Chapter 8~Star Gazing~

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Here's another chapterr. Hopefully I can make another one today because I have a lot of ideas for this story but my laziness won't let me write because I usually write a lot.

And I can't really stop once I start writing and if I do it takes me a while to find the motivation to start writing again even tho I have A TON of ideas. ..I'm too much- I can't with myself sometimes.

Anyways I hope you enjoy today's chapter because I will enjoy writing this very much~💕


Your POV:

You: "Kenma?" I said while I was standing there frozen.

Kenma: "Y-y/n? W-what are y-you doing here?"

You: "S-Sakura invited m-me to see the stars...w-what a-about you?"

Kenma: "K-kuroo invited me for the same reason..."

You: "Wait..."

Kenma: "They tricked us..."

You both bursted out laughing realizing that this was one of Kuroo's plans. Surprisingly it worked.

Kenma: "Well do you still wanna watch the stars with me..?" Kenma said while blushing a bit.

You: "I would love to." I said while sitting down.

It was pretty quiet for the most part because you and Kenma were admiring the stars and enjoying each other's presence. That was until Kenma broke the ice.

Kenma: "Hey y/n, do you like Haru?"

I was  shocked by the sudden question but I decided to answer anyways.

You: "I-I don't know...I like two people actually." I paused for a moment thinking to myself if I actually just said that.

Kenma: "Oh? Who's this other guy?"

You: "Oh uhm well...." I said nervously.

Kenma: "It's alright you don't have to answer that." Kenma said while looking back up at the stars.

For the rest of the night you and kenma caught up from the last couple weeks. You did admit that you missed him and he said the same. You could feel your face red and hot for the whole night. But then it was starting to get late so you and kenma decide to walk back home together assuming that Sakura and Kuroo went back home.

Once you got to the front of your house you were pretty disappointed that the night was ending. You wanted to talk to kenma more and you wanted stay with him for a couple more minutes maybe even longer.

When you were trying to open the house door you realized that it was locked. Then you remembered that your parents were at a dinner party and weren't coming back until dark so you decided to call them.

You: "Hey dad? I'm locked out of the house and I don't have my keys."

Dad: "Oh sweetie me and your mother are coming back tomorrow night. We were about to call you and tell you."

You: "Oh."

Dad: "Can you stay at one of your friends house?"

You: "Well I can ask." I turned to kenma and he was still there.

You: "Hey kenma do you mind if I stay at your place tonight? My parents aren't coming home until tomorrow night."

Kenma: "Uh yeah sure, my parents aren't home either and they won't be here in the morning since they're busy."

You: "Thanks kenma~!"

You go back to talking to your dad on the phone.

You: "Yeah dad? Kenma said I can sleep over at his place."

Dad: "Kenma? Hm alright, stay safe okay?"

You: "Okay dad."

Kenma and I walk over to his place which wasn't really far mine. When we got to his we were greeted by Coco. You were super excited and scooped her into my arms. Kenma chuckled a bit an walked over to the couch. I followed and saw that he was playing animal crossing.

Kenma: "Do you know how to play?"

You: "Hell yeah I do!"

Kenma handed me a controller and motioned me to come sit next to him. The rest of the night was filled with me and kenma playing video games, being silly with snacks, and tons of laughs and smiles. I can't deny that this was the best night of my life. Soon it started to get late so me and kenma started to get ready for bed. We went up to his room and I looked around a bit until Kenma came up to me blushing furiously.

Kenma: "H-hey y-y/n, can you c-close your eyes, I h-have a s-surprise for you."

I was confused but I closed my eyes and waited a bit. I didn't know what was going on so it was a bit awkward for me.

Then something stopped my thoughts. I felt soft lips press against mine and I was shocked. I opened my eyes and saw that it was Kenma. My heart was ready to jump out of my chest. The kiss lasted a few seconds until Kenma pulled away and said...

Kenma: "I really like you y/n..."

At this point you were gonna die because your heart was beating furiously.

You: "I really like you too kenma.."

Kenma didn't say anything but he smiled and his eyes shined a little. Before we went to bed we played some Mario Cart and climbed into bed. It was a bit awkward at first because you guys just kissed and you didn't know what to do. But then I felt Kenma's arms wrap around me. I was blushing furiously but I calmed down after a bit.

Kenma's POV:

At this point I was blushing furiously. I cant believe I just kissed y/n and now we're cuddling in my bed. Then my thoughts went somewhere VERY unholy so I quickly went back the the present. (Naughty naughty kenma 😏)

I plan on asking y/n to be my girlfriend tomorrow, I know it's soon but I really like her and I don't like seeing her with that Haru guy. It makes me mad just think about it to be honest. I hope he doesn't try talking to y/n when we go to school tomorrow.

After a while I fell asleep with y/n in my arms. Tonight was the best night. All thanks to Kuroo and Sakura.




Anyways I hope you guys enjoy this chapter because I know I did 😏😏✨✨😻😻✨💕💕. This chapter was really cute in my opinion AND I JUST WANT IT TO BE REAL 😔

I have to keep reminding myself that kenma's just an anime and I can't keep simping or else my standards for real boys (EW 🤢) will go through the roof. I mean they already are but at this point they'll be reaching the heavens.

I hope you guys had a good day and if you didn't I hope your day gets better

Kenma x Reader~ Meant for each other~ Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang