Mass Effect: Another Time, An...

By The_Joeker

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Lieutenant Colonel 'Black Fox' was a soldier, born in 1935, Liverpool, England. His family was killed in 1941... More

A/N Intro
Chapter 1: A Brighter Future-
Chapter 2: -And A Better Life
Chapter 3: Wyatt Takes The Citadel, Part 1
Chapter 4: Wyatt Takes The Citadel, Part 2
Chapter 5: Backalley Brawl
Chapter 6: A Stand-Off - The Best Way To Meet New Friends
Chapter 7: 20 Questions And Then Some
Chapter 8: The Normandy And Her Crew
Chapter 9: Therum: Archaeology For Dummies
Chapter 10: Therum Debriefing and Psyche Eval
Chapter 11: Top Brass & Wyatt Takes The Citadel, Part 3
Chapter 12: Feros: Welcome To The Colony
Chapter 13: Feros: The Life Of A Geth-For-Nothing
Chapter 14: Feros: Krogan Beat Down
Chapter 15: Feros: How I Learned To Stop Resisting And Love The Thorian
Chapter 16: Down But Not Out
Chapter 17: Aftermath
Chapter 18: Noveria: Cold Callers
Chapter 19: Noveria: Icy Investigator
Chapter 20: Noveria: Cold Reception
Chapter 21: Noveria: Dammit Shepard, I'm A Soldier Not An Electrician!
Chapter 22: Noveria: Express Elevator To Hell, Going Down!
Chapter 23: Noveria: Return Of The Rachni
Chapter 24: Noveria: The Cold Hands Of A Warm Heart
Chapter 25: Noveria: Game Over, Man! Game Over!
Chapter 26: Noveria's Debriefing and Matters Of The Heart
Chapter 27: Be Still My Beaten Heart
Chapter 28: Family Dispute
Chapter 29: Virmire: A Ride To Remember
Chapter 30: Virmire: Genophage Blues
Chapter 31: Virmire: Return Of Black Fox
Chapter 32: Virmire: Indoctrination, Beacons and Reapers, Oh My!
Chapter 33: Virmire: Nuclear Deterrence
Chapter 35: Tricks And Treachery, The Game Of Politics And Fools Alike
Chapter 36: Ilos: Persona Non Grata
Chapter 37: Wyatt Takes The Citadel, Now With Friends!
Chapter 38: Citadel Showdown: One Last Fight
Chapter 39: A Fight Well Fought

Chapter 34: Pyrrhic Victory

119 3 0
By The_Joeker


The team debrief after Virmire, and deal with the losses they incurred from the previous mission. Liara joins with the two Spectres to try and piece together their visions after Wyatt's unintended exposure to the Beacon. Shepard and Wyatt take a minute to think about their losses and the fight ahead. However, when they get confirmation on Council reinforcements, will everything finally go their way?

Chapter 34:

The cargo bay doors shut and we quickly flew off. Wyatt and I moved to the cockpit quickly... "Alright everybody, hang on!" Joker exclaimed as we flew... We watched as the facility was blown to hell...

When we went back down toward the armoury, Chakwas approached us. "I'm sorry, Commanders... Ashley lost too much blood, the bullet caused internal bleeding... She... Didn't make it." she revealed to us. We all stopped for a minute... And shut our eyes.

I slammed my fist into my locker, angry at losing another soldier. We all slowly took our equipment off, getting on our usual clothing before heading for the briefing room... When we sat down, Kaiden was the first to speak... "I... Can't believe Ash didn't make it..." He said clearly upset.

I sighed then and ran my hands down my face, with Wyatt speaking up. "I wasn't quick enough." he shook his head, looking down.

I shook my head at him at saying that. "It wasn't your fault. Ash knew the risks going in. She gave her life to save the rest of us." I pointed out.

Kaiden sighed then and turned to Wyatt. "I understand. It wasn't your fault, Wyatt. You did what you could." he nodded to him and Wyatt nodded thankfully as Tali put her hand on his arm, comforting him.

:Wyatt's POV:

I smiled in thanks to Tali as Liara spoke up. "Commanders, I'm sorry for interrupting. But I have an idea. I think the beacon you found in Saren's base was similar to the one Shepard found on Eden Prime." she informed us. "It may have filled in the missing pieces of your vision, Shepard. And now Wyatt has an incomplete vision. I may be able to put the pieces together for the both of you. However Wyatt will require the Cipher, which I can pass from you to him." she explained to us.

Shepard looked concerned. "Wyatt has an incredibly strong will, and is trained to resist anything attempting to access his mind." he pointed out to her.

I shook my head. "No, I can lower my barriers for those I trust. I trust Liara." I nodded to him then.

He turned back to her. "But can you join more than one person?" he asked her, and I was eager to know as well.

She nodded, a bit unsure. "We can. It is used for group meditation on Thessia... Although Asari are open to it, so it is rather simple with those of our own species..." she admitted to us. "Wyatt recovered from his first visions faster than you did. I'm slightly concerned his willpower is stronger. However, we will not know unless we try." she stated to us.

