now, that was the question.

'Fawkes,' I stated confidently, 'You know, like Guy Fawkes,'

'I don't know vhat a Guy Fawkes is,' Gellert furrowed his brows but handed the present to me, 'Now, open my gift,' 

I took it from him and unwrapped the rather large flat box to find it was a brand new waistcoat.

'Thank you!' I kissed his cheek.

Gellert brushed his hair back, 'You said you dislike your current ones because the fabric is tough so I got you a silk one,'

'I love it!' I said again, I hope once I hand Gellert his present the curse will be broken, 'This is yours,' 

Gellert held the present and unwrapped it to discover the big bottle of liquor I'd won for him.

'Charme den Geist!' He exclaimed, 'I knew it vas you!' He examined it some more in awe, 'Did you visit Germany? Because I can't find this anyvhere!'

'Don't even ask, it was very hard to find,' I huffed at the exhaustion- I was lacking energy from the memory alone. 

'Thank you, so much,' He took my hand and kissed it, afterwards producing two hidden glasses from his drawer, 'Care for a taste?'

I accepted, watching Fakes, 'Ummm...Gellert?' 


'I think Fawkes is shitting on your bed,'


I know there wasn't much gay but I don't know...I just let the story guide me haha. I hope you all enjoy- I haven't written on here since the last Christmas one pretty much! But I have some ideas I hope to share with you soon. I hope you are all well even though this year has been a crazy one- Merry Christmas! 

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