The Lonely Road | Book Ichi

By PrinceNezha

14K 348 127

Hello! This story seems to keep receiving readers even now that its abandoned. I'd like to point out that thi... More

Page I - Desired life.
Page II - Silver-haired sensei.
Page III - Mori no Kuni.
Page V - Kaze no Kuni II.
Part VI - New comradés.
Page VII - Chunin Senbatsu Shiken.
Page VIII - Chunin Senbatsu Shiken II.
Page IX - Chunin Senbatsu Shiken III.

Page IV - Kaze no Kuni.

1.4K 37 8
By PrinceNezha

"So, I hired ninja to protect me from people after my life and who do I get assigned? A man with one working eye and a six-year-old child." - said the blond man who Naruto was supposed to escort.

"I mean... If you have that little confidence in us then you might as well go to Suna by yourself, right?" - taunts Kakashi in response to which the man pales.

"N-Nah, I would rather have you with me." - stuttered the man, taking a few steps backward.

"Well great, let's get moving then. If we are lucky we can get there in a week!" - said Naruto as they started leaving the village and heading towards Sunagakure no Sato.

"So, how come a kid so young is a ninja already, much less sent on missions that are dangerous." - asks the man, to which Naruto thinks for a minute.

"I have been trained as a shinobi since I was three since both of my parents are regarded as one of the strongest ever in the leaf. I also have worked very hard over the years and you could say I am somewhat of a prodigy as well." - responds Naruto, mentally berating himself for calling himself a prodigy. He knew that people classify him as one but he himself regards it as the result of all his hard work.

Hearing this the man raised an eyebrow. "I like you kid, what's your name?" - asks the man.

"Did he not plan on asking our names at all?"  - wondered Naruto as both he and Kakashi sweatdropped.

Naruto stared at the man for a second before answering. "I'm Namikaze Naruto, what about you, you never informed us of your name." - said Naruto in response, not noticing that the man's eyes widened.

"Namikaze huh, no wonder you are a prodigy. I apologize for my earlier rudeness, my name is Fukuhara Taishira." - informed Taishira.

Both Naruto and Kakashi nodded. The three continued the journey, not encountering any major threats, and got to know the noble Taishira more.

"He is not a stuck-up noble." - thinks Naruto, as they are just starting to move again after a quick break since Taishira is not a shinobi he got tired rather quickly.

As they began moving again, suddenly they could feel strong winds blowing at them which quickly evolved into a typhoon coming straight at them.

Naruto quickly used 'Shunshin' to get himself away from there and so did Kakashi as he took Taishira with him.

Naruto could sense movement behind him so he pulled a kunai from his pouch and threw it towards the animal that was hiding in the bush behind him.

As the kunai was about to hit the said animal, it transformed into a purple-haired man, with a squared jaw, wearing a light green vest with a dark green kimono type suit below.

Before the kunai could do any damage to the man, randomly a black wall rose from the ground blocking said kunai.

Seeing this, Naruto raised an eyebrow, not exactly sure what just happened. "A kekkei Genkai of a sort?" - he wondered in his thought but was cut off by the man sending medium-sized black spheres towards Naruto.

Naruto quickly reacted by making the 'Bird' hand seal and saying - 'Wind Style: Air Bullets' and sending air bullets at the black balls, destroying them.

After the balls were destroyed, Naruto saw the man rushing towards him, trying to land a kick but before the kick could land, naruto dodged and landed a punch at the man's face in turn.

"Bastard" - uttered the man as he created a massive wall with the same mysterious material as the previous attacks.

"He is creating a distraction, hoping for me to get caught up in making hand seals... I'm going to hit him with a direct approach, I have always wanted to test the destructiveness of 'that' Jutsu." - thought Naruto as he disabled his gravity seals and rushed towards the wall with a dark purple spiraling sphere building up in his hand.

'Rasengan!' - said Naruto as he rammed the blue ball into the wall and a shadow clone of his attacking the man who was waiting to blitz towards Naruto from the north.