I nodded to Shepard. "I'll do it." I agreed, standing up and walking to Liara with Shepard.

She sighed then. "Stand next to one another, side by side..." she requested and we did. She looked into our eyes and slowly walked closer... "Relax, Commanders... Embrace eternity!" she exclaimed, her eyes flashing black... My barriers fell and I felt her in my mind. I saw the visions again, and felt mine and Shepard's minds joining...

I saw red again, and an organic being... No, a husk... And bodies... Machines... That same scene... Machines again... Betrayal. Dead Protheans... An organic... Monster? Machinery, Reaper-esque. Organic material, more machines, a flash of all the scenes... A... Conjunction, of organics and synthetics. That was it. Harvesting of life... It was... The merging. Then, the sun another sun, and a blacker sun... Reapers! Coming!

We all came out of it then. "Incredible... I, I never thought the images would be so... Intense. I need a moment to collect myself." she said to us.

Shepard then asked. "Did the vision make any sense to you?"

I nodded. "It did to me..." I admitted. "It's... They... It's like Synthetics, but a form of combining cold metal and warm organic material... The merging of the two together as one. It's like they're trying to create harmony between organics and synthetics." I said my interpretation of the vision. "It seemed as though it was a warning, of betrayal... Indoctrination." I shrugged then.

Liara nodded to me. "He's right. It's a warning, a distress call sent out across the Prothean Empire." She explained further to us. "It was against the Reapers, but it came too late." she continued.

I closed my eyes then. "There was a planet... A single planet used throughout that vision." I nodded. "I didn't see anything like the Conduit." I admitted finally.

Liara nodded and looked down. "He is correct, but there were... Images. Places I recognised from my research... Ilos! The Conduit is on Ilos!" she exclaimed to us in realisation, looking back up. "That is why Saren needed the Mu Relay! It is the only way to get to Ilos." she informed us.

I nodded then. "Then to Ilos it is! Time's short!" I exclaimed with a nod.

Tali then spoke up. "Forget it. The Mu Relay's inside the Terminus Systems. Alliance ships are not welcome there. Neither are Spectres." she pointed out to us.

Shepard disagreed with that. "The Conduit's on Ilos. That's where Saren is heading. We'll be waiting for him when he gets there!" Shepard exclaimed with determination.

I agreed, but Liara was quick to point something out. "Saren will have his entire fleet orbiting Ilos. You will never make it down to the surface without reinforcements. You must alert the Council. We need a fleet to... Ohh..." she groaned and almost collapsed, with Shepard catching her quickly. She took a breath "I am sorry, the joining is... Exhausting. I should go to the Medical Bay and lie down for a moment." she told us.

I scratched the back of my head... "Was I that difficult to get through to?" I asked her.

She shook her head then. "Actually, you were remarkably easy, Commander. You have an extraordinary force of will, like Shepard, but your mind is more open once your barriers are down, like a young Asari first learning about her abilities." Liara explained to me

Shepard smiled to her then. "We're done here. Dismissed!" he exclaimed. He then picked Liara up bridal style to carry her. "I will escort you there personally, my lady." he smiled to her, and she back at him, leaning her head on his shoulder. "When I get back, We'll talk to the Council." he nodded to me and walked out.

I went over to the comm link and put my hands on the metal railing, sighing as I leaned forwards... I then felt arms around my back. "It wasn't your fault." she told me. I'm sure you know who it was.

I chuckled a little then. "I know. I've lost people before. It's still hard." I said to her and she nodded.

She then rested her head on my chest as I turned to face her. "We still know now where Saren is going." she pointed out to me.

I nodded at that as I held her. "Aye." I agreed.

She then looked up at me. "You were about to say something... Back on Virmire... What was it?" she asked me, tilting her head...

I smiled then. "I was going to say, I-"

"Commander, there's a comm buoy nearby. I can link us in if you want to report back to the Citadel Council. You know, to warn them about Sovereign." Joker pointed out... Oh so fucking helpfully.

I groaned at that at Shepard walked in the room and I saw Tali wink at me, walking out... "Link us in, you crippled git." I mumbled.

I heard him laugh a little. "Setting up the link." he told us.

Tevos, as usual, spoke first. "Commander Shepard, Commander Warwick. I'm pleased to see your mission on Virmire was a success." she nodded to us.

Sparatus agreed with her this time. "Saren is formidable enough without an army of Krogan serving under him." he pointed out. "And I read that you severely wounded him, Warwick. Broke his arm in two. Well done." Sparatus nodded to me. I was surprised before remembering Turians value military might.

I just shrugged to him. "He's not all that in hand-to-hand. In fact, he's quite lacking." I simply stated to them. "But the Krogan were nothing compared to the Reapers." I pointed out to the Councillors.

Valern then spoke. "Yes, we saw mention of this on your report. Sovereign. A sentient machine. A true artificial intelligence. This news is quite alarming. If it turns out to be accurate." he told us.

