Another Author's note

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First I just want to thank you all for reading and being patient with me because as you know I procrastinate a lot and I don't really post chapters often but thank you for continuing to read my story and adding it to your reading list. It means a lot to me that people enjoy to read my story.

I was re-reading some chapters and I noticed that I had a completely different idea for this Wattpad at first but I guess it took a turn, which is fine because I like the way it turned out but at first I had a completely different idea for where this story was going.

Anyways I'll try to post the finale chapter either later today or later this week. But I'm trying to decide who to write about next so yeah.

I hope you guys have an amazing day~!🦋✨

Kenma x Reader~ Meant for each other~ Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu