Mass Effect: Another Time, An...

By The_Joeker

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Lieutenant Colonel 'Black Fox' was a soldier, born in 1935, Liverpool, England. His family was killed in 1941... More

A/N Intro
Chapter 1: A Brighter Future-
Chapter 2: -And A Better Life
Chapter 3: Wyatt Takes The Citadel, Part 1
Chapter 4: Wyatt Takes The Citadel, Part 2
Chapter 5: Backalley Brawl
Chapter 7: 20 Questions And Then Some
Chapter 8: The Normandy And Her Crew
Chapter 9: Therum: Archaeology For Dummies
Chapter 10: Therum Debriefing and Psyche Eval
Chapter 11: Top Brass & Wyatt Takes The Citadel, Part 3
Chapter 12: Feros: Welcome To The Colony
Chapter 13: Feros: The Life Of A Geth-For-Nothing
Chapter 14: Feros: Krogan Beat Down
Chapter 15: Feros: How I Learned To Stop Resisting And Love The Thorian
Chapter 16: Down But Not Out
Chapter 17: Aftermath
Chapter 18: Noveria: Cold Callers
Chapter 19: Noveria: Icy Investigator
Chapter 20: Noveria: Cold Reception
Chapter 21: Noveria: Dammit Shepard, I'm A Soldier Not An Electrician!
Chapter 22: Noveria: Express Elevator To Hell, Going Down!
Chapter 23: Noveria: Return Of The Rachni
Chapter 24: Noveria: The Cold Hands Of A Warm Heart
Chapter 25: Noveria: Game Over, Man! Game Over!
Chapter 26: Noveria's Debriefing and Matters Of The Heart
Chapter 27: Be Still My Beaten Heart
Chapter 28: Family Dispute
Chapter 29: Virmire: A Ride To Remember
Chapter 30: Virmire: Genophage Blues
Chapter 31: Virmire: Return Of Black Fox
Chapter 32: Virmire: Indoctrination, Beacons and Reapers, Oh My!
Chapter 33: Virmire: Nuclear Deterrence
Chapter 34: Pyrrhic Victory
Chapter 35: Tricks And Treachery, The Game Of Politics And Fools Alike
Chapter 36: Ilos: Persona Non Grata
Chapter 37: Wyatt Takes The Citadel, Now With Friends!
Chapter 38: Citadel Showdown: One Last Fight
Chapter 39: A Fight Well Fought

Chapter 6: A Stand-Off - The Best Way To Meet New Friends

414 9 0
By The_Joeker


Wyatt, and the Quarian girl he rescued from assassins are in a tense stand-off with some unknowns. Will Wyatt be able to calm the situation, or be forced to take action against the anonymous group that just showed up?

Chapter 6:

There was a silence reigning over us for all of a minute... "Are we interrupting something?" the Turian's voice then rang out and I held in my laugh in lieu of professionalism and protecting this girl.

Okay, I admit I laughed a little... "Well... Cosy little triangle of death goin' on 'ere." I mentioned as I cast my gaze over the three people pointing weapons at me and the Turian chuckled slightly. The door behind then opened and two more humans entered.

They had their weapons drawn as well. "Got your back, Commander." the male said behind us, pointing his weapon at me... Huh. Shit. The Quarian spun around and held her gun to those two.

I nodded, taking a steady breath as I tilted my head. "Well... Now it's a fair fight." I started to smirk and the Krogan chuckled at my words.

He then nodded enthusiastically. "I really like this human... He has a quad." he spoke. Oh shit... It's the same Krogan from before! Or his twin... Do Krogan have twins? Ah, questions for later, if I survive this.

The 'Commander' made a down motion with his hand. "Guns down everyone." the man who must be the leader between the Turian and Krogan said. They complied, as did the humans, all sheathing their guns. I took this as a sign of peace and lowered mine into guard position but didn't sheathe it, since I had nowhere to sheathe it. "I'm Commander John Shepard, Alliance Navy." he greeted us. Oh, Alliance. That makes me feel more at ease. Wait, Shepard? The fella on the Normandy? Ah right.

