Kenma x Reader~ Meant for eac...

By ilyrixx

13.3K 163 422


{Authors Note}
Chapter 1~ New beginnings~
Chapter 2~Volleyball Practice~
Chapter 3~Places to See~
Chapter 4~School Days~
Chapter 5~Lost Kitty~
Chapter 6~Jealousy~
Chapter 7~Not on speaking terms~
Chapter 8~Star Gazing~
Chapter 9~Why me?~
Chapter 10~Together~
Chapter 11~First Day Back~
Author's Note
Chapter 12 ~Surprise~
Chapter 13 ~Detention~
Another Author's note
Chapter 16- Into the future (Finale Chapter Part 1)
Authors note

Chapter 17 ~Into The Future~ (Part 2)

405 4 25
By ilyrixx

Heyy this is part two to the last chapter of this book, this is gonna be a long one since it's gonna be a lot of time skips and as the title says into the future so I have to fit a lot of things so this is gonna take me a while maybe 😃🤚🏽

But yeah I hope you enjoy this final chapter


Time skip: Graduation day

Y/n's POV:

Today was the big day! It was finally graduation day. I was so excited I jumped out of bed and zoomed down to the kitchen. I saw my parents sitting there very happy and also excited.

Dad:  "Today's the big day y/n, how are you feeling?"

You: "Nervous, but also excited that I finally get to go to college and become a journalist!" (Sorry if this isn't the career you wanted I just thought of something on the spot 🌝)

Mom: "I can't believe that you're actually moving out. The house is going to be way more quiet without you blasting your music."

You: "Well just look on the bright side, you won't have to hear me listening to my sad playlist anymore."

Dad: "Thank goodness."

After that we all started laughing and soon after we had breakfast. Sakura and I were supposed to get ready together but she cancelled because her parents wanted to have a photo shoot before the ceremony. After breakfast I went up to my room and I put on a simple dress then I put my gown over that. Then I put on some heals which I didn't really enjoy since I'm so used to wearing sneakers all the time. Just in case I carried an extra pair of shoes before I went.

After that i decided that I'll walk to Kenma's house today. He called me a couple days ago and said sorry for not really talking much. I forgave him and we both started talking normally again whenever we could. When I got there I knocked on his door and waited outside. Then I heard kenma rushing down the stairs to open the door.

Kenma: "Oh hey y/n...woah you look really pretty."

You: "Well I could say the same to you!"

Kenma: "-_-, I thought you stopped with that pretty boy stuff..."

You: "Oh cmon, you have to admit you're a pretty setter!"

Kenma: "....."

You: "Handsome setter-?"

Kenma: "Better"

Our parents both drove us to the graduation ceremony and when we got there we instantly found Kuroo and Sakura and the team since they were all making commotion at the snack table. Kenma and I walked up to them laughing at them arguing.




Yaku: "Are you guys really arguing over this?"

Kuroo and Sakura: "SHUT UP YAKU"

Then Yaku, Kuroo, and Sakura started arguing even more and everyone just stared and laughed at them.

Finally the ceremony started and the principal gave a long boring speech and I swear I saw someone fall asleep during that. Then people including us were called up for awards and Kuroo even gave a speech which was really nice.

After the ceremony was over we all went outside to take pictures. They came out very pretty and some-well there was a picture of Sakura and Yaku smashing some pie into Kuroo's face.

It was such a great day and we ended it off with a game of volleyball. After that we went home.

Time skip:

The day of y/n's surprise party:

This morning I woke up and finished packing my bags. Today was the day I finally move out and I was excited but also sad at the same time.

I'd be leaving everyone and everything I know and be traveling to a whole other country on my own. I must admit this is when the nerves started kicking in. I felt scared but I knew I could do this. Then I got a text from Sakura telling me to get dressed and ready by 8:00.

This was strange since my flight was at 10:00. Since the airport wasn't far I shrugged it off and didn't question it any longer. I sat in my bed and scrolled through social media for the meantime.

Time skip:


It was finally 8:00 and I got ready. I was wearing a simple black dress since Sakura didn't specify where we were going. After I got ready I heard the doorbell ring and I rushed downstairs to open the door.

When I opened the door I saw Sakura, Kuroo, Kenma, and the volleyball team and a couple of other people in our class.

Everyone: "SURPRISE Y/N"

You: "Wha-whats going on?"

Sakura: "We thought it'd be nice if we threw you a surprise going away party!"

I was shocked for a moment but soon enough I snapped back to reality. Everyone came into the house and we were all having fun blasting songs and singing along. That night was probably one the most greatest nights I've ever had.

When things were starting to settle down Kenma pulled to the side and said we needed to talk.

Kenma: "Listen y/n..I don't think we can do long distance..."

You: "wha-what-?!"

Kenma: "I'm sorry but I really don't think I can do that..we'll be far away from each other so.."

You: " we're breaking up..?"

Kenma: "What? No-! That's not where I was going with this y/n-!"

You: "..then what are you trying to say?"

Kenma: "I'm saying..I applied to this college near where you would be living and I got accepted.. so I guess I'm saying I'm going to America with you?"

I was shocked. Words couldn't seem to get out of my mouth. So I hugged Kenma from how happy I was and I probably wouldn't let him go if it wasn't for Kuroo and Sakura that barged in.

We all had a group hug and laughed. Then 9:00 came and it was time for me and Kenma to leave.

We said goodbye to everyone and thanked them for everything. Kuroo and Sakura drove to the airport with us and before Kenma and I went on the plane we had another group hug. I also think I saw Kuroo cry a bit.

Kenma and I got onto the airplane and during the flight I held his hand and looked out the window.

You: "I guess we really are meant for each other." I said to myself while giggling a bit.

The End.


I tried to make the ending cute and I'm kinda glad that this story is over so I can move on to other projects but at the same time I'm kinda sad that it's ending.

But I can't wait to write new stories for you guys 😼

ALSO THANK YOU FOR 1k READS. I didn't expect my story to get that many views and I'm happy that people liked reading this story.

Thank you again and I hope you all have a great day~💞

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