Now infuriated with Naruto, the man once again blitzes towards naruto going for a kick. As Naruto attempts to block the hit, his hand gets massive burns and he gets sent flying to the trees.

"What the hell was that!" - screamed naruto in his mind as he looked at his hand already slowly healing.

Naruto tried to punch the man in the face but he caught the fist and once again, Naruto's hand gets burned.

Feeling the pain, Naruto jumps back.

"How can I counter that... Since he is burning me, I should try to cover my limbs in water." - strategized Naruto, preparing to strike once again.

Before Naruto could make his move, suddenly the man appeared right in front of Naruto and sent a kick going at high speeds right at him.

Naruto grabbed the leg as he used Suiton ( Water ) chakra to cover his hands. He managed to block the kick without any backlash, making the man's eyes go wide as he quickly retreated.

Suddenly in the air could be seen a giant typhoon and a massive fireball going straight at it, then in an instant, the typhoon disappeared. The man got a worried look and rushed towards the place, Naruto being right on his tail.

[ A while ago with Kakashi ]

As Naruto used 'Shunshin' to get away from the massive typhoon, Kakashi did the same, grabbing the client and backing away to a safe distance.

When Kakashi got to a distance safe from the typhoon, five shurikens came flying towards Taishira, which Kakashi quickly parried with shuriken of his own.

"Sharingan no Kakashi, huh. I shall enjoy killing you." - declared the man, stepping out of the shadows, revealing a slim built man, with long green hair and a scar under his left eye. He is wearing a light green jacket with a dark green long jumpsuit type of clothing underneath.

"My name is Fushin, but thou shall call me your executioner." - the self-identified Fushin added.

Kakashi did a quick hand seal and sent a fireball towards the green-haired man which the man dodged by jumping to the side and retaliating by throwing a kunai at Kakashi.

Kakashi pulled a kunai of his own to block it but when he tried doing that, his kunai got sliced in half. Seeing that Kakashi chuckled as he started making hand seals.

Kakashi positioned himself in a way that he could make a long sequence of hand seals safely.

'Ox → Monkey → Hare → Rat → Boar → Bird → Ox → Horse → Bird → Rat → Tiger → Dog → Tiger → Snake → Ox → Ram → Snake → Boar → Ram → Rat → Yang Water → Monkey → Bird → Dragon → Bird → Ox → Horse → Ram → Tiger → Snake → Rat → Monkey → Hare → Boar → Dragon → Ram → Rat → Ox → Monkey → Bird → Yang Water → Rat → Boar → Bird'  'Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique!' - shouted Kakashi as he covered said dragon in lighting, forming a dragon that zaps people.

As Fushin watched the scary dragon come towards him with a horrified expression, he tries to avoid it but to no avail as he gets zapped by the dragon, rendering him paralyzed for a second.

Kakashi seeing a chance to end the battle right here forms a 'Chidori' in his hand and rushes at Fushin trying to pierce the man with it but at the last second, Fushin managed to use 'Kawarimi no Jutsu' to replace himself with his backpack.

The moment Kakashi sees that instead of his opponent, he strikes a bag, he starts to hear sizzling sounds. Quickly identifying those as explosive tags going off he backs away, in time to see the backpack blow up.

"Hey! What did the backpack ever do to you?" - shouts Kakashi, mentally chuckling at his joke since he found it funny.

Fushin was panting on the ground, trying to figure out his next move, or at least a way to save his life since he was outclassed by Kakashi. He wasn't in the bingo book as an S-class ninja for nothing.

Then an idea pops into Fushin's head, so he makes the 'Bird' hand seal and yells out - 'Typhoon Release: Consecutive Bursting Extreme Winds!'.

As soon as Fushin had shouted that, a massive typhoon whirled up, times bigger than the one before.