The Quarian girl followed my lead, putting her weapon away. I decided to introduce myself at this moment. "Lieutenant Colonel Wyatt Warwick. Acting Commander of FOXHOUND SFG, British Military, MSF Commander, Royal Marine Commando, SAS Operative, Unofficial Diamond Dog. Patriot, FOXHOUND and MSF Founder. AKA, one deadly cunt." I said to him with a slight smirk and we shook hands he looked confused for a second before nodding in realisation.

He had a firm grip to him... "Right. Ambassador Udina told us you'd be around, Commander. Didn't expect you to be here of all places though." he told me, gesturing with his hand and I chuckled at that.

Shrugging to him, I spoke. "I always have a knack for turnin' up where ya least expect me." I told him as we let go of each others hands and stood back a little. "Like 160 odd years in the fucking future."

I heard a gasp emanate from behind me, my eyes flicking left at the sound. "Wait... You're the Wyatt Warwick?" the female human asked and I turned my head to her.

"Aye." I answered simply.

Another voice then chimed in. "What're you doing in a backally in the Wards anyway, Commander? Trying to catch some Citadel nightlife? A local murder or two?" the Turian asked me, his voice and tone smart and I chuckled at that. I like him already.

I shook my head to him. "Nah, I just love almost getting blown to kingdom come and shot to shit savin' people. Speakin' o' which, you alright?" I asked, turning to the Quarian who had remained silent all this time, a little nervous I think. Or just observing.

Her gaze snapped to me then. Hmm... What was it on before I wonder? "I- I'm okay, thank you... I owe you my life." she said to me gratefully and I laughed at that.

"Yeah, you and most of Earth at one point." I said to her and shook my head. "You don't owe me anything, love. Just glad you're sound." I told her. Many confused faces looked at me. I rolled my eyes. "Sound means good or okay, in context." I explained and they all nodded at that.

The Commander then turned to the Quarian. "Well, like I said, I'm Commander Shepard. I've been looking for you. You have evidence on Saren and the Geth?" he asked her and she gave a nod in confirmation.

"I do. My name is Tali'Zorah nar Rayya." she introduced herself to us. Wow... Pretty name. Well, all of it is, but Tali'Zorah was a lovely name indeed...

"Officer Garrus Vakarian, C-Sec. Pleasure to meet you Commander. You too, Tali'Zorah."

"Urdnot Wrex. Glad I didn't have to kill the two of ya."

"Gunnery Chief Ashley Williams, Commander."

"Lieutenant Kaiden Alenko, at your service."

After introductions were done, I realised I needed a briefing on just what the fuck was going on. We got out of the alley and I walked next to Shepard. "So, Commander, what's goin' on? Last I was told was you were goin' after a... device of some sort?" I asked him and his eyes cast over to me.

He gave a sigh then and nodded to me. "I got to the Prothean Beacon, but it was already activated. Williams got caught in it. I got her out of the way and then I got caught in it. It burned some kind of vision into my brain then blew up. Looked like synthetics slaughtering people..." he explained to me and I gave a long whistle.

"Damn." was my only comment. We got in an air taxi, with Williams and Wrex heading back to the ship in a separate one to report our progress, I think.

Shepard ran his hands over his face then and let out a sigh. "I was being reviewed for the Spectres by a Turian called Nihlus Kryik. He was killed, by another Spectre. A turncoat called Saren Arterius." he told me... Fuck! I knew that guy was shady as shit. He looked... Off. Glowing eyes, armour that looked far too... 'invasive' to be normal. He screamed 'evil mastermind' a bit too much...

I grunted. "Met that bastard..." I mumbled out and everyone looked at me. "Hey, I had no idea he was Mr. Evil Bastard 2183 at the time." I shrugged and everyone laughed at that, even Tali. Don't know why I pointed that out in particular... But it made me feel warm inside.

Garrus then continued. "I was investigating him due to the charges that Commander Shepard brought up. Got close to a lead before C-Sec shut me down. Time constraints." he grumbled, clearly unhappy about the whole matter.

I gave a single laugh. "Yeah, bureaucracy's a bitch." I agreed with him and he scoffed at that.

He gave me a nod. "Truer words never spoken."

Wrex then spoke up from the comm, his image appearing from the other taxi. "I was assigned to hunt down Fist, the owner of Chora's Den. Turns out he had information on her." he gestured with his head to Tali, who was sat next to me. "Fist double crossed the Shadow Broker to work for Saren. Broker hired me to finish the job." he shrugged at that.

"Who?" I asked.

Wrex continued his explanation. "The Shadow Broker. He has information on everything and everyone... Well, except you maybe." Wrex told me and I raised my eyebrow. "Since you're new here." he shrugged.

Tali then continued to piece the story together. "I hacked a Geth unit, mixed synthetic and organic units, built by us Quarians centuries ago... I won't go into detail here, but hacking one is incredibly difficult. I managed to salvage an audio file from it that proves Saren is a traitor. The Doctor in the Clinic told me about the nearest Broker Agent, Fist. I attempted to give the Broker the audio file in exchange for protection. Since Fist joined Saren... You can see how that went..." she mumbled, a bit embarrassed by the whole thing.

No wonder she didn't want to talk to me before... "Why not give the information to the Council first?" Shepard asked her and she looked down at the floor of the car.

She stammered a little. "I tried... The clerk who I spoke to called me suit-rat and laughed when I asked..." she said, clearly very upset by what had happened... I put an arm around her tentatively, unsure as to what her reaction would be. She actually leaned into me, taking a steadying breath.

She felt like fire... What the fuck was wrong with me? This was a weird feeling. I was also pissed off at that clerk. Fucking nerve of some fucking people...

Garrus then put his hand... Err... Whatevers together as if taking a picture... "Fleet and Flotilla 2: Humans And Their Sappiness." he laughed at that, with Wrex joining in. I guess that was some kind of chick flick, or a movie of some sort... Tali pulled away, avoiding eye contact and I kind of did as well...

I mumbled out a response. "Yeah, well, comforting a lady is the least I can do." I stuck my tongue out at him and he just... Was that a smirk? He just smirked at me.

A voice then chimed in. "Other than saving her life." Came Wrex's oh so cutting voice from the comm...

I turned my gaze to him. "Dammit Wrex stop poking holes in my logic." I grumbled.

"Better than in your condoms." Shepard suddenly said and we all just burst into laughter all at once. Oh my lord, I couldn't stop laughing. That was pure perfection in comedic form. We stepped out of the car and I pretty much fell to my knees wheezing from laughing so much. Everyone stared at us but I didn't care, I was too busy laughing. Tali was also laughing, though not as hard, mostly embarrassed though it seemed.

Wrex was laughing heartily. That was kinda scary... Even over the comm and Garrus just had his head in his hand in the cab, his shoulders shrugging rapidly, trying to stop himself from laughing to no avail it seemed. After about a minute it calmed down and I began to cough, almost vomiting from the amount of laughing.

I took heavy breaths. "K'nell Shepard..." I said, coming down from the laugh. "That was fucking comedy gold, lad." I put my hand on his shoulder and let out a sigh of laughter joy.

He seemed pretty proud of himself. "Thanks." he nodded to me. "Now come on, let's go see Udina and get this sorted." he spoke and we all shaped up. Tali walked next to me and something struck me as mischievous about the way she walked up to me...

As we made our way up the steps she spoke up... "I wouldn't make you wear one." she suddenly said quietly to me and walked forward ahead of me as I froze in shock...

That bloody teasing... She looked back, clearly smirking behind that visor at having shocked me into temporary inaction... I stood there as she placed her hands on her hips as if asking what's the matter before I continued walking, unable to look at her... I was blushing for the first time in a while... Few could make me blush.

I walked into the Office, my cheeks still slightly red.

All eyes locked on me and I could tell Tali was still grinning. "Something the matter? Have another fit?" Came Garrus' scathing voice. I just shot him a 'Ask and I'll shoot you' look.

Udina on the other hand didn't look pleased at all... "You both aren't making my life easy Commanders, firefights in the Wards, Warwick? An all-out assault on Chora's Den, Shepard? Do you know how many-?" he stopped at that and took a breath.

I rolled my eyes at his attitude. "Well, excuse me for saving a damn life and making your feckin' job easier. Ungrateful git." I scoffed at him. I never liked politicians.

"He's right, we've been out doing our job while you've been sitting here twiddling your thumbs." Shepard nodded to Udina.

Udina sighed and then turned to the new addition. "A Quarian? What are you two planning?" he asked Shepard and myself.

She stepped out from behind us. "My name is Tali'Zorah nar Rayya, Ambassador." she stated to him simply, a hint of pride in her voice.

Shepard then spoke. "She has information on Saren and the Geth." he informed Udina and... The other uniformed fella. Don't know who that is...

Said man's gaze fell on me then. "Commander Warwick? My name is Captain David Anderson. Commanding Officer of the SSV Normandy SR-1." he introduced himself and we shook hands firmly.

I gave a staunch nod. "Lieutenant Colonel Wyatt Cassius Warwick. Commanding Officer of fuck-all since everyone under my command has died of old age by now." I chuckled a little and he joined in.

"Don't worry, we'll get you squared away, soldier." he nodded reassuringly to me before turning to Tali. "What are you doing away from the Fleet?" he asked her, seeming concerned. I like this guy.

"I'm on my Pilgrimage. Our Rite of Age tradition." she explained to us.

I was confused, and apparently I'm not the only one. "Pilgrimage?" Shepard asked and she nodded.

She seemed rather animated about the subject and nodded. "Mmm hmm. Members of the Fleet, when they get to a certain age must leave and only return when they have found something valuable to give to their Captain of choice. This can be supplies, to data, to ships. Anything really, as long as it benefits the Fleet in some way, however small." she explained to us. That made sense. Good way to operate in my opinion.

I turned my gaze to her. "Found anything?" I asked her and she shook her head.

"Not yet."

"So what did you find on Saren?" Shepard asked her and she brought up her Omni-Tool, typing into it.

She then explained how she got it. "I tracked a Geth patrol, took one by surprise and extracted it's memory core." she informed us.

"I thought the Geth fried their memory cores when they died, some type of defence mechanism?" Anderson asked Tali who turned to look at him.

She then nodded. "Usually, but we built the Geth. If you're careful, skilled and lucky, you can extract some data before it gets wiped." she told us and we all nodded at that. "Most of the core was wiped, but I extracted this..." she said and typed a few more times, a voice recording then began playing.

"Eden Prime was a major victory! The beacon has brought us one step closer to finding the Conduit..." the voice on the recording spoke. Aye, that was Saren alright.

Someone seemed excited by this new evidence... "That's Saren's voice! This proves he was involved in the attack!" exclaimed Anderson, happy that they've got what they need.

"He won't get out of this one." Shepard nodded, a smile on his face as well.

Before we could do anything, Tali spoke up again. "Wait, there's more, Saren wasn't working alone..." she told us and typed once more.

Then another voice spoke. "...And one step closer to the return of the Reapers." It said. Well... It was female... Can't gauge much else from it though without a more thorough analysis.

Everyone else seemed just as baffled as myself on this one. "I don't recognise that other voice, the one talking about Reapers." said Udina. Well, seems we're shit out of luck with that one for now.

Shepard's face scrunched in thought. "I feel like that name's come up before..." He pondered carefully, trying to remember what he'd heard about them.

"An ancient race of machines, over 50,000 years old. Known as a myth through current known space." SIA said, which I repeated out loud to everyone.

I coughed a little awkwardly at having said it. "I've been reading up on the galaxy... Known myths were one of the first things I looked up." I said, explaining how I knew who they were... And lying obviously.

Udina placed a hand on his chin. "Sounds a little far-fetched." he said sceptically. Sounded like it to me as well, but still... I've seen stranger things.

