Mass Effect: Another Time, An...

بواسطة The_Joeker

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Lieutenant Colonel 'Black Fox' was a soldier, born in 1935, Liverpool, England. His family was killed in 1941... المزيد

A/N Intro
Chapter 1: A Brighter Future-
Chapter 3: Wyatt Takes The Citadel, Part 1
Chapter 4: Wyatt Takes The Citadel, Part 2
Chapter 5: Backalley Brawl
Chapter 6: A Stand-Off - The Best Way To Meet New Friends
Chapter 7: 20 Questions And Then Some
Chapter 8: The Normandy And Her Crew
Chapter 9: Therum: Archaeology For Dummies
Chapter 10: Therum Debriefing and Psyche Eval
Chapter 11: Top Brass & Wyatt Takes The Citadel, Part 3
Chapter 12: Feros: Welcome To The Colony
Chapter 13: Feros: The Life Of A Geth-For-Nothing
Chapter 14: Feros: Krogan Beat Down
Chapter 15: Feros: How I Learned To Stop Resisting And Love The Thorian
Chapter 16: Down But Not Out
Chapter 17: Aftermath
Chapter 18: Noveria: Cold Callers
Chapter 19: Noveria: Icy Investigator
Chapter 20: Noveria: Cold Reception
Chapter 21: Noveria: Dammit Shepard, I'm A Soldier Not An Electrician!
Chapter 22: Noveria: Express Elevator To Hell, Going Down!
Chapter 23: Noveria: Return Of The Rachni
Chapter 24: Noveria: The Cold Hands Of A Warm Heart
Chapter 25: Noveria: Game Over, Man! Game Over!
Chapter 26: Noveria's Debriefing and Matters Of The Heart
Chapter 27: Be Still My Beaten Heart
Chapter 28: Family Dispute
Chapter 29: Virmire: A Ride To Remember
Chapter 30: Virmire: Genophage Blues
Chapter 31: Virmire: Return Of Black Fox
Chapter 32: Virmire: Indoctrination, Beacons and Reapers, Oh My!
Chapter 33: Virmire: Nuclear Deterrence
Chapter 34: Pyrrhic Victory
Chapter 35: Tricks And Treachery, The Game Of Politics And Fools Alike
Chapter 36: Ilos: Persona Non Grata
Chapter 37: Wyatt Takes The Citadel, Now With Friends!
Chapter 38: Citadel Showdown: One Last Fight
Chapter 39: A Fight Well Fought

Chapter 2: -And A Better Life

477 11 2
بواسطة The_Joeker


Wyatt is awoken to blaring sirens and an astounding message... He may just be about to have his first encounter with whatever could be out there in the galaxy. Arming himself quickly, he prepares to meet whoever has answered the distress call... Will they be friend, or foe?


I will be referencing, and using minor elements of other fandoms in this story as well, such as Halo. Mostly for ease of description.

Chapter 2:


I woke up with a start at this siren going off and quickly got to my feet, which thankfully decided to cooperate with my brain now that there was an emergency to attend to. "SIA, what's going on?" I asked the AI of my head.

"A ship has been detected. They are sending a boarding party." she informed me. Welp, that didn't leave many options.

I quickly thought about my situation... "Please tell me there are munitions on this ship." I pleaded to her, hoping to God I had some sort of defence against whoever was deciding to pay me a visit...

"There are Commander. In the next corridor." she directed me. I walked over with a slight limp and the big metal door automatically opened... Okayyyy then... I saw a suit of what looked like green Power Armor (Halo Mark VIII Mjolnir), a knife(Rambo: First Blood II), and some kind of gun(MA5B ICWS). I assumed weapons would have been lasers or something... I got geared up and picked up the rifle. "To make you more comfortable, a 21st century weapon has been modified to recent military high-grade special operations specifications for your use." SIA told me and I nodded at that. Well, that made more sense.

I nodded as I began to climb into the armour. "Cheers SIA." I spoke. I put the armour on and felt it plug into... Various places throughout my body... It was a little uncomfortable at first. I cocked the rifle and tested it, seeing it had a reticle rather than iron sights that I think my armour's helmet projected. I had finished the checks as I heard the door before me shift... I jumped behind a crate and prepared for whoever was coming through. Or whatever if I was very unlucky. The door opened and I popped up, aiming my rifle at them. I hoped they understood English... "Hands, tentacles, or whatever appendages you have in the fucking air!" I spoke clearly, although that was hard with my younger voice... The helmet did help though.

Two suited beings, bipedal luckily, did as requested since I surprised them. "No, don't shoot!" said one... Then another walked in between them, his hands clasped behind his back as he stood with authority. His suit was mainly red.

Gritting my teeth, I barked out. "Hands in the fucking air, or I'll pop that mask of yours." I threatened him, but he stood his ground. I'd dealt with others like this before, who thought I didn't have the balls. Boy are they wrong.

He decided to speak up that that moment. "And who are you to make such demands?" he asked me and I shot the ground near his feet. The other two jumped at that, and he raised his hands to chest height. "Okay... Okay..." he nodded to me, getting the point I was making it seemed.

I kept my rifle raised just in case. "What do you want?" I asked him simply as I stepped out from cover.

"We're scavengers... Quarians..." he spoke, his voice clear. Had some kind of accent to him... Judging by his posture, he must be some sort of leader figure to these beings... My helmet's visor became transparent (Didn't know that could happen, but cool) and lowered my rifle upon a green lighting that flashed in my peripheral, signifying they were in the clear it seemed.

I gave a sigh, of relief? I think so. "Sorry for being jumpy but..." I cut off when I noticed they had three fingers and the shape of their legs was... I grit my teeth again and shut my eyes, trying to fight the uneasiness welling up. "Well, I'm... New to the galactic community." I explained a little to him as I pointed the rifle upwards, resting the stock in the crook of my elbow. I shook my head at that. "Truth be told I have no fucking idea where I am." I sighed to the Quarian, sounding a bit defeated.

He approached, albeit cautiously. "And why is that?" he asked me, his curiosity getting the better of him it seemed at this point. I gestured for him to follow. "Shara, Daya, search the rest of the ship." he ordered and they both nodded, quickly moving off.

"Well, I've been in cryostasis for... Many years. Before that, I lived another life... Before humans even expanded into the cosmos." I told him and he stopped for a second at that.

He turned his head to look at me. I couldn't tell what he was thinking, since his face was obstructed by the mask he was wearing. "Then it seems you have a lot to catch up on." he stated and I chuckled at that.

I gave a nod. "You can say that again... The ship VI helped me out quite a bit by giving me a brief catch up session." I informed him and he nodded to me in return.

"A real... What is that human expression...? 'Fish out of water.'" He said to me and I was briefly taken aback by the fact he referred to it as a 'human' expression... But I guess it made sense.

I was kind of impressed he knew it actually. "Exactly." I nodded in response as we entered the room with the cryopod. He examined it, making sure to avoid the pool of upchuck I had graciously gifted the floor.

He looked around, doing a check of the room. "It checks out with what you told me. What's your name?" he asked me.

I stopped for a second... My record was no longer classified I suppose, and even so, my identity wasn't exactly a secret anymore... "Warwick. Commander Wyatt Warwick." I introduced myself to him and held my hand out.

He took my hand. "My name is Kal'Reegar, sir. Migrant Fleet Marine." he introduced himself to me in turn and we shook hands firmly.

"Good to meet you Mr. Reegar."

He shook his head then. "Please, Kal will do fine." he spoke to me as he gathered what tech he could from the room. We made our way out when the ship rocked violently...

"Err... SIA?" I asked, hoping she'd explain the situation to us... If Kal could even hear her...

Her voice then rang out over the intercom rather than from my brain. "Orbit decay has increased, due to instability brought on by the ship being boarded. The ship will crash into the sun in t-minus 10 minutes..." she spoke and I groaned at that. Kal and myself looked at each other... And then ran like hell. I heard him then contact his two companions.

"Shara, Daya! Get to the ship! The orbit will decay in 10 minutes!" he called out, but got no response. He was about to attempt to contact them again I assume but we rounded a corner and came across them being held by a group of... 4 eyed... Weird nose-looking things... "Batarians..." Kal mumbled to himself mainly I think...

I just adjusted my rifle threateningly at the group of 'Batarians' before us. "Don't move!" The 'Batarian' threatened, holding a gun toward us with another one while two subordinates held the other two Quarians hostage. His voice was deep and raspy.

"Let them go!" Kal implored them, holding his own rifle up at them. I noticed I had flashbangs on my belt... I subtly took the pin out of one held it at my side and closed my eyes, not that anyone could tell because of the visor.

I counted down... 4, 3, 2... "Hand over any technology, an-" the leader was cut off as the flashbang detonated and while they were surprised and blinded, I opened my eyes and gunned down the two holding the Quarians first and then the others. Each took one shot and they were gone. The two Quarians fell to the floor, in shock, just as Kal had fallen and was gripping his mask's visor due to the flashbang, yelling in pained surprise. He then got up.

I saw his eyes blinked rapidly behind his visor. "Keelah! What was that?!" he yelled out to no one in particular.

He shook his head violently as I explained. "Flashbang. Now come on. We don't-" I cut off as a creaking was heard and the ceiling collapsed on us... I dived out of the way. Tackling the other two Quarians out of harms way, but Kal didn't react in time. I turned and saw him pinned beneath a metal strut. "You two! Get to your ship and start it up! I'll grab Kal!" I said and they both just nodded, running down the corridors...

"Leave me, get those two out of here!" Kal said to me but I shook my head at him.

I gave a wry smile behind my helmet. "Not happening pal." I stated and grabbed the metal strut. I expected to only lift it enough to get him free, but instead I easily lifted it and threw it aside. I grabbed Kal, slung his arm behind my back and took off. "Kal, la, come on, you've gotta guide me 'ere..." I implored him.

"Left at the top here." he told me and I hung a left, skidding around the corner. "Right here." he groaned out and I did as told. "Through these doors." he continued giving instructions. As I breached the doors, I saw the two Quarians waving us over quickly. I picked up the pace and we all leapt into their ship and took off. "Kazuat, my suit has a rupture!" he cursed I'd gue- wait, I just got a translation...

Kazuat... That means shit. "Commander, you have neural implants that connect with your helmet, which connects to me. I can give you whatever information you require, including live translations." SIA explained to me... "You simply have to think my full designation, and the neural interface will activate." she continued to tell me.

I quickly shook off the shock of what happened and what she said. "Will you be okay?" I asked him, worried about his health as I took my helmet off.

"I'll live." he nodded in response to me. "So... Commander... Who are you really?" he asked.

I asked for a translation in my visor... "Tasi." I answered him simply, which meant no-one. I saw brief information on the Quarian people. "My name I guess would be Wyatt'Warwick nar Nedas from what I can guess about your names." I chuckled to them, which meant Wyatt Warwick of Nowhere.

They all laughed a bit at that. "In our culture, that usually means exile." Kal informed me and I gave a shrug in response. "Not of Earth?" he asked me and I stopped for a second at that.

I chuckled eventually after some thought. "Well, I suppose that'd be correct, aye." I nodded to them. "Where are we going?" I asked him.

"Well, a stop on the Citadel, which is where you'll have to get off, and then back to the Migrant Fleet for us." Kal said and I turned to him.

"You're just gonna... Leave me?" I asked him, little bit shocked and he sighed at that.

I realised how pathetic that sounded... "Look, the Migrant Fleet is no place for you. It's crowded and sterile. You seem a man of action and I respect that, but the Fleet is not for someone like that. The humans have a presence on the Citadel, which is your best chance." he explained to me and I sighed at that, nodding.

"Aye, I get you." I answered him. I lay back for a quick kip... I certainly needed it.

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