Seeing this, Kakashi's best bet was to overwhelm the typhoon with a massive fireball, the only problem being, how can he make a fireball, big enough to overwhelm the massive typhoon.

He then remembers a Jutsu he copied during the Third Ninja War, but then he remembers why he doesn't use it often. "No, but it takes up too much of a chakra, ugh, I hope Naruto will be able to find me before the man kills me." - thought Kakashi.

Kakashi makes the hand seals 'Bird → Boar → Monkey → Tiger' and shouts - 'Fire Style: Chakra Ball!', as a massive, and I mean massive fireball appears and swallows up the entire typhoon.

Meanwhile, Taishira, witnessing the entire thing thinks, - "Are they even human? I mean that ball of fire could eat up a sizable portion of my village."

As the fireball swallows up the typhoon, Naruto appears on Kakashi's side, supporting him so he wouldn't fall over, and the same for Fushin. The purple-haired man rushes over to him and flees.

"Aren't you going to after them?" - asks Taishira.

Naruto shrugs. "Logically it would be only bad for me to go after them. One of them was on my skill level and I'm quite worn out so I doubt I could take them both. You would also be left defenseless." - replied Naruto, making Taishira understand the reason why Naruto doesn't rush after the missing-nin.

"We are going to rest for a while and then keep moving. Hell, who knows how much chakra that fireball ate, that was fucking massive." - said Naruto.

After a while, Kakashi starts to stir and wakes up from his chakra exhaustion.

"Quite an opponent you had there." - remarked Naruto as Kakashi sprung up from the ground and looked around. "Yeah, totally outclassed me." - responded Kakashi sarcastically. What he meant by that was that he didn't even need to use his Sharingan to beat the man.

Naruto chuckled at that. "Sure did make you faint like a little girl." - said Naruto, taunting Kakashi even more.

Kakashi shot Naruto a glare that could pierce a soul. "All jokes aside, what kept you for so long?" - asks Kakashi in a serious tone. Kakashi wasn't aware of the purple-haired man showing up since he had collapsed by then.

"A kekkei Genkai user." - replied Naruto, causing Kakashi to raise an eyebrow. Seeing that, Naruto decided to elaborate. "The man showed up after we got split up. He was able to throw some weird rock-like balls at me and created walls from the same material. He was also able to burn me weirdly, likely the Yoton ( Lava Release ) kekkei Genkai. I managed to rough him up quite a bit but he didn't do a job worse off on me either." - explained Naruto to which Kakashi nodded, seemingly in thought.

"Can we conclude that they were after Taishira?" - asks Kakashi.

"I would think so, yeah." - replied Naruto.

"They will likely return with backup then." - concluded Kakashi, which Naruto agreed with. "We should get going right away. If we are lucky we can get close enough to Suna that, if we are overpowered then we could flee there." - said Kakashi.

Once again agreeing with Kakashi's train of thought, they packed up everything and got on the road.

"How far from Suna are we currently?" - asks Naruto their client, trying to come up with a viable plan to reach Suna safely.

"Two days, three days tops." - replied Taishira.

Hearing that, Kakashi went into thought. "We can't request for backup since they would get here in time. Our only option is to fight. Once we are close enough to Suna, we can use shadow clones to get Taishira there meanwhile we set up for an ambush. If worst comes to worst we can switch with our clones and you can carry me to Sunagakure no Sato." - said Kakashi.

"That's way too risky." - retaliated Naruto. "But it's our best option." - said Kakashi, still holding up his calm demeanor.

"Fine. I'll inform Taishira of our plan when we are getting close enough to the point we can part ways with him." - said Naruto, accepting the plan as their best option to survive and complete the mission.

•2103 words.

[ I'm ending this here... Yeah, I might finish the chapter tomorrow or make a second chapter that is much shorter, if you happen to stumble here in the first 12 hours, let me know which you would prefer. When I finish this one, then I will have a chunin exams arc, he will also meet our future lover for Naruto. Ight, seeya next chapter! ]

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