Shepard's face lit up as if a lightbulb went off above his head. "The vision on Eden Prime! It was the Reapers wiping out the Protheans!" he exclaimed... Well, that complicates things a bit. If those Beacons communicated information among these... 'Protheans', then they must have tried to send a warning to their people...

Tali typed into her Omni-Tool once more. "The Geth revere the Reapers as gods, the pinnacle of non-organic life, and they believe Saren knows how to bring the Reapers back." she told us all. Well... That makes sense.

I thought for a moment before speaking. "Well... If they're self aware synthetic AIs, Geth would be almost human in their way of thinking." I said, using what knowledge I had of working on AI research myself back in the day on Earth. "They'd search for some sort of meaning, or higher purpose."

Tali's gaze fixed on me, sending a shiver down my spine. "He's right." she nodded, looking at me... Couldn't tell what she was thinking behind that visor though... At that moment we locked eyes and I swear I could just get lost in them...

However, that was cut short by a sigh that rang throughout the room, redirecting our attention. "The Council is just going to love this." Udina said, clearly unhappy about the mention of the Reapers.

I chuckled at that. "Just as much as they'll probably love me." I said with a sigh and a shrug and he looked at me, unamused by what I had said it seems.

Shepard spoke up at that. "They're a threat to every species in Citadel space, we have to tell them." he spoke with conviction.

It was my turn to sigh now. "I agree, but I don't expect them to do much..." I said to him, relaying my thoughts on the matter. I mean, without more solid proof... Well, nobody likes to hear about their possible impending doom.

Anderson shook his head to us then, shaking my out of my thoughts as I refocused. "That doesn't matter, these audio files prove Saren's a traitor." he said, and he was right. One thing at a time right now. At least for me.

Udina nodded, agreeing heartily. "The Captain's right we need to present this to the Council right away." he decided.

Kaiden turned to look at Tali. "What about the Quarian?" he asked us.

She was not happy with that name. "My name is Tali!" She stated, irritated. Don't blame her, really. I wouldn't like to be called 'human' all the time. She then turned to me. "You saw me in the alley Commander Warwick, you know what I can do." Tali implored me longingly.

I let out a laugh at her saying that. "Yeah, you can roll like a champ." I smirked and she huffed, shaking her head at me.

She folded her arms and looked away. "Bosh'tet..." she mumbled, a playful tone to her words.

I turned fully, looking at her. "What about that Pilgrimage of yours?" I asked her and she looked at me as if I were crazy.

"Pilgrimage!? This threatens all of known space, and the Geth are involved! The Pilgrimage is about discovering who you are, what you're willing to do for others. Sacrifice for the greater good. If I just walked away from this, what does that say about me?" she asked me and I nodded, realising she had a damn good point. I knew a thing or two about sacrifice for the greater good.

I then shook my head. "Tali, you're still young. You've got your whole life ahead of you. I can't drag you into this." I told her but she put her hands on her hips...

She didn't seem happy. "I'm 22!" she exclaimed in response.

I sighed at that. "Look, you pick up a gun, sooner or later you're going to hell." I warned her seriously. She stopped at that and looked at me.

She then gave a laugh and shrugged. "We're saving the galaxy. I'm sure we'll be fine." she joked...

"No matter the reason..." I mumbled before letting out a resigned sigh this time, I spoke. "She can fight, aye. I vouch for her." I nodded with determination.

Shepard looked her over himself, likely doing his own quick assessment. "We need all the help we can get. If Commander Warwick says you're good, I trust his judgement. Welcome aboard Miss Zorah." he nodded at her and she beamed, judging by those eyes of hers I could see past the visor.

She stood by us, next to me, clearly excited. "Thank you Commanders, I won't let you down." she nodded to us. Swear she leaned into me a bit...

I shook my head to concentrate as Udina addressed us then. "Anderson and I will get things set up with the Council, take a few minutes to collect yourselves, then meet us there." he told us and we all nodded as they walked out of the room.

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