Fucking wonderful. Already casting doubts. "Sovereign's a Reaper. Saren admitted it." Shepard told the Council.

Sparatus went back to being... Sparatus. "He's playing you, Commanders! Saren still has contacts on the Citadel. He probably saw your earlier reports. He ones talking about your vision. And the Reapers." he shrugged it off.

Valern then spoke up. "It's highly possible Saren is using false information to throw you off balance. Our own intelligence has never turned up any corroborating information." he stated to us.

I groaned at that and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Listen to us you idiots! The Protheans just vanished! Poof! Without a fucking trace. You're telling me there's nothing suspicious there? At all? That one day they just decided to transcend reality and vanish, including all evidence they were ever here? Fuck me, if I was told that 160 years ago I'd think something was seriously wrong." I shook my head to them. "If you don't see the writing on the wall, you're all either thick, or living in blissful fucking ignorance purposefully. At least tell me it's the latter, because that I could understand." I pleaded with them.

Tevos then spoke up. "Try to see this from our perspective, Commanders. Saren is a threat we can recognise. However, as far as we know, Reapers only exist in your visions." she pointed out.

Valern then added. "Our decisions affect trillions of lives. We cannot react on the accusations of one or two people. Even Spectres. Not without solid evidence." he told us.

Tevos then continued. "The Council cannot take any official action here. That is why we created the Spectres. You have the authority to act as you see fit." she stated simply to us.

Valern then stepped in again. "If you truly believe Sovereign is the real threat, you must take whatever steps are necessary to stop it. And Saren." he explained to us.

Tevos then spoke once more. "Good luck, Commanders. From all of us." she said and the link cut.

I sighed and closed my eyes. "They're living in blissful ignorance. They'd prefer to not believe the threat exists, so they don't need to worry." I said to him and he nodded.

He then turned to me. "You see it too, right Wyatt? In the visions? It's not just me?" he asked me, probably a bit worried he was losing it...

I nodded to him then. "I see it, like I said. It's a warning. And I will say, if it's not Reapers, and we're wrong... It's something else that's just as dangerous, because it wiped out the Protheans." I said to Shepard.

He then sat in a chair, as did I. "Where do you think they are? And what is the Conduit?" he asked for my opinion.

I placed a hand on my chin in thought. "Hmm... Well... They could be some form of dust, like sulpher." I said to him. "Somehow they can reduce themselves down to this dust, or even microscopic form to hide. The Conduit then enlarges them to about Sovereign's size and we're taken unawares all over the place." I shrugged to him. "Or..."

He looked up at me. "Or?" he asked.

I then chuckled. "It's just that... A Conduit. A teleporter." I said and Shepard raised his eyebrow. "They created the Mass Relays, don't say they they 100% can't make a gigantic teleporter. Or it's some kind of link for them to transport here. It.. It makes sense." I nodded, remembering Noveria. "The Rachni. Mu Relay in Rachni space... The Reapers could have indoctrinated them, the sour yellow note, remember? Forced them to fight so they could hide the Mu Relay that contains the Conduit. No vessels enter that part of space anymore, because it's bombed to hell due to the war, so there's no reason. Either the war would still rage, and the Rachni would protect their home system, keeping the Mass Relay a secret, same if they won... or the war would be won by us with the worlds there FUBAR. No colonisation efforts, no ships exploring, no chance to find the Relay." I explained how it could have happened. "What if they're hidden away in another galaxy, or in the space between? Where no one dares tread? We'd never find them, and they could use the Conduit to teleport, or link here or whatever." I theorised.

Shepard listened to me and nodded then. "I think you're right. Makes more sense then mini-Reapers." he grinned at me teasingly.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "Like I said, they built the bloody... Citadel..." I said before trailing off.

"What?" Shepard asked me.

I looked at him then... "Shepard... If they built the Citadel... Who's to say they can't control it?" I asked him. "Including any technology plugged into it." I said to him.

He nodded to me then. "If Sovereign was telling the truth, then it's possible they could use it against us in some way... We have to be careful." he said in agreement.

I sighed then. "We should see if there's anything to be done in the CIC." I said to Shepard.

He gave a slight nod at that. "Yeah, let's go." he said to me.

We walked into the CIC and Joker spoke over the intercom. "I forwarded the mission update to the Citadel, Commander. We've got confirmation on those reinforcements." he told us. "Ambassador Udina wants us to report back to the Citadel. The Council is massing a joint-species fleet to deal with Saren and his Geth." he continued to say.

I sighed at that. "About fucking time they got off their asses." I smirked with a nod.

Shepard nodded to me in agreement. "You're right. Get us back to the Citadel. I want Normandy at the head of that fleet." he stated.

Joker had a smile in his voice when he replied. "Yes sir! We're 15 minutes out!" he let us know.

I polished my armour and weapons for the meeting with the Council and Shepard got his stuff ready too...

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